[130] Many Rodnovers espouse socio-political views akin to those of the French Nouvelle Droite,[145] and many of them in Russia have come close to the ideas of Eurasianism. [410] A high proportion were also involved in specialist professions such as engineering, academia, or information technology, and the majority lived in cities. [347], There are branches of Rodnovery striving to reconstruct not a pan-Slavic religion, but the specific religions of the early Balto-Slavic or Slavic tribes. [269] He claimed that in 1934 he underwent a spiritual revelation atop Mount Grekhit in the Carpathian Mountains. Ruling over the Slavic pantheon was Perun, the god of thunder and lightning, associated with fire and mountains and more. [253] A questionnaire distributed at the Kupala festival in Maloyaroslavets suggested that Rodnovers typically had above-average levels of education, with a substantial portion working as business owners or managers. [181] Aitamurto observed that early Russian Rodnovery was characterised by "imaginative and exaggerated" narratives about history. Later, Avdeyev abandoned Eurasian ideas and came to racial doctrine. [411], Marlne Laruelle similarly noted that Rodnovery in Russia has spread mostly among the young people and the cultivated middle classes, that portion of Russian society interested in the post-Soviet revival of faith but turned off by Orthodox Christianity, "which is very institutionalized" and "out of tune with the modern world", and "is not appealing [to these people] because it expects its faithful to comply with normative beliefs without room for interpretation". Slavic Pagan Symbol - Etsy He wrote that the Yarilo-Sun would soon burn the most sensitive to increased ultraviolet radiation, to which he attributed primarily the Jews. [206], Christianity is denounced as an anthropocentric theology which distorts the role of mankind in the cosmos by claiming that God could have been incarnated as a single historical entity (Jesus), at the same time creating hierarchical and centralised powers that throughout history defended the rich, legitimised slave mentality,[207] and promoted humile behaviour, antithetical to the Rodnover ethical emphasis on courage and fighting spirit,[208] and to the theological emphasis on the ontological freedom of living beings. Avdeyev connected the future with the establishment of a "supranational, continental, planetary worldview", which should be helped by a "national prophet". [418], In the global Ukrainian diaspora, there has been a "great decline" in the numbers practising the Native Ukrainian National Faith branch of Rodnovery. The movement promotes traditional Russian healing methods, psychoanalysis and martial arts. [440], The leader since 2007 is Richard Bigl (Khotebud), and the organisation is today devoted to the celebration of annual holidays and individual rites of passage, to the restoration of sacred sites associated with Slavic deities, and to the dissemination of knowledge about Slavic spirituality in Czech society. [61] From Ukraine, the term began to spread throughout other Slavic countries. [435] Simpson observed that in the country, Rodnovers were "still relatively young",[436] and saw an overlap with the community of historical re-enactors. Rod is often depicted as a man, holding a fish, wheel, flowers and wearing a linen belt which moves in the wind. are often symbols used in folklore, and Slavic folklore is no different. The Svarozhich, then, is the heavenly fire from which the gods were forged. The Sventovit symbol is one of protection for pregnant women, and wearing it is said to encourage the birth of healthy children. [364] Today, there are at least four Sylenkoite churches: the Association of Sons and Daughters of Ukraine of the Native Ukrainian National Faith (OSIDU RUNVira), the Association of Sons and Daughters of the Native Ukrainian National Faith (OSID RUNVira), Volodymyr Chornyi's western branch of OSIDU RUNVira centred in Lviv, and the more independent Union of the Native Ukrainian Faith (SRUV). [349] Koliada Viatichey refutes any non-Slavic influence in their religion, including the label "Vedic" and Vedic literature, influences from Eastern religions, influences from Roerichism and esotericism, and also the Book of Veles. [171] A number of young adherents of the Slavic Native Faith have been detained on terrorism charges in Russia;[166] between 2008 and 2009, teenaged Rodnovers forming a group called the Slavic Separatists conducted at least ten murders and planted bombs across Moscow targeting Muslims and non-ethnic Russians. This belief often manifests itself in forms of nationalism, opposition to miscegenation and the belief that fundamental differences exist between racial groups. Rodnover ethical thinking emphasises the good of the collective over the rights of the individual. Tolkien. [9], According to Schnirelmann, it was the Soviet Union's official scientific atheism, which