No one understood Damians secret emotional struggles more than Jon. Superman grants Raven's wish when he and John Constantine decide to seek Damian's help, despite knowing that Damian blames him for the failed attack on Apokolipis and Darkseids conquest of Earth. Part 4 of Supermari May. Placing her around his shoulder and holding her, Robin helps Raven walk inside the prison, a kind gesture that makes her smile. Rachel's own feelings for Damian had her turn his offer down so she can keep Trigon from hurting him through her. did chimney and maddie break up; san diego housing authority jon protects damian fanfiction. Hawkmoth is defeated. Yet Damian encourages Jon to go even bigger than he already has. it is so weird- does no one else see this? Will Damian Wayne's advice lead to bigger and better things for Jon Kent? Though weary, Raven claims to have gotten enough. But the moons silver light illuminating Damians gorgeous brown skin took Jons breath away as he thought the older teen couldnt have been more beautiful than he was at that moment. Completed damianxjon jonkent batman +15 more # 5 Memories-Omnibus by DC_FAN 3.4K 100 75 This is the collected edition of 'Meant to be More Then This' and 'Shattered Memories'. After Trigons defeat, Raven contemplates staying in his dimension in order to ensure he does not escape from the new prison she has placed him in. "Nope." The 18-year-old Damian is only interested in patrolling and getting stronger to one day fulfill Batman's legacy. He was going to be Damians boyfriend. Its probably the exhaustion messing with my brain, we did just get off on a very long world-saving mission, Why? Damian asked again, his voice the quietest Jon had ever heard. jon protects damian fanfiction Shares: 146. damian wayne loses his memory fanfiction Affordable auto transport rates Menu what happened to skittles crazy cores. After Flash makes the flashpoint at the end of Apokolips War, DamiRae fans are hoping that the two will still end up together in the new altered timeline. Despite this, he later broke his promise out of grief, and though he succeeding in resurrecting Nightwing, he was left in a feral state and had to be caged up, much to Damians despair. During the meeting Trigon, who is still trapped in Ravens forehead-crystal, once again attempts to break free which causes Raven some mental pain. Trigon knows that if Damian, the person Raven loves more than anything, were to perish then Raven will be mentally broken thus allowing himself to escape from his prison. Now, they are basically joined at the hip as what Superman would always say. Reluctantly deciding to hear Superman out, Damian decides to spare his life, for the time being. At least until Bru. Come Join Us over at Birdwatchers, a Batfam-oriented Discord Server. Warning: I make Jon act more 'dom' than Damian because that's what I like, hence the ship name'JONdami'. Story 5: ParadiseLord Kal-El is done with his son's bullshit, so he sends him to the closest thing a Kryptonian can get to boot camp; The League of Assassins. While Damian is initially uninterested in helping them defeat Darkseid, it is Raven who convinces him to join them, in the hopes that he can get through to Batman whom Darkseid has brainwashed into being his chief-servant. Batman & Superman's Sons Share an Even Better Bond Than Their Dads Maybe it had been for a very long time, before the Teen Titans and it was just the two of them, just the Super Sons. Damian and Ravens conversation becomes more heated when she insults Damians grandfather Ras Al Ghul, whom she labels a demon, for which she knows her demons. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. The character was created by Mike W. Barr, and first appeared in Batman: Son of the Demon (1987). Next: Wonder Woman Knows the New Superman is DC's Most Important Hero. DC has made it clear Jon will not be the same type of hero as his father; Jon wishes to be more proactive than his Clark, and Damian encourages him to be so. Multiversal Constants. bluecandifloss. Little Wing said it like a fact, aloof with his heart hidden deep within, like he didnt care. Anyways, enjoy~! But, he needn't have bothered. Tim new the boy wouldn't be able to handle much more. Soul Eater- Kidliz, come on Kid Maka has more fics than them which is surprising. This is a sharp contrast to the relationship their fathers share. As they spend time together, Damian and Raven begin to bond as friends. title is from the song in turning red movie. (Cirque du Freak). Supermari May 2022. As they continue to spend time at the park, they continue to open up to each other, even laughing and playing together, which is totally out of character for either of them. # 1 Daminette-To Have a Soulmate by Amelie Selemana 101K 3.1K 22 This is a Daminette in which the two are soulmates and have known each other for years. Raven teleports them to Strykers Island in Metropolis, but continually using her powers causes her to grow sicker and vomits, much to Robins concern. At the end of the movie Damian and Raven are seen smiling and enjoying pizza together. Wise men say only fools rush in? Can I kiss you? He whispered, eyes lidded and heart thumping loudly. After recovering from a career-threatening injury, he leaves to try to seek fortune in the USA. Idk man i just had the urge. Unable to be with Damian, Rachel attempts suicide to end the pain of not being with him. CANON Like, there are a few fics with that ship, but in most of them it is a background ship, with other ships featuring more prominently. Jason took his feet off the coffee table and shifted the phone to his other hand. Raven healing Damian, forming a mental link between them. Damian and Amara have known each other since the days they were born. He saw his partners eyes becoming misty with unshed tears and immediately leaned forward to kiss his eyelids. Jon and Damian were destined to become best friends. Series of light JonDami ficlets, with my art to go with the stories. Im totally taking you out on so many dates.. I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way. Chelsea