I'm really glad I stumbled on this forum! Dude she needs to stay gone. Maybe she will change and know how much it broke my heart. Her friend then grabbed her and pulled her away. So, what you say and do at this point is very important if you want to keep your relationship together or if you want to break up with her without getting even more hurt than you already are right now. in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 6 gameplaySUBSCRIBE & CLICK THE BELL! She was doubting the move she was about to make (moving from Sweden to South Africa) after it happened she told him to back off and moved countries! GF decides she's no longer confused, sorry for messing with your head, and now doesn't want to be broke up. Im not telling you to act like a ****, but try to see how much she wants to get back with you. Location: SPACESHIP! Came to you and talked it over and B. if that had gotten her no where then said sorry I don't feel appreciated in this relationship and left THEN pursued other people. However, if she was just having a few drinks and she actively kissed a guy for more than 10 seconds while out partying, then it is something that you should be very concerned about. But iv seen how sorry she is and time is a heeler. She has some wonderful qualities; I dont want to lose her. So live, laugh and be happy you have a great lady on your side. She never told me. By Not saying she shouldn't have told you, but just to make you realize that everything resides upon your thinking. Now we've been taking it slowly the past week and it's going okay - I'm trying to be attentive in the future but i still feel like she doesnt understand how much the kiss thing hurt me. The reason I say 'surprisingly' is because it was just ment to be a bit of no strings fun - she is 19 and was going to university in September which was 150 miles away, and I'm 24 and I have a young baby to somebody else, who I was never in a relationship with, so we never set out for anything serious because we both had other big commitments. In hindsight, I ****ed up this relationship by ignoring her and being an ass repeatedly over the course of two years. Only you can make this decision pal but I think if you really love eachother it's worth giving her a final chance. The first time we met (a week ago), I could see it in her eyes that something was wrong. I knew how excited she was about moving away to university and having her freedom because she had told me before we had got together so I didn't want to hold her back with commitment, and I don't think she thought it would be that easy for me to visit her very often because I also see my baby regularly and am also in work. Thanks again! I miss us like crazy! confidence, high self-esteem) and turned off by the weakness (e.g. - https://fanjoy.co/collections/miranda.Get my new lipstick! Its a **** up situation and you have the right to be mad. Good luck! Take advantage of the situation to creat more interest in her and to allow her to realize how much she cares for you. Let's not forget that she directly said to you she didn't feel she cheated (RED FLAG!!!!!). "I had a boyfriend briefly in high school, but the first girl I kissed was someone I met at college orientation. She said she told the guy she cant be friends with him b/c its wrong that he made a move on her and also said she wont hang with him anymore. 74% of the men surveyed said they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught and 68% of the women surveyed said the same. THEN that night she got drunk and this dude made a move on her and succeeded in kissing her. It's obviously going to be a tough period, but before I found this out she spent every day making me the happiest I've ever been! Thank you! Thought Shifting. PS. do what makes u happy **** the rest. Scientists have proved that the substances that we relate to love usually diminish after 3-4 years. You don't know what to do after all that? She feels that we argue too much and I'm not always nice enough to her and thats why she liked this guys attention all along and liked his kiss. Your best bet in a situation like that is to dump her and start hooking up with other women to move on, rather than forgiving her and getting more involved with her (e.g. We talked on skype and facebook, but I guess we both were bored of talking to the screen all the time. Until recently I began to change a lot. Whenever she went out on nights out she used to text me loads of loved up messages that I would wake up to so I never ever thought I couldn't trust her. It sounds like u two stil really care for each other. She did something I would never do to her. In fact, it's one of the easiest things you'll ever do. But overall, you need to realize if that's the only thing she's done that's really wrong. But when she got in the shower I couldn't resist! I told her how weak she was and that I felt like iv been taken for granted. The ultimate show of trust! Being in a relationship is a decision that both of you need to make on your own. Attaching yourself emotionally to another person while you are in a relationship IS cheating. Off they go with a kiss, kiss, kiss. To be fair to her she can't have made any more of an effort than what she has. feedback really helps with this situation plz. Working out really helped me through that hard period. Take your time on that and don't rush in to making a decision because it's a big deal. She's letting all of that crap get to her head. She misses us more than ever. She phoned and skyped me about 20 times that night and text me to pick up/talk but I rejected her calls, told her I didn't want to talk to her and turned off my phone. My girlfriend and I broke up we are talking again but she told me, that she slept with a guy. Can I let her have boys as her best friend again? She told me another man kissed her and she didn't push away. In the time between September and December we never went more than 2 weeks without seeing eachother and went away for nice weekends a couple of times for little breaks. You should left her and search someone else stop thinking