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The National Geographic is an American digital cable and satellite TV channel owned mainly by 21st Century Fox, with the rest owned by the National Geographic Society. Here are some top tips: Paper hates water, and sunlight can fade images and warp the pages over time. This year saw the publication of a special issue on race, entitled Black and White. On its cover, there are two girls who are twins, but are of different skin color. The, Read More 10 Most Valuable Vinyl Records From the 70s (Up to $2,000)Continue, Your email address will not be published. Which is Life magazines are the most valuable? Initially, the purpose was "to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge" but nowadays, as one of the world's most renowned nonprofit organisations, they're committed to exploring and protecting our . Hyman is often asked whether old National Geographic magazines have any value. Want to see glow-in-the-dark mushrooms? Visit Brazil's Atlantic Forest Here are five iconic covers and how they came to be. Yes, these vintage mags are valuable. Book 1 is almost . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Too high and no one will be interested, too low and people may be suspicious that there is something wrong with the item. Sign up, store and use your NGs collection. A Look Back at National Geographics First 130 National Geographic 1888-1919 Are old National Geographic magazines worth anything? However, these two volumes got divided into nine different issues. 10 Most Valuable Lefton China Pieces (Rarest Sold For $1,295), Antique Cast Iron Stoves Value (Rarest & Most Valuable is Selling for $24,500), 1920 Singer Sewing Machine Value (Rarest Sold For $3,000), Most Valuable 1934 20 Dollar Bill (Rarest Sold For $40,800), 4 Most Valuable Antique Typewriter (Rarest Sold For $110,059), Antique Ruby Rings Value (Rarest & Most Valuable Sold For $2.6 Million), Antique Cast Iron Toy Value (Rarest & Most Valuable Sold For $13,500), Top 10 Antique Stores in Connecticut [Update 2023], THE 10 BEST Pennsylvania Antique Stores (with Photos), 10 Best Antiques Near Me in Fort Worth, TX, The 13 Most Valuable Disney Pins (Rarest Sold For $10,000), Most Valuable Rare Hummel Figurines (Rarest Sold For $5000+), 1941 Penny Value Chart (Worth Million Dollars? In 1904, an editor made a last-minute decision to fill out the content with several full-page images. Find the terracotta colored number 1 or others from the 1880s and youll put $4,000 or more in your pocket. If you find a big stash in your grandpa's attic, you might make a nice chunk of change, but you won't get rich with most old magazines. The first issue was produced in October 1888, and for the first 14 years the magazines were published in black and white. In that sense, the very first issue from October 1888 could, in todays market, be worth well over 6.000 US dollars! National Geographic stories take you on a journey that's always enlightening, often surprising, and unfailingly fascinating. Altruistic motives set aside, the magazine is essentially highly collectable. (9) $9.00 New. As a 24-year-old graduate student, Patterson met Koko in 1971 at the San Francisco Zoo for the first time. Secondly, the magazine should have the visual appeal and has to be readable. Copyright 2020 - 2023 Authors Cast Inc. Are any of the National Geographic magazines worth anything? The last rarity level is the 1964-1984 issue which is very rare because this is when the magazine stopped using color photographs altogether and went with black-and-white photography only. They have inspired people from all over the globe for more than 150 years with their incredible tales and meaningful photojournalism, documenting key events and critical discoveries. National . In its first half-dozen years the National Geographic Magazine was published on an "occasional" basis. Here are some of the best. September 1948 National Geographic Magazine American - Etsy It was taken in 1984 by Steve McCurry in a refugee camp in Afghanistan. As such, they are the rarest of all National Geographic publications and the most costly as well. In the years that followed, they established a world-wide network of photographers for whom it became a matter of prestige to have their photos published in National Geographic Magazine. This is true for nearly every issue published after World War II. Make Money Selling Old Magazines and Vintage Ads - The Penny Hoarder The National Geographic Magazine was first published in 1888, being the official journal of the National Geographic Society (founded just 9 months prior to the magazine's first release). Its contents also gave people an idea of what the day-to-day lives of Africans are like. The most valuable magazines in the world. As with any old book or magazine, information about what you can sell it for will vary depending on how much work you want to put into it. Step 3. American Iconographic: National Geographic, Global Culture, and the Visual Imaginationby Stephanie L. Hawkins. If youre one the millions of fans, then youre probably wondering how on Earth does one start collecting magazines? Between 1888 and 1890, there were nine issues published in total in two volumes (#1 and #2), and during . After WWII, the print run measured in millions, and as of 1995 it was printed in Japanese, which was the first non-English edition. Other striking images include the Gorilla with a camera, published in 1978. A few copies of this issue have even reached over $100,000! Many readers lauded the January edition of the 1905 publication because of its captivating pictures. (1) 8.95 New. 2.50 Used. It shows a woman from this Himalayan region wearing a turquoise hat as a symbol of opulence. One of the key forces that determine the value of any National Geographic Magazine is the power of demand and supply. 