Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Apparently, after 50 plus years, these old Westpac operations are still classified. Let's talk about your VA disability benefits. This ships list is intended to provide va regional offices with a resource for determining whether a particular us navy or coast guard veteran of the vietnam era is eligible for the presumption of agent orange herbicide exposure based on operations of the veteran's ship. The Marine Corps sent him to Da Nang July 31, 1960 and he returned January 31,1961. A VA health care provider will discuss the results with you. It is a term used to describe Vietnam War veterans who served on open-sea ships off the coast of Vietnam during the war. All vessels referred to in military records as part of the Mobile Riverine Force, All vessels with the designation AGP [Assault Group Patrol/Patrol Craft Tender], All vessels with the designation LCM [Landing Craft, Mechanized], All vessels with the designation LCU [Landing Craft, Utility], All vessels with the designation LCVP [Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel], All vessels with the designation LST [Landing Ship, Tank], All vessels with the designation PBR [Patrol Boat, River], All vessels with the designation PCF [Patrol Craft, Fast or Swift Boat], All vessels with the designation STABS [Strike Assault Boats], All vessels with the designation YFU [Harbor Utility Craft], All U.S. Coast Guard Cutters with hull designation WPB [Patrol Boat], WHEC [High Endurance Cutter], WLB [Buoy Tender], and WAK [Cargo Vessel] during their Vietnam tours. SUMMARY. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Thermite (/ r m a t /) is a pyrotechnic composition of metal powder and metal oxide.When ignited by heat or chemical reaction, thermite undergoes an exothermic reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction. You can download it and open it in Microsoft Word for your own use. Bigelow (DD-942) Docked to pier at Da Nang for one hour on April 19, 1967. doi: 10.17226/13026. The expansion of Agent Orange exposure locations came as a result of Public Law 116-23, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019. VA maintains a list of U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships associated with military service in Vietnam and possible exposure to Agent Orange based on military records. To find a specific ship, use the find on page search by holding the CTRL and F keys at the same time (its the Command key on a Mac). This evolving list helps veterans who served aboard ships, including "Blue Water veterans," find out if they may qualify for presumption of herbicide exposure. UPDATED list of ships exposed to Agent Orange. Navy and Coast Guard Ships Associated with Service in Vietnam and Agent Orange Exposure. 119.9K All Discussion Boards; 6 CSN Information; 6 Welcome to CSN; My Best to You and Everyone Here . They match perfectly together for both Modelo negra and Miami especial. The VA denies there was any Agent Orange in Vietnam in 1960 and 1961. Advocates estimate that as many as 90,000 veterans may be eligible for benefit payouts, and the digitized deck logs are expected to help speed up this process tremendously. Exposure to Agent Orange. 0:00 Introduction0:52 AGEN. Learn more here! The 14 presumptive diseases on the list are: Chronic B-cell Leukemia; Hodgkin's Disease Because their crews likely went ashore at some point, these sailers are considered eligible for Agent Orange benefits because they may have been exposed while ashore. Since the end of the Vietnam War, veterans have reported numerous health effects. Excellent customer service, organized, professional. Public Law 116-23, The Blue Water Navy Veteran's Act of 2019, created a presumption for certain illnesses due to Agent Orange exposure for those 50-90,000 veterans who served on a US Navy or Coast Guard ship between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, no further than 12 miles from the coast of Vietnam. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form. during January-June 1965; May-December 1966; March-July 1968; and September 1969 to February 1970 (see other category), USS Oak Hill (LSD-7) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with evidence of crew members going ashore at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Vung Tau, and Hue, from October 1965-April 1966, March-August 1967, and September 1968-February 1969 (see other category), USS Colonial (LSD-18) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, and Vung Tau from March 1966 to September 1969 (see other category), USS Cabildo (LSD-16) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau from July 1965 to November 1968, USS Catamount (LSD-17) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Vung Tau, and Cua Viet River area on piers and with small boats from December 1965 to May 1969 (see other category), USS Fort Marion (LSD-22) conducted numerous supply landings at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Mekong Delta area, with crew members going ashore, from October 1965-June 1966, September-December 1967, and December 1968-May 1969 (see other category), USS Whetstone (LSD-27) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with smaller mike boats at Da Nang, Hue, Phu Bai, and Dong Ha from March 1965 to September 1969 (see other category), USS Thomaston (LSD-28) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Song Co Chien River area, and Cua Viet River area from 1965 to 1972 [Note: no AO exposure for 1975 operations], USS Point Defiance (LSD-31) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with small boats at Da Nang, Van Tuong, and Kien Hoa from May 1965 through October 1972, USS Alamo (LSD-33) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings with smaller boats at Da Nang, Vung Tau, Song Bo De, An Thoi, and Tan My between August 1964 and October 1972 (see other category), USS Hermitage (LSD-34) conducted troop landings in Da Nang area from June through October 1967 (see other category), USS Monticello (LSD-35) conducted numerous troop and supply landings at Chu Lai and elsewhere from October 1965-March 1966, February-September 1967, March1968-February 1969, February-September 1970, March 1971, November 1971, October-December 1972, and January 1973, USS Anchorage (LSD-36) transported troops and supplies to and from shore with smaller craft at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from February 1970 through July 1972 (see other category), USNS General W. H. Gordon (T-AP-117) [Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) Transport Ship] transported troops and cargo to Vung Tau and elsewhere in Vietnam, with crew members going ashore, during 1965 and from December 1967 to March 1968, USNS Barrett (T-AP-196) carried US Army 2nd Transportation Company to Qui Nhon during August 1965 and transported additional troops to Vietnam from April to December 1968 and January to May 1969, USNS Geiger (T-AP-197) transported troops to Qui Nhon and Vung Tau from September to December 1965 and additional troops to Vietnam January to February 1967 and July 1969. The VA Says: "According to 38 CFR 3.307(a)(6)(iii), eligibility for the presumption of Agent Orange exposure requires that a Veteran's military service involved "duty or visitation in the Republic of Vietnam" between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975. The Yankee Station. Eligible Veterans who are concerned about possible long-term health problems related to Agent Orange exposure can participate in the Agent Orange Registry. Some 2.6 million Vietnam veterans are thought to have been exposed to and possibly harmed by Agent Orange, which the U.S. military used to defoliate dense forests, making it easier to spot . Without locations, the VA cannot determine whether any submarine qualifies or not for inclusion in the Blue Water ship list. The court's decision also means that VA can no longer deny disability benefits to eligible blue water Navy veterans. Phone. If your vessel is not included in the mobile riverine force, isf division 93 or listed designations (see find your ship), check the alphabetized list of ships below. snoopy happy dance emoji 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 Mushroom Observer species -- identification guide - Discover Life. We took this list straight from the VA website here. Copyright 2023 Woods and Woods, LLC | PO Box 1287 Evansville, IN 47706. The tool accomplishes this by identifying whether a ship passed . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I had a fantastic experience with Woods and Woods. Evidence requirements for the presumption of agent . In addition, experiments were carried out in which the capacity for de-novo synthesis of dioxins from the main components of Agent Orange was evaluated. Woods and Woods, LLC, Veterans Disability Lawyer, Veterans Disability Benefits Attorneys Helping Veterans Nationwide, Published on August 3, 2021 by Mike Woods Last Updated on August 26, 2022. However, with a massive increase in operations over North Vietnam in 1966, the . The American Legion. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_5" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Were you stationed at Camp Lejeune before 1987? The herbicide and defoliant exposed Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops who previously sheltered under the . Gun Fire Support Ships Blue Water Navy - Guam Master Ship List (Subs) Aircraft Carrier (VSM) New Master Ship List Membership HR-299- The Bill Ship Locator List . 770-766-5420; Veterans Disability Claims; About Us. There were a few missle ships and aircraft carriers in the mix, though. To qualify for Agent Orange-related benefits, a veteran must have one or more of the conditions VA presumes to have been caused by exposure. If you served during the Vietnam-era, were exposed to Agent Orange, and later developed a medical condition you believe to be related to said exposure, you may be entitled to VA disability compensation. The US military sprayed Agent Orange from helicopters or low-flying aircraft to kill jungle growth. USS Card (ACV-11) [Escort Aircraft Carrier] mined, sunk, and salvaged in Saigon River Harbor during May 1964, USS Core (ACV-13) travelled on Saigon River to delivered aircraft to Saigon during June 1965, USS Bennington (CVS-20) [Anti-Submarine Aircraft Carrier] entered Qui Nhon Bay Harbor to pick up Bob Hope for onboard Christmas show on December 26, 1966, USS Surfbird (ADG-383) [Degaussing Ship] conducted anti-mine degaussing operation for ships on Qui Nhon Bay during November 1967 and August 1969 (see other category), USS Wrangell (AE-12) [Auxiliary Explosive, Ammunition Ship] entered Mekong River Delta to supply ammunition for US Coast Guard vessel on November 21, 1968, USS Firedrake (AE-14) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966, USS Pictor (AF-54) [Auxiliary Stores Ship] entered Cua Viet River while delivering supplies to Dong Ha during September 1967 (see other category), USS Vega (AF-59) conducted resupply operations on Mekong River Delta September 13, 1966 (see other category), USS Mars (AFS-1) [Combat Stores Ship] operated on Mekong River July 8, 1966, USS Niagara Falls (AFS-3) unloaded supplies on Saigon River and Cam Ranh Bay, April 22-25, 1968, USS Arikara (ATF-98) [Fleet Ocean Tug] assisted with salvage operations on Saigon River during August 1966 (see other category), USS Estes (AGC-12) [Amphibious Force Flagship] entered Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965 and anchored in Mekong River during January 1967 (see other category), USS Tanner (AGS-15) [Mapping Survey Ship] conducted surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal areas and rivers from October 1966 through 1968, USS Maury (AGS-16) conducted surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal areas and rivers from November 1965 through 1969, USS Sheldrake (AGS-19) conducted sounding surveys of Vietnam coastal and inland waterways October 1967 through March 1968, USS Serrano (AGS-24) conducted mapping surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal and river areas from 1966 through 1969, USS Towhee (AGS-28) conducted sounding surveys of Vietnam coastal and inland waterways October 1967 through March 1968, USS Rehoboth (AGS-50)conducted hydrographic survey of Mekong River Delta area during December 1965, USS Merrick (AKA-97) [Attack Cargo Ship] participated in Operation Jackstay amphibious landings while on Saigon River during March 1966 (see other category), USS Seminole (AKA/LKA-104) [Attack/Amphibious Cargo Ship] docked in Saigon during July 1962; operated on Saigon River channel on March 4, 1967; and entered Cua Viet River on May 26, 1967 (see other category), USS Union (AKA/LKA-106) anchored in Hue River while conducting operations during April 1965 (see other category), USS St. Louis (AKA/LKA-116) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during March 9, 1971 (see other category), USS Pollux (AKS-4) [General Stores Ship] delivered supplies while in Ganh Rai Bay on April 4.