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If Sofia stays with the adventuring party for too long (5 days) Serana gets annoyed and asks her to be dismissed. - Serana now performs what is called a 'Silent TP' when she has quest commentary. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. - The Markarth and Morthal conversations were mixed up. Fixes to dialogue conditions for some Serana quest commentary, so that she won't suddenly exit dialogue with you for no reason Improved force greet distance for all quest commentaries- when Serana wants to have an active conversation with you, she should sit still less, and actively try to find you instead. Tweaked some of Serana's forcegreet packages (mostly in Serana Romance), for her to run faster towards the player and for them to trigger and longer distances. 3. - Added quest-aware commentary if you take Serana along with you to Alfthand and Blackreach to find the Dragon Elder Scroll. However, all copyright within the confines of content added by this individual game modification belongs to me, the mod author. - Fixed Arvak and Jiub dialogue conditions since they weren't firing properly, - New conversations for "A Return To Your Roots" vanilla quest and "Bolstering the Ranks". This is in line with the dialogue design choice for Serana (as at least during Dawnguard) Serana's non-radiant conversations were always able to be accessed by the player at any given time, given the natural dialogue conditions are met. Just try to talk to her somewhat often, especially during the start of some main Dawnguard quests. You can also choose between two name options for it- "Phoenix" and "Nightshade" as decided from a Patreon poll. Now when talking to her with this option, Serana's responses (28, chosen at random dependent on questline progress, surroundings, romance) should feel a lot more organic and authentic. || The SDA and RDO patches have been overhauled to reflect this too. - These are technically mini-quests, but they aren't marked on your journal or anything. She will say yes or no depending on whether she's good with it or not. - Main Quest commentary completely redone with more immersive and extensive dialogue for each stage of it. Log in to view your list of favourite games. - Fixed some conditions for Night To Remember quest commentary, - Reduced distance requirement for a lot of NPC banter. She no longer gets cured immediately, but only 24 hours after (after "thinking about it"). - Looks like I didn't change the Odahviig/Durnehviir dialogue last time. - The contextual responses for some of Serana's radiant dialogue should now work properly and as intended. Child interactions have been delayed and are currently on the backburner due to the sheer amount of content in this update already. It wouldn't make sense for Serana to become more outspoken and bantery to other characters so soon after waking up, - Added AlternateVoice=1 condition to hello lines that should have had it, - Workarounds added to prevent FG seduction dialogue from popping up on Serana after she has been married (thanks jgostling!). - Revoiced reactions to lockpicking objects. - Tweaked quest priority for the different NPC scenes, as previously having them all be at the same priority was causing problems with alias filling. More to come. - Added dialogue to disable candlelight and some cloak spells (Frost, Lightning, Whirlwind). - The RP conversations (from v1.7 onwards) were restructured as to not initially overwhelm the player dialogue choice list. - SDA On Location Change quest commentaries/scripts will no longer fire if the Serana Cure Quest is active. - Final Serana Romance quest to end Serana's Romance questline. - The first Serana Romance conversation will no longer occur in Dimhollow Crypt- instead when you first exit the crypt with Serana. Fixes to a lot of commentaries for the College of Winterhold and Dark Brotherhood not playing. - Radiant conversation dialogue with Serana to start off a day's adventuring (this only occurs post-Dawnguard too, as during the Dawnguard questline there would be more important matters to tend to.). - Drink with Serana (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks) at any inn, and have casual and immersive talks over a multitude of topics. Dark Brotherhood faction awareness and quest commentary. - Added script fragments to certain dialogues/scenes during the Dawnguard questline (for both the Dawnguard and vampire sides) to toggle the SDA_AlternateVoice variable. - Serana (and other followers) no longer triggers traps while stepping on them. You can continue to use NFF, just disable the Outfit and Storage features in place of mine.. It was not possible to disable the zombie spell without editing Serana's base NPC record, which is out of the scope of this mod (as to keep it compatible with all Serana Replacers). - Location Awareness for the Ragged Flagon, Entering your home for the very first time (unique responses for each of the 3 homes), Each of the homes via her radiant