From what I've heard it was between Crouse's agent and ME; specifically money $$$. Sarah Michelle Gellar. She feels like she's testing the boundaries of something, and any human being always feels important no matter who they are. Buffy star missed. Crouse has also guest-starred on Alias, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Columbo, Criminal Minds, Law & Order, ER, Millennium, and NYPD Blue. That doesn't mean that the legends are true. 2. It's easy to kill offrecurring character's, it's tougher to kill off contract regulars. Buffy the Vampire Slayer spoilers: Who does Buffy end up with? > (Yeah, right, like I could tell if it was definitive based on a> Usenet posting). In my opinion, she was more of an appendage then a self-standing character when she was first introduced. Eliza Dushku, who played the rogue slayer Faith Lehane, was not represented at all. One of the biggest last minute changes that affected Buffy was Seth Green leaving early in production of season four. Lindsay Ann Crouse is an American actress. Crouse viewed her character "no nonsense, and she seems to be a real teacher. Harris wasn't playing for money, power or fame. I have always imagined that Maggie treats people like grown-ups. > > Lindsay Crouse wanted out of her contract so she was killed off. When she seemingly killed a security guard which put her on the run, Lindsay tried to contact Angel but he was already there and hung Lindsey's neck by a string choking, wanting to know where she was but Lindsey explained that she would die if Angel didn't save her. "A Master in the Art of the Con. > in article, Don Sample at> wrote on 6/13/02 7:24 PM:> > > In article <>, Sam> > wrote:> >. Riley was also the only character to have been accepted as part of the group by Buffy's male friend, Xander Harris (Nicholas Brendon). And he is pretty darn cute to boot!! Failing in that, he gave information about Angel to police officer Kate Lockley, whose father had been recently killed by vampires, putting her in a vendetta against Angel. Everybody."[8]. [INSIGHT]Buffy: How old was Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy The Vampire Slayer? (Presumably Watchers and other supernatural experts knew more). She> said the Initiative storyline was something that they pulled out of> their hats at the last minute. If you've been paying any attention to running news (or just big headlines in general) then you are already familiar with Lindsay's work. The two wrote much of The Sound of Music. Though Cain, the werewolf hunter, did make a point of using silver bullets We see Cain making his own bullets, but nothing is said about what theywere made of. Darla, however, secretly used his feelings to gain information from Wolfram & Hart to obtain a mystical ring from the Senior Partners during the Review. For more information, please see our This is something that has always been interesting to me everytime I watch season 4. But it's not just the physical betrayal that rattles Allenby. [citationneeded], Angel is given the amulet which Spike eventually uses to destroy the Hellmouth in Sunnydale. I'm sure she admires Dr. Frankenstein - or Einstein. I've seen other > published interviews that say Lindsay Crouse was disappointed to learn > her character was destind to die halfway through the season-- i.e. and Radcliffe College in 1970,[5] Crouse began her performing career as a modern and jazz dancer, but she soon switched to acting and made her Broadway debut in Much Ado About Nothing in 1972. Dressed in his casual attire, Lindsey left Los Angeles and went on a soul-searching trip, including, amongst other places, Nepal. It should have been layered a bit with fans even sympathizing with Walsh. -- Let the Darwin fishes swim!------------------------------------, > In article <>, Carmikl > wrote:> > > > > Also, apparently at a convention where Jane Espenson was a panelist. Sleeper--'It's a library; only the stupid and the evil are afraid of those.' "Look at my generation. Learning that Angel planned to expose the truth, they hired an old demon enemy of his to kill him. You are using an out of date browser. (Unless someone tells them to, but thatwould just be silly and pointless. [10], Lindsey quickly replaced his hand with a new prosthetic and continued with his life, requiring pre-made ties for work and unable to play his guitar. ", Angel Investigations and Team Angel allies, Angel Investigations and Team Angel enemies, Lindsey is the only character besides Angel himself to appear in the first (", Though Christian Kane is a guitar player as well as a singer, it is his. A person I would really like to know!". On more than one occasion, he joined forces with the Angel Investigations team and helped them stop some of Wolfram & Hart's particularly