Ohia rust, Puccinia psidii Winter. According to folklore, Ohi'a was the name of a warrior that was transformed into a tree. The flowers are pollinated by Bees. Top Water-Based Stain Ratings 1. Description: Replica of traditional adze made from Ohia wood, coconut husk fiber and basalt stone. Hawaiian Ohia, Metrosideros spp., is a Hawaiian hardwood that can also be called Pacific Rosewood. Employment, Hearne Hardwoods Inc. At Aloha Woods, we proudly ship our high quality hardwood products and supplies everywhere in the United States. Our largeinventory of seasoned Ohia posts and poles are peeled, sorted and ready for delivery. Ohia is the Hawaiian name for species in the genus Metrosideros. A summary of Information Related to Regulatory Options for Preventing Introduction of Additional Strains of the Rust Puccinia psidii Winter (Guava Rust) To Hawaii, Stewart, J. E., A. L. Ross-Davis, R. N. Graa, A. C. Alfenas, T. L. Peever, J. W. Hanna, J. Y. Uchida, R. D. Hauff, C. Y. Kadooka, M.-S. Kim, P. G. Cannon, S. Namba, S. Simeto, C. A. Prez, M. B. Rayamajhi, D. J. Lodge, M. Agruedas, R. Medel-Ortiz, M. A. Lpez-Ramirez, P. Tennant, M. Glen, P. S. Machado, A. R. McTaggart, A. J. Carnegie, and N. B. Klopfenstein. One of the basic construction materials is wood. (2), A possible cause of the sacredness attributed to the hia lehuamay have been the redness of the wood, which when freshly cut has an appearance strickingly like that of raw meat, thus reinforcing the idea of life and possibly correlating with human sacrifice, which in special cases preceded the carving of an image. 200 Whiteside Drive 1. In drier areas, problematic invaders include faya tree (Myrica faya) and Christmasberry (Schinus terebinthifolius). Silicone ball covered with soft chamois. (808)939-7218 Ohia Posts and Poles Its flowers were used for medicinal purposes, like easing the pain of childbirth. [14] Other versions say that Pele felt remorseful but was unable to reverse the change, so she turned Lehua into a flower herself. In short, this multifaceted mainstay of native forests has as many culturally symbolic uses and meanings as it does forms. All information on this website believed reliable, but not guaranteed. Armstrong Clark Wood Stain 3. Ohia branches are used to create traditional kalaau, or dancing sticks, and branchesbearing both woody parts and flowers to symbolize the male and female elements adorn kuahu (altars) when hula students are in training. Bow Woods (from a mathematical perspective), Four Common Finishing Mistakes (and how to avoid them). The leaves are heart-shaped and round, from 2 to 12 inches in diameter. Endgrain: Diffuse-porous; exclusively solitary;medium to large pores in no specific arrangement, moderately numerous; parenchyma not visible;narrow rays, spacing fairly close. But, because there still is still so much to learn about RODincluding how it spreads and how to cure itconcerned community members hosted a Puaenaena Ceremony to burn any ohia parts that were brought to Merrie Monarch and return their ashes to the forest instead. Biological Invasions April 2019,Volume 21,Issue4,pp 12151225, Winzer, L.F., K.A. These become impenetrable places. Contact us and tell us what you're looking for. However, all woods produce fine dust when worked, which in turn can damage your lungs and cause a number of other adverse health reactions. Style W1R Any Size 4-10MM Width This wood is very, very hard, but also known to be unstable if not properly seasoned. Biological Invasions Volume22,pages23572369 (2020), Faith Campbell and J.B. Friday, June 2020 updated by Faith Campbell & in May 2021, National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) is February 20-26th 2023, , Check out a free FOCI webinar recording, Meet the Dont . We are excited to offer a flitch to you. There are knots and inclusions present in this piece, please see pictures. Boards over 36" may have a slight 1/8" bow or twist but most do not. Currently held inthe collections of the British Museum. Typically, halau collect their adornments from the forest and return them after the competition. We specialize in over 25 species of air-dried local woods including Ohia, Mango, Monkey pod, and many more. [7] Although the trunk of hia is not used to make the kaele (hull) of waa (outrigger canoes), it was used for their nohona waa (seats), pale (gunwales), and pola (decking). Boards over 36" may have a slight 1/8" bow or twist but most do not. Copyright 2007-2021, Yvonne Jaramillo Ahearn. Presented to Admiral von Kotzebue by Queen Namahana, wife of King Kamehameha I, 1817. Colors are rich and warm, ranging from red-brown to light brown with dark gray hues. It is found throughout the world and can be sustainably managed as a renewable resourcein contrast to coal, ores, and petroleum, which are gradually exhausted.By means of its harvesting in forests, its