Any other transfer to third parties will not take place unless this is justified on the basis of applicable data protection regulations or if pv magazine is legally obliged to do so. Where applicable, ComEd will offer an interconnection agreement. ComEd Net Metering & Interconnection Audio Transcript, Application - For level 1 Distributed Generation, Application - For Level 2,3 and 4 Distributed Generation, Electric Interconnection of Distributed Generation Facilities -Part 466, 25kWor less, lab certified inverter based DG facility, 10MVA or less, the DG facility does not export power, 10MVA or less that do not qualify for Levels 1 through 3, The substation where the interconnection is proposed, The feeder where the interconnection is proposed, The projects queue position relative to other Distributed Generation or Distributed Storage Resource Projects proposed for interconnection to the same ComEd electric facilities, The estimated kilowatts of potential Distributed Generation or Distributed Storage Resource Projects capacity or increase in Distributed Generation or Distributed Storage Resource Projects capacity on the feeder or substation where the project is proposed, The range of costs in which the projects estimated cost to interconnect falls. These tools make it so every stakeholder in the process is able to work more efficiently and save the entire system precious time + money. You may not have a full-fledged data center but your facility has a space housing your server or at least some networking equipment. The Commission should host staff-facilitated working group sessions on integrating hosting capacity analysis with the interconnection process. The pre-application report produced by ComEd is non-binding and does not confer any rights; the potential applicant must file an application before it can interconnect with the ComEd system. Link leads to external site, Share to Twitter. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. ComEd will provide the pre-application data to the potential application within 20 business days after receipt of the completed pre-application report request form and payment of the $300 fee. The provision of this data would support using hosting capacity analysis in the place of initial review screens for interconnection processing, which the Commission adopted as a long-term goal in the July 2020 order. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The Commission should, after considering stakeholder input in Docket No. For the Stage 2 displays, each circuit's hosting capacity is determined by evaluating the potential power system criteria violations as a result of large PV solar systems with an AC nameplate rating starting at and gradually increasing from 300 kW interconnecting to three phase distribution lines. Stay informed. Each Township, Section, Quarter-Section, Sixteenth-Section, or circuit is color coded based on its maximum hosting capacity value. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. According to ComEd's description, "Hosting Capacity is an estimate of the amount of DER [distributed energy resources] that may be accommodated under current configurations at the overall circuit level without significant system upgrades to address adverse impacts to power quality or reliability." We ask that the Commission require Xcel Energy to provide these violations in the HCA map pop-ups (as requested by the Commission in the July 2020 order), rather than just in the sub-feeder Tabular Results. The Company, after being directed by the Commission to do so, has declined to provide the actual locations of distribution system lines in its 2020 hosting capacity report: In Order Pt. According to ComEd's description, "Hosting Capacity is an estimate of the amount of DER [distributed energy resources] that may be accommodated under current configurations at the overall circuit level without significant system upgrades to address adverse impacts to power quality or reliability." For example, the 18 sections of Oak Park Township capacity range from 612 to 909 kW, and total 13,260 kW of photovoltaic power. Remaining an early indicator of possible locations for interconnection; Replacing or augmenting initial review screens and/or supplemental review in the interconnection process; and/or. The Hosting Capacity map gives an indication of how much generation (expressed in kW) can be added to a feeder before the feeder reaches capacity or other limitations that reduce the reliability of service to electric customers on the feeder. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. A decade ago, resources for scouting viable locations for new distributed energy resources (DER) simply did not exist. Over time, a location may produce different circuit results. Link leads to external site, Share to LinkedIn. But the inefficient air conditioning units preventing your servers from overheating may be costing you more in energy costs and maintenance fees every month. This map does not restrict applications from being submitted for a particular circuit, but rather is a tool to inform applicants on the amount of generation a circuit has the potential to host without the need for significant system upgrades at the customer's cost. hosting capacity map can help you identify potential sites for the interconnection of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to ComEd's distribution circuits. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Computer Room Air Conditioning Unit (CRAC) Older equipment can cost your facility more money on energy costs and maintenance. From schools, local government buildings and fire and police stations to offices, medical facilities and more, each facility has a room storing networking equipment or at least a small server stack. Interconnection is the process of connecting a distributed generation system to the electric grid. Only 3 URL's can be saved at a time. Our interactive portal can help guide decisions regarding the interconnection of resources. In the Commissions July 2020 order, the Commission adopted a long-term goal to use the hosting capacity analysis in the interconnection processs fast track screens. The Commissions July 2020 Order also required the Company to study three additional objectives for hosting capacity analysis: These objectives set the Commissions intentions for hosting capacity analysis to, at the least, augment initial review screens and, at the most, totally automate interconnection studies. These forecasts have uncertainties, such as weather and hourly load curves, as well as the typical inherent forecasting error, including, but not limited to economic drivers, customer decisions and/or behavior, and forecasted DERs. The Company continues to question the Commissions intentions and displays a general lack of urgency in this matter. If you are considering the option of connecting a generator to a utility's electric distribution system, you must meet certain requirements before moving forward. ComEd anticipates that the Interconnection Queue data will typically be updated monthly. Share to Facebook. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. PG&E, after conducting validation work, conceded that the solar results were erroneous, says the IREC paper. These reports identify where the grid can accommodate additional distributed generation capacity (including rooftop and community solar) and the results are displayed on the companys Hosting Capacity Map. Properly designed, the hosting capacity maps offer the ability to look closely at our power grid resources. For example, a recent 200 kWac project in Rhode Island learned when the interconnection application was submitted that no additional solar power was on either the local circuit or at the substation. 4 0 obj
