xUmo@G9*R*S[u#>RejBG4aSgcwy2+`p3CJ)i Glacial acrylic acid (GAA), methyl acrylate (MA), ethyl acrylate (EA), n-butyl acrylate (BA) and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate (2-EHA). Ranzani, O. T. et al. https://www.vitalstrategies.org/resources/excess-mortality-in-brazil-a-detailed-description-of-trends-in-mortality-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/ (2020). Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. J. Org. S3). When we started back in 1995, we were the first company in the world to provide a new kind of electricity- the green kind. We used several data sources to estimate the changes in e0 and e65 due to COVID-19 by state and sex in Brazil. Al-Aly, Z., Xie, Y. The COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: analysis of supply and demand of hospital and ICU beds and mechanical ventilators under different scenarios. For candidates working in person or remotely in the below locations, the salary* range for this specific position is $72,960 to $131,328. For all intervals except ages 01, 15 and 90+, the interval length n is 5 years wide. Everyone involved in adoptionbirthparents, adoptive parents, adoptees, adoption professionals, and beyonddeserves support when they need it. In closed-loop chemical recycling, chemical transformations are used to cleave the polymer into its monomers (depolymerization), or to create a polymer with equivalent function12. Lancet Glob. Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) ID: LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE: Types of action: LIFE Project Grants: Deadline model: single-stage: Opening date: 13 July 2021: Deadline date: 30 November 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time . Death rates from non-COVID-19 causes in 2020 likely changed between 2019 and 2020, decreasing for some causes (for example, from reduced exposure to other infections) and increasing in others (for example, from delayed or foregone healthcare or overburdening of the healthcare system). To calculate person-years for 2020, we first interpolated population projections, assuming exponential growth by age, sex and state, for the first day of each month in 2020. Nature Governance ). 364, 19851998 (2009). Vaccine 39, 34043409 (2021). USA 118, e2019536118 (2021). Integrated Projects (all subprogrammes): 19 October 2021 - Concept Note. Science 360, 2829 (2018). State acronyms by region: North: AC=Acre, AP=Amap, AM=Amazonas, PA=Par, RO=Rondnia, RR=Roraima and TO=Tocantins; Northeast: AL=Alagoas, BA=Bahia, CE=Cear, MA=Maranho, PB=Paraba, PE=Pernambuco, PI=Piau, RN=Rio Grande do Norte and SE=Sergipe; Center-West: DF=Distrito Federal, GO=Gois, MT=Mato Grosso and MS=Mato Grosso do Sul; Southeast: ES=Esprito Santo, MG=Minas Gerais, RJ=Rio de Janeiro and SP=So Paulo; South: PR=Paran, RS=Rio Grande do Sul and SC=Santa Catarina. Life Cycle Assess. Castro, M.C., Gurzenda, S., Turra, C.M. FaterSMART. Numbers above. When intense shocks like a pandemic or war occur, life expectancy drops, but it often rebounds quickly. Mortality due to COVID-19 is estimated to have reduced e0 in the United States by 1.13 years, setting it back to values observed in 2003 (ref. An estimated 6.3 billion metric tons of post-consumer polymer waste has been produced, with the majority (79%) in landfills or the environment. Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC): protocollo.ispra@ispra.legalmail.it, Kick-off meeting of the projet LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST, https://www.isprambiente.gov.it/en/news/kick-off-meeting-of-the-projet-life-2021-sap-nat-nature-turtlenest, https://www.isprambiente.gov.it/en/news/kick-off-meeting-of-the-projet-life-2021-sap-nat-nature-turtlenest/@@download/image/carretta.png. To interrogate this hypothesis, we measured the percent esterification under different conditions. 