You will also need to complete Section 5 tax withholding information if you wish to elect out of federal tax withholding. Submit all forms and documents to: Mail: MetLife Long Term Care Claims PO Box 14407 Lexington, KY 40512-4633. Sign it in a few clicks Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. 378, Fuxng N. Road, Taipei 10476, Taiwan. This checklist does not Upon receipt of the completed claim form packet and proof of death (i.e., death certificate) from the beneficiary, we will evaluate the claim within 10 business days or within applicable state requirements. Once you have registered your account online, you can log into select your eDelivery preferences. After January 31, you can check to see if your statement is also available online by registering or logging in to your account and going to "Current Statements." Please check your spelling or try another term. Upon receipt of the required documents, we will process your claim within 10 business days or within the applicable state requirements. Be cautious of investment opportunities tied to COVID-19, especially those based on claims that a small companys products or services can help stop the virus. to assign benefits to the care provider, but not the rights under the policy. If the annuity contract is anon-tax-qualifiedannuity, any amount over the owner's cost basis (generally the after-tax contributions that were made by the owner) in the contract is taxable as ordinary income. The display of third-party trademarks and trade names on this site does not necessarily indicate any affiliation or endorsement of For Bajaj Allianz life insurance login to our portal Please note that online statements are not available for some clients. Refer to the step below that aligns closest to your current situation. Withdrawals can only be made payable and sent to the contract owner or financial institution for benefit of the contract owner. List of currently available ALLIANZ LIFE forms on Laser App, 222 Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - 222-ERPOS, 360 Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - 360-ERPOS, ABC Lifetime Withdrawal Election Form - S2301, ABC Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - ABC-ERPOS, Allianz 222 Annuity Disclosure - 222-DISC-NJ [NJ], Allianz 360 Annuity Disclosure - 360-DISC-NJ [NJ], Allianz ABC Annuity Disclosure - ABC-DISC-NJ [NJ], Allianz Core Income 7 Annuity Disclosure - CI7-DISC-NJ [NJ], Allianz Endurance Plus Annuity Disclosure - DISC50915-NJ03 [NJ], Allianz Index Advantage ADV Disclosure - IXA-DISC-ADV [PA], Allianz Index Advantage ADV Disclosure - IXA-DISC-MN-ADV [MN], Allianz Index Advantage Disclosure - INY-DISC [NY], Allianz Index Advantage Disclosure - IXA-DISC-MN [MN], Allianz Index Advantage Disclosure - IXA-DISC-PA [PA], Allianz Index Advantage Income Disclosure - IAI-DISC, Allianz Index Advantage Income Disclosure - IAI-DISC-MN [MN], Allianz Index Advantage Income Disclosure - IAI-DISC-PA [PA], Allianz Index Advantage NF Disclosure - IXA-DISC-MN-NF [MN], Allianz Index Advantage NF Disclosure - IXA-DISC-NF [MA-PA-VA], Allianz MasterDex X Annuity Disclosure - DISC52575-NJ01 [NJ], Allianz PRIME Plus Benefit Election Form for Reset of Annual Increase - USA-1282 [Generic], Allianz PRIME Plus Benefit Selection - USA-1279 [Generic], Allianz Request for Tax Withholding Change - SFAL0010, Allianz Request for Tax Withholding Change - SFAL0010-NY [NY], Allianz Retirement Advantage Lifetime Income Payment Selection Form - REA-014 [Generic], Allianz Retirement Advantage Lifetime Income Payment Selection Form - REA-014-NJ [NJ], Allianz Retirement Advantage NY Lifetime Income Payment Selection Form - REA-014-NY [NY], Allianz Retirement Advantage NY Variable Annuity Dollar Cost Averaging Instruction - REA-012-NY [NY], Allianz Retirement Advantage Variable Annuity Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) Instructions - REA-012, Allianz Retirement Advantage Variable Annuity Flexible Rebalancing Instructions - REA-013, Allianz Retirement Advantage Variable Annuity Flexible Rebalancing Instructions - REA-013-NY [NY], Allianz Retirement Foundation ADV Annuity Application - ICC17-RFA-APP [Generic], Allianz Retirement Foundation ADV Annuity Application - RFA-APP [DC-DE-ND-SD], Allianz Retirement Foundation ADV Annuity Application - RFA-APP-CA [CA], Allianz Retirement Foundation ADV Annuity Application - RFA-APP-CT [CT], Allianz Retirement Foundation ADV Annuity