Illuminati in the Music Industry takes a close look at some of today's hottest stars and decodes the secret symbols, song lyrics, and separates the facts from the fiction in this fascinating topic. Ray Daniels & Wendy Day, break down the true sacrifice in the music industry. Lady Gaga, the Super Bowl, Satanic Spirit Cooking and Child Sacrifice. Build a Team. Now, entering into the music industry is as challenging as entering other industries. The rise of the internet from the late 1990s has played a crucial role in how music is consumed globally, setting up a butterfly effect that inadvertently affects how musicians and artists are . Otis Redding is believed to have been an Illuminati sacrifice. Blood Sacrifices in Music Industry. Throughout the world many people, especially the 10-30 age range are listening to vacuous, emotionally-numbing and trance-inducing negatively-vibrational music and demonic lyrics, which at one time were uniquely present within heavy metal rock, but now seem to emanate from and be present in all genres. No matter if you want to become a music producer, engineer, artist, or a lyricist, you will have to face all these challenges to make your mark. In other words: the history of renunciation. At the beginning of your career, your team may solely consist of the people who perform with you. Music Venue Trust says grassroots venues have not fully recovered from pandemic lockdowns, and now face . As stated above, Michael Jackson would fall neatly into that particular category, as would Whitney Houston who died shortly before my writing of this article in early 2012 and as the most recent incidents tend to be the ones that are freshest in the mind, let us concentrate on that particular one. var pattern = new RegExp('(' + rules.join('|') + ')', 'ig'); Again there are many reasons for this, some of them even genuine ones, but there are also many suspicious ones, some of them extremely suspicious bordering on the blatantly obvious. People now don't pay attention to the music and lyrics they are listening to. When people are sad/upset/confused they want/have to express it. Gemtracks is a marketplace for original beats and instrumental backing tracks you can use for your own songs. But, making an impression in the music industry is not an easy task. He was present in Whitneys suite of rooms at the time of her demise and apparently appeared downstairs in the hotel lobby shortly thereafter wearing aviator-type sunglasses and ostentatiously weeping and wailing. On Tuesday, the major labels protested police brutality with a "blackout." Executives and artists say industry . Less money in band means that bands have less money to invest in new talent. Lawner founded Snctm in February 2013 after spending years throwing high-end, but not erotic, events in Bali. This way more people can enjoy our content. Hollywood studios are "drenched in the blood of innocent children" according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of "baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own." In a shocking expos, the famed movie producer has blown the whistle on the . Performance rights revenue was the fastest growing sector in the music industry, rising 9.4% to $943 million, up from $862 million in 2011. If you think the movies are voilent, dont watch them. a few years ago on the history of rock and heavy metal. The Illuminati in Hollywood: Celebrities, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies in Pop Culture and the Entertainment. Radio. 2023 is the year to enter the music industry. After that all i need is 3 or 4 showers. But, these days most people complain that getting into the music industry is not as good as it seems. is so prevalent among this group of people? When you think about Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse, to get into drugs like that, for whatever reason, is it because of the stress and bad influence? A security guard confirmed that Exel had been hanging around Whitney for a few days and was actually pictured standing behind her as she emerged from a nightclub earlier that week, looking confused and disorientated. From the heavy metal thrash groups there were some bands from Scandinavia that were really into Satanic worship and music. 'FBIOS', This man goes by the name of Raffles van Exel (a pseudonym if ever I heard one). In occult rites the number 11 is a master number as it cannot be reduced and because it exceeds the number 10 (regarded as perfection) by 1, it is also linked to black magic and bad vibrations. Audience & Fan Attention. He apparently does not respond to any emails or phone messages to his published contact points and thus very much remains the archetypal mystery man. excellent writingbravo monsieur.. Could it also be significant that Whitney Houstons room number the day that she died, was 434 which in numerology equates to 4+3+4 =11. // It has become very difficult for new and unknown artists to make a name for themselves // The vast majority of musical artists are completely unknown and have a . Recorded music industry revenue in the United States from 2009 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars) Basic Statistic. The entire music and entertainment industry is an important indoctrination tool used by and for the Elite and many musicians are introduced to Satanism and occultism. Celine Dion was extraordinarily quick in apportioning the blame for Whitneys death. A metaphor or figure of speech? Michael Brown Trayvon Martin Oscar Grant,,,,Black