This gives Lioness as a Spirit Animal the meaning of having ties to community that empower you to accomplish your mission by working in tandem with a group. She also nurtures the pack and defends them against other lions and predators. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband. A slave in Ancient Greece named Aesop wrote a collection of stores. Do you know when to bare your teeth and intimidate your adversary or when its best to use diplomacy? Is my husband in danger and Im shown he is being protected? 1. You may also be reminded of the importance of choosing when to use your full power and when to hold back and use your diplomatic skills to solve problems. I normally respond much faster. If you are wondering if Lioness is working in with you on a spiritual level, here are some things to consider. When you see or encounter a Lioness, remember that though they are powerful enough to hunt and kill prey, they do not resort to dominant or violent behavior within the pride to establish order. The feminine energy of the Lioness helps create the strong structure of the pack. You tend to take risks, but know how to stay calm under pressure. In Greek Mythology, the Sphinx is a creature with the body of a lioness, a womans head, and a birds wings. Often times, lions are associated with solar deities and represent our innermost desires for power, success and honor. In case you identify with the lioness, you will be courageous and powerful. In some Christian lore, the Lion is also a symbol of the Virgin Mary and the protective nature of mother Lions. Lets stop trying to justify gratuitous aggression. They also keep appearing in movies I watch or pictures that are posted on social media. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same. I want the best for the world, but I am not afraid to fight and die for those I care about. Respect is earned No, respect is a basic human rightevery single person is deserving of respect. If you see a lioness in your dream, the universe may be trying to send you a message. They will defend religious freedom and the choice of finding God in ones own way. 7 Spiritual Meanings of Slugs in the House: Is it Good Luck? Historians suggest the playful Goddess of Dance and Protection appeared in early illustrations as having a Lioness head instead of a domesticated Cat. WebLion as a symbol of power. These beings also birthed many other beats within Greek Mythology. Lioness, as a Spirit Animal, likes people who nurture and protect the weak. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. My deepest gratitude for your site and the information & insight that it provides. So, they are also symbols of the divine sisterhood women supporting women. As a committed person, you are also someone who deserves loyalty from your loved ones. Be prepared when you invoke Lion as a Power Animal. Examples include Ishtar with a Lion-drawn chariot, and Inanna, who stands on the backs of two female Lions. As a result, it will reflect in the way that you handle your relationships. The Sun God Mithras was a Solar deity associated with Lion and often portrayed with a Lions head. Sometimes, it is best to remain silent about your intentions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Generally, the crown is seen as a symbol of power, authority, and divine protection or guidance. Some revered the Lioness as the provider for the pride, and the meaning of providence and hunting skill remains intact. There was a rainbow cloud (not over the canyon but South of it) and I was compelled to watch it and take pictures. Lion, as King of the Beasts and a ferocious predator, is used as a symbol for evil. The creature is an expert hunter who is reliable and fearless in the face of any challenge. There are descriptions of a powerful Lion who also has wings and this image is later featured in some of the earlier depictions of Tarot Cards such as The World and The Wheel of Fortune, as the winged Lion meaning is associated with Mark the Evangelist, and became synonymous with mysticism in various occult traditions. Theyre capable of covering dozens of miles in a single day. Also, this bears the meaning of the Jesus connection or the Ascended Masters connection.. That is because the idea of change can leave us feeling uncomfortable. Lioness Meaning: Female Power Furthermore, the lionesses support each other on the hunt, which enables them to take down prey that is faster or stronger than they are. Lioness Spiritual Meaning 1: Lioness as a symbol of Matriarchy The Lioness is associated with female power and also with matriarchal societies. This will further enable you to prosper and fulfill all the dreams that you have one at a time. A totem is a specific animal associated with an individual, family, or group. You are forever loyal to your loved ones and never try to deceive them. If so, you are working on a spiritual path that is aligned with Lion energy. In many Native cultures, the silent, stalking predation of Mountain Lion is associated with dealing with silence and changes of consciousness in your own life. You must welcome new opportunities and work towards building your future. In