58, 13471364 (2020). Manag. Managed the strategic partnerships with: Microsoft, Nokia, and NavTech. To access more than one type of pressure-sensitive adhesive, we needed a method to shorten the linear polymers obtained after the decrosslinking step. A 245, 132140 (2006). Preprint at https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.26.21252554v1 (2021). (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, Weinheim, 2020). Manages sample collection and retention strategy. http://www.genomahcov.fiocruz.br/tabela-de-dados/ (2021). Microwave-assisted hydrothermal decomposition of super absorbent polymers. The ecoinvent database version 3 (part I): overview and methodology. Woolf, S. H., Chapman, D. A., Sabo, R. T., Weinberger, D. M. & Hill, L. Excess deaths from COVID-19 and other causes, MarchApril 2020. Jul 13, 2021 Nature Governance ID:LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV Type of action: [object Object] Objective: To contribute to the protection of nature and biodiversityby: Supporting nature and biodiversity policy and legislation compliance assurance, and/or In Amazonas, male e65 was estimated to decline by 20% from 2019 to 2020. https://www.statista.com/statistics/282732/global-production-of-plastics-since-1950 (2020). Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Int. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the project intends to improve the conservation status of Caretta caretta, thanks to the establishment of an international network, through the use of the best shared techniques and the use of a monitoring system. 6, 35893595 (2018). Il 13 luglio stato aperto il primo invito a presentare proposte nell'ambito del nuovo programma LIFE 2021-202 7, che comprende quattro sottoprogrammi: natura e biodiversit, economia circolare e qualit della vita, LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE General Information Projects should fall under at least one of the two areas of intervention: Intervention area: "Space for Nature" Any project aimed at improving the condition of species or habitats through areabased conservation or restoration measures falls within the eligible scope of the intervention area . We removed 2,689 (0.20%) and 2,722 (0.18%) records in 2019 and 2020, respectively, that did not have information on sex and/or age. They might reduce access to and coverage of primary care and increase infant mortality and avoidable deaths. SAP Certified with fifteen years of SAP development experience in UK and New Zealand. M.C.C., N.G., T.A. We hypothesized that we could potentially eliminate the need to remove water because both the polymer backbone and our alcohol solvent are hydrophobic. In 15 states (including the entire Southeast region), this loss was higher among males (Fig. This year's call for the 2021 is open to two areas and their sub-programmes: 1. M.C.C. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Demography 43, 647657 (2006). 6-month consequences of COVID-19 in patients discharged from hospital: a cohort study. Anne J. McNeil. Presentation(edition Call 2021- content valid also for call 2022), European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, This site is managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, LIFE-2022-SAP-NAT Nature and Biodiversity - Standard Action Projects (SAP), Follow the European Commission on social media, Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE), European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, LIFE - Support for applicants (europa.eu). Brazils unified health system: the first 30 years and prospects for the future. In summary, the death toll of COVID-19 in Brazil has been catastrophic. Trans. Vaupel, J. W., Villavicencio, F. & Bergeron-Boucher, M.-P. Demographic perspectives on the rise of longevity. 5, 501516 (2020). Responsible for the full life-cycle of the first infotainment system in the market, AutoPC built with Microsoft. <>/Metadata 249 0 R/ViewerPreferences 250 0 R>>
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. and S.K. GetScriptingEngine End If If Not IsObject (connection) Then Set connection = application. Tang, H., Luan, Y., Yang, L. & Sun, H. A perspective on reversibility in controlled polymerization systems: recent progress and new opportunities. Google Scholar. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/14/brazil-manaus-amazonas-covid-coronavirus (2021). 