[43] This led to the establishment of several private Shia schools in Lebanon, among them The Charitable Islamic mili Society (al-Jamiyya al-Khayriyya al-Islmiyya al-miliyya) in Beirut and The Charitable Jafari Society (al-Jamiyya al-Khayriyya al-Jafariyya) in Tyre. [40] However, the French breakdown on Shiites left the latter resentful against them. It had expanded over the next few decades from an ailing relic to the largest glass manufacturer in the Levant, with 300 locally hired workers producing around 220,000 tons of glass per day. According to a CIA 2018 study, Lebanese Sunni Muslims constitute an estimated 30.6% of Lebanon's population. [36], In January 1926, the French High Commissioner officially recognized the Shia community as an "independent religious community," which was permitted to judge matters of personal status "according to the principles of the rite known by the name of Ja'fari. Bab al-Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen clashes between pro-Syrian Alawites and anti-Syrian Sunnis have haunted Tripoli for decades.[62]. [33], Musa Harfush was succeeded by Yunus Harfush, who again re-asserted Harfush control over Homs and the Bekaa. In Jabal Amel the situation was more sporadic and less intense, with Shiites allied with Druzes against Christian villagers, or acting on their own. Despite signing a letter offering submission to Selim I in 1516, the Harfushes' initial relationship with their new masters seems to have been problematic when the governor of Syria, Janbirdi al-Ghazali, executed Shia chief Ibn Harfush as a rebel in 1518, contemporarily evicting them from the deputyship of Baalbek. "[51] With the Ja'fari shar'ia courts in practice, the Shia community was deliberately encouraged to "practice sectarianism" on a daily basis. The Twelver Shia Salih ibn Mirdas rose against the Fatimids in a similar manner, and by 1025 managed to conquer most of Syria, western Iraq and parts of Lebanon. It is also commonly used to refer to a Muslim religious scholar. Tiberias was visited in 880s by al-Ya'qubi who noted the presence of a Shia[13] tribe in the city, al-Ash'ari of Madh'hij who originally founded the Shia holy city of Qom in 703. Mustafa (Arabic: , romanized: Muaf) is one of the names of Muhammad, and the name means "chosen, selected, appointed, preferred", used as an Arabic given name and surname. Modern Muslims in Lebanon thus do not seem to have a significant genetic influence from the Crusaders, who probably introduced this common Western European marker to the extant Christian populations of the Levant when they were active in the region from 1096 until around the turn of the 14th century. [36], In the 19th century, Lebanon saw dramatic changes when missionaries started establishing schools throughout the country. The family ruled most of Safed, Jabal Amel and occasionally Wadi al-Taym. [49] The institutionalization of Shia Islam during this period provoked discussions between Shiite scholars and clergy about how Shiite orthodoxy should be defined. Many Southerners went to Syria to participate, whereas in the Beqaa Valley battle spread to the Qalamoun Mountains and Akroum, where according to eye-witness accounts Shiites took more than 400 rifles and fifty horses as booty from French forces. The admixtures were tied to the Sea Peoples of the Late Bronze Age collapse, Central/South Asians and Ottoman Turks respectively. . [36][25], After al-Jazzar's death he was succeeded by Sulayman Pasha al-Adil in 1805, who signed a treaty with the Shiites in order to end their attacks. [43], The primary outlet for discussions concerning educational reforms among Shia scholars was the monthly Shiite journal al-'Irfan, founded in 1909. shia surnames in pakistan. The term 'mutawili' is also the name of a trustee in Islamic waqf-system. 