In Hartford, it's illegal to collect "rags, paper, glass, old metal, junk, cinders or other waste matter in the city" without a license, according to Municode. In essence, it bans the launching of any dangerous object, from stones to missiles to just about anything in between, within the bounds of Cumberland parks and playgrounds. It's illegal to hang the laundry on Sunday. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. Regardless, next time you camp in Minnesota, make sure to hose off your tires if youve taken an off-roading expedition. The law is no longer enforced, of course, but back in the day, people who were deemed too unsightly for the public eye were slapped with a $25 fine over $400 in today's currency. 63. 41. Fremont Street, also known playfully as 'Glitter Gulch', is one of the most famous streets in Las Vegas. If a person litters three times, they must clean the streets wearing a bib that reads Im a litterer. Even pharmacists who sell the medical gum and forget to ID get two years in jail. Breaking this law can also result in a stay at the state prison not exceeding five years and other damages, according to the Montana State Legislature. Sodomy is illegal, in general, in Idaho, Utah, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. One of the most active glaciers of the world is present in Ilulissat, a city on the western coast of Greenland. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. Despite the goofy name, no one is allowed to use them in most states anymore aside from police officers. Or else! By Kate Bratskeir Jan 22, 2016, 01:51 PM EST | Updated Sep 5, 2017 If you allow your donkey to sleep in a bathtub, you're an ass. 46. Stealing is always illegal, but stealing crawfish can result in prison time less than 6 months if you steal less than $500 of crawfish or up to 10 years if you steal over $1,500 worth. The Berlin Wall Good Thing Today Its Street Live, Love, Create, Enjoy Melbourne, a haven for Weird laws in the worlds northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! Final verdict:It sounds silly, but those funny, 1990s-style stink bombs you probably bought in a joke shop at some point can actually be harmful. To be updated with all the latest news, facts and knowledge. No Shirtless Driving in Thailand Even though it is a land covered mostly by sheets of ice, there are numerous interesting aspects to explore around this naturally attractive location. Hello everybody this is Ethan welcome back to another episode of Unique Facts And Weird Laws. Mount Washington features rare alpine plants such as Greenland sandwort, Labrador tea, alpine bearberry, dwarf cinquefoil, dwarf birch, willow, and balsam fir. 15 weird US laws you may be surprised to know exist. They may have made sense when they were written, but today they seem a little questionable, weird or just plain dumb. 25. To carry, manufacture, sell, or handle any non-biodegradable, plastic-based confetti is unlawful, according to Municode Library. Operated since 1924. Consider this law a sign. Apparently, farmers and landowners are being punished for this. Some even consider the animal a modern-day unicorn. No problem. Longyearbyen was first inhabited by miners. Beer They were dark years in an already dark. 1. ), On the whole, it seems that the German government would like parents to use properly spelled, good old-fashioned names. Can You Believe These Weird Laws? Where this law exists: Gainesville, Georgia. Pennsylvania. 23. On the other hand, shorts might have been worn anywhere. 54. In Virginia, it is illegal for a man to kick a woman out of bed. 5. People used to set up bear-wrestling rings. There's a right and a wrong way to eat fried chicken. Quit getting divorced. The law was introduced after the state government realized drunks committed the majority of crimes in Alaska. If you don't know how this series works it's where I give 15 unique facts and a couple of weird laws about certain country of my choosing in this case Greenland. 62. Final verdict: In 2012, Illinois decided it was OK for culinary students to sample alcoholic beverages as part of their education, as long as they spit it out instead of actually drinking it. Breastfeeding in public is legal (as it should be). It is also apparently illegal in Massachusetts for a man and a woman who rent a room for the night to sleep in the nude. In China, it is a law that a person must be intelligent to go to college. Ward Hazell is a writer who travels and an occasional travel writer. The rule states that no yelling, shouting, whistling or singing is allowed at any time. 56. In Britain, it is illegal to import potatoes into England or Wales if you have reasonable cause to believe that they are Polish. Unfortunately, when a local dam broke, the house flooded, and the bathtub floated away, donkey and all. Ancient stone camels in Saudi Arabia older than Archeologists discover enigmatic ancient site near Prague. In Utah, a husband is responsible for his wifes actions as long as he is with her at the time of her actions.. When Hawaii joined the United States in 1900, it still had its own coinage. Greenland was named as Greenland by Vikings who discovered this country in the 10th century. The ruling has been challenged by nature lovers, but the Swiss high court agreed that the government had the right to uphold public decency.. 