about her just don't talk her .you will get better than her if you believe in yourself be a tiger not a dog, Man you are dog not a tiger dog are in the habit of running before ****, Man you are dog not a tiger if you believe in yourself just left her don't run before the **** u don't knw from how many dogs she **** just left her usi main bhalai, I'm going through the same exact thing but she didn't leave for a long time the guy went in for it and she kissed him. The tell-tale fact is that the night we argued and this happened -I actually told her i would change things and fix it but hours later SHE still decided to give me the emotional middle finger by drinking with this dude. If she has been faithful all before this and she just kissed and nothing else then i think she should get a second chance. But people make mistakes, and maybe they deserve a second chance. The dude is a coworker of her's, and when they closed up shop, he asked her if she wanted to hang out. And you know gymgirlie is rarely positive about anything.so when you get the thumbs up from gymgirlieyou are good to go!. Iv never in my life checked a girl's phone because iv never felt like I needed to. However, this particular night was unlike any other. She says she wants to make sure I'm ok. Copyright 1997-2022 LoveShack.org. You've broken the obsession, and are in the safe space of reality. delete her from your life. Its upto you though mate. She blames the kiss on the guy and alcohol and my lack of giving attention to her. I wanted to just be with her, and have fun with her Be in love again. She said no so I asked why has she text that to her mate then? I had to login to her email, without her knowing, to see what she writes to her friend to get honesty out of her. You can not control the actions of others, only yourself. But I cant stop thinking about what happened between the two of them. What do I do after I find out my girlfriend kissed another guy at a party b My girlfriend kissed her bestfriend ( boy). Well, there are many things to consider in here. I just dont understand how we got to this place. Please just leave her and don't believe non of her excuses or her trying to blame you. Be sure to read the LAST LINE . it's VERY VERY VERY important. But this last year together we had a long distance relationship. Your relationship will literally get better every day from then on. Just do what is best for you. Cheating comes very frequently when there's a need of one of you that is not being fullfilled. He took her to the courtyard, Asked her, Will you marry me? Yes, No, Maybe so, Yes, No, Maybe so. She's your girlfriend, it's your life and feelings, we don't know either you or her or to which extent and in which context she kissed another guy. But the last month she stopped talking to me. HAAD Certified Dentists in Abu Dhabi. Good luck man! I blew her off, criticized her, judged her and was generally mean for far too long. We have spoke about this and she understands but I just want to snap out of this mindset! barcelona airport covid test appointment; phrase d'accroche sur la puissance des etats unis Basically, I tried, obsessively, to fix this **** and stay with her. She said she wanted to explain everything, but that she had to talk to me tomorrow because she was so shocked about the fact that I new. I felt so guilty . Remember you don't need to force any feeling of forgiveness or anything similar. You will discover what she has been WAITING for you to do, but will probably never tell you about. I love her so much and I cant see myself with anybody else. Glad you saw my post . Lastly, she keeps apologizing for hurting me (ambiguously she says hurting me but implying for wanting to break up with me but not necessarily for the kiss). She's not what you think she is. Two days later - she calls me and tells me she wants to break up. Far as I can tell she kinda let it sink in over the next few days that she might have rather been with him. It drove me crazy and I think I have been too needy. There will always be that little nagging feeling of doubt because she cheated and you wont forget, and itll destroy your relationship Well to my point of view. Home / Uncategorized / my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it. She went back and forth with me for two weeks about how I don't appreciate her and how she loves me but she doesn't trust me to change the way I treat her etc. We were brilliant together and just bounced off eachother's sense of humour and we just understood eachother instantly and shared the and values in life. shawn jones wife; still interested synonym; cars with driver assist 2021 / my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it. Romantic relationships go through their trials and tribulations, just like all relationships throughout life. Maybe she didnt tell me because she wanted to see if we were still the same as before. She tells me it is for the same reason we argued about before New years and she thought a lot and decided it wasnt going to be ok. For me this was a huge shock. If it happens again then she's not the one for you and you get rid of her. People make mistakes, some are bigger than other, but I think I can let go of this one right now. At this point she still says "you're my best friend and you mean the world to me" and she texts me every ****ing day but it just hurts. I just told my husband about a 'petting' incident that occurred a year ago where I had a sexual experience with another man. If you get back with her she WILL do this again. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. Maybe I scared her a little when she saw how much I needed her. If I had a girlfriend who acted like me, I would break up immediately. In any case, we're done on her terms. I do love her and am desperate to make it work but how do I get that trust back? The hook's in the beginning. Sorry. Its been a really tough couple days but I have realised that she made a mistake and was going through a whole lot of **** herself! I know her too well and she can't lie worth crap, especially not for this long and consistently. She blames me for this, also denies that its her doing (this is all implied, she wont have a direct conversation thats honest about this). Anyway when I went to her Grandma house. Thats how I found out. She would have then begun to deeply regret the mistake she made, to the point where she felt sick with guilt about it and apologized to you. But it can help you to see it as something that is not as importatn as you may believe. More. In any case, she ends up drinking a bunch and hanging out there all night because we argued and wanted t. Neither of us are the emotional type, but on the morning she was due to leave we both woke up an looked at eachother and just broke down in tears holding eachother because the day had finally come for her to go when it didn't seem real before hand. It really means a lot! She says its not a single day that she feels guilty and it kills her to see me like this. Check out my merch! Suddenly, he leaned. A cheating woman is the type who will often say, I love you to your face and say things like, I want to be with you forever, and I would never cheat on you, but when shes not around you, she will flirt with other guys, kiss them and even have sex with them without worrying about breaking her promise to you. My Wife Doesnt Respect Me: 5 Possible Reasons Why, Keeping a Woman Interested in You: 4 Stages. A year off for younger people is an eternity. In the beginning, these guys are often friendly, charming, and non-threatening. Had the guy just kissed her and made a move she would have told you the honest truth first, because she would have no shame or fear. If youve found yourself in the unfortunate position of saying, My girlfriend kissed another guy the way you respond and react needs to be based on the kind of relationship you have with her (e.g. hey i think u should give her another chance, i know she hurt u but i think everyone deserves a second chance. it's over. People like her are selfish to no end. When she feels feminine in comparison to your masculinity, the sexual spark will naturally reignite between you. a clingy, needy guy who would never want to lose her), kissing another guy is also an opportunity for her to speed up the process of breaking up with him. Keep it Clean. You are in love with a major liar. Hearing news like that is enough for most guys to instantly dump a woman and never want to talk to her ever again. Its cute that you think she will eventually leave for you but you are just her selfish pleasure. What!! This decissions are the toughest to make, because any road you take you're going to be experiencing strong feelings. Now here comes the tricky part. Since then it seemed we were going to work it out and move on and her attitude changed suddenly. You guys have been really helpful, and the only thing left for me now, is to see what happens. I would never be able to trust her again, and I doubt you would either. That's not to say all attractive women are cheaters but you gotta be careful. (Got me cracked) 24 You want to believe that your girl is messing around with you because she doesn't want her bf. If she is going to stop spending any time with him, it has to be something that she decides on her own. If your girlfriend is the type of woman who doesnt yet feel the need to settle down into a truly committed, lifetime relationship, then shes going to change her mind unless she realizes that you are the man for her. More so than the kiss, I felt more angry that she had kept herself in this lads company for a good while knowing full well his intentions and knowing she was obviously tempted because she ended up kissing him. If she had to pick point blank she would pick her bf. She says she's sorry for messing with me and wants to be back together but only if I give her more attention. You can assume that your girlfriend cheated on you before listening to her. You only live once right So I have to make a decision someday. My gut instinct just told me something would happen. And when I texted her back she just said hey I would have expected her to ask why haven't u texted me, was it because wat I asked , but nothing , By entering this site you declare First of all, it was just a kiss, nothing more. I want her back so badly because I finally understand her and realize how freaking good she is and how much she mattered to me. Relationships can be extremely challenging. Thank you both so much for your answers. Maybe she stood by me because of her guilt, but why would she go through all that just because she felt guily? Well, in short.this **** ****ing sucks. My hubby wont talk to me now. Otherwise you will let her back inAll this blaming you for her cheating and you buying it only proves that she can come back into your life at a moments notice and cheat again when you have an argumentMore than likely she started the New Years Eve argument to get a chance to hook up with this guy anyway Only time, and making her insignificant will heal you. 01.07.2022 But when things start to get difficult again, will she be able to resist any temptation of cheating? If she can be there for you when youre angry and sad it means she cares about you and want the realationship to work again. my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it. If she does go out without you there (e.g. Regardless of how bad you feel right now, the best thing for you is to remain emotionally strong and clear headed so you can make the best decision for your unique situation. If you dont have much purpose in life outside of the relationship and are clinging to her as a result, you need to approach life in a more balanced way. He will almost certainly react to the news by becoming more clingy, insecure, needy, angry and maybe even violent or abusive towards her, which will give her more than enough reason to explain her reason to break up with him. But then again, as science fiction wri ter Theodore Sturgeon once said, when asked why so much science fiction was garbage, 90% of everything is crap. At first I thought she was txting me bc she was still confused but now I realize it