Application - RFA-APP-FL [FL], Allianz Retirement Foundation ADV Annuity Application - RFA-APP-LA [LA], Allianz Retirement Foundation ADV Annuity Application - RFA-APP-NF, Allianz Retirement Pro - Income Advantage Payment Selection/Change Form - PLI-105-NY [NY], Allianz Retirement Pro NY Variable Annuity Withdrawal Request - PLI-110-NY [NY], Allianz RFA Annuity Disclosure - RFA-DISC-01-NJ [NJ], Allianz Vision - Add Income Protector to Existing Contract - USA-1453 [Generic], Allianz Vision - Income Focus Payment Selection/Change Form - PLI-123-NY [NY], Allianz Vision - Remove Form - USA-1419 [Generic], Allianz Vision - Remove Form - VNY-047 [NY], Allianz Vision and Allianz Collections - Income Focus Payment Selection/Change - USA-1729-NJ [NJ], Allianz Vision and Allianz Collections - Income Focus Payment Selection/Change Form - USA-1729, Allocation Change Form - Allianz Valuemark II - PLI-302-NY [NY], Allocation Change Form - Allianz Valuemark II - USA-1700 [Generic], Allocation Change Form - Alterity/ Rewards - USA-1649, Allocation Change Form - Custom Income - USA-1328 [Generic], Allocation Change Form - High Five NY/Advantage/Opportunity and Charter II NY - PLI-088 [NY], Allocation Change Form - High Five/High Five L/High Five Bonus - USA-1329 [Generic], Allocation Change Form - Retirement Pro - PLI-102-NY [NY], Allocation Change Form - Vision and Connections - Income Focus - USA-1728, Allocation Change Form - Vision and Connections - Income Protector (old) - USA-1451 [Generic], Allocation Change Form - Vision and Connections - Income Protector - USA-1727, Allocation Change Form - Vision and Connections - Investment Protector (old) - USA-1452 [Generic], Allocation Change Form - Vision and Connections - Investment Protector - USA-1780, Allocation Change Form - Vision and Connections - LPB and TDR - USA-1330 [Generic], Allocation Change Form - Vision and Connections - No Additional Benefit - USA-1781, Allocation Change Form - Vision NY - Income Focus - PLI-122-NY [NY], Allocation Change Form - Vision NY - Income Protector (old) - VNY-052 [NY], Allocation Change Form - Vision NY - Income Protector - VNY-162 [NY], Allocation Change Form - Vision NY - Investment Protector (old) - VNY-053 [NY], Allocation Change Form - Vision NY - Investment Protector - VNY-177 [NY], Allocation Change Form - Vision NY - LPB and TDR - PLI-089-NY [NY], Allocation Change Form - Vision NY - No Additional Benefit - VNY-178 [NY], Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-10, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-12, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-13, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-14, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-15, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-16, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-17, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-18, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-19, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-20, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-SR-20, Allocation Change Request Form - S2213-SR-9, Allocation Change Request Form - S2305 [IA], Allocation Change Request Form - S2306 [NH], Annuitant Change Request - SFAL0018-LA [LA], Annuitization Quote Request - PLI-119-NY [NY], Annuitizing Annuity and Life Contracts - PLI-115-NY [NY], Annuitizing Annuity and Life Contracts Packet - PLI-107-NY [NY], Annuitizing Annuity and Life Contracts Packet - USA-487 [Generic], Annuitizing Annuity Contracts and Life Insurance Policies - SFAL-0004, Annuitizing Annuity Contracts and Life Insurance Policies - SFAL-0004-NY [NY], Annuity Application - Bonus MasterDex - AP-50626-NY [NY], Annuity Application - ICC18-FIA-APP-ALT [IA], Annuity Application - ICC18-FIA-APP-MT [MT], Annuity Application - MasterDex - AP-50614-NY [NY], Authorization to Release Information - S2194, Authorization to Transfer Assets from a Financial Institution (Fixed) - S2255, Authorization to Transfer Assets from a Financial Institution (Fixed) - S2255-NY [NY], Authorization to Transfer Assets from a Financial Institution (Variable) - S2255, Authorization to Transfer Assets from a Financial Institution (Variable) - S2255-NY [NY], Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) Form - PLI-032-NY [NY], Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) Form - USA-1278 [Generic], Automatic Payment Plan - EFT Authrorization - NBAL0042, Automatic Payment Plan - EFT Authrorization - NBAL0042-NY [NY], Beneficial/Inherited IRA RMD Election Form - NBAL0036, Beneficial/Inherited IRA RMD Election Form - NBAL0036-NY, Beneficiary Designation Request - SFAL0012, Beneficiary Designation Request - SFAL0012-NY [NY], Beneficiary Stretch Distribution - PLI-098-NY [NY], Beneficiary Stretch Distribution - USA-1265N [Generic], Benefit Deposited with Interest Option Claim Form - S2070-01, Buyer's Guide for Fixed Deferred Annuities - ANB-LE (1999), Buyer's Guide for Fixed Deferred Annuities - ANB-LE (2013) [Generic], Buyers Guide for Deferred Annuities (Variable) - ANB-LA [GA], Buyers Guide for Deferred Annuities - ANB-LV (2013) [AL-CO-FL-GA-IA-ME-MO-NH-OH-RI-TX-WV-WI], Buyers Guide to Fixed Indexed Annuities - NB4023 [VT], California Elder Disclosure - NBAL0053 [CA], California Senior (age 60 or older) Free Look - USA-699 [CA], Certification for 72(t) and 72(q) Withdrawals - USA-388N, Certification for 72(t) and 72(q) Withdrawals - USA-388NY [NY], Certification of Attorney-in-Fact Form - NBAL0052, Certification of Attorney-in-Fact Form - NBAL0052-NY [NY], CI7 Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - CI7-ERPOS, Civil Union and Equality Act of 2011 Notice - NB6079 [DE], Client Contract Update Request - USA-383 [Generic], Client Contract Update Request - USA-383NY [NY], Command Provider Annuity Application - AIMS-CP [Generic], Command Provider Annuity Application - AIMS-CP-FL [FL], Command Provider Annuity Application - AIMS-CP-MA [MA], Command Provider Annuity Application - AIMS-CP-OR [OR], Command Provider Annuity Application - AIMS-CP-TX [TX], Commission Information Quick Guide - CIQG04, Connections Qualified Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - CNT-ERPOS, Continuing Annuity Option Settlement Claim Form - S2069-01, Continuing Annuity Option Settlement Claim Form - S2069-NY [NY], Custom Income Flexible Rebalancing - USA-059 [Generic], Custom Income Variable Annuity Income Option Selection - CST-015 [Generic], Customer Authorization of Transfer by Third Party - USA-1300 [Generic], Customer Authorization of Transfer by Third Party - USA-1300-NY [NY], Customer Authorization of Transfer by Third Party Money Manager - USA-1301 [Generic], Customer Authorization of Transfer by Third Party Money Manager - USA-1301-NY [NY], Disclosure Form/Preliminary Contract Summary - 222-SOU-AZ [AZ], Disclosure Form/Preliminary Contract Summary - ABC-SOU-AZ [AZ], Disclosure Form/Preliminary Contract Summary - Allianz 360 - 360-SOU-AZ [AZ], Disclosure Form/Preliminary Contract Summary - Allianz Core Income 7 - CI7-SOU-AZ [AZ], Disclosure to California Residents (age 65 or older) - USA-090 [CA], Disclosure to Minnesota Resdients - Index Advantage ADV - IXA-DISC-MN2-ADV [MN], Disclosure to Minnesota Residents - Index Advantage ADV - IXA-DISC-MN2-NF [MN], Disclosure to Minnesota Residents - Index Advantage Income - IAI-DISC-MN2, Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) - PLI-030NY [NY], Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) - Retirement Pro - PLI-103-NY [NY], Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) - USA-354 [Generic], Dollar Cost Averaging - Alterity/ Rewards - USA-1650, Enhanced Withdrawal Benefit (EWB) Election Form - S2291, Entity Customer Information Form - NBAL0055 [Generic], Entity Customer Information Form - NBAL0055-NY [NY], ERISA Section 408(b)(2) Disclosure - DISC52575-ERPOS, ERISA Section 408(b)(2) Disclosure - DISC54370-ERPOS, ERISA Section 408(b)(2) Disclosure - DISC59951-02-ERPOS, ERISA Section 408(b)(2) Disclosure - DISC95374-ERPOS, ERISA Section 408(B)(2)Disclosure - DISC95376-ERPOS, Five Year Deferral Service Form - S2241 [Generic], Five Year Deferral Service Form - S2241-NY [NY], Flexible Rebalancing - Alterity/ Rewards - USA-1651, Flexible Rebalancing - Retirement Pro - PLI-104-NY [NY], Income Maximizer Rider Disclosure Form - SOU95331-03-AZ [AZ], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-03 [Generic], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-03-CT [CT], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-03-FL [FL], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-03-OK01 [OK], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-03-WI [WI], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-GMV-03 [DE-IL-OH-TX], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-GMV-03-NC [NC], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-GMV-03-NJ [NJ], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-ICC-04 [MN-MO-MS-UT], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-ICC-04-OR [OR], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-ICC-04-PA [PA], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-ICC-NFWR-04 [AK-WA], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-MSRP-03-CA [CA], Income Maximizer Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU95331-NFWR-03 [MA-SD], Income Payment Selection/Change Form - IAI-153 [Generic], Income Plus / Simple Income Benefit Election Form for Contract - S2212-1, InCommandDex Annuity Request for Annuity Settlement Options - S2160, Index Advantage ADV Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - IXA-ERPOS-ADV, Index Advantage ADV Variable Annuity Application Tipsheet - IXA-001-ADV, Index Advantage Income Qualified Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - IAI-ERPOS, Index Advantage Income Variable Annuity Application - IAI-APP-03 [CA-DE-ND-SD], Index Advantage Income Variable Annuity Application - IAI-APP-03-FL [FL], Index Advantage Income Variable Annuity Application - IAI-APP-03-LA [LA], Index Advantage Income Variable Annuity Application - IAI-APP-03-NC [NC], Index Advantage Income Variable Annuity Application - ICC20-IAI-APP-03 [Generic], Index Advantage Income Variable Annuity Application - ICC20-IAI-APP-03-NJ [NJ], Index Advantage Income Variable Annuity Application - ICC21-IAI-APP-03-MN [MN], Index Advantage Income Variable Annuity Application Tipsheet - IAI-001, Index Advantage New York Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - INY-ERPOS [NY], Index Advantage New York Regulation 60 Forms Package - INY-055 [NY], Index Advantage NF Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - IXA-ERPOS-NF, Index Advantage NF Variable Annuity Application Tipsheet - IXA-001-NF, Index Advantage Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - IXA-ERPOS, Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - ICC20-IXA-APP-03-ADV [Generic], Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - ICC20-IXA-APP-03-NJ-ADV [NJ], Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - ICC21-IXA-APP-03-MN-ADV [MN], Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-ADV [CA-DE-ND-SD], Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-FL-ADV [FL], Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-LA-ADV [LA], Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-NC-ADV [NC], Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - IXA-APP-MOWA-01-ADV [MO-WA], Index Advantage Variable ADV Annuity Application - IXA-APP-MT-ADV [MT], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - F40538-02-NY [NY], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - ICC20-IXA-APP-03 [Generic], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - ICC20-IXA-APP-03 [HI], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - ICC20-IXA-APP-03-NJ [NJ], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - ICC21-IXA-APP-03-MN [MN], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03 [CA-DE-ND-SD], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-FL [FL], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-LA [LA], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-NC [NC], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application - IXA-APP-MOWA-01 [MO-WA], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application Tipsheet - INY-016 [NY], Index Advantage Variable Annuity Application Tipsheet - IXA-001, Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - ICC17-IXA-APP-NF [MT], Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - ICC20-IXA-APP-03-NF [Generic], Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - ICC20-IXA-APP-03-NJ-NF [NJ], Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - ICC21-IXA-APP-03-MN-NF [MN], Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-FL-NF [FL], Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-LA-NF [LA], Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-NC-NF [NC], Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - IXA-APP-03-NF [CA-DE-ND-SD], Index Advantage Variable NF Annuity Application - IXA-APP-MOWA-01-NF [MO-WA], Index Anniversary Rebalance Form - IAI-022 [Generic], Index Anniversary Rebalancing and Transfers between the Allocation Options - INY-019 [NY], Index Anniversary Rebalancing and Transfers between the Allocation Options - IXA-022, Individual Customer Information Form - NBAL0054 [Generic], Individual