severely weakened the infrastructure of universalist religions, combined with anti-Westernism and the research of intellectuals into an ancient "Vedic" religion of Russia, that paved the way for the rise of Rodnovery and other modern Paganisms in Eastern Europe. Slavic Symbols - Etsy Boris Rybakov emphasised the continuity and complexification of Slavic religion through the centuries. [183] However, Aitamurto and Gaidukov later noted that the most imaginative narratives were typical of the 1980s, and that more realistic narratives were gaining ground in the twenty-first century. [31], A different perspective is offered by the historian Svetlana M. Chervonnaya, who has seen the return to folk beliefs among Slavs as part of a broader phenomenon that is happening to "the mass religious mind" not merely of Slavic or Eastern European peoples, but to peoples all over Asia, and that expresses itself in new mythologemes endorsed by national elites. [87] Rod is the all-pervading, omnipresent spiritual "life force", which also gives life to any community of related entities; its negative form, urod, means anything that is wrenched, deformed, degenerated, monstrous, anything that is "outside" the spiritual community of Rod and bereft of its virtues. [148] Aitamurto suggested that Russian Rodnovers' conceptions of nationalism encompass three main themes: that "the Russian or Slavic people are a distinct group", that they "haveor their heritage hassome superior qualities", and that "this unique heritage or the existence of this ethnic group is now threatened, and, therefore, it is of vital importance to fight for it". [193] Some Rodnovers consider the Slavs to have a messianic role in human history and eschatology, for instance believing that Ukraine and Russia will be the world's future geopolitical centre, or the cradle of a new civilisation which will survive the demise of the Western world. [76] According to Demetria K. Green of the Johns Hopkins University, Rodnovery is strictly intertwined with the development of East Slavic languages, and especially of Russian language, which preserved embedded in themselves ideas and terminology of ancient Slavic religion over the centuries facilitating its revival in the modern era. [126] In this way they argue that Russian Orthodoxy is distinct from other forms of Christianity,[106] and seek to portray it as the "younger brother" of Slavic Native Faith. [186] It is probable that the Book of Veles was a literary composition produced by Mirolyubov himself. [227] The swastika (or kolovrat, as the eight-spoked wheel is called in Rodnovery) is considered the main symbol for mystical ascension to the divine world. [431] Some Bulgarian Rodnovers identify themselves as the descendants of the Turkic Bulgars and therefore lean towards the Central Asian shamanic type of Rodnovery, influenced by the ancient Turko-Mongolian religion; they are incorporated as the Tangra Warriors Movement (Bulgarian: " "). The word Koliada is derived from the Slavic word for wheel or cycle. Over time, however, tribes were consolidated and, not long after, most converted to Christianity. [104], Pantheons of deities are not unified among practitioners of Slavic Native Faith. [374] In his writings, Megre identifies the ideal society which the Anastasians aim at establishing, based on its spiritual ideas, as an ancient Slavic and Russian "Vedism" and "Paganism", and many of his teachings are identical to those of other movements of Rodnovery. From demons of an old and scary looking witches, banes, night demons . [200], Many Rodnovers consciously and actively reject Christianity and the Abrahamic monotheisms,[201] regarded as destructive forces which erode organic communities,[16] with Christianity being perceived as a foreign entity within Slavic culture. The Ynglist Church too was formally established in the early 1990s, and it is considered one of the most sectarian and authoritarian denominations of Rodnovery. The movement is based on the teachings of the Russian Veda, considered an expression of Slavic paganism, Russian cosmism and psychoanalysis. [55] The term is adapted from Slavic forms, and variations of it are used in different Slavic languages: for instance, in Ukrainian it is Ridnovirstvo or Ridnovirya, in Russian Rodnoverie, in Polish Rodzimowierstwo, and in Czech Rodnov. Slavic Mythology: Gods, Symbols & Stories - Study.com [38] In his view, the Ukrainians were the superior manifestation of the European peoples,[99] and Kiev the oldest city of the white race. [99] Sylenko was a charismatic leader, and his followers praised his talents and oratorial skills. [414] Rodnovery is also spread through a variety of newspapers and journals. Slavic Symbols & Their Meaning - Meet the Slavs [333] Rodnover themes entered the heavy metal subculture, particularly in bands like Sokyra Peruna ("Perun's Axe"), Whites Load, and Komu Vnyz ("Who Will Go Down"). [9], The