The Match or Match_Regex is mandatory for all plugins. To build a pipeline for ingesting and transforming logs, you'll need many plugins. , then other regexes continuation lines can have different state names. Every instance has its own and independent configuration. Fluent Bit is an open source log shipper and processor, that collects data from multiple sources and forwards it to different destinations. When you use an alias for a specific filter (or input/output), you have a nice readable name in your Fluent Bit logs and metrics rather than a number which is hard to figure out. One of these checks is that the base image is UBI or RHEL. You are then able to set the multiline configuration parameters in the main Fluent Bit configuration file. The default options set are enabled for high performance and corruption-safe. option will not be applied to multiline messages. If you see the default log key in the record then you know parsing has failed. Once a match is made Fluent Bit will read all future lines until another match with, In the case above we can use the following parser, that extracts the Time as, and the remaining portion of the multiline as, Regex /(?