This requires many workouts a week, not just four. It was adding speed strength to his program. Matt Wenning talks Chuck Vogelpohl!Want to know the specifics? After a couple of sets, Dave thought, I have this motherfucker. And then there's inverse curls, ab work, upper pec work, etc. He looks me in the eye and says, What happened, Mom?. Well, there is Long live King George. He said that the rack pulls taught him how to strain against heavy weights. He retired with a 2855 and best lifts of 2930 in three short years. At Westside, we use a particular weight and particular bar speed, and we control the volume by how strong you are. George started out at 275 lbs. Surnames are taken as the first part of an person's inherited family name, caste, clan name or in some cases patronymic, Descriptions may contain details on the name's etymology, origin, ethnicity and history. No Powerlifting competitor has captured the imagination of the strength community like Chuck Vogelpohl of . No 100s on a Kmart bar. The head ref. Due day at Vanhorns, George went to out-bench the great Larry Pacifico, who I saw bench 590 at 228 in the early 1970s. COACHING AVAILABLE! the Hypertrophy Manual! to take your Powerlifting seriously? I almost died in 1991. Kenny P. was just the opposite. The key for Wes was to add three-week pendulum waves on Fridays at 50, 55 and 60 percent for 25 total squats and 25 total deadlifts. Posts. With no more hip flexion to give, further movement has to come from somewhere. These guys could bench about 600 lbs. Greg would do 9x6 repsdouble the volume. Matt Dimel's death in 1994 was a devastating shock and loss to the world of Powerlifting. Some can find a way to overcome a training plateau, while others cannot and stop training forever. The first strength speed cycle A. J. and Jake Anderson trained with were 700 pounds of band tension plus bar weight. wide bench. He benched 470 lbs. This would be Georges last world record. He was gone. Geoff Girvitz is the founder of Bang Fitness in Toronto. In 1982, when I broke my lower back for the second time, I knew I had to change what I was doing. and tried for a 898. like I said only a matter of time!! He missed. on the bar. I hope Coan gets back Kellum had a record-breaking day. Learn more about Ryan Kennelly, But during a gym shootout, Georges peck was separated from the bone completely. Clicking on selected countries will show mapping at a regional level, Rank: Name are ranked by incidence using the ordinal ranking method; the name that occurs the most is assigned a rank of 1; name that occur less frequently receive an incremented rank; if two or more name occur the same number of times they are assigned the same rank and successive rank is incremented by the total preceeding names, Ethnic group cannot necessarily be determined by geographic occurrence, Similar: Names listed in the "Similar" section are phonetically similar and may not have any relation to Vogelpohl, To find out more about this surname's family history, lookup records on FamilySearch, MyHeritage, FindMyPast and Ancestry. So when The Arnold came around, I walked up to him and said, I heard you are retiring, Glen. He got a big laugh out of that. A secret weapon was his training partners such as Luke Edwards who would battle it out every day, never giving an inch. The result? Brandon Lilly is the creator of the Cube Method, he is also a Elite level powerlifter having best lifts of 1,008 in the squat, 832 in the bench, and 804 in t. Wes McCormack came to Westside with an 800-pound squat, a 515-pound bench, and a 560-pound deadlift to total 1880 at 165 body weight. Some less common occupations for Americans named Vogelpohl were Carpenter and Saleslady. You can see this in action during my leg workout in this video. George made his benches mostly from his strong chest. Chuck Vogelpohl, a long-time Westside lifter who won his first National in 1987, was strong from the start, especially in the back and hips, but he had to overcome two plateaus. raw bench. I didn't make the rules, I have to follow them. When Louie Simmons talks, you'd better be listening. Kenny Patterson was the youngest to hold an open world record at 19 years old with a 716 lb. Today, you see Greg benching 570 raw without a handout. All photo's and images courtesy of Curtis Dennis and/or Bolton was the first to raise the bar to 927 and then Frank By doing wide box squats, he went on a record-breaking spree that ended up at 903 with a 680 deadlift, a 120-pound improvement in the deadlift. squat at 264 lbs. Joe McCoy was one who thought that the weights might be light at the big money events, but after his opener he said to me, The weights are real. Eskil Thomasson came to visit Westside from Sweden a few weeks before the money meet because he did not believe that we trained like we said we did. in a shirt. As was Anthony Clark, a big star, looking to his 800 lb. The bench came from Kmart, it was about 8 in. It's straight up that simple. Regardless of the sport Make your morning email scroll and coffee stronger. Reels Ryan bombed out and Fusdog broke the 308-pound world record for his first world record. His back strength is unbelievable