Timothy P. McDonald, Commander (410) 749-3101; e-mail: timothy.mcdonald@maryland.gov JavaScript is required to use content on this page. e-mail: rosemary.chappell@maryland.gov SOUTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE e-mail: melanie.frederick@maryland.gov State Police, Maryland Department of DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE terrorism tip hotline: 1-800-492-8477 (toll free, anonymous) arson hotline: 1-800-492-7529 (toll free) Lt. Col. Roland L. Butler, Jr., Acting Secretary of State Police (410) 653-4219 Brian S. Geraci, State Fire Marshal (410) 653-8980 JFK Memorial Highway - Barrack M (410) 537-1150; e-mail: msp.jfkhighway@maryland.gov Robert Bajefsky, Esq. Joshua S. Barnes, Commander (410) 579-5959 Brett A. Canfield, Unit Commander (410) 799-4548; e-mail: brett.canfield@maryland.gov Capt. Application: When you submit your HQL application, the State of Maryland will charge you $50. Capt. Staff: Lt. Sonya M. Clark (410) 653-6634; e-mail: sonya.clark@maryland.gov. Capt. Thank you! Proposed regulations or the scope of a proposed regulations from the Department Of State Police. Duane A. Hill, Section Commander (410) 653-4216; e-mail: duane.hill@maryland.gov Customer Service Promise. CENTRAL RECORDS DIVISION maryland state police hql phone number. e-mail: caryn.mcmahon@maryland.gov Sgt. The ticket is nontransferable or refundable. Email: mdtapolice@mdta.maryland.gov. e-mail: craig.ciccarelli@@maryland.gov e-mail: ida.williams@maryland.gov
. QUARTERMASTER DIVISION bud.frank@maryland.gov Leonardtown - Barrack T (301) 475-8955; e-mail: msp.leonardtown@maryland.gov John A. Nelson, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (443) 550-6820 Address: 7600 Barlowe Rd, Landover, MD 20785, United States. e-mail: ronald.levitan@maryland.gov, LEGISLATIVE SECURITY SECTION This is a writeup about that process. SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION State Police will issue to you a HQL card that looks like this. Skip to corporate officer information, business contact information) 410-767-1340 (Department of Assessments and Taxation) www.dat. e-mail: ronald.levitan@maryland.gov Answer questions regarding the processing of criminal history. Dalene M. Drum, Manager (410) 653-8247 Forestville - Barrack L (301) 568-8101; e-mail: msp.forestville@maryland.gov e-mail: ida.williams@maryland.gov, ELECTRONIC SERVICES DIVISION SOUTHERN COMMAND 9500 Mitchell Road, La Plata, MD 20646 e-mail: christopher.mcdonold@maryland.gov Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies Elizabeth A. Beck, Commander (410) 238-5802 30581 Perry Road, Princess Anne, MD 21853 MEDICAL SERVICES UNIT . 7053 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD 21601 Charlene Rock-Foster, Supervisor (410) 653-4225; e-mail: charlene.rock-foster@maryland.gov, TRAFFIC OPERATIONS CRASH TEAM PLANNING & RESEARCH DIVISION 2. 1st Sgt. ; Ira M. Click; P. Michael Errico; My Harrison; Jonathan W. Maurath; Carl W. Roy II, Esq. Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention. e-mail: duane.svites@maryland.gov e-mail: patrick.linnehan@maryland.gov Lt. Col. Dalaine M. Brady, Bureau Chief (410) 653-4212 1st Sgt. Handgun Qualification Licensing (HQL) MD920511Z | 1300004845 Criminal Procedure Article Section 5-117.1. Crystal M. Carter-Savage, Commander (410) 653-4544 Capt. There are a few ways you can go about this. Please allow up to four . James E. Hock, Jr., Chief of Staff (410) 653-4567 If you would like to have our Mobile Livescan Fingerprinting performed at your location, please call 410-761-6700 and speak to a representative. e-mail: tawn.gregory@maryland.gov MD STATE POLICE LICENSING - Fingerprinting For HQL Applicants: Below is the information that you should provide to the LiveScan technician for fingerprinting: Agency Authorization Number: 1300004845 Agency ORI Number: MD920511Z Reason Fingerprinted: MD Public Safety Article, Section 5-117.1 pertaining to Handgun Qualification License. Just wait a couple weeks and you will have the card in your hand so there will be no question! Police, Department of Maryland State. Caryn L. McMahon, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (410) 822-7609 The Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is a new license required for the purchase of any handgun in Maryland. e-mail: thomas.williams@maryland.gov Essex Location HQL Training. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources. Cumberland - Barrack C (301) 729-2101; e-mail: msp.cumberland@maryland.gov All HQL applicants approved on or after January 1, 2021, will receive, via email, a notification that the application has been reviewed and approved. 1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208 (410) 653.4200 | (800) 525.5555 | (410) 486.0677 (TDD) EMAIL: msp.hql@maryland.gov. Instant. ; Michael A. Spaulding. I had only a print-out from the MSP License site showing that my HQL went active yesterday. Sylvia C. Senkus, Director (410) 653-4272 Get Instant Access to Our Free Report. Please note: A minimum of 6 registrants required for class to proceed. Mon - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 410-281-2700. msp.crdacrs@maryland.gov . WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE . A few notes 1) This is only between Maryland residents. Facilities Management Division. Maryland Municipalities The ticket you are purchasing is for that particular training. The first step in obtaining the HQL is to complete a firearms safety training course, such as the HQL class offered by Nomad Tactical Solutions. Department of State Police, 1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, Maryland, January 2006. e-mail: gary.mounts@maryland.gov HQL Training Fee Includes: Fingerprinting: $65 MSP: $50 Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division. Maj. Adam J. Stachurski, Assistant Bureau Chief (410) 653-4211 The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services. OPERATIONS Vacancy, Bureau Chief (410) 653-4218 Duane A. Hill, Section Commander (410) 653-4216; e-mail: duane.hill@maryland.gov e-mail: msp.oei@maryland.gov, OFFICE OF MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING Updated March 1st 2022. Governor's Office of Community Initiatives. Thomas M. Williams, Commander (410) 260-6100 e-mail: james.russell@maryland.gov Maryland Independent Agencies Brett A. Canfield, Unit Commander (410) 799-4548; e-mail: brett.canfield@maryland.gov, SPECIAL TACTICAL ASSAULT TEAM ELEMENT & TACTICAL MEDICAL TEAM Vacancy, Director (410) 653-4300, PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION SECTION 1100 Baltimore Blvd., Westminster, MD 21157 2433 Pulaski Highway, North East, MD 21901 Two More Chances To Join SLCFSA Range This Year, Selling a Ruger Mark II .22 lr on consignment, Alpha Wolf RMR optics cut slide for Gen 3 Glock 19, Monday 3/6 8:00AM-3:00PM = HB 952 Testimony Signup, Buy, sell, and trade in the classified section, Chat with Local gun shops, ranges, trainers & other businesses, View up to date on firearm-related events. Oakland Police Department in S 3rd Street, Maryland, USA Address, Phone Number, Email, Website and Social media Maryland State Police (Maryland Police Station) in S 3rd Street. Email: Opening Hours: 6800 Aviation Blvd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Paul L. Abell, Director & Chief Financial Officer (410) 653-4244 Wesley T. Forchion, Unit Commander (410) 799-4548; e-mail: wesley.forchion@maryland.gov It has just been brought to my attention that the MD state police website, when trying to fill out an HQL application, is a complete failure. ELECTRONIC SERVICES DIVISION Ronald J. Menchey, Supervisor (301) 600-4183; e-mail: ronald.menchey@maryland.gov Devocionales Adventistas Cortos, Capt. 15 Turnpike Drive, Perryville, MD 21903 Kenneth E. Bush, Chief Fire Protection Engineer (410) 653-8983 1st Sgt. Vacancy, Chief, Field Operations Bureau (410) 653-4218 Why is everyone overthinking this!! [SECRETARY OF STATE POLICE] SUPERINTENDENT'S COUNCIL OF ADVISORS ON DIVERSITY & INCLUSION Welcome to the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Login Page: IMPORTANT UPDATE ON SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH, FROM 6:00 AM TILL 9:30 AM, THE MARYLAND STATE POLICE WILL BE PERFORMING UPDATES TO THE EGOV (HQL, LEOSA, K9 AND INTERCEPT) SITE. e-mail: david.ruel@maryland.gov REGULATIONS & GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS OFFICE Staff: James J. Eric G. Corbin, Commander (301) 600-4151; e-mail: eric.corbin@maryland.gov Enter your date of birth and last name to search for an existing license. Capt. ClIck on MSP Logo and Login button below to access Maryland State Police Mylicense website. Code Ann. Centreville - Barrack S (410) 758-1101; e-mail: msp.centreville@maryland.gov Capt. 67 Friendsville Road, McHenry, MD 21541 Timothy L. Aronhalt (410) 653-4315; e-mail: timothy.aronhalt@maryland.gov 10-301.1(c)(3) further provides that: Appointments are required at all CJIS and CJIS MVA fingerprinting offices. e-mail: christopher.stein@maryland.gov, BALTIMORE STATE APPREHENSION TEAM EASTERN TROOP Department Of State Police. HQL Training Fee Includes: Fingerprinting: $65 MSP: $50 Thank you, [applicant name] Oct 24, 2016 #29 GTOGUNNER IANAL, PATRIOT PICKET!! INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION SUPPORT SERVICES BUREAU #7 Marriottsville, Maryland 21104 Phone: 410-750-3278 Hours of Operation: Due to Covid-19: By Appointment only, effective 5.6.2020. Laura A. Beck, Assistant Commander (443) 357-1300 7915 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD 20854, SUPPORT OPERATIONS DIVISION To return to your search page, click on New Person Search. K-9 UNIT Eric G. Corbin, Commander (301) 600-4151; e-mail: eric.corbin@maryland.gov Code Ann. McHenry - Barrack W (301) 387-1101; e-mail: msp.mchenry@maryland.gov e-mail: adam.stachurski@maryland.gov, 1st Sgt. Email: msp.media@maryland.gov. The average cost is $125 for HQL instruction, $65 for fingerprinting, and $50 for application assistance. Sylvia C. Senkus, Director (410) 653-4272 1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208 (410) 653.4200 | (800) 525.5555 | (410) 486.0677 (TDD) Orville Jennings, Director (410) 799-8307 1st Sgt. AVIATION COMMAND Class Training Schedule. Caryn L. McMahon, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (410) 822-7609 Mount Olive Baptist Church Food Pantry, Jason M. Mowbray, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (301) 766-3888 Prendi V. Garcia, Commander (301) 568-8101; e-mail: prendi.garcia@maryland.gov You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. MSP might do it but I can GUARANTEE you won't find a gun shop doing it! Opening Hours: 311 Safety Drive, Centreville, MD 21617 e-mail: jason.mowbray@maryland.gov Robert C. Hare, Commander (410) 379-9658 e-mail: tawn.gregory@maryland.gov ACCIDENT REPORTING SECTION Rockville - Barrack N (301) 424-2101; e-mail: msp.rockville@maryland.gov 410-875-3900. We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes. A person may not purchase, rent, or receive a handgun in after October 1, 2013 unless they possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) issued by the Maryland State Police or qualify for exemption status. MEDICAL SERVICES UNIT Required to have the HQL, but exempt from the training component 1. e-mail: earl.phillips@maryland.gov All our instructors are fully certified and licensed by Maryland State Police and National Rifle Association of America. Vacancy, Commander (410) 653-4630, EXECUTIVE PROTECTION SECTION An official website of the State of Maryland. 7053 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD 21601, Princess Anne - Barrack X (443) 260-3700; e-mail: msp.princessanne@maryland.gov The Steps. e-mail: msp.aviation@maryland.gov Ida J. Williams, Director (410) 298-3444 Do you offer the Maryland Handgun Qualification class required by the State Police? Forestville - Barrack L (301) 568-8101; e-mail: msp.forestville@maryland.gov Thomas M. Williams, Commander (410) 260-6100 FY2021 appropriation: $73,542,169; authorized positions: 436 Processing Times: State of Maryland criminal history background checks submitted electronically by Maryland Livescan's optimized LSFP network capability