transportation, its processing in workshops and industries, and its trade and use, wood provides jobs and supports economic development and . Some say that if you pick the flower from an hia tree, the two lovers cry, causing the sky to rain down their tears. Kailua Home for Sale with Ohia Post in Front Entry. It is essential not to move untreated ohia wood around the state to prevent the spread of rapid ohia death. Many of our local woods are available in lumber, natural edge, large slabs, logs, and even Plywood, including a highly figured instrument grade selection. The lightweight wood of buckeye was used in making artificial limbs before the introduction of lightweight, Space Age materials. Other than in flooring, Ohia posts are used decoratively and for structural posts on porches or other applications in many Oahu homes. Yellow hia in Hilo, Hawaii Island.Photo: Getty Images/kekaimalie. I found some 6-year old Ohia Lehua (57 lbs/ ft3) at a hardwood supplier in Berkeley, and Id been thinking about Iiwi & Apapane birds on a fretboard for a couple of years. [1][9], There are about 50 species in the genus Metrosideros in Southeast Asia and the Pacific and as well one species in South Africa. See above for USDA hardiness. With our help trees fallen for agricultural and urban development are rescued and re-purposed. Though Rapid Ohia Death is currently only found on Hawaii Island, the quickly-spreading disease poses an imminent threat to this significant tree statewide. This beautiful Ohia wood has been kiln dried and surfaced on two sides. In a sort of compromise, they decided the lovers should be forever united and so transformed Lehua into an adornment on the Ohia tree, the lehua blossom. (Photo by B. Luiz) Dark curvy pattern: not ROD. (Photo by JB Friday) We welcome you to explore our inventory selection and to learn more about our business. Call us for a quote, we look forward to hearing about your project. Redwood Decking 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 (Construction-Heart) Hardwood Decking 1 x 6 Ipe, 1 x 6 Red Balau (NEW) TimberTech Composite Decking 5/4 x 6 Earthwood Evolutions Terrain (available in 5 colors) Deck Railing Panels Im not sure about this wood specifically, but if your bridge is outside, I wood recommend an oil based spar-urethane, like Miniwax Helmsman. In due course, it all came together. Davenport, and C.G. The nectar of its flowers helped to feed Hawaiis menagerie of native birds, such as theapapane(Hawaiian honeycreeper) and the now-extinctmamo(black Hawaiian honeycreeper), whose colorful feathers were often used for creatinghulaadornments. Traditionally, the wood of the hia was used for the construction of weapons, kapa beaters, papa kui ai (poi pounding boards), kii (statues), and for housing. Wood is a good source of energy when used with fuel. The disease is ravaging populations of the tree on Hawaii Island, and has resulted in a permanent ban on taking ohia lehua plants from the island. Plant Uses: Cultural significance Cut flower Fragrant Lei flower Medicinal Ornamental Specimen Woodworking Plant Dangers: No dangers OUR NATURAL FIREWOOD INFUSES GRILLED FOODS WITH THE RICH TASTE OF REAL HAWAIIAN SMOKEY FLAVORS AND AROMA. Lehua was devastated by this transformation and out of pity the other gods turned her into a flower and placed her upon the hia tree. Medeiros, A.C., C.F. Referenced in mele (songs), oli (chants) and moolelo (stories), hia trees were used for myriad purposes by ancient Hawaiians. See the articles Wood Allergies and Toxicity and Wood Dust Safety for more information. This tree was believed to be one manifestation of the major gods, Kane and Ku, and was therefore thought to have great mana (power). We have a wooden bridge made of this and used a minwax poly-utherethane and it peeled after a few months. Ohia trees grow to heights of 60-100 ft. with diameters of 2-3 ft.;some can reach as large as 4 ft. in diameter. In ancient times, indigenous Hawaiians farmed fish by building rock walls along the edge of the river and creating several gates with 'Ohia wood that allowed the small fish to enter the calm waters and grow larger, where-upon they were too big to fit through the narrow vertical openings of the gate. The species are readily distinguished from one another by the characteristics of their leaves.