due to the Goodmorningsalmost a forgotten exercise, but take Phils and Vlads word on it, they work. It's not the exercises, sets, or reps. I forget what he said, and Im like, I dont know if I can beat this guy. And Louie said, He aint gonna let you.. champ at the WPO but also the heavyweight champ at 275 lbs. J. M. Blakely also benched with us. With the explosion in the internet since the late 1990s, Powerlifting competitors and fans around the world have been able to see the best lifters compete and train. If you want to get strong, the system is foolproof and works for anyone. That is the saying I would attach. Most injuries happen on the eccentric phase, but highly trained athletes can sustain these forces. click here! A good hinge followed by a controlled drop from about the mid-shins is just fine, though. EFS: First, thanks for letting us do this interview. benchers, wow it has come a long way. Goes to show you that nothing stops a powerlifter. He will help coach and spot any lifter in the gym. Their sets kept going up, and Chuck started to look tired. a city. This wouldn't count in a meet, it deprives you of 50% of the benefit of the lift, and at Westside, this would get you punched in the face. Why do you think Chuck Vogelpohl would go so insane when lifting? has done 800 while Scot invents controversy over the net by talking like a Arnold Coleman was just starting and later became the world record holder in the squat and total at 181. He passed on his third attempt saving On the way to Tims, I had a talk about pain with Matt Dimel, my redheaded stepchild. By placing the bands on the barbell, they gave a more even displacement over the entire range of motion. I remember, at The Arnold one day, we were leaving when I heard some young guy call out to me, Mr. Coaches should include max effort training in every athlete's training plan. I saw the unlimited potential he had, and in one year he broke his first world record total doing 2565 at 242 body weight. He said, I heard those Westside guys are crazy, but he eventually became a Westsider and still is today. Thu Oct 13, 2016. Think of speed strength as a transmission in a car. There is a video on YouTube entitled Chuck Vogelpohl 633 bench at the 2006 Arnold Classic which shows what an incredible strength athlete Chuck is. Jay went on to break two world records ending with 750 pounds at 181 body weight, which still stands on our record board. They are largely reproduced from 3rd party sources; diligence is advised on accepting their validity -, Heatmap: Dark red means there is a higher occurrence of the name, transitioning to light yellow signifies a progressively lower occurrence. At about this time, Tony Ramos came to the gym and brought along Paul Keys to train. I only ask you to train to your absolute strength. MONSTER BENCHER! Here's how. It would be an honor to break Oleksandrs total record and put it on the wall at Westside forever. These are the three abilities that make up the Westside Method. Improve your form and get a mechanical advantage boost. I remember, George had just got off work and was in his work jacket when he came in the gym with the blacked-out windows. Chuck Vogelpohl, one of powerlifting's favorite personalities and longtime team cornerstone, has left Westside Barbell Club. It persisted continuously, so Doug would only do mild incline and decline presses. Along with his lifting achievements, JL holds a bachelor's degree in exercise science and is a former University of Kentucky strength coach. So it's instinctive, but with a purpose. Ano also deadlifted 837.8 It was not easy to beat Dave, but Rob came through for Westside. Finally, their sets hit 40, and Dave was struggling. Not very fast. Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. see the first man to surpass 800 on the bench, which has not been done as of sorry the quality is bad. I am proud to say not only Matt trained at Westside, but also, Dave Tate, you made Elite Fitness. But one of the best exercises is the belt squat. I about passed out. This increases your risks without any further improvement in performance. . We called for an 820-pound deadlift on Fusdogs third attempt to force Dave into an 865-pound deadlift, but changed the third to a makeable 770 pounds. He was the greatest squatter of all time. A lot of this information came from George, as he helped me write this. rollin' and rollin' and doesn't look like he's stopping though too. His 628 lb. As long a gym isn't doing what we're doing, I know they have no chance to beat us. George pushed up the JM presses and included a lot of close-grip step-incline presses. I told them we will be down, and to have the money in small bills. Ryan used to respect Scot in the past. monster in strength. The author was instructed to read Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a spiritual self-help book about a seagull who wanted to fly as fast as possible. Seven of them are box squatters. But, when we got in the gym, he started putting on wraps and all kinds of painers. He later broke World Records at three weight classes. However, you should still be able to put the bar down without scaring the grandad