1 Land Law III (LLAW3105) Exam DECEMBER 2021 MARKING GUIDE Examiner I: II: University #: Q1 (22) + Q2 (18) + Q3 (12) + Q4 (14) + Q5 (14) - Total Marks: (out of 80) Q Suggested points/answers Marks 1(a) Land is held under Tso, Chinese customary trust for ancestral worship and is supposed to be inalienable and perpetual. A facile and highly efficient strategy for esterification of poly(meth)acrylic acid with halogenated compounds at room temperature promoted by 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidine. Accept all achievement motivation scale manual Manage preferences. a, Change (in years) in the femalemale gap in e0 and e65 based on the difference from life tables calculated for 2019 and 2020 by state and sex. 99, 99106 (2015). For 2019 and 2020, our estimates include deaths from all causes registered in the Mortality Information System. volume27,pages 16291635 (2021)Cite this article. Therefore, COVID-19 sequelae might shorten individual lifespan. We estimate a decline in 2020 life expectancy at birth (e0) of 1.3 years, a mortality level not seen since 2014. 100th Anniversary of macromolecular science viewpoint: redefining sustainable polymers. I tried to learn Python before,. Among the states, Amazonas, Rondnia, Roraima and Mato Grosso had the largest declines in e0 in both 2020 and 2021 (Fig. Rev. The LIFE programme is structured in two fields - Environment and Climate Action - and it contributes to these priorities through its four sub-programmes: Environment field: 1. <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
State-level gains in longevity achieved over years or even decades were reversed by the pandemic. A conscientious employee, willing to learn new skills, open to instruction and feedback with a background in varied product, process and people management. ISPRA Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale This was the case for 12 of the 27 states (Fig. Locations: Colorado; Nevada, Jersey City, NJ; New York City, NY; Ithaca, NY and Westchester County, NY. Demonstrativos de linhagens e genomas SARS-CoV-2. The SAP SF and Payroll Rollout initiative is a strategic technology that will reinvent the HR function in the implementing markets This initiative will establish an integrated HR platform that. Semin. McNeill, I. C. & Sadeghi, S. M. T. Thermal stability and degradation mechanisms of poly(acrylic acid) and its salts: Part 1-poly(acrylic acid). {o"yQr8"2ioFq[V Expected deaths in the presence of COVID-19 are calculated by assuming that individuals who do not die of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021 are subject to the mortality rates of 2019. Eng. Science 371, 288292 (2021). Brazil has been heavily affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). & Shamanin, V. V. Chain degradation under low-intensity sonication of polymer solutions in the presence of filler: Mechanism of ultrasonic degradation of flexible chain macromolecules. Chem. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. For comparison, we also evaluated the hydrolysis using 0.8M aq. The authors thank Procter and Gamble (P&G) for supporting this work, as well as Ryan Hayes and Jonah Vilseck for assisting with simulations, Edwin Zishiri for assisting with synthesis, Gary Gilbertson, Bill Begley, and Yiping Sun for performing SEC on the PSAs, and Prof. Brian Love for his intellectual contributions. Upgrading of postconsumer absorbent hygiene products for bioethanol production. Bystryak, S., Santockyte, R. & Peshkovsky, A. S. Cell disruption of S. cerevisiae by scalable high-intensity ultrasound. & Garenne, M. The 1918 influenza epidemics effects on sex differentials in mortality in the United States. We used death rates from all causes (including COVID-19) to calculate single-decrement life tables in 2019 and 2020. After more than 195,000 lives were reported to have been lost in 2020 to COVID-19, no policy changes have appeared in 2021. 10, 48754880 (2019). Formal training in customer service with. & Bowe, B. High-dimensional characterization of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19. All environmental data were gathered from experiments, literature, or the ecoinvent database (version 3.5)51, and implemented in SimaPro v., as described in detail within the Supporting Information (Supplementary Information pgs S36S41). Simes, C. C. S. Breve histrico do processo demogrfico. That is, the PSAs are soft enough to flow and wet a substrate at the bonding frequency, while hard enough to hold onto a substrate, and peel cleanly at the debonding frequency. Experienced Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Prot. In Latin America, at least four countries experienced secular mortality declines at earlier