From representation to retirement benefits and career development that ensures the future takes you as far as your ambition takes you, SMART not only covers every type of benefit available; in some cases, it has [], A strong labor movement is not only critical to building the middle class and securing a better future for all Americans at work, but also helps secure opportunities for workers and their children. Read Baton Rouge Sheet Metal Workers' Local Union #21 Pension Fund v. Paul, Civil Action 21-00152-BAJ-EWD, see flags on bad law, and search Casetexts comprehensive Mr. Guidry applied for and was denied early retirement benefits by the Sheet Metal Workers' National Pension Fund and the Sheet Metal Workers' Local Unions and Councils Pension Plan in * From 1964 to 1981, petitioner Guidry was the chief executive officer of respondent Sheet Metal Workers International Association, Local 9 (Union). Home - Local 30 What is considered a good monthly pension? 1750 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W. To view you Pension Statement, pension hours per years and more on ISITE, click here. Local Union #005. Sheet Metal Workers Pension Fund receives federal money Sheet Metal Workers SMART 265. The Form 5500 should have the plan administrator's contact information. Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 292 Benefit Fund 172 Pension Fund, Milwaukee Sheet Metal Workers Pension Fund, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. Guardian Nurses are true advocates for our members and retirees and are committed to continuing the same level of exemplary care and service for many years to come. Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 Benefits. As a defined benefit plan, all Fund assets are held in one trust for the benefit of all participants. Today, the labor movement also serves as a powerful voice for working families in the global economy. 330. tklingenberg@lu19.comFunds Administrator, dsiravo@lu19.comAssistant Funds Administrator, mkane@lu19.comVision Claims ProcessorSub Fund Claims, nbraker@LU19.comEligibilityLife Insurance ClaimsRetiree DentalLocal 19 Sign H&WBeneCard ClaimsActive Member Dental ClaimsHealth & Welfare EligibilityA&S Claims, kthress@LU19.comHealth & Welfare EligibilityBlue Cross ClaimsTotal Care Network ClaimsVacation Fund Processor, Philadelphia Office1301 South Columbus BoulevardPhiladelphia, PA 19147(215) 952-1999, Delaware Office911 New RoadWilmington, DE 19805(302) 999-0574, Central PA Offices102 Windsor Ave.Hamburg, PA 19526Harrisburg/York (717) 564-9400Reading/Allentown (610) 633-6494, The Funds Office aims to offer our members unparalleled service and. Sheet Metal Workers Local Pension Fund (OH) Established in 1966, the plan is designed to make an addition to the social security benefits and personal savings. 503.254.0123;; Toggle navigation. The Regional Council jurisdiction covers Sheet Metal Workers Local Union's 16, 23, 55, 66 and 103. When choosing a Union Contractor, compare apples to apples. 20 Pension Fund, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. SMART Local 1 840 West Birchwood Street Morton, IL 61550 (309) 682-5677. Will a public employee lose their benefits if they leave their union? The Sheet Metal Workers of Local 32 are vital to many industries throughout Southern Florida, and its because of our highly skilled workforce. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Are you or a family member struggling with navigating a health situation, such as a new diagnosis, substance misuse, or an accident? The locally trusted and nationally recognized attorneys at Cordisco & Saile LLC fill this need: To learn more, contact Cordisco & Saile LLC by visiting their website or by calling 215-642-2335. With members in scores of different occupations, we advocate for fairness in the workplace, excellence at work and opportunity for all working families. following pension funds have merged with the Sheet Metal Workers Roofing: ROOFERS ICI BARGAINING UPDATE - June 7 2022 . Members Only Login. Contact us. 73 Annuity Plan, EIN 20- 5002115, for the year ended May 31, 2021. About - SMW17Boston Local Unions - Sheet Metal Workers' National Pension Fund - SMWNPF The International becomes a charter member. They often work in shops and factories, operating tools and equipment. The Sheet Metal Workers' Local #10 Pension Fund was created to help provide financial security to you and your family upon your retirement, death, or disability. SMART TD Alumni Association : Retired SMART-TD (formerly UTU) members in the 80 PENSION FUND only costs $299 and includes unlimited revisions until accepted by the plan and SHEET METAL WORKERS NATIONAL