"Everyday we have so many new goals and so many new challenges and so many new avenues we keep embarking on. SM: When we worked for Lakhany Mills there was only one collection a year and we got paid for it. Sometimes you need to take a detour even when the goalpost is within your sight. The House of Sana Safinaz has been her home away from home. I love her more than anything in the world, says Sehr with emotions twinkling in her eyes. Indeed, to have a daughter as loving and as strong as Sehr, it takes a devoted mother and exceptional parenting. Having said this, you have to be hands on if you want a successful business. The fine-line comes when the design is copyrighted or if you use the design of a living artist. As far as her Miracle Moment is concerned, it was during her Masters degree when she was one of the 15 students who were chosen to showcase their thesis project to a wide audience at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Apparel collections include but are not limited to Pret, Diffusion and Bridal Couture lines. Fashion fades, only style remains the same. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Being human, she obviously gets tired and drained out. According to an American-business magazine' Forbes, ' 2020 he is 7th richest Pakistani with a net worth of 1.5 billion US dollars. [7] I dont even have words for how good they are. The coronavirus test report of Sana Hashmi and her family members is negative. On 21 November 2020, she got married to the Surat based Maulana Mufti Anas Sayied a few months . When youre unhappy, put on a nice big smile, tell yourself Im happy and your physiology changes your psychology., The dynamic Salina is a proponent of work-life balance. When youre younger, little things seem big. I will miss the fashion week and it will not be the end of the world. Mehr gives maximum time to her children while they are up but after their bedtime its all about self-love. Sana and Safinaz are the most non-political and pleasant people in the field. I still remember the first few luxury collections that swept the nations women away and caused major hysteria at exhibitions and sales. Sana Safinaz Lawn Collection 2014 - 'A Combination of Two Designers' August 22, 2022; 0 Comments; Sana Hashwani and Safinaz Mureen. The statement came a day after . Education matters. However, the company was nationalised in 1973. The field comprised of only a handful of women at that time. Her weekends were taken up by jewelry and allocating enough time to it was challenging. Linked companies : Jubilee General Insurance Company Limited - Landmark Spinning Industries Limited. Sana Khan with Melvin Louis. I am what I tell myself I am, so whenever theres a struggle I repeat to myself: I am a strong independent woman, I can do this, I am enough, she says when explaining her mantra of success. Sana has managed to sail through, learn a lot and its been an amazing journey so far. After that we decided that we are going to do lawn on our own. We never think ahead of ourselves; we take one step a time. Here one has to nurture and build teams which understand the brand. We started when the industry was at zero. However, she is quick in dealing with them. SH: It made us a household name. The answer for them too might lie in starting the day with yoga to inhale confidence and exhale weaknesses. Mohsin (Ali Tawasuli) is the person who passes stuff for us. It was that low moment in her life when she stumbled upon yoga and her life completely changed. With experience, they have learnt how to deal with people, customers, and compensations. Until recently, we were completely hands-on and did everything ourselves, but we have realised this will not work anymore. Previous Post Ali Xeeshan @thuglife No. Simple things work., Living in Karachi, were all aware of city conditions and how calm can turn into chaos in a matter of minutes. SM: In retrospect I think that had we had business degrees we would have been savvier, although our baby steps toward the bigger picture worked for us. So, if I was racist, the impact is massive. [1] In 2014, they celebrated their Silver Jubilee on completion of 25 years of their retailing history. A: At what stage did the realisation come that SANA SAFINAZ was going places as a brand? Lawn Royals: Sana and Safinaz. Why would a young girl like Sasha or Zuwair (Safinaz and Sanas young daughters) trust a 50-year-old? Tomorrow is my daughters 7th birthday and the first day of a fashion week. I used to be on a call every other night, so Id leave home at 5 am and Id come home the next day at about 2-3 pm. Retail is a very tough business and it will take a long time to become solid. Mehr realized that mistakes happen, and that they didnt have to be as hard on themselves as they were. ", Sana says, "I am just excited by the whole thing. SM: We only cater to our clients. But with Paperazzi they changed their pace completely. Theres a lot of competition in the market for bridal wear and everyone is doing a really good job; that client now has got 10 people she can go to. Now, Paperazzi is on its 160th issue and the pressure is on. We were two recently married society girls and people sort of felt sorry for us because we worked. With prt, Shamoon (Sultan) has created millions of jobs, and with more and more companies following the trend, a massive amount of employment has been generated. I miss you.. ", "Plus, we encourage young designers," Sana adds on. He is also Chairman at Karachi Cotton Association and on the board of 11 other companies. A textile designer by qualification and having the experience of working with some of the top fashion houses in Pakistan, Seveen is currently a permanent faculty member at Indus Valley School, Karachi. Sana Safinaz Owner Coronavirus Infection Rumors are Completely Wrong. After Shaguftas children got older, she switched back to a full time job. "Maybe cosmetics, different things from our retail points of view because now we have a network that allows us to do more. Pakistan barely has any trade schools or any sort of government support, and despite that, we see so many pioneers emerging. Let me explain. It has become her family and where she draws her strength from. She convinced her family to put marriage on the backseat temporarily while she studied to become a Chartered Accountant. They are starting to believe in our brand. She was considering getting a Masters degree but decided to test the waters out here in Pakistan. In May 2011 in a press conference, he expressed his support for Pakistan and its institutions, particularly military and expressed confidence in the abilities of Pakistanis. Sana Safinaz is part of SSFR (PVT.) You have entered an incorrect email address! A: How did you start? Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them. Sanas fashion sense speaks for itself, having been in the industry for the past 25 years, she has dedicated time toher studio working tirelessly to create the perfect piece of attire. Hard work, focus and determination; if you have these 3 things you wont be less than anyone else.Shagufta Hassans two elder siblings were the studious ones while she was amongst the younger ones who never wanted to study. You dont have to be glued to your kids the entire day. Im constantly evolving. Hashwani studied at the University of Karachi and in 1960 founded the Hassan Ali Company along with his brother AHSAN IQBAL YOUSUFZAI. In 2021, "Mahay" collection, broke all records ever made in fashion industry with ever highest sales worldwide. The duo is all set to launch its first Muzlin collection of the year and their ubiquitous luxury lawn is right around the corner too. There are times when you will have to choose between motherhood and work. She is one of the top make-up artists in town and it is not surprising why! Mehrs mother is her best friend. She had just begun her career when her baby started falling ill very frequently. Today, almost 30 years on, the brand is still defined as a trailblazer for upcoming brands and has become one of the . At 8 p.m. just before I put my boys to bed, I have a slight silent nervous breakdown, she laughs, and giving the due time to my work and to my children is probably the toughest thing for me. A: So it is contained? Hobby for privileged class with millions of important contacts. I was still in the last year of training and right after 10 days of my delivery I had to be back at work. The leaps are huge as compared to say 15 years ago in terms of the freedom women enjoy and it is time they embraced it and defied the gender moulds. Everyone has old and immunity compromised family members. A: Twenty-five years ago, did you have a vision of how SANA SAFINAZ would play out? We have done some of the biggest homes in Pakistan. When I did it, that moment gave me power and courage. A lot of what Salina has, she owes it to her mother and thanks her for all the guidance. That recognition of the importance of evolution, to move on; Sana and Safinaz are cognizant of the fact that change is good and that makes their brand just as relevant, today, as it was two decades ago. The ministry set trade schools in the right areas, where eager girls would come to learn. SH: The growth is so tremendous, you cant think about any other business. We have invested heavily in our brand and we have to think where the brand will be when we are not there. We can generate our own electricity, our own water, youre not particularly supported as small businesses, all of us are floundering and working out how to do things for ourselves. Other countries have a proper structure, they have unions and councils. "Our finger is always on the buzzer," says Safinaz. People dont understand the value of time; they stumble to their 11 am meetings at 1. Salih Kalangan Umat Dunia. Good work. If we are careless as an industry, the impact is huge. SM: You have to keep on tweaking the model because it is not a science that has been worked out in Pakistan. We outgrew them. LIMITED. On and off, I do question why dont I just relax and take it easy but soon enough I realise how lucky I am to have the opportunity of doing all that I am doing. I am a mother of twins and with that I am working with my mother in law, helping her in her business as one of the most prestigious fashion designer houses in Pakistan. Somewhere between her studies, family, and career she lost sight of herself. SM: With bridals and light evening wear. This week, our Ponds Miracle Women mentor is Sana Hashwani, the co-owner of the high end fashion empire Sana Safinaz. Every Monday morning, I feel I cant go on anymore. But Mehr manages to pull through every time and the cycle continues. In fact she entered this field because of her own skin troubles. What part of your business excites you the most? We have just entered the prt field and it is a tremendous challenge. Correct me if I am wrong. Both of the hotels were converted into Marriott brand in 1990s. How much is enough, I wonder, as Sana Safinaz continue talking about their endless reservoir of ideas. 30 (2019) Area served. A: How much are you affected by the small players who copy your designs? But it is also crucial to not forget your roles as a parent, as a daughter and as a partner in your efforts to achieve your goal. I dont ever want to disappoint them, explains Sehr when talking about her ambitions. There were fights, logistical problems, and breakdowns but they always kept on pushing. SM: Retail is only as good as your team is. Design schools are another phenomenon; they are very good resources to find designers. The business of fashion has become tremendously exciting because its highly challenging. I am loving every bit of it at the moment, she says with contentment. While helping out others through her yoga sessions, she ensures she keeps her mind at peace too. "We are sharing Sana Hashwani's test results in order to dispel the rumours that she has Covid19. Today we own 14 shops 15 if you include our online retail this in just two and a half years; I dont think anyone has had that spurt. I do sometimes like taking my time off but for me the best thing to do is to have a nice day out with my children so we can all have a good time together. Initially, Mehr and Sameena used to get sleepless nights over every typo and missed deadline. She doesnt use her phone much and takes a break from social media. We are the only premier luxury retailer offering elegant ready-to-wear & fashion fabrics, tastefully printed and embroidered along with avant-garde silhouettes for the modern woman. According to rebel TV, Sana Hashwani's Coronavirus was discovered when her test came out positive. If youre trying to be on a level playing field with men, I think young girls need to gather themselves and have the confidence to ask for equal treatment. He is the founder and chairman of Hashoo Group, a conglomerate best known for Pearl-Continental Hotels & Resorts. Instead, she took up hourly based teaching assignments and started teaching CA students. This is what inspires us the most. This is a one-on-one business; nothing is available from a store, because the minute we open a store, the market will be flooded with copies. We were just numb; we were just doing what we were doing. To handle the business aspect, we are hiring professionals to push it forward. Every woman should have the ability to support herself if she chooses to. Being a yoga instructor, Salina believes in being emotionally aware aware of your mind, thoughts, life and destiny. Safinaz is sitting with a young Italian girl, married to a Pakistani and hence having moved to Karachi when I walk in; she's helping her understand the market dynamic so she can start her own label. Looking back at moments like these, Shagufta feels indebted to her mother for everything she did for her during this time. That is the scary bit! Sana proves that hard work and consistency pays off as long as you keep trying new things and is a motivation for women to take risks. Theyre going to trust Mohsin. The three of us sit together and we trust Mohsin because of the youth factor. . Im a makeup artist and own a salon and a photography studio. At 40, Bina Khan feels like she has achieved a little and has a long way to go.
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