Customer Information Form - NBAL0054-NY [NY], Interested Party Statement Request - USA-851 [Generic], Interested Party Statement Request - USA-851-NY [NY], Investment Advisor Representative Client Authorization - NBAL0043, Investment Advisor Representative Client Authorization - NBAL0043-NY [NY], Investment Advisor Representative Information - NBAL0044, Investment Advisor Representative Information - NBAL0044-NY [NY], Investment Allocation Guide - VNY-142 [NY], Investment Allocation Guide - VSN-145 [Generic], IRA Excess Contribution Removal Form - S2235, IRA Excess Contribution Removal Form - USA-1506 [Generic], IRA Excess Contribution Removal Form - USA-1506-NY [NY], Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit/Income Maximizer Election Form - S2212-PREFD, Military Sales Forms Packet - USA-1461 [Generic], Military Sales Forms Packet - USA-1461 [NY], Non-Individual Ownership Form - NB6059-NY [NY], Non-Individual Ownership Form - PLI-086 [NY], Non-Individual Ownership Form - USA-1327 [Generic], Nonresident Sales Form - Information Page - NBAL6078, Nonresident Sales Form - Information Page - NBAL6078-NY [NY], Notice Regarding Medi-Cal Eligibility (Fixed) - NB5003-CA [CA], Notice Regarding Medi-Cal Eligibility (Variable) - NB5003-CA [CA], Notice to Connecticut Financial Professionals - IXA-DISC-CT2 [CT], Partial Settlement Options Request for Contract - S2247, Partial Settlement Options Request for Contract - S2247-NY [NY], Performance Lock Request Form - INY-106 [NY], Policy Payment Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) - Clients - S2071, Policy Payment Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) - Clients - S2071-NY [NY], PRIME - Guaranteed Partial Withdrawal Benefit (GPWB) Payment Election - 403(b) - PLI-100-NY [NY, PRIME - Guaranteed Partial Withdrawal Benefit (GPWB) Payment Election - 403(b) - USA-1567 [Generic], PRIME - Guaranteed Partial Withdrawal Benefit (GPWB) Payment Election - USA-1519 [Generic], PRIME Plus (GPWB) Payment Election - USA-1520, Producer Change Request - S2249 [Generic], Product Suitability Form - NB3051 [Generic], Product Suitability Form - NB3051-CA [CA], Product Suitability Form - NB3051-FL-02 [FL], Product Suitability Form - NB3051-MA [MA], Product Suitability Form - NB3051-MT [MT], Product Suitability Form - NB3051-NJ [NJ], Qualified Disbursement Request - S2085-NY [NY], Qualified Plan Acknowledgement - USA-337-NY [NY], Qualified Plan Acknowledgement and Custodial IRA Agreement - S2236, Qualified Plan Acknowledgement and Custodial IRA Agreement - S2236-NY [NY], Quick Tips for Completing the NY Reg 60 Disclosure Statement - PLI-120-NY [NY], Reg 60 Part D Tipsheet - Index Advantage NY - PLI-125-NY-IXA [NY], Reg 60 Part D Tipsheet - Retirement Pro NY - PLI-125-NY-RET [NY], Registered Representative Appointment Request - USA-678A [Generic], Registered Representative Appointment Request - USA-678NY [NY], Regulation 60 Disclosure Statement - NB2273-NY [NY], Regulation 60 Sales Material Checklist - NB2274-NY [NY], Regulation 60 Sales Material Checklist - PLI-081-NY [NY], Regulation 60 Six-Step Process - NB2278-NY [NY], Regulation 60 VA Disclosure Statement - PLI-092-NY [NY], Regulation 60 VA Replacement - PLI-090-NY [NY], Replacement Comparison Worksheet (Fixed) - NBAL0023-AR [AR], Replacement Comparison Worksheet (Variable) - NBAL0023-AR [AR], Replacement Comparison Worksheet - NB6023, Replacement Comparison Worksheet Tip Sheet (Fixed) - NBAL0022-AR [AR], Replacement Comparison Worksheet Tip Sheet (Variable) - NBAL0022-AR [AR], Replacement List (Fixed) - NBAL0028-IL [IL], Replacement Notice (Fixed) - NBAL0026-IL [IL], Replacement Notice (Fixed) - NBAL0037-KS [KS], Replacement Notice (Fixed) - NBAL0038-KS [KS], Replacement Of Life Insurance Or Annuities (Fixed) - NBAL0021-MO [MO], Replacement Of Life Insurance Or Annuities (Variable) - NBAL0021-MO [MO], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0001-01 [LA-VA], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0001-MO [MO], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0002-CA [CA], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0003-DE [DE], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0004-FL [FL], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0005-GA [GA], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0006-ID [ID], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0007-IL [IL], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0008-IN [IN], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0009-MA [MA], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0010-MI [MI], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0011-MN [MN], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0013-ANN-NV [NV], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0014-OK [OK], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0015-PA [PA], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0017-TN [TN], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0018-WA [WA], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0019-WY [WY], Replacement Packet (Fixed) - NBAL0020-AR [AR], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0001-01 [LA-VA], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0001-MO [MO], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0002-CA [CA], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0003-DE [DE], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0004-FL [FL], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0005-GA [GA], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0006-ID [ID], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0007-IL [IL], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0008-IN [IN], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0009-MA [MA], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0010-MI [MI], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0011-MN [MN], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0013-ANN-NV [NV], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0014-OK [OK], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0015-PA [PA], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0017-TN [TN], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0018-WA [WA], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0019-WY [WY], Replacement Packet (Variable) - NBAL0020-AR [AR], Replacement Packet - NAIC/multi-state (Fixed) - NBAL0001, Replacement Packet - NAIC/Multi-state (Variable) - NBAL0001, Representative/Agent Change Form - PLI-037NY [NY], Representative/Agent Change Form - USA-374 [Generic], Request for Allocation Change Form - S2068, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2266, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2266-1, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2266-2, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2267-1 [CA-HI-ID-OK-OR-RI], Request for Allocation Change Form - S2267-2, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2268, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2268-1, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2269, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2269-1, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2269-2, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2269-3, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2269-SR, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2269-SR-1, Request for Allocation Change Form - S2269-SR-2, Request for Allocation Percentage Chage (Optionsa) - MasterDex X - S2213-SR-5, Request for Allocation Percentage Change - BonusDe Elite, FlexDex MC Elite - S2075, Request for IRA Contribution Recharacterization - SFAL-0006, Request for IRA Contribution Recharacterization - SFAL-0006-NY, Request for IRA Recharacterization - S2187, Request for IRA Recharacterization - USA-1504 [Generic], Request for IRA Recharacterization - USA-1504-NY [NY], Request for Roth IRA Conversion - SFAL-0008 [Generic], Request for Tax Reporting of Premature Distribution Due to Disability - USA-1299 [Generic], Request for Tax Reporting of Premature Distribution Due to Disability - USA-1299-NY [NY], Request to Change Contract Information - S2004 [Generic], Request to Change Contract Information - S2004-NY [NY], Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) - Retirement Pro - PLI-112-NY [NY], Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) - USA-382N [Generic], Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) - USA-382NY [NY], Required Minimum Distribution Election Form - S2230 [Generic], Required Minimum Distribution Election Form - S2230-NY [NY], Retirement Pro - Certification for IRC Sec 72(t) or 72(q) Withdrawals - PLI-111-NY [NY], Retirement Pro VA 72(t) or 72(q) Withdrawals - USA-1598, Retirement Pro VA Allocation Change Form - USA-1574, Retirement Pro VA Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) - USA-1575, Retirement Pro VA Flexible