was simply to make sure i don't relapse. Even though the relationship with his wife was amazing at the start, it just gets better and better every year that they are together. Things are alot better recently and I decided to stick with her because I realised I would kick myself if I never gave her another chance because I know how sorry she is, how much she loves me and how much I love her. I'm sorry dude, but my advice is to end it. She informed about this and left and I'm totally fine with. We have been unbelievably happy, mind blowingly happy! I think the bottom question is if you're going to be able to forgive her and not bring the subject whenever you're angry, or if you're not going to use it as an excuse to behaver carelessly. she left the ex - the family - the security! I found her and her ex-boyfriend doing stuff(his hand were down her pants) in their grandma room. And although you can understand it, it doesn't justify here acts. Let us now see what you should do when your girlfriend has kissed another guy and told you. I was really depressed and mad. My wife was taking care of her sick mother (this makes it worse). And they do. She never text back so it wasn't too incriminating so I checked messages sent to the mate she was out with that night and I seen her say "Please don't tell anyone I kissed that lad last night". Image Source Dear Abby: My wife and I are in our 60s and have been married more than 40 years. In the final couple of weeks before she was leaving for university it was pretty sad for both of us because we were of the understanding that it would be the end. If you want to keep her, youve got to continually be the sort of guy that she wants to remain faithful, rather than expecting her to remain faithful because things used to be good between you and her at the start of the relationship. Because she felt so lonely. She couldn't really speak and I was surprised at how calm I was staying. I needed time and space and just before christmas I decided to forgive her because I seen how remorseful she was and she's begged me for another chance saying she can't bare to lose me and can't bare to see me hurt so much. So, rather than getting emotionally bruised by a woman who is not ready for a committed relationship, just break up with her and move on by getting yourself a new girl. I'm currently on the receiving end of another guy's gf. and I'm even more glad to hear you guys made it through! I dont think she knows that if something like this happens again then I cant be with her. I couldnt sleep, I couldnt stop thinking of her, and she couldnt either. I have always done ok with girls and she's absolutely stunning and got loads of personality so she has always got plenty of attention off other lads. My girl was at home. I already graduated college and she's still in college. Johnny, Johnny says he loves her. I lost of words right now Goodbye for now, and thanks for taking the time for me. She knows it can never happen again and things are alot better now. The potential is definitely there! I basically didnt give a **** anymore. It was a onetime thing. I promise you that. Disloyal Women Who Kiss Other Men. My girlfriend of 4 years kissed and "played" with another guy. This has turned out to be kind of a soap opera I knowin any case we spoke further and after a week we talked. And I think I can forgive her and never bring the subject up again in the future. Right now she says she needs to be single and she has implied she wants to go datingI'm just hoping at this point Btw : my life has been ****ing hell since this **** began and my focus on studies has weaned. (BTW, guys have to deal with insecurity just as much as girls.) Women know that its very painful for a guy to find out that his girlfriend has kissed another guy behind his back. My Girlfriend Kissed Another Guy ON CAMERA. I forgave her when she came back from her trip after 2 weeks. If you and your significant other don't think kissing constitutes as cheating, that's great! One more thing! A husband found out 40 years ago his wife cheated on him. Dude you really shouldn't be giving advice. She had told him to never talk to her again, but he did. Ive been thinking about the day she came through the gates on the airport everyday since she left. My girlfriend kissed another guy (or he kissed her I guess..) and other complications. If it ever happens again there is no way im doing that again. Ahh, I wish all this could be a dream I remember when we were going out, being with her was like heaven, and nothing could go wrong, because I had her. insecurity, low self-esteem). She seems pretty remorseful to me and now that she is back for good you guys are just getting all the cobwebs out of your head and you two will be good as new in a short time and stronger than ever. And if she didnt speak I would take the next buss home. But I didn't feel complete because of what happened. Dump her. But there was no way I could sit on it so I just asked her "have you ever cheated on me?". Many men are also willing to cheat on a woman too. You just had a year of being apartseparation anxiety and getting reacquainted and sorting through all those little anxiety mistakes is always going to be present. The boy she kissed was recently dumped of his girlfriend that he had been with for 3 years. We have 2 kids. -GF's feelings changed and she wanted to break up because the she and the other dude were, or did, hook up again. She told me that if she could take it back, she would. She cheated on you and lied. Home richfield school district my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it FBiH - Konkursi za turistike vodie i voditelje putnike agencije land for sale in highgate, st mary jamaica July 3, 2022 July 3, 2022 So, are you going to dump her and find a new woman, or are you going to forgive her, forget about it and continue on with the relationship? Or both. She claims she drank too much when she was out and lost control. Clearly both of them needed to be loved, and because they were so close friends I believe both of them felt sad and it just happened.