amoral agendas and operations, such as their plan to assassinate three children[1] or their mystical transplant operation. Cameras installed in Riley's room allow her to spy on Buffy and Riley while they have sex, and later to hear Buffy ask Riley about the 314 Project. It was she who restored Angel's soul at the conclusion of season two. More recently, in season four, > > > Maggie (Lindsay Crouse was going to be much more of a mother figure> > for Riley, introducing him to> > > another girl to lure him away from Buffy. His character went on to feature in a comic book which focused on Riley and his new wife. Upon leaving, he warned them not to follow him due to his "evil hand issues," pinching Lilah on the bottom as he walked out the door. Riley later. [9], They learned that Angel had nothing and the footage consisted of nothing but Cordelia and Wesley messing around; it not only embarrassed them when they acted suspiciously to stop the footage being shown, but it allowed the demon to take the money and return it to Anne. The break was eventually detected and Lindsey, along with Lilah, Lee, and several other employees where searched by mind readers. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I've seen other published interviews that say Lindsay Crouse was disappointed to learn her character was destind to die halfway through the season-- i.e. Her full nameLindsay Ann Crouseis an intentional tribute to the Broadway writing . Although if you bring up Jenny Calendar I'm still bitter aboutthem killing her off! Buffy reboot cast: Which Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast will return? Lindsey also worked with the ex-Watcher Rutherford Sirk to fake an addendum to the Shanshu Prophecy that the vampire with a soul must drink from the Cup of Perpetual Torment after apparently causing a disruption of reality that Eve claims is the result of there being two vampire champions with souls in an attempt to provoke a conflict between Angel and Spike that would result in Angel's death. The actor left to go shoot the movie Knockaround Guys and by the time he was able to return, the show had already changed so radically that there wasn't a place for him anymore. [7], Due to his and Lilah's achievements, they were congratulated at Holland's wine tasting party where Darla and Drusilla came and massacred everyone there, save for Lindsey and Lilah, as payback for being used as pawns. The set up for the final battle between Buffy and Adam occured in episode 14. We bring you all the headlines and gossip in one place! One their schemes involved organizing a charity event with Anne Steele, operator of the East Hills Teen Center, to improved Wolfram & Hart's image and secretly steal the donations. Ooh, didn't know that. Before the Initiative showed up I had assumed that Maggie had discovered the existance of vampires and was using them as guinea pigs for various psych experiments. "[10] In 2007, Crouse opened a revival of The Belle of Amherst, a one-woman show about the life of poet Emily Dickinson, at the Gloucester Stage in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Lindsey and Eve. Adam was a last minute replacement as the Big Bad. Lindsay Crouse is an actress who portrayed Maggie Walsh on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series. I thought the character came into her own in season five and blossomed as the moral core of Buffy's gang this year. Lindsay Crouse ( @lindsaycrouse) is a writer and producer in Opinion. However Buffy seemed to prefer living in danger, and she could not get used to the idea of settling down with Riley while attempting to save the world. Adam wasn't scary enough to be Big Bad on his own either, LOL. [16], While Spike fought the zombie defenses protecting the creature meant to kill Angel, Angel and Lindsey dueled in the chamber where the "contingency plan" was stored. If you believe that then how do you reconcile Mr Whedon's comments that he does not plan a series more than one season in advance? Buffy has actually played on this a bit in "Buffy v Dracula" when Spike blames Dracula for spilling the beans about vampire weaknesses-- implying that before Dracula's story was written, most myth and legend knew little or nothing about them. In an interview from back in 2018, he said: "It was one of my very first jobs, it was certainly my first big job. After a relationship with Robert Duvall,[15] Crouse married playwright David Mamet in 1977. She made her Broadway debut in the 1972 revival of Much Ado About Nothing and appeared in her first film in 1976 in All the President's Men. [13] In 2021, she appeared in a limited engagement of Mornings at Seven at Broadway's Theatre at St. Yes, such specifics will certainly be written around the characters and their natures and would differ, but there's no real reason the broad flow of the story would have had to be different. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season Six; Tabula Rasa, SPIKE: I must be a noble vampire. Find where to watch Lindsay Crouse's latest movies and tv shows . See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. In recent years, Crouse has concentrated on the theater. This allowed her to commit murder and get away due to her supposed disability. In "The Freshman", antagonist Sunday was originally going to be a Slayer who had been turned into a vampire, explaining how she was able to nearly effortlessly defeat Buffy the first time they fought.Instead, she simply became an unusually savvy and powerful vampire. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. There are just as many other werewolf stories out there that portray them as being normal humans when not in wolf form who can be killed just like any other person can be. She said that she was rathersurprised and disappointed uponhearing abou ther character's death. When Buffy appeared at the secret laboratory to confront Adam and save Riley, the undead Walsh tried to attack her with a bone saw. The two agreed to fight the upcoming battle together and, at the end, resolve their differences, maybe even allowing Lindsey to take a powerful position at Wolfram & Hart as "the devil [they knew]. Crouse's brother is Timothy Crouse, author of The Boys on the Bus about political journalism during the 1972 presidential campaign. She was born in New York City on 1948-05-12. But there's always the possibility that it just represents a "party line" and more truth is found elsewhere. "[3], Months later, Lindsey then worked with fellow lawyers Lilah Morgan and Lee Mercer, both having had previous plans ruined by Angel, to have him killed. "This is a matter of opinion--I disagree. He sent Spike to kill her, claiming she was still possessed by Jasmine; he later admited he did not expect the plan to succeed, but it "was worth a shot." Lindsay Crouse wanted out of her contract so she was killed off. I'm talking dirt poor, no shoes, no toilet, six of us kids in a room and come flu season that went down to four. The person in charge was Maggie Walsh who was also Buffy's professor. Two men enter, one man leaves!" LindsayCrouse was signed for the whole season. I remember when I was a kid, I read a lot of vampire comics. -- Tim McDaniel is; if that fail, is my work account. The fleur-de-lis bracelet that Lindsey wears throughout his time on the show is actually a bracelet that Christian Kane wears to remind him of his mother who is from New Orleans. [citationneeded], Lindsey responded by changing into his casual clothes, getting into his truck and by brutally beating Angel with it and a sledgehammer, demanding to know what happened with Darla. Lots of people make their own bullets. Riley later found out his boss had implanted a behaviour modifier into him after he joined the initiative, and it caused him to experience strange feelings. DonnaMy opinions might have changed, but not the fact that I am right. "You have to keep the poetry very, very active, which is pretty easy with Dickinson. "To join the Clueless Club, send a followup to this message quoting everythingup to and including this sig!" Adam may be ridiculous, but is also a fun and fitting Big Bad. And Angel did that. [2][3] Lindsay Ann Crouse's full name is an intentional tribute to the Broadway writing partnership of Lindsay and Crouse, which consisted of her father and his writing partner, Howard Lindsay. [1], While studying at University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Lindsey was recruited by Holland Manners to the law firm Wolfram & Hart. When informed by Eve that Spike had failed, Lindsey activated the Senior Partners' program meant to kill Angel if he turned against them. Any more word on this? You do realize that Wolf Lake has nothing to do with Buffy, don't you? In fact, while, under the assumption that she'd left the show early, I used to think that that reanimated corpse prof Walsh (in Primeval) was just an extra in prosthetics, it turns out that it was actually herself (Crouse) coming back to the show as planned all along. lets face it. Emmy Award-winning Sarah Michelle Gellar was born on April 14, 1977 in New York City, the daughter of Rosellen (Greenfield), who taught at a nursery school, and Arthur Gellar, who worked in the garment industry. I've been expecting Tara to leave or>be off the show for awhile, so her dying (Even though she's not REALLY>goneright? It makes no sense to me. Unable to get within a good distance due to a cross Lindsey held, Angel threw a scythe at Lindsey, chopping off his right hand. reasons and the Big Bad arc had to be redesigned around Adam. Holland, surprised by Lindsey's willingness to stand up as his person, welcomed Lindsey back, giving him a raise and his own office. A good guy. Since leaving Buffy, he went on to star in Knight & Day, Operation Christmas and Underground. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. An interesting thing about Joss is he's not very diplomatic, I like that about him. Personally I think> > ASH's departure this season was even more devastating.> >>> I wonder. Marc Blucas is an American actor who is best known for his role in the supernatural teen drama, Buffy The Vampire Slayer. riiighhht?). In 1996, she received a Daytime Emmy Award nomination for "Between Mother and Daughter", an episode of CBS Schoolbreak Special. Certainly Tara's role would have been quite different,> > or maybe there wouldn't have been a Tara at all. [2], Lindsey's driving force was his ambition, largely in part due to his childhood poverty. As I rewatch S04 and marvel at the cheesy lameness of fax-enabled, floppy-disk-eating Adam, I wonder whether Adam was a Plan B Big Bad or the Big Bad we needed and were going to get all along. Joss has said that Lindsay Crouse was difficult to work with, which led him to killing her off/reducing her role sooner. More info. I like her caustic nature, because she's not a mean person. ESPECIALLY if he had returned from controlling hiswerewolf self and got back with Willow (excluding any messy Taraentanglements), then they were totally happyand THEN Oz got shot atthe end of Season 6. I doubt it. It was an experiment that the Government wanted to test was possible or not, and they put Maggie in charge. I liked Adam as a Big Bad though, because as well as being scary to look at it and wicked strong, it wasn't like he was actually Evil; he was just the creation of someone else's mind. At Harvard, 46.3% of recruited athletes in the class of 2022 come from families with household incomes of $250,000+, compared with 1/3 of the class as a whole. [citationneeded], Lindsey legally represented many vampires and demons, as well as evil humans. Lahr also writes that Mamet got his first screenwriting assignment through Crouse. I remember when I was a kid, I read a lot of vampire comics. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ms. Crouse is a senior . I would say "scheduling conflicts" is the Hollywood answer. Kane has described the character as being driven by cynicism and ambition: "I still think this cat looks at the glass as being half empty. But just as he said this, Angel entered the conference they were having where Lindsay introduce him to Wolfram & Hart and telling him that Angel could not touch Winters. Vampires Don't bleed or get injured5. Apparently Adam was> > originally supposed to be a good guy, but when Lindsay Crouse wanted out> > of her contract they had to scramble to find a new Big Bad. The series stars Sarah Michelle Gellar as the title character, and she ended up forming a relationship with . Buffy Main Cast. On the other hand, with only Lindsey and Lilah left of Wolfram & Hart's Special Projects Team, their rivalry reached an all-time high as the two start a power struggle for the vice-presidency of the team as at the time neither of them was deemed fit to take the title. Vampires could not set foot in a church or look upon a holy relic6. Among them was the donor of Lindsey's hand, an old friend of his from his mailroom days. > And even if they were silver, maybe he just had a Lone> Ranger complex. Certainly Tara's role would have been quite different,or maybe there wouldn't have been a Tara at all. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Before Angel left, Lindsey had the encounter digitally recorded and alerted the police. If he was making silverbullets, it might be on a "Pascal's Wager" basis: if the legend IStrue, then using lead bullets is a way for him to get very quickly andvery messily dead. And when he came back I realized that I really missed Riley.". Claiming to receive visions from the Powers That Be, he gained Spike's cooperation and trust. Great actresses like Glenn Close and Susan Sarandonthere's nothing written for anyone over a certain age. The three hired then-renegade Slayer Faith to assassinate him, promising to free her from her police charges and a doubled amount of payment. Willow was well along the path to spell casting before she met Tara. "Christian Kane (lindsey) - Interview. I'm a vampire with a soul.BUFFY: A vampire with a soul? Although it seemed that he and Angel had buried the hatchet, Lindsey was unable to cope with the fact that the Senior Partners gave Angel everything that Lindsey had worked so hard for. Professor Maggie Walsh is introduced in Season Four, as Buffy's Psychology professor at the University