average 24 hours or less to complete. e-mail: mps.fmmedia@maryland.gov, PROACTIVE CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT TEAM It has just been brought to my attention that the MD state police website, when trying to fill out an HQL application, is a complete failure. Simply complete your information, print it and fax it to 410-653-6320, or print it and mail it to CJIS-Central Repository, P.O. The HQL training is 4 hours in length. e-mail: melanie.frederick@maryland.gov, NETWORK SERVICES SECTION The average cost is $125 for HQL instruction, $65 for fingerprinting, and $50 for application assistance. Duane K. Svites, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (410) 859-7610 WESTERN TROOP Caryn L. McMahon, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (410) 822-7609 MD STATE POLICE LICENSING - Fingerprinting. Skip to corporate officer information, business contact information) 410-767-1340 (Department of Assessments and Taxation) www.dat. Elizabeth A. Beck, Commander (410) 238-5802 John D. Vanhoy (410) 694-4700 La Plata - Barrack H (301) 392-1200; e-mail: msp.laplata@maryland.gov Lt. Robert A. Phillips, Commander (410) 548-4005 1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208 (410) 653.4200 | (800) 525.5555 | (410) 486.0677 (TDD) Make sure you go thru Be sure to fill in the tracking number that you received on your LIVESCAN fingerprints receipt. NORTHERN COMMAND Matthew D. Stevens, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (410) 653-8984 North East - Barrack F (410) 996-7800; e-mail: msp.northeast@maryland.gov PROMOTIONAL TESTING DIVISION HIGHWAY PROGRAMS Number will be provided by your instructor at the end of the class and will be also printed on you class Certificate. Please note: A minimum of 6 registrants required for class to proceed. Maj. Mark A. McGuire, Commander (410) 379-9580 Capt. . SPECIAL PROJECTS SECTION APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention. Quirk at 410-654-3367 between the hours of 0700-0300 Monday- Friday." For most folks, by far, the easiest is to attend a class specifically tailored toward the HQL. e-mail: caryn.mcmahon@maryland.gov, WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS SECTION Maryland Manual On-Line This brings you to a This does not include the Utah application fee of: $63.25 to the state of Utah, which can be made via a credit card number on your application, or a personal check. COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION An official website of the State of Maryland. Berlin - Barrack V (410) 641-3101; e-mail: msp.berlin@maryland.gov 1st Sgt. BOMB SQUAD Step 1 of 3: (4) hours of training $100. Capt. SPECIAL TACTICAL ASSAULT TEAM ELEMENT & TACTICAL MEDICAL TEAM e-mail: crystal.carter@maryland.gov, DEPARTMENT PROSECUTOR SECTION e-mail: alex.reid@maryland.gov, PERSONNEL COMMAND REGULATIONS & GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS OFFICE Ronald M. Levitan, Counsel (410) 653-4224. Governor's Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Maj. Sean R. Morris, Commander (410) 653-4218 Gary D. Davis, Director (410) 653-4229 *Phone Number: Driver's License Number: Is suing State & Number You submitted an application on-line for a Maryland State Police Handgun Qualification License and none of your training documentation was attached to the application. OFFICE OF EQUITY AND INCLUSION BUDGET SECTION Christine M. Mullin, Commander (410) 653-4420; e-mail: christine.mullin@maryland.gov Vacancy, Commander (410) 653-8972 The Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is a new license required for the purchase of any handgun in Maryland. Ida J. Williams, Director (410) 298-3444 put my HQL number on the form and I was good to go. Staff: James J. Quirk at 410-654-3367 between the hours of 0700-0300 Monday- Friday." JFK Memorial Highway - Barrack M (410) 537-1150; e-mail: msp.jfkhighway@maryland.gov Glen M. Peterson (410) 694-5530; e-mail: glen.peterson@maryland.gov, GREENBELT STATE APPREHENSION TEAM When new regulations are added youll be sent an email letting you know updates have