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tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Arthur was one of the first to welcome Sadie into the group and he would try to offer his condolences for what she has been through, with Sadie mostly pushing Arthur away. With Arthur having become greatly disillusioned with Dutch, andnow realizing that he hasbecome a shadow of his former self, or possibly the man he has always been who merely uses others to further his own desires, he decides to help John, Abigail and Jack escape the gang and be free from all this trouble. When Micah Bell arranged for Dutch and Colm O'Driscoll to parlay Dutch showed complete trust in Arthur protecting him from a distance with a sniper rifle. After being caught and reprimanded for her actions, she cant help but ask who the woman was. Pearson is usually upbeat and kind to Arthur and he returns the favour. Red Dead Redemption 2 All Ending Credit Cutscenes Mary Visits Arthur Morgan's Grave_____NEW ME. Arthur later compliments Sean for his performance when destroying the fields. His sandy blond hair almost glowed in the sunlight. Abigail begged Arthur, as well as Dutch and John, to rescue her son when he was kidnapped by the Braithwaites. Arthur could illustrate the books that Mary Beth writes, and they could both make a living that way. Whilst escaping Arthur falls to the ground after a steam pipe bursts in his face and is held at knife point, Dutch decides to leave Arthurfor dead even though he could easily have saved him. Arthur has a hard time dealing with overwhelming emotions, and after collapsing with grief, Mary-beth is assigned to take care of him. He later learned that they were robbed and killed for a meager amount of money. Why? Tilly stares over at her like shes grown a second head. Pearson is the one who arranges a parlay between Dutch and Colm O'Driscoll after he has a run in with some of Colm's men, however, this inadvertently leads to Arthur being captured and tortured by Colm and his men, something Pearson repeatedly apologises for. This is also doable in the final chapter of the story, but this time it is just a chance encounter rather than for celebration. It is uncertain what relationship the two hadbut it can be deduced that they were on good terms. After getting the dynamite for an upcoming heist Arthur tells John that whatever happens during the robbery, and wherever Dutch goes, he will get him the money he needs and get out of this life. However, Arthur and Sean would banter over this incident. This reveals her deep appreciation for what Arthur did. She drops her voice into an imitation of masculinity. Though Sean frequently annoyed Arthur, he was greatly saddened when Sean was killed in an ambush by the Grays, affectionately saying what fun times they had together and that he never realised how much he actually cared about him until he was dead. However, their last encounter is Arthur delivering his mortally wounded son after he chose to attack Cornwall's oil factory under Dutch's manipulation to compel him to do so. Like Lenny, Tilly expresses concern to Arthur about being in the state of Lemoyne which has a history of slavery and all the racism that comes with it. This view is further exacerbated when Dutch takes advantage of Eagle Flies' pent up rage at the U.S. Army, with Arthur feeling that Dutch is putting the Wapiti Tribe at risk and compromising the well-being and safety Rains Fall has fought so hard to gain and protect. Just the mention of her portrait puts Arthur years in the past, right to the very night the two shared. His eyes fell on Dutch and Miss Molly O'Shea now. He ultimately succumbs to his wounds and passes away. Bill would try and rib Arthur for the shootout that occurred in Valentine that put a temporary halt on his, and Karen's, plan to rob the bank. Its during a game that she tells Arthur that she learned how to play Dominoes, as well as the piano, when she was a young girl working at a bar. Maybe if Strauss had waited a little longer to call in that debt and given Dutch more time to unravel before him, he would have retired and died an old man with his true love beside him. I never got to dance with Mary-Beth. Arthur and Trelawny work together to rob Miss Damsen's stagecoach, either with stealth or brute force depending on the player. He also gains new relationships throughout his journey. She would call your name, asking what you thought about a specific part. After the attack on Cornwall's oil factory Arthur offered to stay and help Charles move the Wapiti Tribe but he declined, stating that