addition, you will also be in a position to face challenges and overcome difficulties. Lioness spiritual meaning #4 Symbol of the divine feminine The Lioness symbolizes the power of feminine energy, which is not to say gender specifically, but rather the energy associated with the feminine polarity in metaphysics. This is especially true of the heraldic imagery of the Winged Lion. You must not let anyone who has bad intentions come near you. Thus, the lioness is the quintessential symbol of female power Furthermore, the lionesses support each other on the hunt, which enables them to take down prey that is faster or stronger than they are. When the world sleeps, the Big Cats are everywhere yet unseen, communicating yet unheard, and prowling yet immobile. In many spiritual traditions, butterflies are seen as symbols of transformation, growth, and rebirth. Much love. The connection intensifies further with the entrance to great cities and temples featuring Lion gates and sculptures flanking statues as protectors. But the lioness is also a great symbol of power for women too. We must always boost our confidence to go ahead in our lives. Your email address will not be published. You live between two worlds, one spiritual, and one material; this allows for deep insight into both personal matters as well outside issues such as an abundance of untapped power which can be harnessed by means relevant to achieving goals. Such positions imply trust from others, so, its time to trust yourself. WebAngel number 333 represents the essence of the Trinity. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. She is a reminder that you have within you the power to overcome any obstacle. Seeing a lioness is a good spiritual sign as it provides you with inspiration and motivation. The white lioness is also a symbol of our elevated selves. But they also stalk silently when they need to sneak up on their prey. In the Book of Daniel, Daniels dreams of lions as well as other magical creatures. Whatever happens in that home and family happens because she cares about it and it matters to her.. These stories hold meaningful morals that are still popular among children today. Additionally, the way they carry themselves is like royalty, so they have a charismatic personality. Leo personalities view all people as theirs to protect and serve. But, there is also another spiritual meaning associated with such a dream. When you dream that this cat attacks you, it suggests that a force may be driving you to self-destruction. The lioness spirit animal is a symbol of feminine power and strength. However, most of us remain afraid of changes or transformations in our lives. They do not run away. A dream where you come across a white lioness can symbolize that you possess the skills that are necessary to be a great leader. Bells are special symbols. Commonly reffered to as x26quot;the KING of the beasts,x26quot; it is a symbol of Kingly power and might, but as the lioness it is commonly related to the Great Mother The Lioness symbolizes the potency of feminine energy, which is not to say specifically gender but the energy associated with feminine polarity in metaphysics. Its most common traits are: majesty, strength, courage, justice, and military might. Lioness is associated with protecting the family and feminine power. You understand a person from the moment you meet them and recognize whether or not they have good or ill intentions. Lion meaning in Japan is also related to protection. So, you are able to help your loved ones make important decisions. In this instance, authority is associated with feminine energy. In some cultures, the lion is also She knows when to take action and when to sit back and let things happen.This is because the lioness possesses great intuition. In Christian lore, Lion is a significant symbol for power and has come to represent the righteousness associated with early Christian Emperors and Kings. Lions are cunning, noble, and courageous. Then, the Lion shows its affection for Androcles in front of the Emperor; because of this ancient story, Lion symbolism includes devotion and kindness toward those who show mercy and compassion. Lioness Meaning: Female Power Furthermore, the lionesses support each other on the hunt, which enables them to take down prey that is faster or stronger than they are. It can sometimes signify victory or a celebration of accomplishment. Have courage 3. If the Lion Spirit Animal makes you aware of its presence, the majestic Cat introduces you to its uncommon strength and vitality. The Lioness encourages you to embrace your femininity (its also an animal that is strongly associated with femininity) and use it as a source of strength rather than weakness. I just today took the Spirit Animal test and the result was the Lion. A lioness is a fierce feline that walks the safari with authority. Being in the limelight is where its at for a Leo personality. I had a dream about a headless male lion that was alive but sad. The lioness spiritual meaning is a popular symbol used in Egyptian mythology. If a lioness appears in your dream involving other people, she may represent your relationships