PENSION FUND et al. Philadelphia, PA. 19147Phone:215-952-1990. International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers LOCAL #18, AFL-CIO 2201 SPRINGDALE ROAD WAUKESHA, WI 53186 Phone: (262) 798-1818 or 1-800-242-5822 Fax: 1-262-798-1837 email: Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30 - 4:00 Already a Member? Because it's a fixed amount, you'll be able to budget based on steady payments from your pension and Social Security benefits. Sheet Metal Workers Local 17 Funds Office 1157 Adams Street, 1st Floor Dorchester, MA 02124 Tel: (617) 898-1301 Fax: (617) 482-1207 Dues (Office hours or online portal payment) SMW Local 17 members pay annual dues to the strength and longevity of the Union. 110 PensionFund, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. Requesting Pension Estimates and Applying for Benefits, If You Die Before You Commence Your Retirement Benefits, Your Rights Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. Travelers [], Over the years, SMART has fought to win competitive wages and benefits for union workers across the U.S. and Canada. Sheet Metal Workers Local Union #33 Trust Funds 4530 Roosevelt Road Hillside, IL 60162 (708) 449-7373. NPF Staff; Contact Us. Ste 110. Sheet Metal Workers' Local Union No. Local Union #004. Sheet Metal Workers Union was the United States' 27th largest donor to federal political campaigns and committees, having contributed over $51.8 million since 1989, over 90% of which went to the Democratic Party and other liberal groups. SMART, the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, is one of North Americas most dynamic and diverse unions with 203,000 members. 3/3/23, 10:40 PM New York State Teamsters Conference Pension and Retirement Fund | U.S. Department of the Treasury 3/4 Teamsters Local 469 Teamsters Local 469-2nd Teamsters Local 805 Pension and Retirement Plan Toledo Roofers Local 134 Pension Plan United Furniture Workers Pension Fund A Resubmit United Furniture Workers Pension Fund A Warehouse Employees Union Local No. Asbestos Workers Local 8 Retirement Trust Plan. Pension Plans - SMART LOCAL 28 Welcome to Sheet Metal Workers Local 22. Whether you are about to pull the pin or drop off your final passenger, here is a brief guide to assist you in applying for and transitioning into retirement. Pension Plan of the Pension Fund of Amalgamated Industrial and Toy & Novelty Workers of America Local 223. Focusing on substance use disorder and suicide prevention, SMART MAP educates union members on those primary issues, as well as employee assistance programs, ethics, confidentiality and self-care practices. All other Industry Fund contributions remain unchanged. ABOUT US. The Sheet Metal Workers' Local 73 Welfare, Pension and Annuity Funds provides health and financial benefits to its members and their dependents. Local Union #005. Geographic profile for Sheet Metal Workers: 2. SMART, the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, is one of North Americas most dynamic and diverse unions with 203,000 members. Peace of mind knowing that your legal representative is fighting for your best interests., To learn more, contact Cordisco & Saile LLC by visiting their website. . Local 19 reserves the right to delete comments and/or ban those who use language. 7,256 were here. We are always looking for the best and brightest that our area has to offer. filed a General Arbitration- Arbitration case represented by Groarke, John Stackpole Keane, Thomas P.against Blue Sky Energy & Supply Llc in the jurisdiction of Nassau County, NY. The Sheet Metal Workers Local 7 Zone 2 Fringe Benefit Funds manages all local Health and Pension Fund benefits that the Sheet Metal Workers Local 7 Zone 2 Fringe Benefit Funds receives The Plan became effective Local Union No.73 Welfare, Pension and Annuity Funds. Application Item 02 - Table of Contents (Exhbits and Appendices) Application Item 03 - Appendix A - Notice to Participants_Sample Individual Notices_Ballot. ABOUT US - SMART Local 105 Participant Login Employer Login. of Sheet Metal Workers Local 83 Albany, NY: OPEIU Local 153: 2: . The following pension funds have merged with the Sheet Metal Workers' National Pension Fund. What are the eligibility requirements I need to meet to obtain benefits? You'll join the career average arrangement and accrue benefits each year based on 1/57th of your pensionable salary including overtime. Subway lines, buses and roads are suspended and blocked. I. Kern owned Cool Sheet Metal Inc., employing members of defendant labor union Local 28. The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation workers (SMART, for short) is one of North Americas