dates: Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica and Cuba9. To do this, we multiplied the age group-specific and sex-specific mortality rates from 2019 from each state by the corresponding projected population for March 2021. Lancet Glob. :X"."o:XKw$0/vvDvXK Stab. https://www.fatersmart.com/ - (Accessed May 1, 2021). Overall health conditions of individuals with diabetes worsened in 2020 due to reduced physical activity, postponement of medical appointments and interruption in regular drug treatment31. Plastics and the Environment. H2SO4 with heating (Fig. These records, aggregated at the state level, are publicly available by date on the website (https://brasil.io/covid19/). States in the North and Northeast have the worst indicators of income inequality, poverty, access to infrastructure and availability of physicians and hospital beds12,13. J. Stab. We found a 15.3% and 15.1% decrease in GWP when replacing the industrial route with either the 1min or 2min sonication scenario, respectively, and an impressive 21.5% decrease when sonication was avoided altogether. Polym. To obtain Effect of economic recession and impact of health and social protection expenditures on adult mortality: a longitudinal analysis of 5565 Brazilian municipalities. Recycling methods that utilize these waste polymers could attenuate their environmental impact. Coates, G. W. & Getzler, Y. D. Y. L. Chemical recycling to monomer for an ideal, circular polymer economy. Natl Acad. States are colored according to major regions. First, we estimate that COVID-19 deaths in the first 4 months of 2021 have already reduced e0 by 1.8 years, and the ultimate effect on 2021 e0 will be even greater. Carlyle, R. L. Process for the production of acrylic acid esters. All authors contributed to the interpretation of results and manuscript editing. Plots of storage (G) versus loss (G) moduli for poly(2-ethylhexylacrylate) (a), including visualization of Changs viscoelastic window, and of the cumulative energy demand (CED) and global warming potential (GWP) for each route (b). We show that life expectancy in the presence of COVID-19 is equivalent to levels observed in Brazil as far back as 20 or more years in some states. 9, 407418 (2021). We also used these period life tables to calculate the femalemale gap in e0 and e65 (Supplementary Table 7); the difference between the highest and lowest state life expectancies; the loss due to COVID-19 relative to increases in e0 and e65 (by sex and state) over the past two decades (20002020) (Supplementary Tables 8 and 9); and the setback in life expectancy due to COVID-19 identified by the years when the life expectancies estimated for 2020 and 2021 were last observed (Supplementary Table 10). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles endobj
Proc. Commission has launched on 17 May 2022 the LIFE Programme Calls for proposals. 239, 255261 (2019). EUROPE FACILITY. CAS 21, 12181230 (2016). Philos. Sci. This was the case with the 1918 influenza pandemic in the United States, when e0 in 1919 was higher than in 1917, likely due, in part, to selective mortality of individuals with tuberculosis19. On the final day of the Team Girls Cup, I went for a morning trip to Surfers Paradise for a swim and quality time with the family. All the adhesives synthesized from PAAP&G fall within quadrant 3 and the central region (Fig. 1 0 obj
July 4, 2022 life 2021 sap nat naturebritish white cattle for sale in washingtonbritish white cattle for sale in washington CAS We also estimated changes in e65 (Fig. LIFE-2022-SAP-NAT Nature and Biodiversity - Standard Action Projects (SAP) Page contents Details Description Details Status Closed Publication date 17 May 2022 Opening date 17 May 2022 Deadline model Single-stage Deadline date 04 October 2022, 17:00 (CEST) Funding programme Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) Department Brazil continues to face a challenging situation. The autonomous nature of this role allows for providers to own the patient's quality of care and allows for collaboration with attending physicians and other providers at the facility with the. To probe the role of both solvent and substrate hydrophobicity, we used two different substrates (acetic versus undecanoic acid) and solvents (ethanol versus 2-ethylhexanol). is supported by the National