225,000 Lebanese to vote overseas in 58 countries and 596 polling stations, Lebanons bank deposits down by USD 11.1 billion, Lebanese banking sector: USD 22.1 billion of profits in 26 years, Non-Lebanese own 37 million m2 of the country, Non-Lebanese own LBP 64.4 billion in property, Polling the Lebanese on Hezbollahs Decision to Import Fuel from Iran, Hanna Saadah - Three Arabian Tales Harked With Little Ears, Between Fakhreddines millions and the Medicis, Zabbal Families: Greek Catholic in Beirut, Al-Sous Families-Maronites, Sunni, Orthodox and Israelis in Zgharta, Saida, al-Qebbeh and Mina El-Hosn, Lebanon witnesses a high number of departures after Beirut blast, Lebanese travelers and emigrants (2018-2019), Anwar El-Khatib (1910-1970)-A sorely missed jurist, Municipalities of Lebanon : Dissolution of 71 Municipal Councils. Sunni Islam in Lebanon has a history of more than a millennium. Ibn al-Rida was eventually defeated and killed in battle near Damascus and his head was paraded in Baghdad. In terms of religious sect, Iraqi Arabs are somewhat split: Our survey found that most said they were Shia Muslims (62%), but about three-in-ten identified themselves as Sunnis (30%) and 6% said they were "just Muslim." Nearly all Iraqi Kurds consider themselves Sunni Muslims. [34] The duo's first decisive battle took place in Lake Huleh in 1771, when the 10,000-strong Ottoman army of Uthman Pasha al-Kurji was virtually annihilated by the duo's forces; about 300-500 Ottoman soldiers survived the battle, and Uthman Pasha returned to Damascus with only 3 of his soldiers. Ultra-religious Sunnis and Shiites are much more easily distinguished. First names could give a clue, given the history of the sectarian split. Sheikh Ahmad Rifa had last been seen in the city, before his body was found in a hole in Akkar. He then proceeded to send his forces to ransack Shiite libraries rich in valuable manuscripts, and paraded the heads of the fallen in Sidon. [13][12] According to al-Muhajir, a similar thing would have happened in Jabal Amel which received a population influx from the Shia-populated urban centers at the time, most notably Tyre and Tiberias, as well as Amman, Nablus and the surrounding countryside. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Mouslimani family includes 3799 members distributed as follows: The Derzi family includes 1265 members distributed as follows: The Qobti family includes 279 members distributed as follows: The Keldani family includes 134 members distributed as follows: The Seryani family includes 118 members distributed as follows: This family consists of both Christian and Muslim members amounting to 2770. The Shiites resented the Shihabi-Egyptian alliance, and assumed a central role in the efforts of expelling the Egyptians from Syria. Though perhaps somewhat better established in neighbouring Syria, where the faith founded one of its first da'wah outposts in the city of Salamiyah (the supposed resting place of the Imam Isma'il) in the 8th century, it has been present in what is now Lebanon for centuries. It is a variant of the surname Al-Amin, which means faithful or trustworthy. [25] Bilad Beirut were similarly under the jurisdiction of a Shia muqaddam prior to 1407. [43] While several Shia educational institutions were established before and at the beginning of the mandate period, they often ran out of support and funding which resulted in their abolishment. Although it can be considered offensive nowadays, it was a way to distinguish the uniqueness and unity of the community. The Ottomans were determined to stop these contacts, taking further steps and appointing Fakhreddine to the sanjak of Sidon in 1590. Afterward, al-Jazzar defeated and killed Nassif and 470 of his men in battle, proceeding to conquer Shia-held fortress towns and eliminate the Shia sheikhs of Jabal Amel. Lebanese Sunni have accused security forces of heavy-handed tactics By Lina Sinjab BBC News, Tripoli, Lebanon Sitting in a dark corner of a poorly furnished apartment in the Bab al-Tabbaneh. [30] Protect their lives and possessions as you do to your own. This was the perfect moment for the French to strike, as they sent to the south an expedition of 4,0006,000 soldiers lead by Colonel Niger, heavily bombing the villages and crushing the Shiite rebellion by June 1920. Sunni Arab clansmen said that one their own killed Ali Chebli, the Hezbollah member whose procession was attacked, to avenge the killing of the Sunni boy, Hassan Ghosn, last year. On the other hand, only 4.7% of all Lebanese Muslims belong to haplogroup R1b, compared to 9.6% of Lebanese Christians. 