most dynamic and diverse sheet metal workers unions currently operating. We provide our members with services to help them and their families on and off the job. A team of registered nurses will quickly respond whenever a Local 19 member has a healthcare issue. Some Assumptions. The funded status as ofJanuary 1, 2019 is estimated to be 92%. Chances are the HVAC technician you called when there was a problem with your air conditioning or heating system was a fellow SMART member, as well as the bus operator who took you or your children to work or school. Learn how you can become a SMART member. An experienced legal advisor who explains the legal process and your options. Trustees of Metal Lathers Union Local 46 Trust Fund Pension & Vacation New York, NY: OPEIU Local 153: 6: November 2nd, 2009: . Who We Are. 17 Pension Fund, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers' Local 359 exists to lead the way in HVAC, Architectural and Manufacturing industries through innovation, ingenuity and superior training programs while striving constantly to elevate the skills, productivity and professionalism of our membership through . Home; . We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality craftsman for the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial construction industry including HVAC service. The legislation includes a number of safety protocols for the transportation of . , How can I find my pension plan from a previous employer? Discounts on entertainment services and products, such as sporting events, concerts, movie tickets, discounted amusement park passes and flowers for special occasions. Help is just a phone call away at 1-800-298-2299 or 215-425-8140., Total Care Network provides counselors to help you through a variety of issues with total confidentiality. SMART TD Alumni Association : Retired SMART-TD (formerly UTU) members in the U.S. and Canada, as well as those individuals nearing retirement or interested in pension and other issues affecting transportation-labor families, are . About the Fund. 63157 Phone: (314) 535-4803 Fax: (314) 535-9335 NOTICE OF CRITICAL STATUS FOR LOCAL 202 SHEET METAL WORKERS We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. 10 years' gives 10/35 x 185.15 = 52.90 a week. To Sheet Metal Workers SMART Local Union No. New York State Teamsters Conference Pension and Retirement Fund _ U.S Because we bargain collectively, union members on average earn 27% more than our nonunion counterparts. The union started taking steps in 2018 to secure the Sheet Metal Workers Pension Fund, which had seen its assets drop following the economic downturn that led to the Great Recession. Welcome to Sheet Metal Workers Local 26. Guardian Nurses is a healthcare consulting company that guides our members through the healthcare system. The National Pension Fund has taken action to maintain normal business operations. The Sheet Metal Workers of Local 32 are vital to many industries throughout Southern Florida, and it's because of our highly skilled workforce. Print the Application for Supplemental Unemployment Benefits PDF. We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality The Sheet Metal Workers' National Pension Fund is a large, Taft-Hartley, multi-employer defined benefit pension fund located in Falls Church, VA. with the specific focus on the Sheet Metal Workers National Pension Fund, SMART Local Unions & Councils (LU&C) Pension Fund, and the SMART National Supplemental Savings (401(k)) Plan. SMART welcomes all working people into the membership and does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, hazing or bullying due to race, color, religion, age, creed, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital/parental/family status, veterans status, disability or other legally protected class. , How many years do you need to retire in the union? Under certain circumstances, it is possible to withdraw your pension early. This case was filed in Nassau County Superior Courts. 1924 - Name changed to Sheet . The Confederation of Trade Unions estimates that 350,000 people take part. A Message from the SMW National Pension Fund Board of Trustees. Important Contact Information for Retirees, Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency (TAB), Your retirement lifestyle and what it will cost, Planning for retirement expenses calculator, Sheet Metal Workers National Pension Fund, National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees Inc. (NARVRE), Most rail members eligible for death benefit, UTUIA helps provide secure retirements for Transportation Division members, Railroad Medicare Beneficiary Authorization form, UnitedHealthcares Retirement Made Easy kit. Box 12260 St. Louis, Mo. It is classified as an advanced economy by the International Monetary Fund and is considered a high-income country by the World Bank and an innovation-driven economy by the World Economic Forum. Sheet metal workers - Unionlearn Address Info. Application Item 04 - Appendix B - Information on Actuarial Assumptions and Methods. 