9. Lots of wacky laws have been written over the years, and they were all written for a reason. According to one petition, the law was originally enacted in reaction to an unpleasant hoarding situation. In Skamania County, they were worried enough to pass a law stating that the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by five years in prison.". You're not allowed to drive a black car on a Sunday in Denver, Colorado. Everywhere in the world, you can find weird laws and Texas is no exception. It's Illegal to Drag a Dead Horse Along the Street. Seems safe. 16. You may not spot moose from a plane and hunt them on the same day. 34. In Milan, the only events you are not required to smile is when you're in a hospital and in the funeral. Sounds like an amusement park ride for the donkey, but apparently the town didnt see it that way. Nevertheless, the strange assortment for burial is not the only weird law active in Longyearbyen. Which means the prostitutes themselves would not be breaking the law. The logic behind it must be similar to the logic behind cyclists having to obey normal traffic laws, only a little less sound. There, swearing in public is against the law. German travel websites had been advertising a special experience of nature, free and healthy., Not that free. 42. To solve the funeral issue the local government of Svalbard reportedly requests any dead bodies to be taken to the mainland of Norway for burial, either by plane or by boat. Who stole enough seafood for this to be worth making a weird law about? In Arkansas there still exists a law that was instated in the 1800s that states a husband is allowed to beat his wife, but only once a month. The Real Story Of This Horrifying School Will Shock You, Keep Your Girl Happy And Let The Relationship Blossom With These 10 Easy Steps, 10 most beautiful places to must visit in India, 10 Facts About Comic Books You Should Know, Historical Coincidences that will blow your mind, Top 10 Things You didnt Know About Elephants, 10 Facts About the Nintendo Game Boy Every Gamer Should Know. 7. In Greece, if anyone wants to get married, the law requires those to publish their wedding notice in a newspaper (written in Greek) or on the City Hall notice board. The three national colours of Iceland that also appear on the country's flag represent the elements that the land is made up of. In Britain you are not allowed to let your pet mate with any pet form the royal house. Also, an ancient Norwegian law still exists that obliges all Norwegians to go out on expeditions to rape and plunder at least once every five years. Today it is a heritage site, photo credit. Im out. In Victoria, Australia, it's been illegal to fly a kite since 1966. Even though the country doesnt have a large obesity problem, Japan decided to take a proactive approach to the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight. Ruled by the king, the people of medieval England lived under a feudal system heavily influenced by the Roman Catholic Church.. During the Middle Ages, both laws and the penalties for breaking them were very different from the ones we are familiar with today. Alaska. And not just a salmon. Moose aren't allowed on the sidewalk. Which means that in rape cases, both the victim and the perpetrator could end up being charged with the same crime. Only in America would a donut chain require a new law like this to be written. So, the government has instituted a policy of allowing only approved names to be entered on German birth certificates. 