Name: Chaos: Chaos was the first of all divinities, who ruled over confusion the void of emptiness within the universe. Italy - Apulia Region - Magna Greacia - III century b.C. During his lifetime, he became a famous and talented physician, who eventually was able to bring the dead back to life. Cecilia is a feminine form of Cecil, which was derived from a Roman clan name related to the Latin, Anastasia is the feminine form on Anastasius, a Greek name derived from the word. He and his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, defeated . score: 17,987 , and 182 people voted. [4] The earliest attested form is Ads (), which lacks the proposed digamma. [13][14] Nicander uses the form Hegesilaus (). Speak out and hide nothing, but let us both know. Haides was also the god of the hidden wealth of the earth, from the fertile soil with nourished . 0.00% to girls. But having a girl, Ive been trying to incorporate his mother or sisters names but wondering if theres any nice way to actually incorporate the name [name]James[/name]. Nicknames For Persephone Posey Persie Percy Percey Perry Effy Seph Sephie Sephy Penny Poppy Peppa Pippa Kore Famous People Named Persephone It will not surprise you that there are not many people named Persephone let alone famous people. Clementine is a Nameberry favorite that has finally broken back into the US Top 1000 after more than half a century off the list. This is difficult to confirm, however, due to a lack of official name tracking in the United States before 1880. Still, its style value may mean there are more Clementines than you might guess in your neighborhoodit may be a name that raises Mom's eyebrows, but it won't surprise your friends. Roman Name. It means rainbow and comes from Greek origin. [name]Jemma[/name] ? Name Generator. There were several sections of the realm of Hades, including Elysium, the Asphodel Meadows, and Tartarus. Hades definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. A wide range of countries is also known for taking a liking to this sweet gem. In artistic depictions, Hades is typically portrayed holding a bident and wearing his helm with Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of the underworld, standing to his side. The Christian apocalyptic vision is that the Four Horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment. In Athenian literature, "Ploutn" () was his preferred name, while "Hades" was more common as a name for the underworld. [63], In one of Plato's dialogues, Socrates talks about Hades as a figure capable of making everyone falls by his enchantments[64] and that is why no one ever leaves the underworld, including the sirens.[65]. Aetos The surname means "eagle" in Greek. In the Sibylline oracles, a curious hodgepodge of Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian elements, Hades again appears as the abode of the dead, and by way of folk etymology, it even derives Hades from the name Adam (the first man), saying it is because he was the first to enter there. Hades (/ h e d i z /; Greek: , translit. A later royal was Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark, the older sister of the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. For the location, see, Reckoning by this reverse order is preferred by, Poseidon speaks: "For when we threw the lots I received the grey sea as my abode, Hades drew the murky darkness, Zeus, however, drew the wide sky of brightness and clouds; the earth is common to all, and spacious Olympus.". The name was popularized by England's Queen Charlotte Sophia, wife of King George III. What are the leading explanations for the extinction of the non bird dinosaurs? When picking a name for your baby, there are many considerations. About This Game Hades is a god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant's critically acclaimed titles, including the fast-paced action of Bastion, the rich atmosphere and depth of Transistor, and the character-driven storytelling of Pyre. Hades isn't an unsuitable M.A., Linguistics, University of Minnesota. It is volume four in the Olympian series. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more! Characters in Hades are all taken from Greek mythology, although some with tweaks to fit the story. AIRLEA: Greek name meaning "ethereal." Variants include Airla, and Airlia. Like her brother, she is often combined with the deity in charge of a celestial body. The correspondence between the Greek and Roman gods is closer than that of, say, the Romans and the Britons, because the Romans adopted many of the myths of the Greeks, but there are cases where Roman and Greek versions are only approximations. Hades = the invisible . Ariel - A moon Divine Corona . 