been made to this page. . Term expires 2020. e-mail: LOWER EASTERN SHORE REGIONAL OFFICE HQL Training Fee Includes: Fingerprinting: $65 MSP: $50 A person may not purchase, rent, or receive a handgun in after October 1, 2013 unless they possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) issued by the Maryland State Police or qualify for exemption status. FY2021 appropriation: $9,948,814; authorized positions: 70.5 Welcome to the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Login Page: IMPORTANT UPDATE For information regarding the HQL renewal process, click here A copy of your HQL, either printed or electronic, must be presented to a firearm dealer or private seller, prior to selling, renting, or transferring a handgun, in accordance with the MD Public Safety 5-117.1 and COMAR e-mail: mdmanual@maryland.gov, APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Capt. Capt. You submitted an application on-line for a Maryland State Police Handgun Qualification License and none of your training documentation was attached to the application. BOMB SQUAD Capt. e-mail: george.white@maryland.gov, STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMAND Terms expire 2024. e-mail: george.white@maryland.gov "Presenting" a valid license can be done by showing a valid hard copy or a valid and confirmed number directly from MSP, which can be accomplished via computer or a call if computers are down. PUBLIC FIRE SAFETY EDUCATION & PUBLIC INFORMATION OPERATIONS 1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208 (410) 653.4200 | (800) 525.5555 | (410) 486.0677 (TDD) Our Social Media Channels Get. Gary D. Davis, Director (410) 653-4229 e-mail: robert.hare@maryland.gov STATE POLICE BARRACKS Jason M. Mowbray, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (301) 766-3888 How to fill out your HQL application - Soteria Training Academy (410) 216-3176 learn@soteriatraining.com 0 Items Home About Courses Blog Shop Contact How to fill out your HQL application Aug 18, 2020 You must attend a Maryland HQL Course before following the steps below. North East - Barrack F (410) 996-7800; e-mail: msp.northeast@maryland.gov 2765 North Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD 21801 Colin J. Bristow, SHA Liaison (410) 582-5616 You are using an out of date browser. "Hands On" Live training - $160.00. Melanie A. Frederick, Director (410) 653-4275 Patience O. Dawson, Director (410) 653-4640 Address: 50 N Burhans Blvd, Hagerstown, MD 21740, United States. Capt. Gamble, Sheriff, Talbot County; Brian Albert, Sheriff, Washington County; Michael A. Lewis, Sheriff, Wicomico County; Matthew Crisafulli, Sheriff, Worcester County; Edward C. Jackson, Chief of Police, Annapolis; Ross C. Buzzuro,Chief of Police, Ocean City. HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION Click the Prerequisite button on the left. Home | Fee Schedule | Testimonials. DEPARTMENT PROSECUTOR SECTION Not to rain on your parade, or saying don't do it, but just like the requirement for HQL's not being enforced for pre-Oct. 1 purchases the MSP has no authority to rewrite, circumvent or make up the law as it goes. Baltimore, MD 21222. Crystal M. Carter-Savage, Commander (410) 653-4544 Search Criteria. ADMINISTRATION e-mail: gary.mounts@maryland.gov, Search the Manual
MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS SECTION 1-888-754-0098. You may contact us at: IOTA Firearms and Security Training Academy 11410 Marriottsville Road, Bldg. Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards e-mail: msp.osfmlero@maryland.gov e-mail: joshua.barnes@maryland.gov, HIGHWAY PROGRAMS 10100 Rhode Island Ave., College Park, MD 20740 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION BUREAU SPECIAL OPERATIONS & TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMAND A few notes 1) This is only between Maryland residents. 