[4]. My flooring in my home is Ohia and weve had our varnished a few times with a matte and shiny finish on separate occasions both do great, (This is a monthly update, and your email will be kept private. A new and devastating disease, rapid ohia death (ROD), in Hawaii led to a state quarantine that regulates interisland transport of ohia wood and plant material to prevent spread of the causal pathogens. It grows from sea level right up to the tree line at elevations of 2,500m (8,200ft) and is commonly found in moist and dry forests, high shrublands, and is a colonizer of recent lava flows. Produced prior to 1822. Temple image figure made of 'hia wood, probably represents Kukailimoku, the god of war. This takes between 30-45 minutes, depending on the type and quality of wood. Ohia lehua Metr o sideros polymorpha 7.4 255.60 (20.30)D 11.99 . This is a report of tests conducted to determine its suitability for this use. Sign up to be the first to know about products and specials from Cook Woods! Besides featuring great Oahu Homes for Sale, Kailua Real Estate and homes in Honolulu, Kaneohe, Hawaii Kai and the North Shore, and Oahu Luxury Homes, Home Shoppe Hawaiis Blog reflects our passion for Hawaii Architecture and Hawaii Interior Design. Grain/Texture: Grain is interlocked, with a medium uniform texture and moderate natural luster. Elliott, B. Quinn, H.G. The fungus was first noticed in Puna in 2010. But Ohia had eyes for another woman: Lehua. (3), hia branches are used to create traditionalklaau, or dancing sticks, and branchesbearing both woody parts and flowers to symbolize the male and female elements adornkuahu(altars) when hula students are in training. 2019. Photography by Tomas del Amo, Copyright 2000-2012. [1] Four. Metrosideros polymorpha may occur as a tall tree or a prostrate shrub, and everything in between. All rights reserved. A distinct biotype has been introduced to South Africa (Toome-Heller, infected or contaminated planting material, nursery stock, plant cuttings, flowers and germplasm, contaminated plant waste, timber, wood packaging and dunnage, contaminated equipment and tools used on or around plants (e.g. quantities of ohia that are available, it appeared the wood should be suitable for the manufacture of hardboard. It is used to measure the insulation properties of building materials. The wood and lashing that he uses to create these items are usually Native Hawaiian plants, however in modern times, he has dabbled in using invasive plants to see how they would fair. Support me directly through PatreonIf youve been helped by the Wood Database, consider saying thanks and helping to support the project. Common Uses: Furniture, flooring, and turned objects. TWP 100 Series 2. The volcano goddess Pele fell in love with the handsome hia and approached him, but he turned down her advances. The specific links on this site are affiliate links (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases) and help support the site at no extra cost to you. Berthon, P. Entwistle, A. Manea, N. Winzer, G.S. For more information on our Hawaiian wood products, reach out to a member of the Aloha Woods team today. Donating wood samples and pictures of wood items, Fluorescence: A Secret Weapon in Wood Identification, Ash Wood: Black, White, and Everything in Between, Brazilian Rosewood, East Indian, and Other Rosewoods, Genuine Lignum Vitae and Argentine Lignum Vitae. For instance, the flex of the ohia wood is different from the flex of the imported and invasive albizia. It is grown mainly on the Big Island of Hawaii out of barren lava fields and volcanic soil there. Mentioned in the Kumulipo, the Hawaiian genesis story, to being a favored flower to the fire goddess Pele, the endemic hia lehua is an important tree and flower in Hawaiian culture. Whether you're a barbecuer or a griller; whether you cook on a grill or smoker, over charcoal or propane, hardwood chunks will make your food taste better. There are inclusions present in this piece, please see pictures. Ohia (pronounced Oh-he-a) is a dense, native Hawaiian wood with beautiful, warm, color variation. While hia lehua flowers most commonly bloom scarlet red, they also blossom in salmon, garnet, yellowand on very rare occasionswhite. Its wood was used askapacloth beaters, as boards for poundingpoi, and for building structures and statues. The wood was used for building and the fruit for eating and making dyes. Check out our inventory or give us a call to learn more about our plywood and veneer options. For flooring, it is seen on Oahu mostly in luxury real estate. Ohia Lumber (24" x 3" x 3/4") INCLUDES 1 WOOD BLANK (several blanks are shown to indicate the range of color/grain to expect). hia wood that is "finished" is heat treated for use in jewelry, bowls, and furniture, and may be moved. Forest Pathology 48(1): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1111/efp.12378, Toome-Heller, M. W.W.H. ecosystems. Defy Hardwood/Cedar Stain hia lehua growing at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on Hawaii Island.Photo: Getty Images/GeorgeBurba. This dense and beautiful Hawaiian hardwood takes a wonderfully high polish! Check it Out. Specific gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .70, .91. macrophylla M. p. var. Pearson, B.J.R. Native birds were prized for their feathers in the creation of ahuula (feather cloak) that were worn by high ranking alii (rulers).