of California, Sunnydale, but is later revealed as the leader of the government-controlled Initiative, a military project intent on capturing, studying, and modifying the behavior of various demons. The plan was averted as Spike, Cordelia, and Angel were able to uncover Lindsey's actions. Lindsay Crouse wanted out of her contract so she was killed off. There were other indications that an> > unknown force was at work in and around U.C. One fan said: "I didnt like Riley Finn when he first became Buffy's boyfriend but by the time he left I was really sad. Actor Blucas simply left the series as his character was written out in the year 2000. --Help control the idiot population. Meanwhile, he infiltrated Wolfram & Hart. Crouse was born in New York City, the daughter of Anna (ne Erskine) and Russel Crouse, a playwright. The WB/YouTube. They were only able to leave by the sacrifice of Gunn, who remained behind to take Lindsey's place. This also explains why they didn't think to ring in some othermilitary type as the big bad. Riley was different from Buffy's other love interests, is he was the only one who could offer her a slice of normality. She's not a mean person, she's just a straight-out scientist. "[4], Crouse outlined her view of Maggie's relationships with Riley and Buffy, "Her teaching assistant Riley is really the child she never had, and there's probably confusion there that he's a potential something for her that's slightly out of her reach, but she's willing to prevent anyone else from being interested in him. She was striving so hard to understand what life was about. Sunnydale in further> > episodes before it was all revealed to us.> > --. Fearing that the hand is evil, Lindsey went to Caritas and sang for the Host, revealing that he used to be a regular customer and musician at Caritas until he lost his hand. But it's easier to see how and why they might have madethat decision. In many stories, it takes silver to kill a werewolf when it's in wolf form but the other 26 or so days of the month when they are human, they can be killed just like anyone else can. He was eventually rescued by Angel, Spike, and Charles Gunn for information they need. [18], During the Fall of Los Angeles, the Senior Partners discussed with Wesley the possibility of replacing him with a "zombified McDonald" or Eve as their liaison to Angel. > >> > I wonder. Prior to having his powers stripped from him by Angel's team, he displayed the following powers. Wasn't Lindsay Course playing judges in the Law & Order franchise was that part of the reason why she got killed off in Buffy? [14], Lindsey later sought out Spike under the assumed identity of a drifter named Doyle, closely paralleling the initial encounters between Angel and the real Doyle. "[1], In a gender studies text, Jowett includes a section on the character, and argues the character is "masculinized by her roles as professor, scientist and leader. You don't AngelLindsey's last words, Lindsey and Angel allied once more in an effort to stop the Circle. Touched by an Angel. ""Are you kidding? It was> Maggie who was supposed to tell Riley about Angel to humiliate Buffy in> front of everyone at the Initiative. Lindsay Crouse had more fun playing a zombie than playing Prof. Walsh. riiighhht?) I remember one early episode where Walsh was shown watching Buffy and Riley in bed together, and thought at the time that, if she were somehow sexually obsessed with Riley, she might have used Initiative resources, including other chipped demons and vampires, to take Buffy out of the picture, probably beginning when she sent Buffy out alone with the defective weapon against the demon. She said that she was rather> surprised and disappointed uponhearing abou ther character's death.> > > (Yeah, right, like I could tell if it was definitive based on a> > Usenet posting)> > Hey, you could check the guide for yourself>. The loss of Marc Blucas was a blessing! We thought it would create> > some Shakespearean jealousy, and. the middle of season 7 I wouldn't mind that one bit. If he was making silver> bullets, it might be on a "Pascal's Wager" basis: if the legend IS true,> then using lead bullets is a way for him to get very quickly and very> messily dead. [4], After learning that Faith was convinced by Angel to end the deal and stay at his apartment for rehabilitation, Lindsey then hired an assassin to kill Faith, not wanting word to get out of what happened. Adamwas a last minute replacement as the Big Bad. [8] Darla did this with the intent to keep both lawyers as their liaison to the Senior Partners, because though angry for being used by Wolfram & Hart, she desired power. I really enjoy the strong, challenging women that pop up in Buffy's world - Maggie Walsh, Jenny Calendar, Anya, & Tara