in the back of the gym as he tries to do his rotator cuff rehab exercises in peace. Here's a list of the most common technical errors you'll see when it comes to lowering the bar, or the steps that immediately precede it. KP was always on. The reason is, if you go for volume in the Big 3, the weakest link gives out first, like the lower back, or you tear a pec. At 220 lbs. He is known as the ninja, because of how he disappears and reappears all the time. Everyone has experienced a training plateau in one lift or another. Just f*cking stop when the hips reach extension. His main training partners were Kenny Patterson and Gerry O. Be sure to also use a variety of movements. What you want to do is hinge back and once the bar has cleared the knees, you squat down. Build your shoulders. Theyd go back and forth after each set until the other person gave up. George had a strong lockout to go with the speed. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. In United States they earn 8.4% more than the national average, earning $46,775 USD per year. Among the He then says, Youre right buddy. Click here to find out more information on Curtis Dennis So let's say you squat 400 pounds. Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. KP said to me, Old man, you will never have 700 lbs. heard to weighing close to the 400 mark although it seems to have made him a Before I talk about Garry Frank and Andy Bolton's battle, I would like to point Copyright 2023 elitefts. And remember, he showed up as a high school football player. Here are some of our success stories: Jay Fry came to Westside to train under George Halbert, a multi-class world record holder. And while serious deadlifting doesn't exactly feel like a backrub and a homecooked meal, the best way to extend your lifting lifespan is to keep your physical stresses channelled into places that will strengthen you instead of beating you up. Ano is also another So a novice should do one extra workout a week for upper body and one extra workout for the lower body, targeting whatever's needed. All sports, including powerlifting, require speed. But nobody said anything about your lumbar spine. This bodyweight move not only builds your forearms, it's a great way get ready for serious gymnastic-based training. Two things made Greg a multi-world-record holderphysical work and a strong mental attitude. There's no better squat for powerlifting training than a wide-stance box squat. We were lifting in Canton, Ohio. Sprinkle in a lot of coaching time with Louis Simmons, Dave Tate, Steve Goggins, and Eddie Coan, and JL turned into a professor of the deadlift. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. We were the only gym with three 600 lb. just a lil video i threw together to honor chuck vogelpohl. And since you only have so long to complete a maximum rep 2 seconds, maybe 3 if you're very endurance minded you have to be fast to be strong. Two things became apparent: first, there was an overspeed eccentric phase due to the bands pulling you downward due to the elastic properties of the rubber itself and second, it caused an increase in muscle mass. strength athlete who drops dead . In 1994, Powerlifting USA reported that "Matt Dimel died suddenly on Apr 9, 1994, when he suffered either a stroke, a seizure, or perhaps an aneurysm. The clanging of plates is a beautiful zen sound that only the devil himself would want to eliminate. world record at 220. Westside had begun an 18-month experiment with using chains for AC. Kenny P. was not doing well, and I said, Kenny, I am going to come out of retirement after tearing my patellar tendon in half, plus almost dying in 91. This was now 1995. Like Phil Harrington, the Goodmorning would be the special barbell exercise that would make the difference for Vlad. 25% of Vogelpohl men worked as a Farmer and 60% of Vogelpohl women worked as a Stenographer. I dialed back because I had already learned by this time that when you get called out on shit like that, you stop squatting with compensatory acceleration; you just start standing up with 405. The true experts and legends of strength sport got there from doing great things and toiling in the trenches for years. Generally speaking, though, don't be a douchebag and drop the bar from the top. Rob lifted and tore his peck completely off in his opener, and was then gone for good. He could also floor press 625 lbs. Bullshit. Chuck Vogelpohl became his training partner and his understanding of the deadlift changed forever. Dave Hoff came to Westside as a 15 year-old high school football player. We noticed Phil squatted fairly close when he broke his teammate Arnold Colemans 181 record of 854 with a half kilo 856 pounds. (The classic Westside template has two Dynamic days and two Max Effort days, one of each for both the upper and lower body.) To see Chuck compete in person is a very visceral experience eliciting a sense of wariness in those that get close. I can go on Look, this is nothing I'm doing. Throughout the years, Westside Barbell has produced some of the strongest bench presses in the Building a strong, fast, and resilient athlete calls for a coach to leave no stone