Institute on Aging (grant no. 39, 2737 (2020). Decrosslinking has been reported using ozonolysis16, though not for the purposes of mechanical recycling. May 1998 - Jan 20012 years 9 months. https://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cdha/latinmortality/wp-content/uploads/book_Ch2.pdf (2015). The dataset provides the age and sex structure of hospitalized COVID-19 deaths, and frequent updates are made publicly available by the Ministry of Health (https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/nl/dataset). To achieve the necessary cohesive and holding strength for a PSA, the polymer (after esterification) should have a Mw>400kg/mol25,36. Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA, Marcia C. Castro,Susie Gurzenda&Sun Kim, Demography Department, Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Office of Population Research and Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, You can also search for this author in Liang, L. et al. Preprint at medRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.02.21252772 (2021). Opening date: 13 July 2021 Deadline: 30 November 2021 Code: LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV Programme: LIFE - Programme for the Environment and Climate Action Go to the call Objective To contribute to the protection of nature and biodiversity by: Supporting nature and biodiversity policy and legislation compliance assurance, and/or U.S. Patent Application 2021/0054161 A1 (February 25, 2021). Pocious, A. V. Adhesion and Adhesives Technology, 3rd ed. Applicants wishing to apply for more than one topic, must submit a separate proposal under each topic. and N.G. sub-programme "Climate change mitigation and adaptation to change. 1c), broadly mirroring the patterns across states (Fig. Political and institutional perils of Brazils COVID-19 crisis. Degrad. Creton, C. Pressure-sensitive adhesives: An introductory course. 2). Brasil, Grandes Regies e Unidades da Federao 2010. in Estudos e Pesquisas. Chem. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-021-01437-z, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-021-01437-z. Clean. Ichiura, H., Nakaoka, H. & Konishi, T. Recycling disposable diaper waste pulp after dehydrating the superabsorbent polymer through oxidation using ozone. 44, 11491154 (1979). served as a sounding board throughout the project. Over the last decades, the completeness of death registration has improved steadily in Brazil43, and data completeness is likely to be similar for 2019 and 2020. Eng. Teikti paraik ia. Chem. Chazovachii, P.T., Somers, M.J., Robo, M.T. Google Scholar. Chem. 2U19AI089681-08). )x"VzdHd&Ffb7kR KK
i$M{;* af082!yvy!U"D)|Nei^*|C$Q,Ss$e*jX^/17E`i{dTS7EphB/jd-
. Ultimately, inequality might become worse, exacerbating an already distressing scenario due to COVID-19. 3 0 obj
Andrady, A. L. and S.K. Lpine, L. & Gilbert, R. Thermal degradation of polyacrylic acid in dilute aqueous solution. Article LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV - Nature Governance LIFE-2021-CET-LOCAL - Technical support to clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions LIFE-2021-CET-PDA - Disruptive PDA - Technical Assistance to advance market boundaries for sustainable energy investments Quantifying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic through life expectancy losses: a population-level study of 29 countries. BMJ Open 11, e042934 (2021). Excess mortality in Brazil: a detailed description of trends in mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of 23 May 2021, P.1 was the most prevalent strain in the country (92% of the samples analyzed)25. a, Ratio of COVID-19 deaths reported in 2021 (JanuaryApril) to those reported in 2020 (%). Informao Demogrfica e Socioeconmica. J. Environ. b, Gap (in years) in state e0 and e65 in 2019 and 2020, calculated as the difference between the largest and smallest life expectancy among states (Methods). Clin. . Environ. Although some cities temporarily closed some businesses in response to the unprecedented COVID-19 surge in early 2021, no financial support was provided from January to March 2021. The South was the last region to be severely hit by COVID-19 in 2020 (ref. We used three approaches to assess changes in life expectancy due to COVID-19. Chazovachii, P. T., Somers, M., Alfaro, J., McNeil, A. J. 