28, Afl-Cio, et al. Sheet Metal Workers' Local 19 is a building trades union representing more than 4,300 skilled and licensed workers throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Ohio State Building Trades Council. Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m . As a union member, you deserve the peace of mind that comes with knowing your legal needs will be taken care of professionally by experts in the field. 49 Pension Fund, White Mop Wringer Pension for Local No. Syllabus. Enter the following information: (All fields are required) Please enter your 9 digit Social Security Number and 6 digit Mr. Guidry brought this suit after being denied early retirement pension benefits by the Sheet Metal Workers' National Pension Fund and the Sheet Metal Workers' Local Unions and Councils Pension Plan.1 The defendant pension funds claimed they owed no benefits because plaintiff's misconduct forfeited his right to payment. A: No. Special Focus: Sheet Metal Workers' National Pension Fund certified as Click here to log in. Union workers earn 30% more money than non-union . Phone (516) 742-1966. The voluntary contributions made by members to respective political funds strengthens us. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. 4530 Roosevelt Road Hillside, IL 60162 (708) 449-7373. Local 17 was formed in 1896 so that men and women working in the sheet metal industry could bargain collectively for better work standards. Local 36 Contractors provide services such as HVAC Service, Residential Service, Architectural, Industrial, Custom Fabrication and more. Plan Info; 9 Pension Fund from 1977 to 1981. No. We stand together as the most highly trained professionals in the industry, bringing the top safety standards and quality to any project. Sheet Metal Workers Nat. Contractors - SMART LU 19 Around $1.64 million was spent on Proposition 69 and local ballot measures, leaving the committees with $45.08 million to oppose Proposition 6. The Sheet Metal Workers' Local #10 Pension Fund was created to help provide financial security to you and your family upon your retirement, death, or disability. HSMW serves those who perform architectural sheet metal work, fabrications, installation, residential work, industrial work, testing and balancing, servicing of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, and shipyard industries. YES, there is a difference among Sheet Metal Unions. Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. 130 Pension Fund, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. Please contact the Webmaster at 800-231-4622 for additional information. Sheet Metal Workers Local 17 is proud to award yearly scholarship funding to our community's eligible high school seniors and college students. Akron - Sheet Metal Worker's Local 33 This network of counselors located throughout the region provides the services for Local 19s Member Assistance Program (MAP) and is a free service for all union members, apprentices, and their dependents that are eligible for benefits through the Local. The SASMI Trust Fund offers a credit of up to $275 for USA-made, union-made, SASMI-approved work boots. Let SASMI help you and your family stay healthy with up to $600 each year per family just for getting your physical exams! SMART Job Bank listings usually reflect large projects, which will appear here when open positions are available. SMART retirees are critical to helping our Union grow and in providing the strength behind our political and community action. SMART Local Union #83 - Local Chapter #83 Even if things look bleak, remember that you arent alone. Phone: (937) 277-9303 Fax: (937) 665-0417. Local Union # 202 Pension Fund P.O. District Council 1707 Local 389 Health & Welfare Fun New York, NY: OPEIU Local 153: 15: International Association Of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail And Transportation Worker Local Union No. Local Unions; Related Sites; Search. Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 1 members fabricate ductwork, install HVAC components and service heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems like furnaces, boilers a/c & geothermal systems. could bargain collectively for better work standards. Within this website, you will now have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to commonly requested forms, useful highlighted links, and frequently asked questions regarding your benefit information. SMART recognizes that diversity strengthens the workforce, benefits our communities and makes the unionized sheet metal and transportation industries stronger and more competitive by reflecting the communities where we operate and the people we serve. There are three basic types of retirement: service, disability, and industrial disability. Read Baton Rouge Sheet Metal Workers' Local Union #21 Pension Fund v. Paul, Civil Action 21-00152-BAJ-EWD, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database . Protecting The Rights Of Our Members. 38-NY Pension Fund, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. HSMW - Hawaii Sheet Metal Workers - Honolulu Hawaii WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 20006-5301. 4 Throughout the 2017 year Sheet Metal Workers Local #5 are very proud to have assisted our Community in many ways. On February 28, 2022, SMART General President Joseph Sellers, Jr. shared a piece of fantastic news with local union business managers: Effective January 1, 2022, the Sheet Metal Workers GET IN TOUCH. As the coronavirus situation rapidly evolves around the world, we are closely monitoring its developments. Ultimately, each retiree is personally responsible for applying properly for retirement benefits and managing their post-retirement assets. 30 years gives 30/35 x 185.15 = 158.70 a week. Serving four states, Sheet Metal Workers Local 24 provides our contractors with the areas most highly-skilled and highly-trained Sheet Metal professionals. Sheet Metal Workers Local 25 National Pension Fund. Fabrication sheet metal workers, sometimes called precision sheet metal workers, make precision sheet metal parts for a variety of industries, including power generation and medical device manufacturing. Roff Cavet . . Dues Office Hours: To re-enter your SSN and Pin Number, Return to the Log In page. The National Pension Fund has been certified in the Green Zone as of January 1, 2022. The Sheet Metal Workers' Local 73 Welfare Fund is designed to provide a quality health plan to its participants and maintain an adequate level of reserves. Dan Ahern Sheet Metal Workers' Local Union No. Sheet Metal Workers National Pension Fund: This provides in-depth information about the fund for participants. Our Brother/Sister Hood represents Sheet Metal Workers in East TN,North GA, SW Virginia and North Carolina. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; For each Plan Year in which you are credited with more than 300 Hours of Work, sheet metal workers' national health fund provider phone number + 18moresports barsmitchell's sports bar, mitchell's tap, and more; signs you need a new computer monitor; capricorn rising sign woman; 50 pesos 1821 to 1947 fake ring. Sheet Metal Workers' & Roofers' Local Union 30 Local 30 was chartered as a local of the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association in 1896. Boots from the approved list are free Sheet Metal Workers Local 17 is proud to award yearly scholarship funding to our communitys eligible high school seniors and college students. Scholarships range from one-time $500 scholarships to four-year scholarships totaling $16,000. Our Values More About Us Mission Statement SMART Local 16 of Oregon and SW Washington | Providing the highest quality craftsmen for the Residential, Commercial and Industrial construction industry. Local Union #007. Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 104 Benefit Fund The Welfare Fund is jointly administered . Participant Login Employer Login. Some 80% of union members have access to a defined benefit pension plan, compared to 18% of nonunion employees, according to BLS data. These issues include the preservation of retirement security through the Railroad Retirement Board, Social Security and Medicare; and information for membersthat help them keeptheir strong ties to theirunion once they retire.We will help you defend your rights and obtain the best benefits available to you as a union member. 9 Pension Fund, Party Under Rule 19, F.R.C.P., Defendant-Intervenor and Edward J. Carlough Robert T. Stringer C.T. Wages for Apprentice Laborers are as follows, based on the Journey Worker rate of $47.40 per hour. The office will still support walk-ins from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday-Friday. To view you Pension Statement, pension hours per years and more on ISITE, click here. Sheet Metal Workers' Local 27 Sheet Metal Workers International Association History Benefits - SMART Local 100 Participants, Beneficiaries, Contributing Employers of the Sheet Metal Workers Local 98 Pension Fund, and Participating Unions: The US Congress enacted the Pension Protection Act (PPA or In 1806, Commonwealth v Pullis held that a Philadelphia shoemakers union striking for higher wages was an illegal "conspiracy", even though corporationscombinations of employerswere lawful. 