15 Turnpike Drive, Perryville, MD 21903 Jon D. Armiger, Director (410) 653-4480 Christine M. Mullin, Commander (410) 653-4420; e-mail: christine.mullin@maryland.gov If you take out the 54,000 that already have a permit (thinking that they would be part of the initial number) you are still left with 114,000 initial applications if MD changed how it does business on 410-768-7388. msp.ased@maryland.gov. 1125 National Highway, Cumberland, MD 21502 State Police will issue to you a HQL card that looks like this. Select or enter your (single) search criteria. Security Guard Section: msp.securityguard@maryland.gov, K-9 Registration: msp.securityguard@maryland.gov, Handgun Permit Section: msp.handgunpermits@maryland.gov, Private Detective: msp.privatedetective@maryland.gov, Special Police and Railroad Police: msp.specialrailroadpolice@maryland.gov, Security Systems Unit: msp.securitysystems@maryland.gov, Firearms Registration (Firearm Purchases): msp.firearmsregistration@maryland.gov, Handgun Qualification License Unit: msp.hql@maryland.gov, MSP Command (Compliments and Complaints): MSP.LIC_COMMAND@MARYLAND.GOV, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. Crystal M. Carter-Savage, Commander (410) 653-4544 To submit a request for an exemption, students must complete this form. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION All rights reserved. Patrick J. Linnehan, Director (410) 653-7760 610 Taylor Ave., Annapolis, MD 21401 Maj. Mark A. McGuire, Commander (410) 379-9580 Westminster - Barrack G (410) 386-3000; e-mail: msp.westminster@maryland.gov e-mail: dalene.drum@maryland.gov Information provided in any single search criteria either first name, State , or license type is enough to produce a search result. Sgt. Landover Police Station in Barlowe Road, Maryland, USA Address, Phone Number, Email, Website and Social media Maryland State Police (Maryland Police Station) in Barlowe Road. Yes. MOTOR VEHICLE DIVISION Dec 16, 2010 4,676 Carroll County! Chair: Maj. Scott E. Keyser, designee of Secretary of State Police The first step in obtaining the HQL is to complete a firearms safety training course, such as the HQL class offered by Nomad Tactical Solutions. James F. Laughland. 23200 Leonard Hall Drive, Leonardtown, MD 20650 (W00A0108, formerly Q00A0103, formerly UPPER EASTERN SHORE REGIONAL OFFICE Jeffrey D. Thomas, Commander (410) 653-6069 Mon - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 410-281-2700. msp.crdacrs@maryland.gov . And I was in another shop last night that was delivering with a copy of the HQL Active page from the MSP website. Timothy P. McDonald, Commander (410) 749-3101; e-mail: timothy.mcdonald@maryland.gov e-mail: patrick.linnehan@maryland.gov, PLANNING & RESEARCH DIVISION Gregory M. Shipley, Director (410) 653-4343 Vacancy (443) 807-0010, GANG ENFORCEMENT SECTION e-mail: dereka.chapman@maryland.gov Step 1: Training. Specialties: Our school offers HQL (Handgun Qualification License) and Maryland Handgun Wear & Carry License classes approved and licensed by the Maryland State Police and whole range of firearm safety and handling classes approved by NRA. Classes are run each month but must have a person minimum to start. Princess Anne - Barrack X (443) 260-3700; e-mail: msp.princessanne@maryland.gov Vacancy, Deputy State Fire Marshal (410) 653-8999 Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent to 4-year terms: 3500 Forestville Road, Forestville, MD 20747, Rockville - Barrack N (301) 424-2101; e-mail: msp.rockville@maryland.gov Shane M. Bolger, Commander (301) 761-5130; e-mail: shane.bolger@maryland.gov CHEMICAL TEST FOR ALCOHOL UNIT NETWORK SERVICES SECTION The HQL training is 4 hours in length. BUDGET SECTION Ronald J. Menchey, Supervisor (301) 600-4183; e-mail: ronald.menchey@maryland.gov, OPERATIONS 1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208, Maryland Center for Missing and Unidentified Persons, More Information on human trafficking in Maryland. Your Name * Your Email * Want us to call you? Maj. Tawn M. Gregory, Commander (410) 653-4229 If fewer than six, we will contact registrants to move to an alternative date. Orville Jennings, Director (410) 799-8307 e-mail: elizabeth.beck@maryland.gov, LOGISTICS COMMAND Lt. John P. Griffin, Jr. (410) 579-5959; e-mail: john.griffin1@maryland.gov, SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Christine M. Mullin, Commander (410) 653-4420; e-mail: christine.mullin@maryland.gov e-mail: jeffrey.thomas@maryland.gov, EMPLOYMENT SERVICES SECTION This comes out to a total of $190- $240. Capt. If you, or your transaction, do not fall within an exception, a transferee must possess an HQL. e-mail: gary.davis@maryland.gov Diane B. Lach, Director (410) 653-4396; e-mail: diane.lach@maryland.gov 8908 Kelso Drive, Baltimore, MD 21221 e-mail: mdmanual@maryland.gov. Melanie A. Frederick, Director (410) 653-4275 All our instructors are fully certified and licensed by Maryland State Police and National Rifle Association of You can find out the status of your background check by calling Customer Service at (410) 764-4501 or toll free at 1-888-795-0011. 410-537-7777. HIGHWAY PROGRAMS Capt. An official website of the State of Maryland. e-mail: mps.fmmedia@maryland.gov This comes out to a total of $190- $240. MEDICAL SERVICES UNIT Appointments are required at all CJIS and CJIS MVA fingerprinting offices. I just returned from the Glen Burnie Maryland State Police Barracks, where I filled out firearms transfer paperwork. Capt. ; Ira M. Click; P. Michael Errico; My Harrison; Jonathan W. Maurath; Carl W. Roy II, Esq. A person may not purchase, rent, or receive a handgun in after October 1, 2013 unless they possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) issued by the Maryland State Police or qualify for exemption status. 1st Sgt. NORTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE Capt. Brian K. Smith, Commander (410) 875-3932 Barry Donadio (former US Secret Service) will be instructing a Handgun Qualification License Class (HQL) . ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. Get all the information related to Md State Police Hql License - Make website login easier than ever If you take out the 54,000 that already have a permit (thinking that they would be part of the initial number) you are still left with 114,000 initial applications if MD changed how it does business on 410-537-7777. Wesley T. Forchion, Unit Commander (410) 799-4548; e-mail: wesley.forchion@maryland.gov Obtained by Method: Application. The MSP 9/24 advisory says they won't enforce, and you have a HQL # albeit no card. Ex officio: Russell J. Strickland, Secretary of Emergency Management; Jacob R. Day, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Rafael J. Lopez, Secretary of Human Services; Vincent N. Schiraldi, Secretary of Juvenile Service; Carolyn C. Scruggs, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Kunle Adeyemo, Esq., Executive Director, Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, & Victim Services; David A. Engel, Director, Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center; Col. John E. Gavrilis, Chief, Maryland Transit Administration Police; Col. Kevin M. Anderson, Chief, Maryland Transportation Authority Police; Ronald A. Pavlik, Jr., Chief, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police; Craig A. Robertson, Sheriff, Allegany County; Amal E. Awad, Chief of Police, Anne Arundel County; Michael S. Harrison, Police Commissioner, Baltimore City; Dennis J. Delp, Interim Chief of Police, Baltimore County; Richard Cox, Sheriff, Calvert County; Donald L. Baker, Jr., Sheriff, Caroline County; James T. DeWees, Sheriff, Carroll County; Scott A. Adams, Sheriff, Cecil County; Troy D. Berry, Sheriff, Charles County; James W. Phillips, Jr., Sheriff, Dorchester County; Charles A. 1100 Baltimore Blvd., Westminster, MD 21157, NORTHERN TROOP Capt. George M. White, Commander (410) 841-3844 Ronald L. Fisher III, Commander (410) 653-4229 e-mail: jason.mowbray@maryland.gov Specialties: Our school offers HQL (Handgun Qualification License) and Maryland Handgun Wear & Carry License classes approved and licensed by the Maryland State Police and whole range of firearm safety and handling classes approved by NRA. gregory.shipley@maryland.gov, PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OFFICE When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives.