With Rahu in the eighth house of Cancer Ascendant, the family life of the native is very unhappy. This type of location of Rain will ward off all evil. Effects of Rahu in 5th House in Horoscope. The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Cancer Ascendant loses family wealth and faces great distress in the family. Copyright 2015-2023. If Rahu is seventh house Lord via its sign Aquarius, as it co-rules Aquarius alongside Saturn, and sits in first house in Leo then firstly we need to make sure of Saturn's placement as it is the main ruler. In general, people involved in forensic science, pharmacy and medical testings have this kind of placement. Rahu's presence in the 1st house means that you are likely to be selfish and self-centred. . It is the most important house in a person's chart, and it represents the individual's sense of identity. The native with Rahu in 11th House for Cancer Ascendant faces hindrances and hardships in income. Being a sensitive water sign with a hard outer shell just like the crab it represents, you come across as distant, moody and aloof. Their possessive and clingy nature makes them hold on very tightly to their loved ones. What cancer sign on different houses mean? They may project a social image that may be self-deceptive. Possibility 10: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 11th house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 11th house in the sign of Taurus which is 11 places away. Disputes with brothers, no permanent property. Rahu in 1st house For Cancer ascendant. How Leo Ascendant have good chance to become IAS or IRS officer? The native with Rahu in 1st House for Cancer Ascendant harbours mental distress. The native is always anxious about their health. The native is restless but tactful and finally gets a little success. Native will be highly communicative and is fond of religious/philosophical stuff. Contact No: +91-8178341336 The person with Rahu in the ninth house is inauspicious for Cancer Ascendant. The natives think of themselves as privileged and the chosen ones. With our research, our team Astrologer has also written many books like Vivaha, Samay, Phalit Sutram, and many more. They have the ability to promote, innovate and compete. I have explained through various example charts how to use the advanced astrological tools for accurate predictions. A Rahu affected by Saturn or Mercury is very likely to turn into a guy impotent.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'mahadasha_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_8',150,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Rahu here associated with the owner of the 6th, 8th, or the twelfth house will decrease the longevity and can cause death during its sub or major periods. The native also experiences weakness in family life. He might have a few kids, but unless Rahu is totally free from all blemish, the native is likely to perpetrate irregular and bad deeds. Loss of service or profession during youth. My mars is in the ninth house. Rahu in ascendant also gives enough courage to native to take initiatives orformulate all together new concept in the society or workplace. Life will be worried and full of turmoils. A Rahu here makes the native profitable and religious. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mahadasha_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_21',157,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-narrow-sky-2-0');It increases expenditure for bad or good causes depending upon the character of Rahu. If Rahu is tenth house Lord via its sign Aquarius, as it co-rules Aquarius alongside Saturn, and sits in first house in Taurus. Real estate brokers could also be seen from this placement of Moon as they make the deal happen between the two parties which are the main goal of Libra sign > peace and harmony and good relationships. Either they are natural liars or they keep many secrets within them. Possibility 9: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 10th house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 10th house in the sign of Aries which is 10 places away. Native will be attracted towards unknown outcaste, foreigners whom they are not familiar of in any ways but crush goes on, landing them in distress. Grahan Yoga; Rahu Moon conjunction - Invest In Yourself First!! Can Rahu in Gemini in 8th house give IT Career? He is unable to impact 7th house from its place as Ketu is sitting there, which is the other axis of Rahu and represents all those things which are non-Rahu. An unfavorable Rahu here will make the natives poor or will make him earn through means. Because there are factors such as Sign in First House, aspect of planets, strengths, Transit, Mahadasha nad Antardasha etc. Malefic Planet for Cancer Ascendant. But any type of engineer whether mechanical or software can also be seen as 8th house is all about engineering. The journeys might be by air, especially so if Saturn influences Rahu here. Typically, a Cancer rising sign person is shy and quiet. His conduct might not be great. The native uses secret methods for success. Possibility 1: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 2nd house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 2nd house (in Leo) which is a Raj Yoga and you can achieve a lot of wealth in your life with this placement if other planets in the birth chart are also favorable. Teachers of chemistry and people who are working in science laboratories may also have this kind of placement. The person is unfortunate and mentally worried. Bhrigu Samhita : How it gives accurate life prediction? Rahu here in relation to the owner of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or the eleventh house will reduce the longevity and might lead to death during his big or sub-periods. Rahu in the house in association or aspect with the owner of the second or the seventh home will cause the death of the indigenous in its own sub or major periods if the life span has come to a conclusion. The native might suffer from nervous disorders, mental aberrations, fear, epilepsy, or even some kind of phobia. Favourable Colour for Cancer Ascendant: White and yellow. Rahu here gives many expectations and wants to person from himself but as it is in Saturn's sign, those wants don't get satisfied in early life. They often require emotional support, and when the need arises they will reciprocate similarly to those in need. "Rahu acquires the attributes of the sign it sits and it's lord." Rahu when sits in the s. Arrest and troubles in youth and disfavor of Government officers. If it is being aspected by benefic planets then one will be respected, famous and wealthy. The native with Rahu in 6th House for Cancer Ascendant is selfish and irreligious but always cautious. The native with Rahu in 12th House for Cancer Ascendant is worried but manages the expenditure easily. Well, the presence of Rahu in 1st house creates a hunger for success amongst the natives. If Mercury is well placed and good in strength then the native is influential and later on succeeds in fulfilling their aim and getting family happiness. In case the sun or the Moon is either afflicted or correlated with the twelfth house where Rahu is located adversely, the native may have difficulty with his vision. This is more so possible if Moon is placed in the sign of Sagittarius but in the Nakshatra of Mula. An exalted or even a Rahu here will cause a problem for children. A badly placed Rahu can cause disease in the native at the major or sub-periods of the adverse owner of the second, 6th, 7th, 8th, eleventh, or the twelfth house. What will be the resultant Rahu mahadasha be for me, You can check Rahu Mahadasha for the answer of your question. This may be further confirmed in the event the owner of the second home can be connected with this combination. The correspondence with Mesha (Aries) adds physical mobility and overall strength. Rahu being karmic planet it is believed that the people having Rahu in 1st house is re-incarnation of any fore father or ancestor. His sexual life will be unsatisfactory and a negative Rahu might make a native look for gender beyond the socially permissible parameters. If you need free astrology consultation then contact me by clicking on the contact me link above. The native is always unhappy. The native is not happy in the family. In case the disposition of Rahu is heavily placed within an angle, there will be a wealth gain for the native. People born with Rahu in 1st house appear tough in appearance and are mentally stable. People in the petroleum industry are mainly involved in such transformation and so mostly their mind is into the sign of Scorpio as per Vedic Astrology. The native experiences happiness in his household life. When Rahu is placed in a favorable indication, the native may have the skill to subdue his enemies, will maintain decent health, be rich, and may have a high status. With Rahu in the first house for Cancer Ascendant, the person is troubled by mental distress. The native with Rahu in the eighth house for Cancer Ascendant suffers from some stomach problems and is always worried in daily life. Result of Rahu in 1st house of chart - Shrivinayaka Astrology The natives of Rahu in 1st house may strongly want that others should appreciate and admire them. It is likely that the native may exhibit abilities, that are fake and artificial. So, it will become much like Mercury in first house as discussed but simultaneously, Rahu's basic nature of being insatiable will stay. Rahu in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant - Astrojai It can make us grossly materialistic and derail us from the path of goodness and happiness. The native might squander his wealth on women of losing morality to gratify his senses. The father of the native can be placed and powerful although his behavior will be bad and hell be accused of breach of trust. Native will be in alternate healing work. He may have a. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Plz note: Contact me through this site if you want to learn how you can regularly track the incoming of wealth in your life through Vedic Astrology, Disclaimer: I am not responsible for 3rd party links on this website and it could even be an affiliate link, All rights reserved @2022-23 rajbihani.com a site dedicated to religion, spirituality, relationships, life, occult, and paranormal. Rahu in The 1st House/Ascendent : Vedic Astrology Rahu in relation to a strong Maraka proprietor of the second or 7th house will ruin the wealth of the native and might cause his death. Cancer natives appreciate someone who is both romantic and serious in love. The native will be the leader of men. The native with Rahu in 1st House for Cancer Ascendant is not attractive in appearance. As Rahu also represents illusion, native possesses mysterious illusive personality. A danger to respect. So, Rahu governs all the obsessions, desires, illusions, desperation and so on. The native controls over them using unconventional and sometimes unfair methods. All rights reserved. You may have ego clashes with your spouse. Lucky Gems for Cancer Ascendant: Pearl The individual who has Sun-Rahu conjunction in the 1st house is likely to be self-obsessed and selfish. This also exhibits that sudden hectic events disrupts their life path constantly till person attains mid 30s at least. Get 15+ Pages of FREE HOROSCOPE and DASHA PREDICTIONS (Mahadasha.com). Less gain from ancestral property. With Rahu in the 10th house for Cancer Ascendant, the native loses family happiness and health. The native with Rahu in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant family life is quite unhappy. They can be earning from Large Organizations or from a very unique way. Rahu is known as a negative planet which creates illusions and desires of materialistic gains. At the evolutionary stage of Cancer, the soul learns about emotions nature. Rahu in this home with the owner of the 8th house induces fevers like typhoid. Results of Rahu in 1st House Man and woman with Rahu placed in the first house (ascendant) are very ambitious, high yearning for fame and recognition will always be there Rahu in lagna gives blood shot eyes, yet attractive looks and appearance, ready to fight or aggressive attitude will be there In a nutshell, people who do the investigation and research in the health care industry mostly have this kind of placement. Rahu associated with or aspected by a strong owner of the second or 7th house here will destroy.