presence or lack of loyalty. They also do not eat first. It stands for the dreamers enhanced resolve to complete all outstanding duties. Please accept my apology. Moreover, it can also represent that good times will soon come in your life. The Tiger just sits under the pine tree out front and just looks at me.She never leaves that tree. I have read a bookseries about them and they intrigue me so much. They never betray their friends whom they love, and family is also one of the most important things for them. The lioness spiritual meaning has been depicted as a feminine feline through many myths, legends, and cultures. It can be both solar and lunar. This balance will further enable you to manifest your dreams. This might help clear up the confusion. I am Tweeting this post as I simply find it useful and shareworthy! Elsewhere in African culture, Lion is considered to have unique powers and can bestow protective energy. If Lion is your Totem Animal, you face challenges head-on, without fear. I recently started wondering what my spirit animal was. Do you need the courage to pounce on an opportunity or defeat a foe? What is another name for lioness? Trying to understand. In the Bible, the Lioness is associated with the angel, Ariel. Yet Lion also appears in various contexts. The Lioness he dreamed of had wings and was associated with Nebuchadnezzar, who was King of the Babylonian empire. If someones loyalty is in question, the Lioness may appear as a confirmation that their loyalty to you is as fierce as a lion. Lions are very social animals and live under a matriarchal system. In the story of Androcles and the Lion, the Great Cat remembers kindnesses rendered to it. You will know if the Lioness is your spirit animal when: If any or all of these qualities resonate with you, then it is very likely that the lioness is your spirit animal. Like, for instance, it can be that you need to figure out your own power and not let others take advantage of the kindness that you shower upon them. These days I come across too many posts where there is no link between the headline and the body of the content. Thus even as Lion symbolism relates to Kings, Queens, Emperors and royalty, Lion also reminds us that power is not just about status and wealth but also about a sacred obligation to be a protector and steward of resources. The Lion came out of it for me. Try to lie low or go to someone who can help protect you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Actual Biblical references are not as flattering. The life cycle of a butterfly, from caterpillar to chrysalis to fully-formed butterfly, is often seen as a metaphor for personal growth and spiritual evolution. So, if the lioness has entered your life, be prepared to step into your power and claim your rightful place in the world. An aggressive Lion in your dream represents personal anger and offense bubbling under your calm veneer. First thing one can never be too observant! What does the lioness symbolize in a dream? Have i been missing the signs? Its most common traits are: majesty, strength, courage, justice, and military might. Its also the main symbol of transformation (water never stays the same), which could mean something in your life needs changing. It also symbolizes how one is fearless and confident in whatever endeavor one undertakes. Middle Eastern stories and art show the Lion as representing great kings. I am a Leo, but the hawk has been my totem for the last several years. Though a bit of a wild child, if youve got the heart of a Lion, you have the uncanny ability to stay motionless and silent; your ease with stillness and silence makes you a natural in meditation and trancework. A peaceful lion in your dreams is a sign of luck. When you meet someone who has a Lion tattoo, they are no doubt displaying it proudly. A lioness usually protects the pack from other lions, which means they have to be extra aware of the small behaviors of their enemies in order to judge their intentions. Eating the flesh of a lioness in a dream means that one may become wealthy. It is a noble beast that represents long life, happiness, and prosperity. The loyal side of a person with a lioness symbol can manifest in how true they are in their relationships. Komu-ina statues, or statues of protective Lion, are stationed outside of Shinto temples. A Lion tattoo may also remind you to be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished, while also symbolizing your devotion to family, children and those you love. The national symbol for Sri Lanka, the Land of Lions, is the Lion. What does a Lion represent to Eastern cultures? You are a powerful judge of character, which helps guide you away from people and experiences that do not serve you. What do Butterflies Symbolize Spiritually? She is both a hunter and nurturer, healer and warrior. Spiritually, the crown can represent many different things depending on the context it is presented in. You can evenake out the whisker freckles below his nose. In addition, they come with independence, and they have the ability to maintain balance. Lioness Tattoo Meaning The lioness will fight to the death to protect her cub.