36. Further east, the Bekaa valley was known as Amqu in the Bronze Age, and was part of Amorite kingdom of Qatna and later Amurru kingdom, and had local city-states such as Eniasi. Several Christian denominations are represented, including Orthodox and Catholic denominations and one Protestant church, and there is a small Jewish minority. Hezbollah denies any role in killing Hariri, Lebanon's main. [28] In 1686, a joint Hamada-Harfush force defeated and drove Ottoman forces of Sidon and Tripoli and their allies out of Keserwan, who had encamped in the region earlier, leaving Jbeil susceptible to attack. Long live Lebanon, Long live Lebanese unity and long live the Shiites. 1 a ; ; . Such influx either inaugurated the Shia community of Keserwan or inflated a previously established rural Shiite community there. Dig into and choose from MomJunction's treasure of 70,000+ baby names that are divided based on meaning, religion, origin, English alphabet, and gender. [72], Lebanese Shia Muslims are concentrated in south Beirut and its southern suburbs, northern and western area of the Beqaa Valley, as well as Southern Lebanon.[73]. The treaty was signed at Beit ed-Dine as a result of the mediation of Bashir Shihab II (1788-1840) between the two sides. For example: Salman Khan, Mohammed Ismail, Syed Irshad, Sadiq Baig. 556 Sunni members registered in Beirut (Msaytbeh, Mazraa, Bachoura), Saida (Maksar el-Abd, Wastani, Dekerman, Qanayi, Kinan), and Ketermaya (Chouf). Upon meeting them in 1686, a French diplomat came acquainted with them as the "men of emir Sirhan", describing them as good hearted people and "iron men who would not back out to the strongest of janissaries". [10][11][12] After independence from France, their co-religionists, the Assad family, came to power in Syria in 1970.[13]. lebanese sunni surnames. Isma'ilism, or "Sevener Shi'ism", is a branch of Shia Islam which emerged in 765 from a disagreement over the succession to Muhammad. shia surnames in pakistan. It commonly designates a chief of a tribe or a royal family member. [13] Al-Yunini identifies other notable Shia individuals from Baalbek in this period, including Muhammad bin Abi al-Hasan (11981278) from Baalbek, a battle-hardened fris and amir of 20 soldiers who fought the crusaders and Mongols; and Muhammad bin Muwaffaq al-Tanukhi (fl. in north india, the community are known as ansari or . What does 222 mean in Bible? Aragona Capital > Uncategorized > lebanese sunni surnames > Uncategorized > lebanese sunni surnames - 25 , +0800 2336 7811 Office@Medicare.com Alternative spelling. A Lebanese Sunni cleric known for his strong anti-Hezbollah views was killed by a group that included his relatives, Lebanon's Internal Security Forces said. Forty years in the wilderness, away from the flesh-pots of Egypt, had entailed harsh habits, the counted date and the hoarded water; nor had a thousand years in the wilderness of a Christian world, where only the secret treasure was safe, encouraged display; but the world was altering, the desert was flowering; in stray corners here and there . The Qarmatian movement in the Levant was largely extinguished by the turn of the millennium. In addition to their different narrative of Islam, the Ottomans suspected Shias of being a stalking horse for the Safavids, and often derogatorily referred to them as Qizilbash. "[8], Lebanon throughout its history was home of many historic peoples who inhabited the region. As many as four people are believed to have been killed. [81], Haplogroup J2 is also a significant marker throughout Lebanon (29%). It has been suggested that Ottoman-era persecution might have spurred them to leave for elsewhere in the region, though there is no record or evidence of any kind of large exodus. The region fell after 11 days of brutal fighting, driving an influx of Shiites toward the Beqaa valley and Jezzine, while a humbled minority stayed. In order to bring their demands (mulabiyya) to the attention of the French authorities, petitions were signed and presented to the French High Commissioner and the Service de l'Instruction Publique. Following Ali al-As'ad's death in 