29. Dogs cannot travel in the back of open-top vehicles. The material carries into the clouds and stimulates precipitation, which creates a fresh sheet of powder for skiers. Its fine for them to take a bath in one, though. That's 75-plus salamanders, according to fair market value. It is popular due to the fact that it has the fastest moving glacier in the entire Northern hemisphere. Top 10 Outdated Laws You Didn't Know You Were Breaking, 10 Strange Personal Traits You Might Not Know Could, 10 Creatures With Really Strange Bodily Functions, Top 10 Strange Medical Conditions That Really Exist, Top 10 Ridiculous Laws That Are Still Enforced, 8 Dark Facts About Being Single, And Why You Really, Top 10 Films About Economic Disaster You Really Need, 10 Controversial Toys You Might Already Have in Your Home, Ten Absolutely Vicious Fights over Inherited Fortunes, 10 Female Film Pioneers Who Shaped the Movies, Ten True Tales from Americas Toughest Prison, 10 Times Members of Secretive Societies and Organizations Spilled the Beans, 10 Common Idioms with Unexpectedly Dark Origins, 10 North American Animals with Misplaced Reputations, Top 10 Ridiculous Laws That Are Still Enforced Across The World, 10 Outlandish Conspiracies, Claims, And Theories About Saturn, 10 Questionable Items Produced By High Fashion Designers, 10 Odd Ways People Protected Themselves From Witchcraft, Top 10 Side Effects of Hoarding No One Talks About. If you own more than two in your house, you can be subject to criminal possession. Despite attempts to repeal the law in 2011, the margarine ban has stuck. The weirdest laws on the planet: Its a crime to Prague history: There was another bridge before Charles Bridge, Ancient stone camels in Saudi Arabia older than Pyramids. B Rosen via Flickr Cradle of aviation: US has the worlds first Soviet Architecture: concrete panel and brick Khrushchyovkas, Postcards from 19th-century illustrators depicting the future. In Australia, men are free to cross-dress, just as long as their dresses are not strapless. 3. 60. 64. Here are 13 weird laws in Ohio that we are willing to bet you didn't know about. No one under 16 was allowed to smooch or show public displays of affectionthe horror (for the teens, that is). The Swiss government has imposed hefty fines on anyone caught walking au naturel. However, according to the Sexual Offences Act, it was a crime for teens to engage in this behaviour. So it is somewhat ironic that Alaska passed a law banning people from getting drunk in bars. You'd better take it as a fun read instead of a history lesson! Musical instruments, clocks, kitchenwarethey are just a few of the items that can't be sold on this day. Section 365 of the Criminal Code provided that " [e]very one who fraudulently pretends to exercise or to use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction." By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Amongst our favourite of the weird and strange laws in Ireland is the Tippling Act of 1735. 4. Top 10 Most Ridiculous Alcohol Laws In USA. 12. Erin McDowell. If it keeps creepy clowns of the road, we're OK with it. If your party trick is crushing beer cans between your bare breasts, be warned. Imago, Weird Laws. Final verdict: This weird law sounds like something made up by a fed-up best friend. A barn? In Kansas, individual counties may by resolution or petition prohibit the sale of alcohol in public places where 30% or less of their gross revenue comes from the sale of food, according to Kansas State Legislatureand TIME. However there is no clear evidence to support the. A second clause specifies that passengers cant position themselves in such a way that it impedes the drivers peripheral vision. 22. 48. Apparently, according to Australian laws, it is illegal to touch electric wires which can lead to your death. 40 Weird Laws in the U.S By Brittany Alexandra Sulc, updated on July 15, 2021 Candice Lane / Facebook At Far & Wide, we try to be law-abiding citizens. This crazy law in Georgia was passed in jest, but it's still on the books. While comic books have traditionally been considered for children, it is a known fact that they are aimed towards adolescents as well. :) Denmark upholds the annual block grant of 3.2 billion Danish kroner, but as Greenland begins to collect revenues of its natural resources the grant will gradually be diminished. Wed wager that most of the students have plenty of non-educational sipping experience already. Wait, I cant wear a bulletproof vest? Plus the cost of the pizza. It makes sense to require people to stay in control of their animals, but its not like there were lawless horses breaking the speed limit before they made this funky law. Considering Kahlua alcoholic chocolates are around 4%, we can assume they won't be hitting the shelves any time soon. 50. The first coal-fired power plant of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Swiss locals going about their daily lives objected to encountering walkers wearing nothing but a pair of walking boots and a smile. 