to name a few. [11], Crouse appeared in Lee Blessing's Going to St. Ives with the Gloucester Stage Company during the summer of 2008[12] and provided the narration for Virginia Lee Burton: A Sense of Place, a documentary film about Virginia Lee Burton. To me that would have been a cooler idea since you don't need to have a huge hidden base under campus and it does not make the Slayer's job completely redundant since you don't have an armed squad of demon-hunter doing her job, just your everyday mad scientist. [19], You're not part of the solution, Lindsey. He might have requirements(other than material) that aren't easily met with store bought bullets. Smart guy! After huge amounts of fan speculation on the idea, a vampirised Slayer finally did appear in the "Season Nine" comics. Personally I thinkASH's departure this season was even more devastating. Career Crouse made her Broadway debut in the 1972 revival of Much Ado About Nothing and appeared in her first film in 1976 in All the President's Men. you never know, they could have bonded over him seeing her nude. Consequently, his work at the firm suffered as he aired his hatred towards Angel against his colleagues while still in a race with Lilah for the promotion. Cookie Notice But Crouse said this to Rafelson, who called Mamet; when the director asked why he should hire him for the screenplay, Mamet replied, "Because I'll give you a good screenplay or a sincere apology." "Once you get your driver's license, you end your film career," says Crouse. Lindsay Crouse ( @lindsaycrouse) is a writer and producer in Opinion. Unknown to many in the Initiative, Walsh is also involved in Project 314, a secret program within the Initiative that is creating a hybrid demon-humanoid-mechanoid (demonoid) known as Adam. While Nike promotes gender equality in its ads, their sponsored athletes say they risk losing pay if they become pregnant. It wasTara who got Willow down that path of heavy magic. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Lindsey then discovered that Darla had slept with Angel. His relationship with Buffy also hit the rocks after he realised she could not love him in the way he wanted, as she was scared of emotional vulnerability. Come to think of it, it does make sense that Adam was the planned Big Bad all along. Nike and Pregnancy: Your Questions, Answered. While> Oz would have remained Willows love interest, I don't think we would> have seen Buffy crying in Oz's lap in "Dead Things" for instance. -- (Jukka Korpela), The answer to all questions starting with those four words is "Yes.". Maybe it useda wierd calibre bullet. Since werewolves are fictional, there's no universal "rule" about how they must be portrayed. You can unsubscribe at any time. ", Fans continue to admire the actor and his role, with one commenting: "Marc seems to be one of the most intelligent and down to earth actors with an ego in its proper place. I think she'd like to fashion the world in her image, but Buffy puts a wrench in the works". Crouse was on her way to audition for Bob Rafelson's 1981 remake of The Postman Always Rings Twice, and jokingly Mamet told Crouse to tell Rafelson that "he was a fool if he didn't hire me to write the screenplay." Werewolves> and silver bullets could be another false thing. I was really creeped out when he reanimated the corpses of Walsh and the other doctor. [13], Lindsey then initiated the next stage of his plan, making Spike corporeal again through a package sent to Spike at Wolfram & Hart. Adam> > was a last minute replacement as the Big Bad. But to be honest, i think her story played out the way it should have been. I doubt Oz would die from a bullet IMHO, unless he was shot in the head orsomething > > > That might have been the net result, but you would have to admit the> road travel to get to that point would have been much different. She> > said the Initiative storyline was something that they pulled out of> > their hats at the last minute. ), -- Don Sample, dsa@synapse.netVisit the Buffy Body Count at omni flunkus moritati. Maggie was supposed to be the season's Big Bad.> > Maggie was supposed to drive a wedge between Buffy and Riley. Sunnydale in further episodes before it was all revealed to us.-- Be seeing you,Growltiger, > > > > Lindsay Crouse wanted out of her contract so she was killed off. ", Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years, Beyond the Prairie: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Beyond the Prairie, Part 2: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder, "Anna E. Crouse, 97, Dies; Championed Discount Tickets for Broadway", "The Very (Very) Slow Rise of Lesbianism on TV - The New York Times", "Gloucester Stage Company plans five plays, Sunday readings for 29th season.