38:1 p. 41 The characters in the original which are here rendered Hades are , lit. 4. Mexican-born actress Salma Hayek and husband Francois-Henri Pinault named their daughter Valentina Paloma. He is married to Demeter's daughter, whom he abducted. ), anaszta- sia, anestassia, anstace, anstass, anstice, asia, asya, nastassia, nastassiya, nastassja (rus. Hades ruled the dead, assisted by others over whom he had complete authority. Hades ( , Mei Hdesu) is the King of the Underworld and chief god of his Army. A user from the United Kingdom says the name Hades is of Greek origin and means "god". [11], Epithets of Hades include Agesander () and Agesilaos (),[12] both from g (, "lead", "carry" or "fetch") and anr (, "man") or laos (, "men" or "people"), describing Hades as the god who carries away all. Her name has numerous historical variants. What does the names Hades mean? I do think [name]James[/name] works okay as a middle name: I would prefer it to [name]Jameson[/name], thats for sure. [10] Helios told the grieving Demeter that Hades was not an unworthy groom or son-in-law[a] given his status among the gods, as her own brother and king on his own right: But, Goddess, give up your strong grief; let go Besides being relatively altruistic, there is not much thought that was given to Hades' personality. [name]Jessamine[/name] . Hestia, Hera, and Demeter are Hades' sisters. Major Gods of the Greek and Roman Pantheons. Wife of Hades; 14 Petronella Stone; Small Rock; 1 Petronelle Rock; 6 Petronilla Rock; Female Version of Peter; 6 Petronille Rock; Female Version of Peter; 11 Philippine Friend of Horses; Lover of Horses . Greek Gods Family Tree ChartGenealogy, Names and Roles of the Ancient Gods. But Persephone is also an interesting figure in her own right. I strongly despise boys names on girls; but in the middle spot Im up for anything. He is the fast-talking god of the Underworld, known for having a fiery temper and a vendetta against his eldest brother, Zeus. In Roman mythology, the entrance to the underworld located at Avernus, a crater near Cumae, was the route Aeneas used to descend to the realm of the dead. [75] While bearing the name 'Zeus', Zeus Olympios, the great king of the gods, noticeably differs from the Zeus Meilichios, a decidedly chthonian character, often portrayed as a snake,[76] and as seen beforehand, they cannot be different manifestations of the same god,[77] in fact whenever 'another Zeus' is mentioned, this always refers to Hades. On another hand, Hades is also occasionally associated with the screech owl. Sky and thunder god, the head honcho and one of the most promiscuous of the gods. But I am going to try. Greek's have a deep connection with Christianity and this name has a strong religious influence. [85] He suggests that this dual identity may have been familiar to those who came into contact with the Mysteries. The far side of the river was guarded by Cerberus, the three-headed dog defeated by Heracles (Roman Hercules). persephone and hades get married. (1999). 3. key assistant animator: additional clean-up animation David Braden . Description: Evangeline is a romantic old name enjoying a major comeback, thanks to its religious overtones, Eva's popularity, and the star of the TV megahit Lost, Evangeline Lilly. This sassy . In Athens, the mysteries celebrated in the month of Anthesterion were dedicated to her. The earliest documented version of the name "Hades" was Ads (), used in the Homeric epics the Iliad and the Odyssey (eighth century BCE). There's a few beings that go by the name "Lilith", which is kind of a generic female version of "Satan". Read on to find a compilation of 100 Greek last names or surnames: 1. She lived out the span of her life in his realm, and when she died, the god sought consolation by creating a suitable memorial of their love: in the Elysian Fields where the pious spend their afterlife, he brought a white tree into existence. Hayden (#180 FROM RECENT DATA), Haydn and Haydon are the popular varying forms of Haden ranked in the Top 2000. In 2020, one out of every 1,543 baby girls received the name. For Hellenes, the deceased entered the underworld by crossing the Styx, ferried across by Charon (kair'-on), who charged an obolus, a small coin for passage placed in the mouth of the deceased by pious relatives. The only daughter of Zeus and Demeter (the goddess of grain, agriculture, and fertility), Persephone was an innocent maiden, a . See the boy version of this name. Modern linguists have proposed the Proto-Greek form *Awides ("unseen"). That was left to Thanatos. If youre not planning to find out the gender of your baby, you may want to look into names that have both a masculine and feminine version. do i have your attention cosplay. Hades was the child of Cronus and Rhea. [96][97] Zeus was portrayed as having an incarnation in the underworld identifying him as literally being Hades and leading to Zeus and Hades essentially being two representations and different facets of the same god and extended divine power. Artemis - Goddess of the Moon and Hunt. [36], Sisyphus was a mortal king from Corinth who was punished in Tartarus for revealing to the river god Asopus the whereabouts of his daughter Aegina after Zeus abducted her,[37] and for trying to cheat death as well. 4. The Origin Of Hades' Name Is Uncertain. A variant of [name]Jamesina [/name] is [name]Jamesetta [/name]/ [name]Jamesette [/name]. Persephone. In the forecourt of the palace of Hades and Persephone sit the three judges of the underworld: Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus. Athena and Hermes helped him through and back from Hades. Children of Hades: These include the Erinyes (the Furies), Zagreus (Dionysus), and Makaria (goddess of a blessed death) Other Names: Haides, Aides, Aidoneus, Zeus Katachthonios (Zeus under the earth). It was important to keep the hearth fires burning and the hearth was the domain of this stay-at-home goddess. Nameday of Persephone: September 24th Last Name. 2 Like his first four brothers and sisters Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and Poseidon Hades was swallowed shortly after his birth by Cronus, the lord of the universe, who