earliest known usage of this term was by the Ukrainian emigree Lev Sylenko, who in 1964 established a mimeographed publication in Canada that was titled Ridna Vira ("Native Faith"). Nevertheless, according to Aitamurto, on the basis of the amount of literature that Ynglists publish and the presence of their representatives at various Rodnover conferences, is clear that Ynglism has a "substantial number of followers". [84] Similarly to the ancient Slavic religion, a common theological stance among Rodnovers is that of monism, by which the many different gods (polytheism) are seen as manifestations of the single, universal impersonal Godgenerally identified by the concept of Rod,[86] also known as Sud ("Judge") and Prabog ("Pre-God", "First God") among South Slavs. Kupala night is still celebrated in many Northern European countries on the summer solstice, as the Pagan Slavic tradition was assimilated into early Christian rituals. Sources that Rodnovers rely upon include valued scholars like Vladimir Dal and Boris Rybakov. [439] The first Pagan groups to emerge in the Czech Republic in the 1990s were oriented towards Germanic Heathenry and Celtic Druidry,[317] while modern Slavic Rodnovery began to develop around 19951996 with the foundation of two groups, the National Front of the Castists and Radho, which in 2000 were merged to form the Commonwealth of Native Faith (Spoleenstv Rodn Vra). [29], Some Rodnovers do not acknowledge this practice of syncretism and instead profess an explicitly anti-syncretic attitude, emphasising the need to retain the "purity" of the religion and thus maintain its "authenticity". Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Mokosh is associated with destiny and fate, particularly the destiny of women. Vedic ta, "Right"), was usurped by the Christians. [136], There is no evidence that the early Slavs ever conceived of themselves as a unified ethno-cultural group. [59] It has deep senses related to its Slavic etymology, that would be lost through translation, which express the central concepts of the Slavic Native Faith. [5] The movement has no overarching structure,[6] or accepted religious authority,[7] and contains much diversity in terms of belief and practice. It is a symbol, also, of protection. Stribog translates to mean wealth spreader, and he was said to connect the earth to the heavens. [119] Although some Rodnovers aspire to paradise, they argue that retribution is not deferred to a transcendent future but realised in the here and now; since gods manifest themselves as the natural phenomena, and in people as lineage descendants, Rodnovers believe that actions and their outcomes unfold and are to be dealt with in the present world. [274] the term Zadruga refers to a South Slavic tribal unit. [262] This was accompanied by a growth in nationalism across Europe, as intellectuals began to assert their own national heritage. Nevertheless, Laruelle says that the most politicised right-wing groups are the most popularly known, since they are more vocal in spreading their ideas through the media, organise anti-Christian campaigns, and even engage in violent actions. Scandinavian Symbols And Culture Black Color Set Solid Style Image. There are, otherwise, Rodnover groups that intertwine with forms of religion and spirituality which are not immediately related to the Slavic Native Faith (this is the case of Ivanovism, Roerichism and Anastasianism). [284] Sylenko presented himself as a prophet of Dazhbog who had been sent to the Ukrainian people. In the 1960s, the renewal of militant atheism under Nikita Khrushchev also presupposed a recovering of pre-Christian and pre-Islamic traditions. [360] In 2009, on the occasion of a conference specifically dedicated to the subject held at the Moscow State University, the philosopher Alexander Dugin praised the renewal of Scythian culture as an inspiration that will be beneficial to all descendants of Indo-European peoples and to the whole world. Triskele. [26] Tengrist-influenced Rodnovery is practised by Bulgarian groups who identify as descendants of the ancient Turkic Bulgars. [92] Many Rodnovers believe in casteism, the idea that people are born to fulfill a precise role and business in society; the Hindu varna system with its three castes priests, warriors and peasants-merchants is taken as a model, although in Rodnovery it is conceived as an open system rather than a hereditary one. "shaman", or "mage") and zhrets ("sacrificers"). [397] The movement abhors moral decay, while emphasising discipline and conservative values, and even though Belov's early works do not have a radical right-wing posture, many adherents espouse such position. [333] This attitude generated some mutual hostility between academics and practitioners of Rodnovery, rendering subsequent scholarly fieldwork more difficult. [18], Schnirelmann has stated that Rodnovery does not actually constitute the "restoration of any