5. Situations like this arise from factors such as the condition of that publication, its year of production, etc. I've tried selling them, with no luck, but don't want to just dump them. Blade - March 2023. This means that the first two volumes that got published and those that came a few years after that. Smart Dog. Magazines decay over time and become less attractive. Vintage National Geographic Magazine | Books & Magazines, Antiquarian & Collectible | eBay! Whether you are lucky enough to own a rare edition, or interested in forming a valuable collection of National Geographic magazines you have come to the right place! Although most National Geographic Magazine publications were about nature, some told a story. It has been published continuously since its first issue in 1888, nine months after the Society itself was founded. The magazine features scholarly articles aboutgeography,cartography,anthropology,medicine,outer space,society, culture, andhistory. Oct - Asheville District. What can I do with my National Geographic magazine collection? Which Life magazines are the most valuable? Amassing it is a different ballpark. National Geographic History Magazine Atlas of The Roman World May /jun 2021. A section of the streaming service Disney Plus is devoted to National Geographic documentaries and television programs. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, Relevant Books, Paper & Magazines Articles, Big on Bonaparte: A Look at Napoleon Collectibles, Pressing News: All About Antique Bookbinding Tools, American Iconographic: National Geographic, Global Culture, and the Visual Imagination, Explorers House: National Geographic and the World It Made, A Look Back at National Geographics First 130 Years, National Geographic: Our Coverage Was Racist. Eventually, the magazine expanded to a general publication, shared with the public. Photographer Steve McCurry paid a visit to a refugee camp in Pakistan, and while he was there, he noticed a 12-year-old girl. A rare magazine full of enlightening information can be a wonderful family heirloom, providing joy and interest for generations to come. But only a few of those are really rare and valuable. BLADE magazine is the world's #1 knife publication, covering all aspects of the industry: knifemaking, how-to's, collecting, legislation and knife rights, and much more. Since they are so versatile in nature, it would be best to offer them or acquire them based on their type. This means that the first two volumes that got published and those that came a few years after that. Most issues are worth the average cost of a magazine. Average price: $7000-9000, 1891-1895: brochure issues (volume 3-6). However, there are times when a first edition 1888 issue sells worse than a 1905 issue. After the first four issues, only the first three issues of the second volume can come close in value. Before this issue got published, Alaska joined the union in January of that year. Although an old National Geographic Magazine is valuable, this value is dependent on several factors. This forest expanse is one of the most protected regions of the Northern California coastal forests. The publication regularly features cover stories about how people impact the environment and how the world can diminish the consequences ofglobalclimate change. Later issues tend to be more affordable, with some volumes selling for as . Can I sell old National Geographic magazines? Answer (1 of 2): They have little if any value these days because of so many years, that publication stood alone for its photography and writing. While the first issue will generally fetch upwards of $4000 the usual range is from $7-9 000 with a very few sales over the $10 000 mark. This is because more recent issues tend to be more expensive because so many older ones exist. Its pages are full of fun features, jaw-dropping facts and awe-inspiring photos that will keep you entertained for hours! These cover pictures, which depict a photographers magic, highlight the most important topic of that issue. Lets examine this scenario. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. National Geographic has been criticized in the past for itsunenlightened approach to indigenous groups and minorities. The stereotype about Swiss watches being of the highest quality and value in the industry is not, Read More Most Valuable Wittnauer Watch (Worth From $50 to $6,480)Continue, The quarter coin also known as the Washington quarter saw a pretty rich production, especially during the, Read More 1945 Quarter Value Chart (One Of The Rarest MS-68 Sales Was Made In 2021 For $20,400)Continue, Is it critical to recognize the 1776 to 1976 Silver Dollar value? It was in October 1978. It depicted the US flag fluttering from a flagpole. The most interesting topics covered so far would be: 100 Ideas that Changed the World, Are We Alone [in the Universe], Founding Fathers, Best of Europe: 100 Must-See Destinations. Actually, each special edition has an appeal of its own. This 1930s Barbasol advertisement recently sold for $12.95, which may not sound like a lot, but it is just one page from a magazine! It is no surprise that National Geographic Magazine has amassed a huge readership over the decades, and a loyal one too. 5 out of 5 stars (692) $ 15.00. Old issues of National Geographic magazines are highly sought after by collectors and can be worth a lot of money. So if you can find an issue from before 2000, it will be more valuable. A few platforms that you can visit for authentic National Geographic Magazines include: Its necessary to know how to take care of books if youre going to be a collector of vintage books. A National Geographic magazine is valuable as a collectible only if it is rare and in good condition, which usually equates to older copies of the magazine, explains A Guide to Selling National Geographic Magazines. Maps, Supplements & Inserts Special Issue Special Issue Going Home [ March 2023 ] National Geographic DVDs School Bulletin Classroom Magazine Browse Our Books Selection Specials See All $6.99 National Geographic Back Issues It publishes a kid's magazine (National Geographic Kids) and owns a channel for which it produces educational content. So, if your post-1907 issue is missing its cover page, dont expect up to $20 from it. With all these, he was able to capture the magnificence of some of the tallest trees on Earth. The above are some of the most valuable editions of National Geographic Magazines out there. The transactions might not start happening instantly, so one must have patience, which shouldnt be hard for a true Nat Geo fan. As the magazine increased in popularity, it became a matter of prestige to have your picture included in the magazine. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While the first issue will generally fetch upwards of $4000, the . Besides being produced much earlier, vintage National Geographic Magazines are valuable because theyre rare. In1905, photographs were included in National Geographic for the first time, boosting the magazine's popularity. It was sent to the Society's 200 charter members, but was largely ignored by the general public. Im sure most of us have a bunch of old VHS tapes sitting somewhere in the house. 68 No. Hyman is often asked whether old National Geographic magazines have any value. eBay. Comprehensive as it may seem, it just cannot replace that feeling of holding the yellow-squared leaves of paper and going through halftone images. New Scientist Magazine. Actually, this year marks the 130th year of publication of a magazine that has turned the science of geography into a household name. The 10 Most Important & Popular Science Magazines - CPST However, there are times when a first edition 1888 issue sells worse than a 1905 issue. Manage Settings The magazine publisher changes names so often that even if you can find the name of the company that published a particular issue, there's no way to know what business they're in today. In 2007, a copy of Beeton's Christmas Annual 1887 sold at a Sotheby's auction for $156,000. Looking Back at The Most Iconic Nat Geo Covers - Night Slides These factors affect the ultimate value of that publication. WOW! C $2.03. While the first issue will generally fetch upwards of $4000, the usual range is from $7-9,000, with a very few sales over the $10,000 mark. (1) $3.97 New. Check these out on Amazon. Some people love collecting their publications in bundles, and theyre willing to pay more for this. Read More Beauty And The Beast VHS Value (Most Expensive Rare One Sold For $500,000)Continue, Those of you who are young may not remember a time before credit cards and ATMs, but, Read More 5 Most Valuable $5,000 Bills: Why They Are Worth So MuchContinue, Its no secret that the 1970s were crucial for some music styles that we know today. Copies without the renowned cover page missing can sacrifice 80% of their value. While expressing remarkable learning abilities, Koko also showed some capability in photography. If it has been exposed to sunlight, it is time to toss it because UV rays can fade colors and cause other damage that will affect its value. Are National Geographic magazines/books worth anything? 1. If you have several, or even hundreds of collectable magazines, it can be easy to lose track of the issues. The second, third and fourth issues are valued slightly lower, usually reaching between $2000-5000 USD. The first thing to know is that the most valuable issues of National Geographic are generally those published before 1907. The Man from Ethiopia In April 1965, the American readers could get a taste of the content of Africa through a portrait of a tribal man from Ethiopia, holding a key-like structure. His short answer is, The early issues certainly do. National Geographic dealers will pay at least $200 for issues published before 1905. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. With National Geographic, you can expect to get at least half of what it costs if you buy it in good condition, since it is one of the less expensive magazines available. Today,fantastic photographyis the magazines trademark. A Book cover is something which grabs the attention of any viewer to make him look into the remaining content, NGM's choice of choosing out the right and prime picture for magazine cover is fascinating. National Geographic Magazine However, some collectors are curators of the colored covers of the magazines. The Most Valuable Magazines in the World Most magazines cost between $5 and $20, although some are very valuable. Include as much detail in the advert as possible, and make sure you keep the item somewhere safe dont risk worsening the condition while you wait for a buyer! What To Do With Old National Geographic Magazines Hyman is often asked whether old National Geographic magazines have any value. You might check with nearby nursing and retirement homes, prisons, hospitals, or schools to see if they would welcome your donation. The value of National Geographic magazines depends on date, rarity, cover features, articles, and overall significance. The answer is YES, the magazine is highly collectable as stated earlier. The first issue , published in 1888, featured a plain, cinnamon brown cover, with only some black typed letters. | Free shipping on many items! Easily the most famous sports magazine in America, Sports Illustrated is the undisputed authority on the people, news, and events of American sports. For this guide I collect sales data, price and quality, for each National Geographic Magazine (NGM) sold on eBay that was published by the National Geographic Society (NGS) from October 1888 through December 1917. As with other old magazines, it's best to check their value before you sell them. We have been discussing the physical appearance and perhaps forgot that the articles and images are the thing you became a collector in the first place. In terms of iconic front covers, there are very few people who havent seen the famous green-eyed Afghan girl cover, which was published in 1984. Sports Illustrated. A photographer was able to capture three Dublin boys who are hugging a pony while looking elsewhere. Although there have been a lot of iconic issues over the years, some are more valuable than others. What is the value of National Geographic magazines? Lists which rank by individual sales from specific dates are inherently inaccurate - a sale which may have occurred a few years . If you want to learn more about how valuable your old magazines are, see my article on how to tell if a magazine is still in print. A rough guide is the older the magazine, the higher the price. You can see this from the pictures on the front covers, which usually feature trending characters or pop culture icons. The1888 premier issue of National Geographic MagazineNational GeographicNational Geographic is the official magazine of the National Geographic Society. most valuable national geographic magazines. The first thing to know is that the most valuable issues of National Geographic are generally those published before 1907. 1 of its journal in October of the same year. The internet and other technologies have made saving past issues of magazines unnecessary. Most people know of the National Geographic Archive in which you can peruse online through all of the magazines issues. Are any National Geographic magazines worth anything? But first, lets discover a little bit about the background of National Geographic magazines what makes them so famous and highly valued today? The Joe DiMaggio 1939 issue typically sells for around $150 as of 2014. Some are worth thousands. Old National Geographic Maps: Valuable Pieces Of History It features Sharbat Gula, a 12-year-old Afghan girl. Since the unique issue of 1905, captivating photography slowly became a characteristic of the magazine. This got National Geographic interested, and they decided to pay a visit. However, elementary schools would mostly be in want of the magazine because the colorful images can be cut out by their students. Although its designs are very basic and unsophisticated, the first edition holds a special place in many hearts. Even in the 21st century, many readers prefer a physical print to a digital copy. National Geographic Kids magazine is an exciting monthly read for planet-loving kids, aged 7 - 12! Some of the factors to consider when taking care of your vintage National Geographic Magazines include: The National Geographic Magazine is an initiative by the National Geographic Society to educate the common person on geographical knowledge. Of course, this choice is arbitrary, since every fan has his/her own selection from more than 1.500 covers published so far. The Gorilla with a Camera Coco the gorilla has been taught over 1.000 words in sign language, before it expressed a talent in photography as well. This is more profitable than selling them as a group or collection. Over the years,National Geographichas expanded its publishing presence. After all, they are the heart and soul of the magazine, but such copes are worth close to nothing. National Geographic magazines are iconic and highly valued in the collectible world. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The National Geographic Society, founded in 1888 for "the increase and diffusion of geographic knowledge," published Vol. The Essential Tax Guide Centennial Presents Magazine 2020 Edition. So, you can find some of these publications at online auctions, newspaper classified sales, and some online platforms. Among the vintage magazines available today, the first volume of the National Geographic Magazine is one of the most valued. Copies with stains, creases, missing images or pages will go for the lowest price. Iconic for its yellow-squared covers, the National Geographic Magazine is a classic publication thats been around for 100 years. On the other hand, the April 1961 edition of Life magazine with Elizabeth Taylor on the cover sells for $33. However, in 1904 the editor was instructed by the printer to add 11 more pages and being short of time, he simply inserted pictures, rather than text, of the Tibetan capital Lhasa. Continue with Recommended Cookies. This gives them a special place in the hearts of many, and makes the issues highly collectable today. Before the age of computers, physically collecting the magazines was the only way of having access to the breathtaking stories and photographs the editorship bound together. National Geographic Magazine Jan 2021 Special Issue 2020 The Year in Pictures. There are many others in good condition that could be sold instead. However, these issues rarely go above $5000, as they are usually priced between $2000 to $5000. After this issue, the later publications of the magazine unveil various truths about our planet to the readers. Sharbat Gula in 1985 and 2002, culled from, Three Irish Boys with a Horse culled from NG Collector. As such, you can determine your old National Geographic Magazines value with the steps below: This is one of the most vital determinants of an old National Geographic Magazines value. SPONSORED. 5 Nov. 1953, Magazine Antiques Vol. Even when you do find it, its difficult to get any thats in good condition. However, these issues are mostly recent ones, easily obtainable at any newsstand and in digital format. The most valuable National Geographic issues would include pretty much all the issue prior to the year 1907. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific magazine in question. A team member brought a mirror close and got Koko to take a self-portrait through the mirror. With its center of operations located in Washington, D.C., this publication has become a household name for any magazine lover. With so many of them in readable condition, you might want to turn them into an encyclopedia of sorts. The National Geographic Magazine began in 1897 by a group of notable, well-known gentlemen that had started the National Geographic Society (in 1888) who had an interest in promoting scientific research & education to the world's youth. The most valuable National Geographic maps are hard to pinpoint. Not only are these maps widely a. top of page. Psychologist and researcher Penny Patterson taught a female western lowland gorilla sign language. Identify your National Geographic Symbols. Explorers House: National Geographic and the World It Madeby Robert M. Poole. The photographer had been able to capture this in the now iconic image where three Dublin boys are hugging a pony, a draft animal, and looking in the opposite direction. In exchange for $725 million, the National Geographic Society passed the troubled magazine and its book, map and other media assets to a partnership headed by 21st Century Fox, the Murdoch . History of the National Geographic Magazine, The 10 Most Valuable National Geographic Magazines, How Much Are Old National Geographic Magazines Worth, How to Determine Your Old National Geographic Magazines Value, Places to purchase Vintage National Geographic Magazines, How to take care of your Vintage National Geographic Magazine, The Top 10 Most Valuable Glass Insulators Today, 10 Most Valuable Dale Earnhardt Collectibles in the World, 10 Rarest and Most Valuable Starbucks Mugs: Value Guide, 5 Most Valuable Antique Straight Razors: Complete Value Guide, 10 Most Valuable Antique Figurines Worth Money, 25 Rare and Most Valuable Comic Books Ever Sold, Vintage Linens (Identification and Value Guide), Vintage Luggage: Brands, Identification, and Buying Guide, Vintage Playing Cards (Identification and Value Guide), Vintage Japanese Music Box Rare Collectibles, Sports Memorabilia Price and Identification Guide, White Sewing Machine 101: Everything you need to know. Photography has been the hallmark of the magazine ever since. PRICING & COLLECTING INFO: The earliest issues of National Geographic are the most valuable, especially the first volume, which ocnsisted of only 4 issues. Or form a valuable National Geographic collection? Add to Favorites 120 Rare . Lets have a look at the best way to preserve your magazine to maintain its condition.