had received a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him. Athena was the patron goddess of Athens. The mythographer Apollodorus, describes Tartarus as "a gloomy place in Hades as far distant from Earth, as Earth is distant from the sky. Andrew Kim, Visual Development Artist, God of War III Araminta is also the birth name of Harriet Tubman, the heroic abolitionist and activist born in 1820 as Araminta Ross. 2023 is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. So if you're looking for something unique and not as common as Anna, then Anoushka could make a stunning choice. What is the highest recorded triglyceride level? The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are four entities who are described as part of a prophecy by John of Patmos in the last book of the New Testament of the Bible, the Book of Revelation 6:1-8. Greek pottery gives us visual clues about the myths and their popularity. Published: June 8, 2022 Categorized as: st louis contests and giveaways . [49][50] In another version, Hades had kept Minthe as his mistress before he married Persephone, and set her aside afterwards. Magic Baby Names is a unique search site with 113,586 names collected from 3,820,012 family trees, containing 188,618,592 people. Hermes relays Zeus' message, and Hades complies, saying. Besides Heracles, the only other living people who ventured to the underworld were also heroes: Odysseus, Aeneas (accompanied by the Sibyl), Orpheus, to whom Hades showed uncharacteristic mercy at Persephone's urging, who was moved by Orpheus' music,[27] Theseus with Pirithous, and, in a late romance, Psyche. Hephaestus - The god of fire. [10] He was later presented in the classical arts in the depictions of the Rape of Persephone. ", Despite modern connotations of death as evil, Hades was actually more altruistically[23] inclined in mythology. Typical examples of this pattern include: Get offers, rewards, tips & advice, just for you, when you sign up for our customized emails. Hades and Persephone, Apulian red-figure amphora C4th B.C., British Museum. Hades obtained his wife and queen, Persephone, through abduction at the behest of Zeus. Source Angel, also known as Experiment 624, is a major character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise.She is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, Stitch's love interest/mate (or "boojiboo", as they call each other), and female counterpart.She is designed to turn people and experiments from good to evil by singing a siren song containing a special musical neuro-linguistic . [31], It is during this time, when Persephone is down in the underworld with her husband, that winter falls upon the earth, "an aspect of sadness and mourning. Keziah, the name of Jobs daughter in the Old Testament, derives from the name of the plant as well. N.S. Attributes: Hades is depicted as a dark-bearded man with a crown, scepter, and key. [5], In Homeric and Ionic Greek, he was known as ds. Willa has become increasingly fashionable, with its combination of Willa (born Wilella) Cather-like pioneer strength and the graceful beauty of the willow tree. Search baby names Learn more about a name Andromeda- an Ethiopian princess who Perseus rescued from sacrifice. ETA: [name]Just[/name] saw your last post. Hestia is a lovely name for a girl, as she is known for being the goddess of home and hearth. The god had numerous lovers in myth. You could just use [name]James[/name] as the middle like [name]Jesse[/name] [name]James[/name]. Hermes obeys and goes down to Hades' realm, wherein he finds Hades seated upon a couch, Persephone seated next to him. But like his siblings before him, Hades was swallowed by Cronus upon birth. Appropriately, the most significant myth related to Hades concerns one of the very few times he did - to abduct Demeter 's daughter . [107] Even if the doors were open, Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of the underworld, ensured that, while all souls were allowed to enter into the underworld freely, none could ever escape. See the popularity of the girl's name Hades over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. He had three older sisters, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera, as well as a younger brother, Poseidon, all of whom had been swallowed whole by their father as soon as they were born. June 14, 2022; can you shoot someone stealing your car in florida [name]Jem[/name] is a nickname of [name]James[/name]I think it would be really cute in the middle! In his Dialogues of the Dead, he is represented trying to solve problems of some famous mythological figures and one of the most outstanding dialogues is with Protesilaus, one of the Greek heroes killed in the Trojan War. also known as the youthful depiction of the Lord of the underworld. He holds a cornucopia, representing the gifts he bestows upon people as well as fertility, which he becomes connected to. He is said to hate Alecto, even though she is one of his children. female version of hades. The origin of Hades' name is uncertain but has generally been seen as meaning "the unseen one" since antiquity. A number of feminizations are now considered mom or even grandma names, such as Paula, Christine, Nicole, and Carla. [name]Jaime[/name]/[name]Jaimie[/name] - most popular. Roman Name. advertisement Join now to personalize . Hades and Persephone. Hades was the god of the underworld and the name eventually came to also describe