pre-Christian religion as such". Animal Symbolism in Slavic cultures: Wolf, Bear, Fox and Hare withershins, leftwise) in those rituals dedicated to the gods of Nav (underworld). The wheel equally symbolizes the power of life and knowledge. Adherents of Rodnovery usually meet in groups in order to perform religious ceremonies. Equally important to the Slavic mythology was the worship of ancestors, though the tribes did not keep ancestral records. [315] Another Polish Rodnover group under the leadership of Lech Emfazy Stefaski registered by the state in 1995 is the Native Polish Church (Rodzimy Koci Polski), which represents a tradition that goes back to Wadysaw Koodziej's Holy Circle of the Worshippers of Svetovid. It was believed that dead ancestors existed within the same spiritual plane as the Slavic deities. Chernobog translates literally to black god. Slavic religion dealt often in duality, meaning that the black god would oppose, or perhaps compliment, the white god (Belobog). . An insight into Slavic mythology: How to spot a Slavic witch? [214] The Russian Orthodox Church has expressed concern for the growth and spread of Rodnovery across Russia on various occasions. [191], Rodnovery has a "cyclical-linear model of time", in which the cyclical and the linear morphologies do not exclude each other, but complement each other and stimulate eschatological sentiments. Slavic Traditions & Mythology: Cvetkovi, Stefan: 9798735699057: Amazon Many Rodnover groups organise formal ceremonies of renunciation of Christianity (raskrestitsia, literally "de-Christianisation"), and initiation into Rodnovery with the adoption of a Slavic name. [70], Some Slovenian practitioners use the Slovenian language term ajd, which is a loan-word of the Germanic-language heathen. He is the guardian of good weather. Morok, which translates literally as darkness in modern Russian, is the Slavic god of ignorance, error, deceit and lies. [271] Together with a narrow circle of believers, Belov also experiments with an "inner energy" style of fighting based on folk magic. In 2014, the Russian government officially registered the Union of Slavic Native Belief Communities as an interregional public organisation for the promotion of Slavic culture. [301] That same year, a group called Ancestral Fire of the Native Orthodox Faith was established; in contrast to the anti-Russian slant taken by Sylenkoism, it embraced a pan-Slavic perspective. Meanwhile, literary writings of important figures of village prose (derevenshchiki) promoted Paganism, including Petr Proskurin (19282001) and Yury Kuznetsov (19412003). [70] In adopting such a conservative stance to sexual ethics, practitioners of Rodnovery can adopt misogynistic and homophobic attitudes. [220] Laruelle has observed that most Rodnover groups emphasise the exoteric aspect of the religion, organising large communal, popular celebrations, and spreading exoteric knowledge open to all. [129] Schnirelmann observed that Rodnovers' calls for social justice tend to apply only to their own ethnic community. [321] Conflicts emerged around the interpretation of ancient Slavic religion: The Kin of Yarovit focused on Indo-European religion and its social trifunctionalism, the Kin of Mokosh focused on Neolithic Europe's mother goddess worship, while groups which emerged later, such as the "Kin of Veles", had no focus. [8] Sometimes, the meaning of the word is left deliberately obscure among Rodnovers, allowing for a variety of different interpretations. [166] Rodnovers of the settlement of Pravovedi in Kolomna, Moscow Oblast, reject the very idea of "nation" and yet conceive peoples as "spirits" manifesting themselves according to the law of genealogy, the law of the kin. [111] Despite the animosity that existed between these rival Ukrainian groups, there was some collaboration between them. Wiccan Symbols & Meaning | What are Pagan Religious Symbols? - Video [131] Rodnovers therefore reinforce traditional values in Slavic countries rather than being countercultural, presenting themselves as a stabilising and responsible social force. Only the new people, the sun-worshippers, will be able to survive. Polytheism is accepted for its ability to "account for the complexity of the world with its multiple good and evil forces", and particularly emphasised is the popular Russian belief in the great goddess of the Earth (Mokosh or Mat Syra Zemlya). Air. The scholar of religion Scott Simpson has stated that Slavic Native Faith is "fundamentally concerned with questions of community and ethnic identity",[141] while the folklorist Nemanja Radulovic has described adherents of the movement as placing "great emphasis on their national or regional identity". [51], The Anglicised term "Rodnovery", and its adjective "Rodnover(s)", have gained widespread usage in English and have been given an entry in the second edition (2019) of the academic Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation. Meryan