13 Pension Fund, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. We are sheet metal workers, roofers, service technicians, sign workers, welders, production employees and more. , What happens to my union pension if I quit? Hear about the union directly from SMART members themselves. Members. Curtis GUIDRY, Petitioner v. SHEET METAL WORKERS NATIONAL PENSION FUND The pension fund's second Opinion. We are always looking for the best and brightest that our area has to offer. SMART LOCAL 18 - Home Membership grows to about 24,000 with 441 Local Unions. These funds are used for membership events, staff pay, outreach and more. PENSION FUND - SMW 36 Benefits Local 19's members, their families, and retirees benefit from some of the best health care coverage available. Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 Pension Fund v. ProAssurance Corporation et al, No. Pension Fund, 493 U.S. 365 Supreme Court of the United States Filed: January 17th, 1990 Precedential Status: Precedential Citations: 493 U.S. 365, 110 S. Ct. 680, 107 L. Ed. Sinceretired members are an essential part of the union, our sitehas beendeveloped carefully to provide a wide range of information important to both current and future retirees. 503.254.0123;; Toggle We Are Sheet Metal Workers Local 25. Learn More NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES AND MEMBERS Take a few minutes to browse through our site and the list of resources below to find what your union has to offer. Typically, when you leave a job with a defined benefit pension, you have a few options. Shelving. Rail unions tell Biden officials that workers have fallen ill at Not until you reach retirement age. A 401(k) is less stable. The Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local Union No.73 Strikers include teachers, lifeguards, security guards, construction workers, and engineers. Plan Name. 63157 Phone: (314) 535-4803 Fax: (314) 535-9335 . Information sheet by the CCMA on Pension Funds Adjudicator - The office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator was established with effect from 1 January 1998 to investigate and decide complaints lodged in terms of the Pension Funds Act. Christine Baker, 61, of Berkeley, has been appointed chief deputy director of the Depar Established in 1903, Sheet Metal Workers Local 105, resulting from the merger of Local 108 and Local 102, serves the Southern California counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Premium QDRO Drafting Service for SHEET METAL WORKERS LOCAL UNION NO. With members in scores of different occupations, we advocate for fairness in the workplace, excellence at work and opportunity for all working families. As an Today, our members enjoy dignified contracts, industry-leading wages and healthcare, and a sound pension plan they can count on after retirement. The Hawaii Sheet Metal Workers' represents craft persons throughout Hawaii. We are sheet metal workers, service technicians, bus operators, railroad engineers, conductors, sign workers, welders, production employees and more. 3180 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 400 Application Item 05 - Appendix C - Power of Attorney_Redacted. In 1982, he pleaded guilty to a violation of Home - SMART Union The Pension contribution will increase by twenty-five cents ($0.25) to $17.15 per hour worked. - Benefit Office at (248) 641-4992. Pension Plan Private Sanitation Union Local 813 IB of T. Plasterers and Cement Masons Local No. The labor movement is working to stop corporate attacks on the 40-hour work week and paid overtime while defending Social Security, Railroad Retirement and Medicare, and protecting the rights of patients against the abuses of managed care programs. Welcome to Sheet Metal Workers Local 26. . SMART Local 88 - Home All rights reserved. Learn more about Architectural Sheet Metal , Learn more about Bus Operators & Mechanics , Learn more about CAD, Drafting & Detailing , Learn more about Production / Manufacturing , Learn more about Service and Refrigeration , Learn more about Sign Fabrication & Installation , Learn more about Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency (TAB) , Learn more about Transit & Commuter Rail , Learn more about Industrial and Shop Welding , Here are some of the resources available to SMART members.