3) (rescinded obviously after the 1930's) In certain Southern states, sodomy punishable, but lynching blacks permissible, indeed photographed and applauded. There may be individual rental contracts or house rules which include this regulation, but there is in fact no national German law about this. This one confounds me. You cant even have a beer in the same room as a bingo game, even if youre not playing. Where this law exists: San Francisco, California. However, you can swap out the trough for a wastebasket if the swine are raised for your own consumption, according to Arizona State Legislature. Even if a person gets buried, it is another question how proper the body will decompose. (River would be out, as would North.) Finally, it must make the sex of the baby clear. This North Carolina law was actually written to get rid of the persistent Ku Klux Klan activity in the area. The freezing temperatures also require that all houses are built on stilts, so when the islands layer of topsoil melts in, the structures dont sink or slide away causing any accidents. No pun intended. Such person shall be subject to all applicable traffic regulations that apply to motor vehicles.. That's why you need to know about some of the weirdest laws that you might break completely by accident. When it was first invented, Wisconsin banned the yellow butter substitute, thinking that it was a threat to their thriving dairy industry. And it seems every state has at least a few of them. Or, perhaps, just over the border. In Britain it is illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances. Final verdict:Finally, annoying little sisters who listen in will get what's coming to them! The ancient culture along with the stunning and varied wildlife is the factor that promotes tourism for this place. Most of the animals that are sought here are some popular yet endangered species. How about laws in retrograde. This ban includes any DIY projects or household cleaning that produces loud noises. Final verdict: Where else would he sleep? Someone may pursue legal action if they were simply watching from an authorized area. Final verdict: According tothis Louisiana law, if you steal someone's crawfish, it's a big deal. 19. It certainly is a forgotten law and has never really been enforced in Florida. SIX INCHES OF CLOTHING. A previous version of this article was co-authored by Christina Sterbenz. Just quit it. 47. What a shocker. However, not in Colorado without a permit. In Canada, any comic book that portrays illegal activity is banned. (now that's confusing) 16. Have you been wondering recently how to take better care of your SO? 35. This weird Nevada law is founded on logic - although that might not seem apparent at first. Rumor has it that seaweed was once used as fertilizer and was stolen from public beaches in the night, but no ones positive how this wacky law really came to be. Final verdict: If youre trying to surprise your friend with a pizza, do it with caution. Final verdict: We couldnt figure out when this law was first enacted, but it reportedly hasnt been updated in over 30 years. Otherwise, it is a crime of the third degree.. Sidewalk Sitting. However, if you want to use one in Cambodia, you are likely to be disappointed or get into trouble. Someone found using the device is guilty of a misdemeanor, according to the Nevada State Legislature. This law clearly makes sense, but the fact that it exists at all raises some questions about basic human decency and Ohio. Unfortunately, this old law has some pretty outdated and unfair roots. In Greenland the only month where the temperature manages to reach above freezing point is July. Greenland, the world's largest island, is about 80% ice-capped. It stated that no landlord could demand back money owed for booze. You cannot eat in the street in Rome, kiss anyone inside a car, or walk your dog on anything other than a short leash. If you do, youre at risk of paying $350 fine. The worlds northernmost capital is Nuuk, and it belongs to Greenland, Whittier, Alaska a town where almost all its citizens live under one roof. View the Best Chili in Austin. This law is weird, but its a very reasonable response to a very unreasonable, unethical practice. However, according to the North Carolina State Legislature, non-profit groups can go wild. 17. Right now, its illegal for them to vote too. 55. Let's take a look at some of these weird laws from around the world to know about how unusual they are: 1. In Missouri it is illegal to drive with an uncaged bear. It can be viewed clearly during the nights throughout the year when the skies are clear. Final verdict: This is one of those weird laws that has no clear explanation. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Photo by Alexander Pohl/NurPhoto via Getty Images, Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee, might technically be legal on a federal level, can't display obscene stickers, paintings, decals, or emblems, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Kahlua alcoholic chocolates are around 4%, 9 of the most outrageous liquor laws in the US, The most bizarre driving laws around the world, 9 weird things that can get you into trouble in Putin's Russia. The law is apparently tied to an 80-year-old tradition called the Frog Jumping Jubilee in a mining town and was enacted many years ago to prevent people from eating unsanitary frogs. 