Rodnovers also rely upon the uninterrupted traditions of the Mari Native Faith; on 27 September 2015, they organised a joint Mari-Merya prayer in the Moscow region. Some strains of Rodnovery have become close supporters and components of Eurasianism, the dominant ideology of the Russian central state under Vladimir Putin, whose most prominent contemporary theorist is the philosopher Alexander Dugin. Add to Favorites 31 Slavic Beings of Myth & Magic, an Illustrated Folklore Book by Alex Kujawa - Slavic mythology and folklore, now in COLOR! [392] The locution "Slavic hill" refers to the kurgan, warrior mound burials of the PonticCaspian steppe. Kupalo is the Slavic god of the summer solstice. [194], Although their understanding of the past is typically rooted in spiritual conviction rather than in arguments that would be acceptable within the academia, in which their historiosophy is often regarded as pseudohistorical, many Rodnovers seek to promote their beliefs about the past among academics. Long before Russia adopted Christianity in the 10th century, folk tales, songs and rituals existed as an established art form. [61] By the early 2000s, the term was widespread across Slavic countries. He is a symbol of protection for sailors. [122], Rodnovers value individual responsibility as the cornerstone for the further maturation of humanity, equating the conversion to Rodnovery with such maturation. The symbol of Rod is a circle containing a rose with six petals reaching out towards the edges. [428] There are groups which focus on the traditions of the Kriviches, an early East Slavic tribe, and mix Slavic and Baltic practices. From one witch to another. [353], Scythian Assianism (Russian: ) is essentially a type of Scythian Rodnovery which emulates the Ossetian Folk Religion. [193] The Rodnover movement claims to represent the return to a "Golden Age", while the modern world is seen as having entered a stage of meaninglessness and collapse; Rodnovery heralds the re-establishment of the cosmic order, which cyclically dies but then revives in its original form, either by returning to the lifestyle and life-meaning attitudes of the ancestors (retro-utopia), or by radically restructuring the existing world order on the principles of a renewed primordial tradition (archeofuturism). [199] One of the native faith leaders, Dobrovolsky (Dobroslav), like Hitler, was proud of his lack of higher education and believed that "education cripples a person. [167], The scholar Dmitry V. Shlyapentokh noted that it is the Russian right-wing in general to have identified itself with Paganism, due to the peculiar political climate of benevolence and cooperation with Jews and Muslims of the contemporary Russian government and Orthodox Church. It is believed that, for this reason, Veles symbol has stylized horns. This was changed with the promulgation of a law "on freedom of conscience and religious organisation", backed by three deputies professing Rodnovery, whose members organised the pro-Russian Svarozhich Battalion (of the Vostok Brigade) and the Rusich Company. [55] The suffix "-ism" is usually avoided in favour of others that describe the religion as if it were a practice or craft (which is the meaning of the Ukrainian and Russian suffix -stvo, thus translatable with the English suffix "-ery, -ry"). Rodnovery draws upon surviving historical and archaeological sources and folk religion, often integrating them with non-Slavic sources such as Hinduism (because they are believed to come from the same Proto-Indo-European source). Such idea that Russians may derive, at least in part, from Scythians is popular in many Rodnover circles. [234] Some Rodnover groups incorporate practices which are not Slavic in origin. [139] Aitamurto observed that the different wings of the Rodnover movement "attract different kinds of people approaching the religion from quite diverging points of departure". Perun - The Slavic god of thunder and war Probably the most famous Slavic deity, Perun is the chief deity in most Slavic pantheons. Slavic mythology has its roots in the human Neolithic Period, when various tribes of Slavic people, geographically designated as North, South, East, and West, worshiped pagan deities according to . The Slavic Native Faith, commonly known as Rodnoverie and sometimes as Slavic Neopaganism, is a modern Pagan religion.Classified as a new religious movement, its practitioners hearken back to the historical belief systems of the Slavic peoples of Central and Eastern Europe, though the movement is inclusive of external influences and hosts a variety of currents. The Slavs believed in three planes of existence: the heavens, governed by Perun, Dazhbog, Mokosh and Lada, symbolized by the sun and the moon; the earthly plane, occupied by humanity; and the underworld, symbolized by snakes and darkness, ruled over by Veles. [135] Aitamurto and Gaidukov noted that it