dialogue, The area around the properties before you build the house, - You can tell Serana to hang around here when you dismiss her. - Fixed sleep functionality for inns. If there are mods that do this too, do not use them with SDA- you will break Serana's brain! This should hopefully help with problems some users have been experiencing. - New Radiant dialogue. junctions that weren't previously there. This is toggleable through a global, (Type "Set SeranaRomance to 0" in the console if you want to disable it). Additionally, Serana Dialogue Add-On will not be compatible with mods that change "DLC1NPCMonitoringPlayerScript and DLC1_NPCMentalModelScript". - SDA is now in a BSA! Now there's a voiced conversation behind it, and an in-game reason why it's in place. - Added in another condition to the Alternate Voice switching script- turns out I forgot Chasing Echoes also took place in the Soul Cairn, not just Castle Vokihar, - Fixed radiant love dialogue not appearing for some, - Added in some more failsafes to ensure Companions commentary runs more smoothly, - Fixed Serana not being able to train you in Speechcraft, - Moved all Serana's goodbye lines into one consolidated branch under a new data quest entry. - Implementation of another Dawnguard NPC interaction scene. But you can take it to the next level with this dialogue add-on. - Backend script and quest design improvements for Serana Romance 4-9. Instead of appearing all at once, new dialogues would only appear after a previous one was completed. Also, the Snuggly Serana mod is now rendered obsolete and incompatible with the release of the Campfire patch). - Added in a timer quest that controls relationship variables with Serana. "leads to romance scene), - Each Serana Romance quest is now shut down after it has run, as to not waste game resources, - Fixed looping dialogue animations some users may potentially experience during the Serana Date quest. I've heard enough reports of people's saves being corrupted once the SDA mod is uninstalled. - Radiant commentary on Ancient Technology quest. - Revamped Drinking Buddies code from the ground-up. New Save/Game not required for 3.0 if upgrading from Version 2.9 already, After this update, more NFF features will be obsolete. ", or "What's on Your Mind? 1.0 RELEASE! - A Serana Teleport Spell. All rights reserved. - An ability is now added when the player first enters into a romance with Serana. You can set adventure, home, and city outfits, which she will automatically cycle between depending on the location she's in. . - Serana now has a map marker, toggle-able through the quest journal. (This incorporates the Serana Hood Fix mod, along with modifications by me). - Disabled two Laura Bailey combat lines that were already revoiced. Lines were also cut (with past updates and this current one) to make the conversation seem more realistic and less overly dramatic. Too much was cut that some parts of the conversation didn't make any sense. - Note: As for Serana moving in with the player to someplace once they get married, that's still on the drawing board and I'm still planning how I'll implement that, at least on a technical level, as it is a bit of a technical hurdle. - Added some missing scripts and flags that allowed the SDA Injured Commentary to be reset, having it function as a radiant commentary feature, as originally intended, - Added more Alternate Voice flags to existing dialogue, - Fixed some staticy sounds with existing dialogue lines, - Removed more redundant records from earlier versions of the mod, - Improvements to quest commentary fragment scripts, - Serana radiant drink sessions functionality. - More tunes for Serana to idle-hum to based on some vanilla tunes as well as those from her current song library, - Complete location conversations on all of the remaining major Skyrim Holds (Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, Solitude, Markarth), - A new conversation about Serana's childhood. There's still a whole lot I can do with Serana Dialogue Add-On (including stuff I've pushed back, like the Lost to the Ages commentary). Serana's Drinking Buddies and radiant love forcegreet timers (to start the features) have been changed from 2 to 5 days. - An SDA Serana menu feature (currently unvoiced, but with full feature functionality). "The Tale of the Tongues" is for Dragonborn/MQ players as well, conditioned to only occur after the main quest. I'm sure some of you have noticed the updated SDA file available on bethnet. - Initial patch release. Previously they were able to, and Serana turned hostile as a result. - Removed script notification that SDA is not fully revoiced. Various fixes/improvements, in addition to a whole lot of new NPC interactions (both scripted and radiant) in Riften, Solitude, and Riverwood! This is to prevent narrative whiplash; like how Serana could comment on your romance when the Archmage just died. - Sofia Banter now has a countdown timer. Fixed some redundant code. You can tell Serana to never equip it at