Race Dieing N Blood. Thus, an increase in high levels of competition is a major reason that people find it difficult to make a mark in the music industry. Major artists work with dozens of partners as they tour around the world, release singles, videos and albums, make appearances, sell merch and promote their music and shows. Most big websites do this too. Thus, it is highly important to have a consistency towards the goal you have. He now hosts sex parties full-time. At the Beverley Hilton where Whitney Houston died, in the ballroom several floors below her suite of rooms at the time of her death, there was a pre-Grammys party in full-swing. Being in the right place at the right time is absolutely important if you want to become a good musician. Are you interested in reading about 10+ FREE Sites to Convert MIDI to Music Sheets? The true story of how an 18th-century secret society came to dominate today's music industry (allegedly). Many people feel that in revenue terms, the music industry is flourishing, but in the artistic term, it is going down the hill. But, lack of good songwriters makes the industry go down the hill. Some people paint, some write or exercise or cook or garden, (or take drugs) and some people write music and sing. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. A third of the US population is paying $120 a year on music streaming. Compared to 1999, the average music consumer was under 30 and spent $28 a year. " These practices often lead to complete loss of control and it was well known to the people at the last Woodstock anniversary concert that a form of bad energy had manifested itself throughout the huge audience following many hours and days of extremely heavy, depressive and violent songs. No doubt there are stories of artists and talents who rose to fame on their own merit. Why popular female pop stars like Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Kesha . Sacrifice. Despite all the negativity and controversy surrounding the self-proclaimed antichrist superstar, the musician has tons of fans around the globe. So we have now seen how pop culture is filled with occult and masonic symbolism. Without the fan base, no industry can flourish. var rules = [ Following are some of the major reasons that make career in the music industry difficult: You may be interested in reading this article on 50+ Best Websites + Apps to Listen to Music Offline or Online too. Answer (1 of 12): He was one of the few rare souls in the music industry that told what would happen to him, he was a threat to the very existence of the Illuminati. Today, the most popular musicians, such as for example, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears are totally controlled by the occult and the music industry and Hollywood are fixated by Black . However, I also believe that many of the household-name musicians early in their careers are lured into a subtle trap baited with money and fame but then once their handlers in the recording companies completely sink their claws and teeth into them, they realise that they are caught, with no possible escape route and thus are condemned to continue with their charade for the rest of their careers, which often ends prematurely for one reason or another. Israeli parliament passes death penalty bill: The law would apply to Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI. But today, music is seldom featured in most people's daily lives. It also directly affects the course in which our society takes. Topics explained in Sacrifice: Magic Behind the Mic include: Origins of hip hop ; How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an industrial prison complex and negative messages in rap music ; The use of magical spells used in lyrics and music videos ; Demonic possession and MKULTRA mind control ; Magician Aleister Crowley and his . the content you have visited before. Work with an award-winning songwriter from Gemtracks to brew up something poetic and meaningful. You must have heard people that you need to be lucky to get success in the music world. The majority of mainstream media sources have emphasised the drugs connection ad nauseum but several, more reliable sources have revealed other details that may provide evidence for an alternative view of the situation. Professor Griff of Public Enemy exposes the $20-million club. The melody is the tune or pitch of your lyrics when you sing. Lady Gaga, who was selected to perform at the 2017 Super Bowl halftime show, has admitted to being possessed by a spirit entity that influences her music . Sexual harassment occurred mostly at music venues (45%) followed by the office (21%) or a work-related event (17%). U.S. music industry - revenue . Changing It Will Take More Than Donations. Yeah. Most musicians have a long-term goal in mind. In this interview, Aaron revealed that it was his Church that started such heavy-metal genre rock groups as Black Sabbath, The Blue Oyster Cult and many others. The next time you see an article in a music magazine, think of how few black women in the industry have the power to make executive creative decisions. This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023, Greenpeace Betrays Founders to Peddle Junk Science. It is, in short the next baby-step on the road to the complete undermining of human society and the human psyche in order to exert control over minds. - sacrifice Song is called sacrifice link n bio - Dreem!. As you'll see, there was really "dark vibrational