would be "difficult to imagine that any Rodnover community would accept members who are openly homosexual". In the Slavic mythology, Viy (or Bog Viy) is the guardian of the Heavenly Border, which separates the Light Halls the spiritual world inhabited by the gods and dead souls from the Dark Halls populated by demons and evil spirits. [352], Various organisations have been established in the late 2000s and 2010s, including Merjamaa and Merya Mir ( , "Merya World"). Witchcraft Symbols: 20+ Symbols Including the - Otherworldly Oracle Yes, our ancestors believed in these things but we should not any longer", as polytheism is regarded as obsolete within the religion. [331] From the mid-2000s, Rodnovers made increasing use of social media to communicate with other members of their community. [248] In Rodnovery, the priestly staff represents the axis mundi, the world tree, the invisible "pillar of strength", of the spiritual power of creation, and it is considered the vessel of one of the two parts of the soul of the volkhv or the representation of their own self. Neo-Paganism and the Aryan Myth in Contemporary Russia", "Russo-centrism as an ideological project of Belarusian identity", "Glory to Dazhboh (Sun-god) or to All Native Gods? Other Slavic kingdoms took more liberties with color choices. [273], In Poland, Jan Stachniuk (19051963) established the Zadruga magazine in 1937, which gave rise to the movement of Zadrugism. The movement also rejects extreme right-wing and anti-Semitic ideas. [279], Wadysaw Koodziej (18971978) later claimed to have established, before the Second World War, the Holy Circle of the Worshippers of Svetovid (wite Koo Czcicieli wiatowida), although there is no evidence that they conducted regular meetings until many years later. Russians in Estonia have established their own religious organisation, the Fellowship of the Russian People's Faith in Estonia registered in Tartu in 2010. For this reason, the symbol represents wealth. As of 2013, Rodnover groups in Bulgaria were described as having few members and little influence. He is associated with herders and cattle farmers. Speransky has adopted the concept of Darna from Lithuanian Romuva, explaining it as ordered life "in accordance with the Earth and with the ancestors". In Christianity wolf was associated with evil spirits but still most of these . [97], When emphasising this monism, Rodnovers may define themselves as rodnianin, "believers in God" (or "in nativity", "in genuinity"). Viking Weapon Design Elements For Heraldic Logo. [423], Rodnover groups are also active in Belarus,[424] though the movement emerged in the country only in the 1990s, much later than in Russia and Ukraine. [366], Yagnovery (Ukrainian: ), Ladovery (), and Orantism () are other branches of Rodnovery that have their focus in Ukraine. [190] In claiming an Aryan ancestry, Rodnovers legitimise their cultural borrowing from other ethno-cultural groups whom they claim are also Aryan descendants, such as the Germanic peoples or those of the Indian subcontinent. [229] Circle-dances may be clockwise (posolon, i.e. [350] Yet, they espouse Russian nationalism, ancestrality and ecology, and oppose Christianity (but not folk Orthodoxy, which is regarded as a continuation of Russian indigenous religion) and the Western "technocratic civilisation". Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods at the best online prices at eBay! [378], Bazhovism () originated as a branch of the Roerichian movement and is centred in the Ural region of Russia, where Arkaim, in Chelyabinsk Oblast, is regarded by the Bazhovites as the world's spiritual centre. [388] The scholar Elena Golovneva described Ynglist ideas as "far from being marginal" within Russian Rodnovery. The movement has its headquarters in eastern Ukraine,[377] the region of origin of Ivanov himself, and it is widespread in Russia. The future, in his opinion, belongs to the Eurasian association of peoples, based on the common "Aryan doctrine". Nemiza is the Slavic god of death, in that he or she would cut the thread of life. The god was depicted, at different times, as both male and female. [340] There are often tensions between nondenominational Rodnovers and followers of well-defined doctrines; it is the case of the doctrine of Ynglism, which is not recognised as true Slavic Native Faith by the major Rodnover organisations of Russia,[342] and of Yagnovery, Ladovery and Sylenkoism, which some Rodnovers opine not to be classifiable as branches of Slavic Native Faith. [79] Many Rodnovers straightforwardly reject the designator "paganism", whether "neo-", "modern", "contemporary" or without prefixes and further qualificators, asserting that these are "poorly defined" concepts whose use by scholars leads to a situation in which Rodnovery is lumped together with "all kinds of cults and religions" which have nothing to do with it.
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