1865, the Ottomans abolished the Sidon eyalet and incorporated Jabal Amel to Syria, effectively bringing Shiites under direct control of the Ottomans. Sharafeddine understood that sectarian hostility only gave purpose for French military presence in the area, and thus called for the protection of the Christians in the conference of Wadi al-Hujayr on 24 April 1920. Very religious families might decorate their homes with religious posters or signs specific to their sect. Comte de Volney, who visited Lebanon between 1783 and 1785, indeed noted this. [82], "Mutawl" redirects here. (However, in a country that had last census in 1932, it is difficult to have correct population estimates) The Lebanese Sunni Muslims are highly concentrated in Lebanon's . Haplogroup J2 is also a significant marker in throughout Lebanon (27%). It is important to note that most villages and towns in Lebanon today have Aramaic names, reflecting this heritage. [36], When the Safavids began converting Iran to Shiism by coercion and persuasion, they compensated the lack of established Shia fiqh in Iran by asking Shia clergies from Jabal Amel, Bahrain and Al-Ahsa to immigrate to Iran. [25] In 1384, the Mamluks also executed Muhammad Jamaluddin al-Makki al-Amili, the head of the community at the time and most prominent scholar, after falsely charging him of being a ghulat and promoting Nusayri doctrines.[27]. [37][25] Following Egyptian defeat in 1840, the Ottomans deposed the Shihab dynasty[37] and rewarded al-Mahmoud by restoring the autonomy of the Shiites until 1865, when Jabal Amil was incorporated into Syria vilayet and came under direct Ottoman rule. [46] During these negotiations, petitions were often used by different sects to demand support for reforms. The ansaris now reside in most countries of south asia with large populations in india, pakistan, bangladesh and nepal. [77] Starting in 1921 from a mere 17.2% (104,947 of 609,069), the population almost doubled to 32% by 1988 (1,325,000 of 4,044,784), with a total increase of around 1,200%,[77] the highest of any major community. In recent years, the group has been implicated in sectarian violence such as the 2005 assassination of Lebanese Sunni leader Rafiq Hariri, and forty-nine of its operatives were arrested in the Sinai in late 2008. The factory was bought in the late 1960s by the Madhvani Group under the direction of Isma'ili entrepreneur Abdel-Hamid al-Fil after the Aga Khan personally brought the two into contact. Officially, the country's policy has been to host them until the war in the . On the other hand, the official recognition of legal and religious Shiite institutions by the French authorities strengthened a sectarian awareness within the Shia community. [42] Shia leaders and religious clergy supported educational reforms in order to improve the social and political marginalization of the Shia community and increase their involvement in the newly born nation-state of Lebanon. The years-long siege of Tripoli and the brutal aftermath of its fall caused an influx outside of Tripoli. gip cc bn hiu r hn v cch xem cu l ti trang soicauhay.com ny th mi ngi nn c hng dn y nh. by | Feb 25, 2023 | british canoeing star awards | call kingsport times news | Feb 25, 2023 | british canoeing star awards | call kingsport times news [13], With the arrival of the First Crusade, Tripoli and Tyre initially resisted crusaders and paid tribute to prevent further conflict, which only proved temporary. [58] They are recognized as one of the 18 official Lebanese sects, and due to the efforts of an Alawite leader Ali Eid, the Taif Agreement of 1989 gave them two reserved seats in the Parliament. Each sect has its own call to prayer with slightly different language and timing. (The text on Shiite mosques, for example, will mention the imams.) Iskandar is a Lebanese version of Alexander and means defender of mankind. However, the Ottomans did confirm tax-collectorship iltizam to the local Shia in Jabal Amel, Bekaa valley and northern Mount Lebanon as part of their efforts of relying on local intermediaries rather than forcibly imposing foreign ones. ), the Shiites were not recognized as a community nor as a distinct religious sect by the Ottomans. shia surnames in pakistan. Congratulations on your election victory, distinguished MPs!! Insurgency continued until the end of al-Jazzar's rule in 1804, and famously involved Faris al-Nassif, Nassif al-Nassar's son. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) [24], By the early 14th century, Jabal Amel was becoming the Twelver Shia center of the Levant. The last census in Lebanon in 1932 put the numbers of Shias at 19.6% of the population (154,208 of 785,543). [63], The semi-divine personality of the Fatimid caliph in Isma'ilism was elevated further in the doctrines of a secretive group which began to venerate the caliph Hakim as the embodiment of divine unity. Lebanese Alawites live mostly in the Jabal Mohsen neighbourhood of Tripoli, and in 10 villages in the Akkar region,[59][60][61] and are mainly represented by the Arab Democratic Party. The French supported several Maronite militia, especially those in Qlaiaa and Kfour by Nabatieh. ANWAR AMRO/AFP/Getty Images. In 1598, as war broke out again between the Ottomans and Safavids, the Ottomans further appointed Fakhreddine over sanjak of Safed, which gave him direct control over the pro-Safavid Shiites. lebanese sunni surnamesinchkeith house mental health team Consultation Request a Free Consultation Now. [12] This deeply esoteric group became known as the Druze, who in belief, practice, and history have long since become distinct from Isma'ilis proper. It also has sent thousands of fighters into Syria to battle alongside the Damascus. [18] Between 10701109, Tripoli experienced a brief period of independence under the Shia Banu Ammar dynasty, a family of Shia qadis who captured Jableh from the Byzantines and ruled a territory as far as Jbeil in the south. Prior their alliance, Zahir backed the Shiites in a battle against the Shihabis in 1750, when the latter were routed and defeated. On the other hand, Tyre successfully resisted a major siege in 1112 with the help of Toghtekin and infantry from Jabal Amel, but fell to the Venetian Crusade in 1124. Sunnis are widely dispersed in Lebanon with the majority of Lebanese Sunnis residing in urban centers (more than two-thirds living in Beirut, Sidon, and Baalbek), and rural Sunnis living in the Akkar region, the western Bekka . The Christians (Nasara) are your brethren in the country and in destiny. During that time, Husam ad-Din ruled over Toron, Banias and Chastel Neuf, giving him control of the road from Damascus to Tyre road which were of utmost importance in blocking any Frankish attempt at reconquest. The great majority of Shia Muslims in Lebanon are Twelvers. One who is brave, bold and courageous. [23] Husam ad-Din also participated in the Battle of Hattin and was one of the commanders of Saladin's right flank during the Siege of Acre in 11891191, according to Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani. [35][36], Through his 10,000-strong cavalry army, Nassif imposed control on all territories between Sidon and Safed and laid siege to Beirut, and had a crucial role in aiding Zahir's campaigns in Palestine and western Transjordan. [54], There are an estimated 100,000[55][56][57] Alawites in Lebanon, where they have lived since at least the 16th century. Correction, March 7: The original version of this piece stated that Sunni clerics never wear black turbans, and that Sunnis pray with their hands up toward their chests. However, Shiites were the only ones who did not benefit from such activities. [12], The spread of Shia Islam in Lebanon and the Levant was a complex, multi-layered process throughout history. [74] More recently, in 2022 the CIA World Factbook estimated that Shia Muslims constitute 31.2%[1] of Lebanon's population.[76][1]. Only Shiites would whip themselves with chains on the day of Ashura, to commemorate the murder of Ali and Hussein. The Hamadas of northern Mount Lebanon, spearheading a rather much smaller community, were in a virtually continuous state of conflict with the Ottomans between 1685 and 1700. - Quora Answer (1 of 11): It isn't any coincidence to find the same surname shared between the different religion in different regions in Lebanon ..one of the most common and big ones : * Zaiter * Moqdad * Harb * Tawq * Itani * Merabi * Zein * FAH's * Safadi * Aoun * Khatib Sheikh Ahmad Rifai was the imam of a . 