there are people that still need Arthurs help. The incident hardened Arthur ever since and he never truly coped with the pain. He begins to notice that Javier is having a hard time taking in everything that has happened to the gang, as he constantly questions the loyalty of Abigail, Charles, Uncle and even John. Around half-way through the storyArthur becomes wary of Dutch's steadily growing inclination towards violence,specifically when he drowns Angelo Bronte and feeds him to an alligatorasvengeance for setting him,and his gang,up at the trolley station. Abigail chuckled, swaying to whatever rhythm liquor makes. There are so many delightful characters in camp that interact with Arthur. He will also occasionally come up to Arthur for a chat, often with the intent of being semi-friendly (although Micahinstead decides to taunt and Arthur by the time he has tuberculosis), but Arthur usually brushes him off and never wishes to talk to Micah. Arthur must prove whether he really is a redeemed man as he faces a choice between his old life and the new home he has made in 2021. Whilst in Valentine, along with Uncle, Karen and Mary-Beth, Tilly is accosted by a gang member she used to be affiliated with, Arthur intervenes on her behalf and threatens the man, who leaves. The fire crackles at his feet, glowing orange across his dark boots and spitting sparks into the darkening sky. Well, oftentimes I have one character say what Im thinkin before the other comes and comforts them. she blushed, realizing what she was saying, and that she couldnt just outright tell Arthur that the comforting she spoke of really meant fucking, and that the character which did so was always him. If he chooses the former Anthony keeps his promise of staying away from Tilly. Nonetheless, Arthur and Strauss maintained civility towards each other, with Strauss calling Arthur "Herr Morgan" (German for "sir") and Arthur referring to him as "Mr. Strauss", or on some occasions, "Herr Strauss". He is grateful for Arthur's contributions when he goes hunting and donates what he has caught. Arthur never showed his gratitude for Kieran openly, and whenever Kieran mentions it Arthur responds that they are even because he allows another day to go buy without killing him. ArthurXAbigailXJohn love triangle. It was Trelawny's intel that helped the gang locate Sean after he was captured in Blackwater following the failed job there. Sadie builds up enough trust in Arthur that she asks for his help to hunt the last of the O'Driscoll Boys, bluntly telling Arthur that he is the only one out of all the fools in the gang she trusts. She enjoys Arthur's company and was amused when she surprised him with a hot air balloon to scout the prison yard from the air. He arrived on the Bluebell Railway on 17th May 1960, after the railway's founder Bernard Holden MBE helped to save the line for preservation. You have come to this country, the new world, in search of a better life, and instead, turned out worse than where you came from. Language barrier sucks, but when you have people like Arthur, Charles or Sean, it sucks a little less lol Im gonna be honest, as much fun as I had wiring this, I struggled a bit, especially with Arthur. Trelawny says he hopes to meet Arthur again but Arthur doubts this as he expects to die soon from his tuberculosis. Dutch partially helped in avenging Arthur by shooting Micah dead, along with John. Arthur respected Miss Grimshaw's authority. The song that youre singing is Silver Dagger (Joan Baez version). Should the player accept, Arthur will attack the ranch. She would shake her head, a small smile on her lips; shes not mad. Uses very bad, cringy, pick up lines. However, this might be because of her disappointment in how far Dutch has fallen rather than genuinely preferring Arthur, as anecdotes can be heard that Miss Grimshaw was rather close to Dutch before the events in the game. So this is a small series of stories that will have different pairings of people with Arthur. Arthur is filled with remorse over this, with Kieran having saved his life once but Arthur having been unable to save his. As the story progresses their relationship slightly improves. Arthur returns Eagle Flies back to his to his father at the tribe's reservation, on the way Arthur expresses his regret for allowing him to get involved with Dutch, but Eagle Flies reassures him that all his decisions were his own. Whos my good girl? When the gang starts to fall apart Arthur can tell Uncle that he should leave before its too late. But over time, things complicate. During the failed bank job