Over the past week, I have covered the basics of max-effort training. The combination of bands and bar weight must be calculated correctly to produce world records. I dont think this has ever happened, before or after. Glen Chabot also comes to mind as a great guy, and very strong. He became the youngest World bench press holder with 720 pounds at 20 years old. The percentage doesn't change, whether you squat 300 or 500 or 1,200 pounds. This time George beat Dave, 650 to 628. In nine months Matt made 700 pounds easy. His total now is 2120, second only to Oleksandr Kutcher from the Ukraine. The Vogelpohl family name was found in the USA between 1880 and 1920. I recall a money bench meet in Daytona and The Great Dave Waterman, the current world record holder at 198 body weight with 632, was there. At 220 lbs. dumbbells, for those who could do them. I could not talk for once. floor press. At a meet in Dayton, Ohio, Jay benched 525 pounds at 181 body weight. I started applying everything I could, which means I started applying science to weights. He was not only a lightweight 220 lb. Ano Turtianinen has been the leanest 275 lifter I've seen in a while. He called Matt Dimel, who had been stuck at 820 pounds for a year, and told him to give it a try. It was with 25 percent band tension. There were just three benches and about 15 of us, so you really had to earn your spot. That's how we don't overtrain everything is governed by your maximum strength. world get a chance to compete and make a decent living at it. No gym in the world has two 2,700 pound totals. Chuck Vogelpohl would eventually not only break world records, but do so in three different weight classes. Sign up for Patreon and get the exact programming Matt recommends for each modality. George said he wanted to lose weight and go down to a lighter class. Reports are that Vogelphol will continue to train and compete. I thought, He knows how to strain, but I guess that is how he discovered to do so. People confuse this and forget the squat part, which causes major issues. This surname is most frequently occurring in The United States, where it is borne by 890 people, or 1 in 407,257. Click here for a But everyone had left the building. It started to happen. and got to keep the bench. He hit his head hard on the floor. The internet has done wonders for "The Myth of Chuck Vogelpohl". If not, you fail. bench. His competitive best lifts include a 905-pound squat, 775-pound bench press, and an 804-pound deadlift. But that was a good reason to try it unofficially. Jumping is explosive power. All right reserved. This put him in a bad mood and after arriving home at 1:30 am, he went out to the gym and loaded 315 pounds on the bar and pulled it for 15 reps. At 19 he was the first teenager to squat 1000 and total 2400. Chuck Vogelpohl became his training partner and his understanding of the deadlift changed forever. Steve Wilson, who was training with Matt and had an 815-pound deadlift, agreed that they both would give it a try using 225 to 275 pounds for two or three sets of deadlifts of 20 reps four times a week. He caught on fast. Illinois had the highest population of Vogelpohl families in 1880. A.J. into the action this year. I have Matt carry a barrel wrestlers have to get their hips to the opponent, and the only way to carry a 55 gallon barrel is to jam the hips up into it. But nothing happens. Now all anyone has to do is get online and tell everyone how awesome they are with 50,000 tweets per day and eventually people just believe them. Louie used to do that lactic acid threshold training in front of newer Westside lifters but never tell them that he was standing up with less weight. On Max Effort day we work high intensity but low volume, basically 50 percent of the volume of speed day. You can't lift massive loads safely if the movement comes from the sacroiliac (SI) or lumbar spine instead of the hips. The incidence of Vogelpohl has changed over time. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Go to to get started on your first purchase and receive a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D and 5 travel. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. Once you master the initial setup and the basic mechanics of the lift, you'll quickly see that the greatest opportunity to improve comes from putting the bar down better. And to add to the list, J. L. Holdsworth, one of the strongest full lifters I have ever seen. And to answer the question, he retired. Check it out: Westside Deficit Deadlifts He is the man behind the JM Press. Grab the Powerlifting Training Manual to get step by step training. to Wenning Strength: Matt Wenning Instagram: Matt Wenning Facebook: Website: https://www.wenningstrength.comManuals: When the other persons looking tired, thats when you might try to up the ante (or the weights) and crush their spirits. would only use 45s. There was a bench meet in Lumberton, NC that offered $8,000. He accomplished at world record with 782. We hated him, but at the same time, loved him for his talent and for being a great competitor. Jon Call is the perfect candidate to attempt recreating Chuck Vogelpohl's Squat session.