Rebalancing - USA-1576, Retirement Pro VA Income Advantage Payment Selection/Change Form - USA-1577, Retirement Pro VA Income Advantage Payment Selection/Change Form - USA-1577-NJ, Retirement Pro VA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) - USA-1585, Retirement Pro VA Systematic Withdrawal - USA-1578, Retirement Pro VA Withdrawal Request - USA-1597, RFA Qualified Plan Acknowledgement Form and ERISA Disclosure - RFA-ERPOS, Rollover Notice - 403(b) - SFAL-0002-NY [NY], Rollover Notice Regarding Retirement Plan Payments - PLI-095-NY [NY], Sep IRA Excess Contribution Removal Form - USA-1507 [Generic], Sep IRA Excess Contribution Removal Form - USA-1507-NY [NY], SEP or SIMPLE Excess Contribution Removal Form - S2234, Settlement for Annuity Benefits - S2043-NY [NY], Simple Income II Rider Statement of Understanding - SOU91050-2 [DE-IA-MN-OH], Source of Payment (Fixed) - NBAL0041-NY [NY], Source of Payment (Variable) - NBAL0041-NY [NY], State Withholding Tax Guide - NBAL0035-NY [NY], Statement of Understanding - Death Benefit Rider - NB2222 [Generic], Statement of Understanding - Death Benefit Rider - NB2222-AZ [AZ], Statement of Understanding - Death Benefit Rider - NB2222-MT [MT], Statement of Understanding - Death Benefit Rider - NB2222-OK [OK], Statement of Understanding - Flexible Withdrawal Rider - SOU95178-1 [Generic], Statement of Understanding - Flexible Withdrawal Rider - SOU95178-1-PA [PA], Statement of Understanding/Preliminary Contr. Jackson recognizes that information security is critical to maintaining the trust of our customers and advisors. In November 2020, the CalPERS board approved a rate increase on all Long-Term Care Program policies that was phased in over two years. Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America Surrender approved (Approved within 4 working days for standard cases) Surrender payout via e-Payment (Payout within 5 working days). I understand that in the event. Please send your fully completed Claim Form(s) with any supporting invoices/receipts (credit card slips cannot be accepted) as follows: Scan and email to: Fax to: + 353 1 645 4033 or Post to: Claims Department, Allianz Worldwide Care, 15 Joyce Way, Park West Business Campus, Nangor Road, Dublin 12, Ireland. Change the blanks with smart fillable areas. allianz form s2043 Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America PO Box 59060 Minneapolis, MN 55459-0060 Phone: 800.950.1962 Fax: 763.582.6004 Overnight Address: 5701 Golden . Register or log in to access these forms online. Claim Professional realestate Form. Here you can find all the legal documents, forms and literature on our funds. Enjoy smart fillable fields and interactivity. We encourage you to consult your tax and/or legal advisor with any related questions. 01. Different rules apply to Roth IRAs. Please read the "To File a Claim" instructions included in the Claim Information Package. This form is required to verify the needs of the claimant. PO Box 561 To protect customer data, some . These can be obtained at any USPS kiosk or service counter. If you make a contribution for 2022 between January 1, 2023 and the due date, your 2022 IRS Form 5498 will be updated to reflect the new contribution amount and will be mailed to you by May 31, 2023. Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America Any determination that is to be made, such as to policy values, beneficiary, claim eligibility, or policy status, will take place. Log in and go to Personal Accounts. If you applied for your policy independent of an employer and pay your own premium, you are an individual member. When you make a payment, write down confirmation numbers, print receipts, and/or take screen shots. Agent Eligibility Quick Guide - AEQG04. A newly completed form is required for all requests. Can I surrender my Bajaj Allianz policy online? Please consult a tax professional for any questions related to this reporting. A 1099-R is used to report transactions that occur between January 1 and December 31 of the previous tax year from financial products such as life insurance or annuities. The claim information package contains the documents to explain the claim filing process and the forms you may need Variable annuities 763.765.7912 Adhere to this straightforward guideline redact Allianz beneficiary change form in PDF format online for free: Try all the benefits of our editor today! 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