in Saint Denis Hosea is killed by Agent Milton. What? An indication of how much his relationship with John has evolved. Whilst at camp, one of the chores has Arthur moving two sacks to Pearson's wagon, and he will occasionally thank Arthur for doing this. However, Arthur was captured by the O'Driscoll Boys and was briefly tortured by them, having escaped and arrived back at camp, Dutch was clearly relieved at his return but also apprehensive about the dire state Arthur was in. 2), Also it's up to you if you want this to be an & fic or a / fic. Charles's personality of being quiet, mostly serious and reliable made Arthur enjoy his company and preferred to have him by his side. Arthur catches him packing his bags and he tries to give an explanation but Arthur makes it clear he doesn't have to hear his reasons to understand why he is leaving. A drunken Molly falsely claimed to have ratted on the gang when they moved to Beaver Hollow. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. During the gang standoff at Beaver Hollow, Javier sides with Dutch and Micah against Arthur and John, although he is hesitant and doesn't fully point his gun at the pair; additionally, he is not seen chasing down Arthur and John, hinting at some fondness he still had for Arthur and/or John. Arthur has the choice to either let him live or kill him. She is one of the first gang members to help Arthur when he escapes back at camp after he has been tortured by Colm O'Driscoll and his men. After helping Archibald MacGregor destroy a distillery in the Bayou, Dutch asked Arthur if he wanted to race back to camp. He will later move in with John, Abigail and Jack at their homestead. She also reminded John that she would avenge Arthur as soon as she gets word of Micah's whereabouts, offering him to join her. ", I got to dance with Karen when Dutch randomly put on his record player at Clemens Point , Yes me too! Arthur leaned against a nearby tree, clutching a beer in his hand. She touches her tongue to the fine droplets of wet blood that coat her lips and cheek; it tastes of earth and salt, like the faraway memory of sea spray. The incident devastated Arthur and he never truly coped with the loss. Im really into this fandom right now (after finishing both RDR1 and RDR2 (currently on my second play through)) so I wanted to start writing for it. Having successfully escaped America, Arthur Morgan and the rest of the Van Der Linde gang were finally free, but upon entering the mysterious Bermuda Triangle the entire gang is magically transported to the mythical world of Westeros. Further adding that John doesn't like to talk about him. He tells both her and Abigail that they are the best women he has ever known and bids an emotional farewell. Arthur can go on a hunt for some Bison with Charles, which leads to an investigation after they find numerous dead, rotten, Bisons across the open fields. . The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. You would attentively listen to the leader, Dutch was his name, and try to memorize the words he spoke. The player can have Arthur partake in various activities throughout the story, as an outlaw both within the Van der Linde gang and outside of it, that will define his . Despite this, Arthur keeps a picture of him next to his bed over two decades later and also wears his hat, hinting at some measure of fondness. The two part ways again for the final time. John refuses and doesnt want to leave him behind but Arthur tells him that neither of them will make it out as Arthur is being slowed down by his illness and knows that he is eventually going to die. Hosea can occasionally come up to Arthur and talk to him around camp. They got their chance and they would successfully kill Micah. At camp Sean can ask Arthur to find him some Kentucky Bourbon, in return he will regularly leave Fire Bottles at Arthur's tent. One of the strongest aspects of Red Dead Redemption 2 is its ability to weave complex, multifaceted characters. Nonetheless, Arthur is slightly saddened for her death. Havent wrote anything in a while so wanna warm up by writing some short drabbles. He will tell her how Arthur saved his life and that he thinks about him everyday, in response, she also reveals that she, too, thinks about Arthur a lot, showing how much she cares and respects Arthur before, and after, his death. At the start of the story Kieran is held prisoner by the gang and was mostly tied to a tree. Sadie would succeed Arthur in helping John to start his family life by helping him earn money through bounty hunting. In the epilogue, Rains Fall tells John how he respected Arthur for helping him and both briefly more than him. One chat in particular leads to Arthur telling Uncle that he is dying but will use the time he has left to help others make it out safely, with Uncle simply commenting that he is a good man. Shell put the book away and close her eyes as well. Implying that he cares about his well-being and does not want to see him hurt, or even killed. John is very reluctant to leave him but Arthur gives John one final bit of tough love and tells him to leave and be a man. Nonetheless, Uncle respects Arthur's authority and if he is told to do something he will do it, albeit reluctantly and with only the occasional backchat. Summary: Based on this request: Can I get one where Arthur reacts to hearing you sing at camp for the first time? Molly will tell Arthur that she broke her pocket mirror and is worried it will give her seven years bad luck. Nonetheless, being Dutch's girlfriend Molly had Arthur's respect and she in return. She revealed that she had given him to Angelo Bronte in Saint Denis. Mary-Beth was attempting to stumble after them, but thankfully Charles intercepted and grabbed her, seemingly trying to keep her distracted. Here, I remember you talking about it the other day, hed say, giving you a small, golden hair clip. Work Search: Like some others, he decides to leave when the gang begins to fall apart. Late in the story Arthur, Dutch and Sadie attend Colm O'Driscoll's public execution and thwart the rescue effort by the O'Driscoll Boys, securing Colm's death and avenging Kieran. Due to Beatrice dying when he was very young, Arthur doesn't remember his mother very well. Thanks to time travelers Francis Sinclair and Charles Smith, Arthur's life has been saved by a Saint Denis hospital in the year 2021. It is around this time that Dutch begins to negatively influence Eagle Flies to fight the U.S Army, to the worry of Arthur and his fellow gang member, and friend, Charles Smith. If Arthur chooses to help Mary, their relationship improves to the point in which she reveals she still has feelings for Arthur. John feels forever indebted to Arthur for giving him a chance to live a normal life and tried to repay him by killing Micah, along with Sadie and Charles, years later. Arthur and Mary-Beth share a sweet moment round the campfire at Shady Belle as they reminisce over Kieran's unexpected and brutal death. Arthur takes off his hat and gives it to John, as well as his satchel. Charles would talk about Arthur being a good man, and would go with Sadie and John to kill Micah to avenge Arthur. A/N: This was probably the easiest request for me to do because I go to sleep imagining this everyday. Towards the end of the story Arthur, with the help of Sadie, saves John from Sisika Penitentiary despite Dutch telling him to not make a move yet. That Jack is adorable. Arthur praised her with his hands on his belt, watching the youngin stare up at the pair from camp grass. When Kieran invites Arthur on a fishing trip he opens up about his past and reveals that his parents died from cholera when he was young and ended up joining the O'Driscoll Boys, albeit reluctantly. Sometimes I wish I were a horse. Mary Beth says, dropping to sit beside Tilly and Karen as she takes up some mending. I thought that's sweet, don't you?". Arthur was Leopold Strauss' strongman when he loaned out money to desperate people. Uncle follows through with Arthur's warning and soon leaves. Arthur seems to remember Isaac fondly, calling him a "good kid", as whom he had raised him alongside Eliza. Despite Micah's pleas for Dutch to come with him for the money, he turns and walks away abandoning both. In a family that wanted nothing more than chess glory, Kelly Stafford was always overlooked. He would often insult and berate him for his over exuberant mannerisms. In one incident Javier calls Charles an arrogant son of a bitch because of his lack of faith in Dutch and further adds that he should "use [his] brain". One day, Arthur saw two crosses outside their house and immediately knew they had both died. Arthur spoke up again. How will they survive when all hope seems lost? She maintained her friendship with John years later. With a new baby, there are a lot of responsibilities put on his shoulders. Together, they seek a happy ending to the chaos. Arthur Morgan is a dead man walking, and his is a story no one would have thought to have told. Bill is shocked when he sees that Arthur is losing faith in Dutch and tells Arthur, whilst robbing some dynamites in Van Horn, that he believes he has gone soft.