Kirsten Acuna. Seals look adorable on the outside, but they can be fierce fighters when needed. Impala are beautiful, medium-sized antelopes that use graceful leaps and bounds to evade predators and catch prey. An adder is a tough and cunning snake and just like those who cast this Patronus, they know what they want and go for it. Pheasants are big-hearted, regal birds who sometimes struggle with pride, which gets them into sticky situations. Some folklore interprets that rarity to mean great fame will come your way when a spotted horse crosses your path. Granian Winged Horse (very rare) Grass Snake. Someone with this Patronus likely has many friends and family who adore them, and they love them in return. Along with this Patronus, you likely know how to get yourself creatively and logically out of challenging situations. This Patronus is a ball of energy; active, athletic, playful, and free-spirited much like the witches and wizards who cast it. Having a magical beast as patronus is considered rare and powerful in wizarding world. Voles are extremely fast for such a small animal, not to mention fantastic swimmers as well. Bay Mares are gentle and compassionate, but they are also strong and resilient. This Patronus is commonly found in the Ravenclaw house since calico cats are very unique, loving, and independent. Lions are fierce fighters when threatened. Witches and wizards with an aardvark Patronus are independent, resilient, and true fighters. The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. This half-horse, half-eagle hybrid elicits respect from any and all beings who dare to cross its path. Chow dogs are intelligent, independent, but like to have time to themselves. In theory, these snakes are primarily harmless since they are not poisonous. 38. They make friends quickly and always stand up for them, which is excellent for you when you are up against a Dementor! As far as personality traits go, the Erumpent Patronus also represents determination and a strong will. They occupy branches high in the trees to look for their target and then snatch it up in a swift swoop. Casters of this Patronus are also beautiful inside and out. An approach they might use to shield you from a Dementors kiss. When I first took the Pottermore Patronus quiz, my result caused a lot of the same emotions as the stages of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. It can sneakily approach a Dementor without being seen because of its size, and then it will attack. 2. Always in Harry Potter: Always Quote Meaning & Snape Significance. Their hunting tactics consist of simply overpowering their prey or, if it is a larger animal, they bite the neck and wrestle their prey to the ground. Just like one of the owners of this Patronus, Luna Lovegood, the hare is unique and you never know what to expect. Those with an Abraxan Winged Horse Patronus are said to be dominant, powerful, and strong leaders. They love being silly/funny/crazy. A woolly mammoth Patronus is rare because Patronuses dont usually take the shape of an extinct animal. Piebald mares are good-natured and gentle, and if you have this Patronus, then you probably are too. Cheetahs can run up to 70mph and will easily chase down even the fastest Dementor. Casters with the Runespoor Patronus are cunning and have the distinct ability to sense danger from afar. Fire-Dwelling Salamander (very rare) Fox. You are likely very in tune with your empathetic side and find fulfillment in caring for others. They are highly intelligent and simultaneously very humble. Those with this Patronus are willing to make sacrifices for the ones they love and sometimes even people they do not know. But they can also be a bit chaotic. If you have this Patronus, then you are probably willing to stand up for what you believe in when no one else will. This Patronus will not be ruffled in the slightest by any Dementor, big or small. A Patronus is unique to the caster and is very personal. A Buzzard is swift, fierce, and opportunistic. Because they are native to polar regions, their white fur helps them camouflage into their surroundings to catch their prey and evade hunters, their only actual predators. Seals range in stature but can reach lengths over 7 feet and weigh over 7,000 pounds! King cobras live up to their name as they represent royalty and power. First thing's first, there are seven stages to getting a rare patronus. You are sociable and adapt well to diverse environments. Phoenixes are arguably the most unique and dominant Patronus of them all. White mares are warriors and fight endlessly for their loved ones. Users may follow the story to find out their Patronus by selecting sets of timed choices with their instinct. Hedgehogs have their namesake because they scavenge under bushes and hedges for their prey. They also have a giant horn that is sharp enough to pierce metal, causing whatever it hit to explode. While huskies are a big ball of fun-loving energy, they are also very in touch with their emotions and cope well with stress just like the casters of this Patronus. Would love to read more! They are also highly adaptable and can regenerate lost limbs. Lucky for you, this wise Patronus is a fierce defender. Sometimes black cats are referred to as tuxedo cats, and the white in their coat signifies good things to come in the future. An osprey Patronus is one-of-a-kind, and so are their casters. While they can be resourceful, wise, and witty little critters, they also can be mischievous and crafty much like Slytherins. The dapple grey mare Patronus is simply a ball of contagious, joyful energy, which is the perfect defense against a Dementor. These creatures are only visible to people who have both witnessed and accepted the concept of death and have an uncanny sense of direction. If you have this Patronus, you likely have a close circle of people you are loyal to for life. Otters are arguably happier than a Dementor is dark and sad, so maybe their warmth will scare off a Dementor without even a fight! The Snowy Owl's piercing eyes see through facades and its distinctive white features allow it to blend into the harshest winters. Your fox Patronus will leap out of the shadows to come to your aid. She is constantly underestimated and has experienced much sadness in her life, but her eccentric and carefree nature make her extremely . In fact, he is the only known caster of this Patronus. Those who produce this Patronus are said to be pure of heart. Additionally, the