1221), one of Baalbek's few Shia scholars at the time, took the initiative and retreated to the slopes of Mount Lebanon, where he was joined by ten thousand guerillas according to 13th century historian al-Yunini, a number surely exaggerated. In between 1920 and 1921, rebels from these areas attacked French military bases in Southern Lebanon and the Beqaa valley. Once again in 1195, Husam ad-Din and his forces fought off a Frankish siege at Toron. Many Christians who fled their villages during the revolt were accommodated by Shia notables from Nabatieh and Bint Jbeil, an act that was appreciated by Christian clergies in letters. [68] Though they are nominally counted among the 18 officially-recognised sects under modern Lebanese law,[69] they currently have no representation in state functions[70] and continue to lack personal status laws for their sect, which has led to increased conversions to established sects to avoid the perpetual inconveniences this produces. The Lebanese coast was mainly inhabited by Phoenician Canaanites throughout the Bronze and Iron ages, who built the cities of Tyre, Sidon, Byblos and Tripoli, which was founded as a center of a confederation between Aradians, Sidonians, and Tyrians. Thng thng vic ng s cho ngy hm nay s din ra vo sau kt qu ca k quay trc tm khong 1 n 2 gi ng h hoc vo bui sng ca ngy hm nay, chnh v th m cc bn c th cn thi gian truy cp vo xem nh. During this period of chaos, also several predominantly Christian villages in the region were attacked due to the armed support they received from the French and their perceived acceptance of French mandatory rule, including Ain Ebel. With the resurgence of Safavid power, the Harfush emirs began to seek an extension of their power to the strategic Machghara, in the southernmost reaches of the Bekaa valley, with a view of securing contact with their fellow Shiites in Jabal Amel. The Sunnis recognize the first four caliphs as the Prophet Muhammad's rightful successors . True Religion jeans for children are made in Mexico; jeans for adults are made in the U.S. Where are True Religion products made? [71], War in the region has also caused pressures on Lebanese Isma'ilis. For example, Najm ad-Din adopted the pseudonym "the bald king". Genealogical DNA testing has shown that 21.3% of Lebanese Muslims (non-Druze) belong to the Y-DNA haplogroup J1 compared with non-Muslims at 17%. *. The jurisdiction of the Ottoman Empire was merely nominal in the Lebanon. 280 Maronite members registered in Akkar (Andaqt, Meniara), Beirut (Mazraa)Jbeil (Qartaba Shmaliyeh), Zahle (Midan Charqi), Zgharta (Daraya) and Batroun. Maronites, Rum Christians, Protestant Christians etc. The Isma'ilis of Wadi al-Taym and Jabal Shuf were among those who converted before the movement was permanently closed off a few decades later to guard against outside prying by mainstream Sunni and Shia Muslims, who often viewed their doctrines as heresy. (Yazid, for example, is said to have assassinated Hussein.) Once far more numerous and widespread in many areas now part of Lebanon, the Isma'ili population has largely vanished over time. As a result of his policies, Shiites held a meeting at Chehour village to organise guerrilla attacks against him, which continued throughout his rule. Lebanese Sunni cleric 'killed by family members' Security forces find Sheikh Ahmad Rifai, known for his opposition to Hezbollah, with gunshot wounds Tripoli, Lebanon. Sami Ramadan, a Sunni recruiter for Shiite Hezbollah's Saraya al-Muqawama, sits in a school in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, Oct. 20, 2015. However, in a country that had last census in 1932, it is difficult to have correct population estimates. While governmental Sunni religious institutions and figures such as Abdel Malik Saadi, Rafi Rifii, and senior clerics of the Sunni Endowmentsan institution that was perceived to be infiltrated by sympathizers of Iraq's Muslim Brotherhoodplayed some role in mobilizing Arab Sunnis in the Anbar sit-ins, the institutional landscape has changed