66. Where this law exists: Indianapolis, Indiana. 11. Or parties on campus? This wacky law came about almost a century ago when a ranch owners donkey had gotten in the habit of sleeping in the bathtub. Steven Depolo/Flickr (Be honest: Have you ever caught a mouse without a hunting license?) In Saudi Arabia, there is no minimum age for marriage. In Rhode Island, a union can be considered invalid under the grounds that the party is deemed to be, collectively, an idiot or a lunatic. In 2007, a barmaid was found to be in breach of the Liquor Control Act and fined A$1,000 as a result of entertaining her customers this way. Thank you very much for listening and as always please sit back, relax, enjoy and keep safe! Thats keeping pigs outside your house.[2]. Just like the weird laws regarding the sale and serving of alcohol, every state has its own peculiar laws about how you need to behave once you've drunk it. "Such a conspiracy constitutes a clear and present danger to the government of the United States and of this state," the statute continues. The bar manager was also fined. Employers must ensure that their employees participate in the scheme or risk fines of up to $19 million. So, hopefully, your old car works well enough to make it home from mass because you wont be able to buy a new one until Monday morning. You might imagine that an Englishman would be free to hold his fish in any way he chooses, but you would be wrong. Perhaps one of Canada's weirdest laws states that if you see the big guy in all of his hairiness in B.C., don't shoot! The term Greenland means the land of people and the name is contradictory due to fact that 85% of the land of this country is covered in ice. Supposedly, the reason for the rule is hygiene. Although the tight swimsuits may not always be flattering, they are unlikely to have been worn outside on the streets. Views: 4043 No Shoes in Public. Greenland is called Greenland because that's what famous viking Erik the Red decided to call it when he started the first European settlement there in 982 AD. What kind of nut eats fried chicken with a knife and fork? Locals are also encouraged to take a firearm with themselves, particularly if they move away from the settlement. Just dont let them take a snooze in the process, or you might be slapped with a fine. Having your chickens cross the road in Georgia This isn't a joke: don't let your chicken cross the road in Georgia. No Public Feather Dusting. Police are also allowed to force HIV testing, to publicize the names of HIV-positive people and to have them evicted from their homes. The name Greenland might give one the idea that the landscapes of this country are covered in lush greenery. In Massachusetts it is deemed illegal for a woman to be on top during sex. For example, the New York law against people wearing masks in public places is to prevent a mass crime or a riot, since you don't know the assailant's identity undercover. 38. 39. Iceland's volcanic fires are represented by the colour red, white for the snow and ice and blue for the ocean. Apparently, two pickle farmers were caught selling pickles that werent fit for human consumption back in the 1940s. However, there is nothing to stop him from reincarnating anywhere else in the world. And, yes, two men were fined for having woefully floppy pickles. 1. April 20, 2022 We round up some of the weirdest laws around the world, from not allowing your chicken to cross the road or preventing your donkey from sleeping in the bath to never refusing a stranger the use of your bathroom and more. The law has been in place since 1903. In Mobile, Alabama, it is against the law to throw confetti or spray silly string. Good to know. The law applies also to trout, eels, lampreys, smelt, freshwater fish, and any other fish specified for the purpose.. This road sign is meant to remind drivers to be cautious about their speeds on an upcoming hill. Good to know. However, she must kill him with her bare hands. According to the 1986 Salmon Act, Section 32, if he handles a salmon in a suspicious manner, he will be subject to prosecution and a fine of up to 800. Exceptions are made for people in wheelchairs, participating in parades or having a medical emergency. The Hvalsey Church, a Norse ruin now is the first church for Christians built on the continent of North America. So, as long as youre gifting the pizza to someone and its paid in full, it should be fine. 5. Law or not, that's a pretty good rule of thumb to follow.
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