witches and wizards who cast this Patronus have dominant personalities. There are around 142 different potential Patronuses that could be assigned to you, but there are some in particular that are more rare and elusive than others. This Patronus will hold their ground against any Dementor. Those with the Fire-Dwelling Salamander Patronus are capable of handling any challenge, while keeping their heads held high. These Patronuses, along with their owners, are very driven and work hard to accomplish their goals. Orcas, also known as killer whales, are the protectors of the sea and are natural-born leaders. You also might struggle with fitting in and caring too much about what others think of you. A common trait that magpies likely share with the witch or wizard who casts this Patronus is that they are homebodies and prefer comfort and familiarity. They're motivated to keep moving and embarking on bigger and bolder journeys, even if it means leaving some things behind. However, those with this Patronus seek safe environments and overall security. Those who conjure an orca Patronus frequently stand up for what they believe in and exhibit bravery in the face of fear. Peacocks are natural show-offs, and if you have this Patronus, you may share the character trait of pridefulness. They are quiet yet powerful and reserved yet achieve great things. Those dark Dementors do not stand a chance! You are likely confident in yourself and stand up for your beliefs. If their enormous size (roughly the weight of a full-grown man) does not scare off a Dementor, then just wait until this intimidating Patronus comes to your aid when it sees you are under attack. Those who conjure this Patronus are the epitome of what it looks like to be reliable and faithful. They swoop down from the air to catch their unsuspecting prey. One of the quickest beings alive within the Wizarding World, the Granian Winged Horse is named after a character from Norse Mythology (Grani) who was capable of running faster than wind, itself. Those with a grass snake Patronus are very perceptive and flexible, and they are not fazed by much. Deerhounds are loyal and want to help those they love. If you have this Patronus, those who are closest to you are lucky to have you in their corner. Eggs of the Runespoor assist mental agility when used in potions, and the Runespoor Patronus represents dynamic and ferocious thinking and intelligence. The badger Patronus represents ambition and determination. The Fire-Dwelling Salamander is one of the most unique magical creatures in the Harry Potter universe. Husky. The gray squirrel is one of the most hard-working animals, and so are the casters of this Patronus. Lucky for you, they have great endurance and will do anything to protect you! More than likely as the owner of this Patronus, people often misunderstand you. They keep to themselves and prefer to be watchful guardians. A hyena Patronus is related to finding comfort in a pack. Ravens are mysterious and intelligent, and they can mimic human sounds. Whether they chase their prey more for food or for fun is a mystery. A Bay stallion Patronus is spirited, passionate, and always ready for a fight. Casting a chow dog Patronus means you are lovable, sweet, and a good judge of character. When facing a Dementor, this Patronus will take charge quickly and send the Dementor running for the hills. . A ladybird is a small beetle, but it makes a mighty Patronus. Not only are white stallions brave and daring, but they can also be stubborn. You are not afraid to stand up for what you know is right, no matter the consequences. Generally speaking, it also has been insinuated that the Erumpent is relatively calm until provoked, where it will ram its horn into any threat. A stag patronus is probably the most memorable and recognizable form that a patronus can take on. Both long-time fans and newcomers are undoubtedly jumping back into the lore of the beloved franchise, with many discovering their own Patronus through The Wizarding Worlds online quiz. However, scops owls also have very sharp talons and beaks, so they are well-equipped for any battle. Ginger Cat. For good reason, lionesses are the queens of the jungle. These protective mothers are wary of intruders and will do anything to protect their cubs from harm. Mortal Distinction Carnivorous Predatory Can attack humans Status Extant [Source] A Hyena is a species of predatory, cat -like carnivorous mammals from Africa and one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. HYENAS LOVE TO EAT! Having a crow Patronus means you are crafty and cunning, but often misunderstood similarly to how crows are associated with dark omens. They are also curious birds that can sense danger from far away. These cats are eternally loyal to their chosen humans, meaning if this is your Patronus, they are devoted to you for life. Greyhounds are large and muscular while simultaneously gentle and sweet. Though blackbirds are not the most ferocious animals, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. These creatures can sometimes be cautious, so you probably assess all sides of a situation before acting. They have strong jaws for devouring their prey, and they are fiercely protective and loyal of their territory and young. The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. Will appear as humorous to others. The manx cat is a level-headed, quirky, and somewhat mischievous member of the feline family. Their tears have healing powers which already make this bird extremely powerful. This Patronus is an aggressive little fighter with strong perseverance; after all, some pine martens travel over 10 miles per day! Additionally, they are fierce fighters. Falcons are some of the fastest animals in the world, and there are records of them diving at speeds of over 200mph! HYENAS ARE TOTAL RAVENCLAWS Let me explain. Hyena can think or trick there way out of any problem. You take charge, and people respect and look up to you. They are also viewed as elegant, poetic creatures. This Patronus is representative of resilience usually someone who has dealt with great pressure or adversity and continues to overcome these obstacles every day. Nevertheless, this Patronus will never back down from a Dementor and will fight for you with its life. Warmth and happiness follow any interaction with this lovable Patronus, so a Dementors darkness does not stand a chance.
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