all, or only to equip it if it's daytime and she doesn't have any other headgear. (Full release TBD on Apple Music/Spotify/other streaming services). The patch has been completely redone (new records and new patch name), so just to be on the safe side you should start a new game with it/a game that hasn't had a Lustmord patch installed. Serana should now look more expressive. It should pop up now for those who have finished the Main Quest. I felt in vanilla, that conversation was cut short. She will have radiant conversations with barkeeps and order drinks for herself. The revoice will be done in reverse order- with the final revoice parts being the first Dawnguard quests. On the contrary, if the player isn't currently doing a Dawnguard quest (not at Forebears Holdout, the Volkihar Undercroft, Soul Cairn, etc) almost all of Laura Bailey's lines (except for some radiant player-initiated conversations are disabled in place of Kerstyn's recorded lines. 1.) NOTE: This dialogue really is just for a role-play purpose. Rewrites and revoices of early SDA content (when Kerstyn was first brought on board). I mean, why wouldn't Serana, a mage, have more to say about this place? Pretty Huge Update! - Commentary when the player forges items, creates potions, enchants, drops items, and levels up, College of Winterhold Arcaneum conversation (Serana's reaction is no longer cringey and sudden, and more role-play is added to the conversation), Addition of new role-play lines to the Dark Brotherhood quest (The player can now choose to be more cautious after Aventus asks them to kill Grelod), Rewrote and added more lines to the Trust conversation. - All Main Quest, Companions, Hangover, College of Winterhold, and Race commentary (among others) has been delayed to only play until after a specified variable has been reached in Serana-player friendship. Added in dialogue options to affirm Serana's vampirism, and also completely rewrote the end of the quest (if Serana were to be cured). This is to maximize compatibility and ensure the vanilla cure quest proceeds as usual. - Added Old Hroldan Inn as an excluded inn from Serana's sleeping feature. This feature has also been added to the other quests where you drink with Serana (like the marriage quest and Bannered Mare Date Quest) Now there's more immershun! - The FG/OStim check is now made on each player game load, making SDA now able to detect if either of these animation frameworks were installed on an existing SDA save. If you're planning to experience the Solstheim side quests, it's advisable to install this update on a save where you haven't traveled there yet. - Two new songs, one is a Serana-rendition of the Age of Aggression/Oppression vanilla song, and another is an original composed by Kerstyn! Now when the player lockpicks a container, Serana will occasionally comment on it. - Implemented a proper dismiss and wait script to Serana's "House of Horrors" and "Diplomatic Immunity" quests respectively. This also prevents dialogue from being tabbed out like before- the dialogue should be more continuous now. - The SeranaSLTrigger script now uses the SetStrip() function, identical with the LE version. - More post-quest dialogue after defeating Harkon. - More subtitle fixes, courtesy of GuerillaTech. - Serana should no longer comment on how nice the player's house is when the player is in Hjerim and "Blood on the Ice" is currently running, - Made one of the DLC1RNPCGeneralHello lines use the proper voice line, - Replaced the initial "Can I Talk to You for a bit?" Sticking with the Dawnguard-side NPCs for now, this first implementation should highlight my design philosophy for future NPC interactions. Linked in missing voice lines for Serana's radiant location commentary on the College of Winterhold (via 'What do you think of this place?'). - Fuz'ed some dialogue that needed Fuz'ing, - Reconstructed Volkihar Undercroft recap dialogue, - Added proper location keyword for the Inner Sanctum, - Tweaked dialogue conditions for a bunch of radiant dialogue to make more contextual sense, - A bunch of new radiant and clicked hellos to occur after Dawnguard and once Serana has gotten closer to the player, - Implemented safeguards for the post-Dawnguard quest conversation with Serana to ensure the player can still continue talking with her even if the dialogue was said as a hello greet, - Added dialogue after the ambush on the Ancestor Glade during the "Unseen Visions" quest (on both Dawnguard and Vampire sides), - Added an "Unseen Visions" location-aware radiant idle, - Added proper keywords for Dawnguard locations like Darkfall Cave and Sharpslope Cave, - Fixed dialogue conditions for some location-aware radiant dialogue. Page 2 of 2 - About Serana Dialogue Add-on Mod - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Discussion: This question is best asked on the Serana Dialogue Add-On page here at the Nexus. This will allow the normal Vanilla Skyrim marriage options using the amulet of Mara. Over 100 lines of new dialogue!