Green has just been released from the WWE, and has to climb her way back in pro-wrestling. Character Damian Wayne appears in 1490 issues . Damian Wayne son of bilionare Bruce Wayne and student at Gotham . And as Supermans son Jon really shouldnt be having these thoughts but damn it if it didnt infuriate him how they all made Damian feel like nobody should love him. Damian asks Raven to come back with them, showing his concern and care for her. Not to mention how they lived chained together. Dating While they have little interaction in the second film, the scenes they do share together imply that Damian and Raven are becoming closer to each other. Baby Damian and Cass get introduced into the Young Justice World toward the end. Though she manages to keep him contained, Trigon threatens to kill Damian once he learnt that Rachel has feelings for him. After the Titans rescue Raven, the sickly girl (in her demonic form) is helped by Damian whom she leans and holds onto in a very comforting way. When he continues to inquire about the creature, Raven feels insulted that Damian is meddling in her privacy and angrily tells him to stay away from her before entering a portal she conjures. He can feel a smile tug at his lips as he relaxes into Stephanie's arms. When Damian notices that Superman is among them, he furiously draws his sword intending to kill him. So he left with her. honolulu police department records; spiritual meaning of the name ashley; mississippi election results 2021; charlie spring and nick nelson Should he continue on as if nothing has changed or confess his feelings for Damian and hope for the best? He didnt know. He first took a smug look because he came up there first, but then excitedly showed his friend around, and the two boys went off and had typical kids' conversations. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Case in point: most AnyaXDamian art. In a place where no one knows existed sat two figures by a pond. View Profile View Forum Posts . Overprotective. Jason smiled sarcastically even though he knew Bruce couldn't see him. It's 13 years later. At times this leads to Jon acquiring a pinc. It is implied that they are still together in the rebirth timeline. After being restored, Damian is aided to his feat by Raven as she holds onto him protectively while he places his arm around her shoulders for support. If someone ever asked Jon when did he fall irrevocably in love with his best friend, the only answer would be he couldnt tell you exactly. This is a book for all my JonDami one shots. Despite this, it becomes evident that they deeply care about one another. DamiRae is the het ship between Damian Wayne and Rachel Roth from DC Comics fandom. When the Justice League arrives to take Raven, Damian is the first to oppose this and is even willing to fight his own father to defend her. "Well, hello to you too, Daddybats!" matsuda fucking shoots him at the end!! # 1 The Forgotten Bug by DanicaTrussell 13.3K 325 19 Marinette is a Wayne and was forgotten about by her brothers, Jason and Dick, and father. "Non riuscirai mai a battermi!" Jon said as he stretched. AU; in this case, Damian Wayne faces challenges from red hood, Jason had kidnapped most of the batfamily and done damage to many others. The two . During these four years, their friendship and trust in each other has grown so strong that by the start of the film, they have at last fallen in love with each other. Please! friendship. Damian Wayne-Jon Kent tickle 1 by MASTUHOSCG8845ISCOOL on - DeviantArt Cheetah shows them to the nursing office to give them a moment alone. A smut story with Batman and several women from the dc universe but mostly from Batman's universe. He recognized the number as Bruce's. "Jason, where's your brother?" "Well, hello to you too, Daddybats!" Jason smiled sarcastically even though he knew Bruce couldn't see him. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Fitness Connection Offers, Rose isn't the only child of Deathstroke, as Slade has two sons Joseph and Grant, who developed their own level of superpowers. marinettewayne chloenette dc +1 more # 2 Marinette Kyle-Wayne by ChloeBourgeoisslave 14.3K 343 8 Damian Wayne son of bilionare Bruce Wayne and student at Gotham's most prestigiuous highschool.Luna Genesis only daughter of Doctor . Likes: 292. This shows Damians maturity, as instead of reacting violently or angrily as he would have during his first years as Robin, he instead humbly accepted her refusal. They were Gods, that was a truth Jon had learned since he was a kid and their role was to protect the innocent and punish the evil. During the fighting at Lexcorp Tower, Raven is saddened when Damians right hand from the League of Assassins, Lady Shiva, is gunned down by an enemy soldier. Plus, imagine a teenage Anya having to come out as both a telepath AND as gay. Jonathan Samuel Kent. When Raven regains control, she awkwardly states that was her dad talking. Youre so special to me. Batman Fanfiction Damian Leaves of Rowen Matsubara Read about Batman Fanfiction Damian Leaves reference. I understand, I really understand how you feel, you know how much I want to know that you're happy. damian wayne loses his memory fanfiction. Tim had lost it. jon protects damian fanfiction - Just ideas because I love this ship. Character what will happen to Damian and Jon's relationship now that Jon has come out as Bi? tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). The problem was he didn't just metaphorically come back as a man, he came back physically one too. Then, after Damian wins a prize from one of the park stands, he gives it to a little girl he noticed was watching him. jon protects damian fanfiction - Jun 29, 2020 - The World is being protected by the Justice League, a group filled wi #fanfiction # Fan-Fiction # amreading # books # wattpad. It was definitely not the Batcave. Instead, Raven urgently tells him that it wasnt the case at all, thereby confessing her own feelings for him. The met when Marinette was 4 and Damian was 5.
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