energy" going on at that festival. Born this Way, surprise of surprises was released on the11thFebruary 2011, exactly one year to the day before Whitneys death. BLISS sat down and wrote you a few tips to help you succeed in the music industry. Some musicians are exempt from this tag, but the music industry contributes to this view generally by actually enhancing and promoting the popularity of the heaviest bands or the most emotionally depressing artists. Try to advance the skills sets and technique. The mixing engineer will apply autotune, special effects and all the industry-secret formulas to make your song sound like a major hit. '(iPhone|iPod|iPad)(?!. The eight per second frequency is also used by bass tones or bass drums or lights or all together, in a concert or live-show setting and this has the same effect upon the brain as does hypnosis. A sage passed by and touched him, and the king was cured. If they can get entertainment in five minutes, they don't look forward to attending a big musical concert. This to me is truly the music industry exposed. Sitting in the car thinking bout how imma take over the music industry this year | Dreem! and shortly before her death she allegedly passed a note to her friend, the singer, Brandy who flatly refused to reveal its contents, other than to ambiguously state thatWhitney meant everything to me. Your email address will not be published. You see a lot artists selling their soul to the Devil when they sign that contract. Less people are willing to sacrifice their life for an art like music. ), sacrifice connects but also divides. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. Since music is losing the pool of . Otis Redding. Why an aspiring rapper in Virginia shot his friend as an "Illuminati sacrifice" hoping it would help him become rich and famous. He was killed in a plane crash on December 10, 1967. by Mark Dice Paperback. A lot of robotic-transhumanistic symbolism and motifs in Hollywood and the music industry today, from Madonna and Beyonce to Queen, Lil Wayne, and Daft Punk, are rehashed elements from Fritz Lang . Mainly because, as today, the music industry then had its favourites and certain personalities including the likes of Mozart, who whilst feted as a celebrity of his time, probably did not compose much of the music attributed to him then and since. Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast, philip seymour hoffman illuminati sacrifice, How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an, Dr. Dres Illuminati power move to become raps first, The crossover into the Age of Aquarius with pop stars like. A few major points: 1) In general, the music, films, and shows produced by Hollywood are designed to corrupt and degrade the morality. It was considered cool to hangout with musicians in general. TubeBuddy. The problem with the music industry is that it has very little to do with how talented an artist is. Use Gemtracks to find a mastering engineer to put the final touches on your song. So who really is this Exel character? These days too many options for entertainment are available in the form of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Significant? Kabbalists tend to associate this number with transgression of the law, sorcery and possibly significantly, martyrdom. Thus, it becomes difficult for artists with capability to make a mark. Marilyn Manson. (dont be scared now..) I have you sweatin so hard you need 3 or 4 towels. Could it even have been part of some sick ritual or ceremony? Dallas, Texas. subscribe to endofnumbers here on youtube!also like endofnumbers on facebook He reportedly abused a 13-year-old girl multiple times . Reply . Acclaimed by critics and musicians, particularly for his work during the 1970s and for his lasting impact on the . Tonight's event is an intimate affair for 99 people and features two performances: a live threesome and a sexy fire-eating show. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gemtracks_com-portrait-1','ezslot_27',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-portrait-1-0');For more in-depth information on this subject, read our article on 20+ Best Sites to Make Music Online FREE . It begins with the Weeknd, who is dazed and confused, being brought towards a theoretical light at the end of a tunnel; while a snippet of Dawn FM 's . If you believe that the music and entertainment industry is there simply to entertain us and make money in the process for its artists, promoters and producers, please think again. The presence of occult, satanic and Illuminati/freemasonic symbolism throughout the whole entertainment industry is rife, to say the very least. Engineers in the studio will set you up and guide you through the recording process. I wanted to thank Whitney, because when I wrote Born this Way, I imagined she was singing it because I wasnt secure enough in myself to imagine I was a superstar. Thus, people who have the right passion, dedication, and resources can get easy access to the industry. But, the perception seems to die. It has been raining all morning since 3 am, which lolled me to sleep, and I woke up to the calming effect of the raindrops. What happens when you have everything? The week around November 1st is known to be the time of the year when the "veil" between this world and the "underworld" is the thinnest. But in any case we should also then ask the question as to why drug overdose and suicide (murder?) How and why the founder of BET Black Entertainment