In summary, there are 5 things we ask of the Commission: Thank you for the opportunity to comment and for taking up this important conversation; we appreciate that there has not been any legislative preemption of this regulatory process. Solar developers take on module manufacturing risk. Updates: Last updated in February/March 2017, with exception of Hosting Capacity map & supporting Portal documents. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. ComEd, a Northern Illinois subsidiary of Exelon, has a hosting capacity website for its communities indicating how much photovoltaic capacity can be sited in given areas, based on the existing electrical infrastructure. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Your contributions support local solutions. Its also clear that hosting capacity could play an important role in addressing timeliness in processing the interconnection of distributed energy resources. In the same ruling, Xcel was ordered to create a better process for addressing interconnection complaints (by June 2021). Control systems Monitor your operations and set temperature points and fan speeds to optimize savings. Why is Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid So Hard? 14456
Xcel petitioned to, as mentioned in the Hosting Capacity Analysis report, allow publicly posting additional information on CSGs in the interconnection queue, including feeder name, currently expected in-service date, and indicative interconnection cost. ILSR supports the publication of this information, as an interest in greater transparency was raised in the October 2, 2020 convening of the Distributed Generation Working Group. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Xcel has not fulfilled the requirements outlined in the Commissions July 2020 Order. Get information on current projects and opportunities. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. <>
That meant solar developers had zero access to critical power grid connection information, substation status, and other local solar plant connections. A hosting capacity map displays a high-level estimate of the available hosting capacity for adding DG. . From what you need to develop an individual residential project, to Community Solar, and all the way up to a large industrial project. The six other states requiring hosting capacity analysis are California, Connecticut, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, and Maryland. Adding complexity, theres still the human factor involved, because the numbers arent entirely accurate in all places; think of them as a guide. Inaccurate results were also found in a different type of hosting capacity map produced by PG&E and two other California utilities, the IREC paper says: maps showing the capacity for added load on a circuit, such as electric vehicles. The Commission should accept Xcel Energys 2020 Hosting Capacity Analysis Report, but we submit the following concerns about the Report and suggest additional development to advance the common goals of customers and the Commission. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Your email address will not be published. Our interactive portal can help guide decisions regarding the interconnection of resources. 1 0 obj
Our service area includes all of New York City, and Westchester County, located directly north of New York City. Ultimately, a published set of best practices for validating hosting capacity maps is needed, the paper says, so that stakeholders and regulators know if utilities are performing a comprehensive data validation effort.. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Apply Now. Southern California Edison's hosting maps contain a built-in function enabling users . In Georgia, solar groups last year called for state regulators to require Georgia Power to produce such maps. A PG&E spokesperson commented that To date, PG&E has connected more than475,000 solar customers to the electric grid and supports customers with resources before, during and after they go solar.. Please note that this analysis was conducted under current configurations, without installed DER, and prior to infrastructure upgrades such as; installing a recloser or remote terminal unit at the Point of Common Coupling, replacing a voltage regulating device or controller to allow for reverse flow, substation-related upgrades including 3V0 protection, or other protection-related upgrades. Nice piece and I agree fully. An expedited review of the interconnection request under Levels 1 - 3 is available provided the proposed DG facility passes the screens outlined in Part 466 and does not require construction of facilities by ComEd to protect reliability and accommodate the interconnection of the DG facility. The Hosting Capacity Map shows a considerable disparity among communities in mile by mile sections with some able to host only 100-200 kWs to some with capacities of over 3,000 kW. Californias experience, says a policy paper, shows that best practice guidelines for validating maps are needed to aid state regulators. Please enable scripts and reload this page. To similarly incorporate hosting capacity analysis into the Xcel interconnection processs fast track screens would support the development of distributed energy resources in Minnesota by reducing costs and time for project development, and would direct project development to locations with existing grid capacity. No matter the size of your IT room, the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program has incentives to keep your critical IT infrastructure running efficiently. L1W3V4
The Interconnection Queue Report provides the following minimum information for all Distributed Generation (Excluding Level 1 Applications) or Distributed Storage Resource Projects for which a queue position has been assigned: Each substation and feeder where an interconnection will be made is identified in the reported data by a unique index number assigned for the purpose of reporting interconnection queue information and not by any geographic or operational designation or description. Be aware of your private generation configuration options and system limitations. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Find out about our Hosting Capacity platform and system data available. That meant solar developers had zero access to critical power grid connection information, substation status, and other local solar plant connections. Each substation and feeder where an interconnection will be made will be identified in the reported data by a unique index number assigned for the purpose of reporting interconnection queue information hereunder, and not by any geographic or operational designation or description. This hosting capacity data is provided for informational purposes only and is nota substitute for the established interconnection application process. DER hosting capacity is a function of resistance on any circuit Fact: DER hosting capacity increases w/nominal voltage . Toll Free: 855-824-6131, The Electricity Forum Inc. (USA)
Your email address will not be published. Whether youre a customer, contractor, or developer, our interactive maps can help you identify potential sites for private generation. The Commission should accept Xcel Energys 2020 Hosting Capacity Analysis Report, but set more parameters around its implementation. . Estimated savings based on average retail price of $0.08 per kWh for commercial customers based on 2018 Energy Information Administration data for the state of Illinois. email the ComEd DER Interconnection team. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. View interconnection queue information for all Distributed Generation or Distributed Storage Resource Projects. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. I was involved in various CPUC regulatory proceedings on these maps and made the same kinds of comments frequently. Error: Please call us at 1-800-752-6633 to complete this request. In fact, California regulators recently ruled to do just that utilize utility hosting capacity analyses to reduce the complexity of the interconnection process. On April 7, ILSR submitted comments to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to recommend they accept Xcel Energys 2020 Hosting Capacity Analysis Report, recognizing a few caveats: Read ILSRs comments to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in full below. This site uses cookies. Read our policy. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) respectfully submits the following comments on Xcel Energys 2020 Hosting Capacity Report.
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