1b and Supplementary Table 2)5. Our results quantify the effect of the COVID-19 death toll on life expectancy in Brazil. Cite this article. Technical Assistance Projects (all subprogrammes): 22 September (5 p.m.). Also, the states with extreme values changed only for e65 for both sexes, with the lowest shifting from Roraima in 2019 to Amazonas in 2020. wrote the codes for analysis. The aim of the project is the conservation of Caretta caretta, in the western Mediterranean basin, from threats related to human disturbance in the nesting sites. Acc. Expected Impact : Applicants are expected to define, calculate, explain and achieve ambitious and credible impacts in terms of conservation benefit, ensuring at the same time long term sustainability and . State acronyms by region: North: AC=Acre, AP=Amap, AM=Amazonas, PA=Par, RO=Rondnia, RR=Roraima and TO=Tocantins; Northeast: AL=Alagoas, BA=Bahia, CE=Cear, MA=Maranho, PB=Paraba, PE=Pernambuco, PI=Piau, RN=Rio Grande do Norte and SE=Sergipe; Center-West: DF=Distrito Federal, GO=Gois, MT=Mato Grosso and MS=Mato Grosso do Sul; Southeast: ES=Esprito Santo, MG=Minas Gerais, RJ=Rio de Janeiro and SP=So Paulo; South: PR=Paran, RS=Rio Grande do Sul and SC=Santa Catarina. Reaction conditions and yields for acid-catalyzed esterification of poly(acrylic acid), acetic acid, and undecanoic acid. Barbosa, R. J., Souza, P. H. G. F. & Soares, S. S. D. Distribuio de Renda nos Anos 2010: uma dcada perdida para desigualdade e pobreza. However, for a given year, we can identify states with the largest reductions. Sade Pblica 36, e00115320 (2020). Disruption in treatment and diagnosis of tuberculosis and HIV might increase mortality over the next 5 years30. Fifth, reductions in the health budget and changes in the health financing model are likely to affect health outcomes40. JAMA 324, 13911392 (2020). Correspondence to We calculated the correlation between the speed of the spread of COVID-19 deaths (measured by the locational Hoover Index)18 and the decline in e0. 276, 123350 (2020). We abstracted death data on 18 May 2021, for all states, as reported through 30 April 2021 (n=209,458 confirmed COVID-19 deaths). Depolymerization of polymers. What it lacks is leadership commitment to save lives. Sonochem. Palloni, A., Pinto, G. & Beltrn-Snchez, H. Two centuries of mortality decline in Latin America: from hunger to longevity. Rio Grande do Sul, in the South, was the only state with an estimated increase in e0 from 2019 to 2020 for both sexes (0.07 years) but a decline for males of 0.11 years. Process for Producing Acrylic Acid. endobj
& Garca, J. M. Chemical recycling of waste plastics for new materials production. For both DT20 and DT19, after estimating the ratio of non-COVID-19 deaths to all-cause deaths, we then used this ratio to estimate the counterfactual life tables in which COVID-19 was eliminated and COVID-19 was included, respectively. Ventura, D. F. L., Giulio, G. M. & Rached, D. H. Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic: sustainability is an indispensable condition of global health security. Eng. It was here that Sam, my husband, turned to me and said, 'This could . %
At each time point, the maximum specific energy (wmax) was calculated using the maximum power drawn from the outlet and the mass of added PAA (Supplementary Information pg S3), and the molar masses were determined using size-exclusion chromatography. <>/Metadata 190 0 R/ViewerPreferences 191 0 R>>
Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. produced all visualization. Scope: Alarifi, A. S. & Aouak, T. Synthesis of acrylic or methacrylic acid/acrylate or methacrylate ester polymers using pervaporation. J. Phys. defined the methodology. Chiang, C. L. Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics (Wiley, 1968). Together, the United States and Brazil account for 28% of the worlds death toll and 59% of the death toll in the Americas. ^c2/rML[,[gs] Anjeza Beharaj, Ethan Z. McCaslin, Mark W. Grinstaff, Aya Samir, Fatma H. Ashour, Mohamed Bassyouni, Amar K. Mohanty, Feng Wu, Manjusri Misra, Hom N. Sharma, Jeremy M. Lenhardt, Long N. Dinh, Ephraim G. Morado, Mara L. Paterson, Steven C. Zimmerman, Anna M. Duraj-Thatte, Avinash Manjula-Basavanna, Neel S. Joshi, Ainara Sangroniz, Jian-Bo Zhu, Haritz Sardon, Nature Communications