Television became the first African American billionaire. People who want to get into the music world have to attend lots of record label shows, MobFest, events, and play in different free events. I wasn't expecting something so great at such reasonable price! Whitney Houstons untimely death is strikingly similar to many other celebrity sacrifices. Music venues threatened by energy crisis as well as slow pandemic recovery, say campaigners. The Many Dangers Of Pesticides & Herbicides: A Database and List of Links. Idk where the sacrifice rhetoric is coming from . Ships from and sold by She had been discovered dead in her bath, but it is unclear exactly by whom as there were several people in her suite at that time (3.50pm local time). It is devolution of society and the art of music for the purpose of lowering the vibration of the consciousness in order to manipulate the youth of today into fulfilling the purposes of the Elite. Many, many artistes are said to be involved in this whole charade, many knowingly but nevertheless unable to escape its clutches for fear of the Michael Jackson / Whitney Houston experience befalling them and many unknowingly through subtle mind-control techniques as described previously in this book. Pop Smoke =27 was born on 20/7 and he was a span age of 20 years 7 months when he died. This works in the same vein as film and television programmes that seem to have now evolved into excessively depressing and/or violent experiences for the viewer, even for very young children who are being increasingly exposed to overt sex and violence and when those few who still actually care about such things complain or point it out they are often labelled as a prude or old-fashioned. Musicians earlier held center stage in the entertainment universe. Vinyl, HBO (2016) Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll - such was the New York City music scene in the 1960s. Major artists work with dozens of partners as they tour around the world, release singles, videos and albums, make appearances, sell merch and promote their music and shows. It took over her love and motherhood. It is a fact that the human brain thinks at a rate of approximately eight thoughts per second and that the eyes see 20 to 30 separate actions per second, but the brain only uses eight of these to send to the conscious mind. But if you wish to direct your life towards a professional music career, you must be ready for tremendous sacrifices. At the . In addition to this, they always remained in the news and part of all conversations. The vast majority of pre-1950s music calibrates in our consciousness as positive and positive consciousness in turn creates high levels of confidence and a healthy self-esteem. According to this man, it was the bathtub that was overflowing but he noticed that a large-screen television had also been smashed. The number of examples of the satanic nature of the entertainment business is truly staggering and so we will concentrate on a few specific examples and events, but please bear in mind that this is only the tiniest sliver of ice on top of the very tip of an extremely large iceberg. Gaga had close links to the fashion designer, Alexander MacQueen who was strongly involved with the occult and mind control and who himself died on the11thFebruary 2010, exactly two years to the day before Houston. In this she is not alone, by far the vast majority of the mainstream music industry is also under their deceptive spell. THE MUSIC INDUSTRY'S BIGGEST LIE EXPOSEDSubscribe for more videos! Take this body to the project for a sacrifice. One of the biggest factors that can help you to make a mark is to enter the industry with a clear set of mind. X spoke too much about it in his songs, never camouflaging for anyone but instead to educate the masses that followed him. I had the honor of . The rock music of today is several magnitudes darker and more depressing than Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and other well-known devil-rockers of past decades and at the time these bands were considered the very epitome of evil by the deeply religious. In charge of music for the 5 pm mass, retreats, and nights of worship. If we then add in a mix of illegal drugs and fake (or even real) sacrificial blood, create a circle with a pentagram using the stage lights and positions of the musicians within it, place large speakers in strategic positions for 13 separate points of origin of musical sound, altogether this constitutes a bona fide Black Mass replete with sacred geometry. Also, at 2.30am during the night immediately preceding Whitneys death, a man in a 3rdfloor room immediately beneath her suite complained that water was cascading into his room from above. These days many stories come up where you may find singers have to hold a day job so that they can keep their lives together and they can work on their music. Still think Hollywood-Music Industry-Washington DC Govt-Military brass-political elites are just crazy liberals with wrong beliefs? I'm very satisfied! They choose which ones we think consciously about and which are just subconsciously absorbed as programming. Lady Gaga is in fact a fake persona, a manufactured Illuminati puppet, created to unduly influence the impressionable youth of today and to indoctrinate them into the insidious ways of the Elite. There is also an occult/numerology connection to Houstons death, in this case a connection with the number 11.
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