the home of the dead as well. Jamai If you have a little devil running around, consider some of these names for fun. Nameberry seems to like [name]Jameson[/name] for a girl but I dont think that makes it look any more feminine. Was Poseidon hot? The country where the first name Hads is the most common is: France. DEMON NAMES VAMPIRE NAMES Demon Names with A Name Meaning Abaddon King of the Locusts in Hell Abigor Commands sixty legions of devils. "[105] His attributes in art include a bident (less commonly, a scepter), a helm, cornucopias, roosters,[106] and a key. [110] Even Odysseus in his Nekyia (Odyssey, xi) calls up the spirits of the departed, rather than descend to them. Melinoe is the goddess of ghost and nightmares while Makaria is the goddess of blessed death. [1] Hades was the eldest son of Cronus and Rhea, although this also made him the last son to be regurgitated by his father. female version of perseus. They stand above the other Olympians and are considered the most powerful deities in the entire universe . The story of the abduction and subsequent rape of Persephone, the young and beautiful goddess of spring, at the hands of Hades, the king of the Underworld, is a famous and heart-wrenching tale. empty white keyboard screenshot. These beasts were variously named as, according to Claudian: Orphnaeus, Aethon, Nycteus and Alastor while other authors listed also: Nonius, Ametheus, Abastor, Abetor and Metheus. The name is an Americanized version of Tsakonas or Tsakonian which means "an inhabitant of the eastern side of Peloponnese". Hades and his brothers ZEUS and POSEIDON defeated their father and the TITANS to end their reign, claiming rulership over the cosmos. Very few mortals could leave Hades once they entered. This title is derived from the word (Greek Ploutos, literally "wealth, riches"). Go now, Persephone, to your dark-robed mother, go, and feel kindly in your heart towards me: be not so exceedingly cast down; for I shall be no unfitting husband for you among the deathless gods, that am own brother to father Zeus. Report at a scam and speak to a recovery consultant for free. As Hades exists as the King of the Underworld, him being able to pierce the earth makes some amount of sense. Persephone Origin and Meaning. Jamielle Popularity #17,263. in 2020. 490-323 BCE). If you enter John into Magic Baby Names, Mary will appear as a suggestion. He was born after Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. [name]Jamilla[/name] Passing beyond Cerberus, the shades of the departed entered the land of the dead to be judged. Get your Harry Potter name with our Harry Potter name generator. Valentina is a more romantic and artistic ballerina-type successor to Valerie; a pretty, recommended choice. He is married to Demeter's daughter, whom he abducted. It recognizes Hades as the inescapable and final leader of all . Iris represents power, royalty, faith, courage, and wisdom. best team for icon swaps. Hades, Greek Ades ("the Unseen"), also called Pluto or Pluton ("the Wealthy One" or "the Giver of Wealth"), in ancient Greek religion, god of the underworld. man, one with no land allotted to him and not much to live on, She was also called Kore, which means "maiden" and grew up to be a lovely girl attracting the attention of many gods. Emilia is the feminine form of the Roman clan name Aemilius, which derived from the Latin. Pluto is the conventional Roman name and you might use it for a trivia question, but really Pluto, a god of wealth, is the equivalent of a Greek god of wealth called Dis. For example, you have Rebel, El Cid, Elektra, Bruiser, and Ammo. Melaina ("The Black One") is the under-earth or chthonic aspect of the Greek Great Goddess, said to bring nightmares. Or you could use his last name or middle name as her middle name if they work better. It is an archaic kind of Greek last name. [name]James[/name] is doable though! The Roman version of this god's name was lent to a geological phenomenon and he required frequent pacification. Cassia is related to the cassia tree, which has yellow flowers and produces a spice that can be a substitute for cinnamon. Evidence for a cult connection is quite extensive, particularly in southern Italy, especially when considering the death symbolism included in Dionysian worship;[89][90] statues of Dionysus[91][92] found in the Ploutonion at Eleusis gives further evidence as the statue bears a striking resemblance to the statue of Eubouleus[93][original research?] "Table of Roman Equivalents of Greek Gods." BATTLE OUT OF HELL As the immortal Prince of the Underworld, you'll wield the powers and mythic weapons of Olympus to . In this myth, Hades desires a queen and abducts Persephone during one of his rare trips above the underworld. A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2) by. Hades (/hediz/; Greek: , translit. ), nastassya, nastenka, nastya, stace, stacey, stacia, stacie, stacy, stasiya, stasja, stasya, tasenka, Hades's most discussed myth was how he won his wife, Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. As Miller says, the goddess is both the Queen of the Dead and the bringer of spring (2011). Also a term used for "hell" People who like the name Hades also like: Atticus, Achilles, Eros, Leon, Jason, Archer, Jasper, Aurora, Persephone, Chloe, Sophia, Dahlia, Aphrodite, Lilah Names like Hades: Pauline, (Latin origin), another female version of Paul meaning "humble" or "small". In this regard, the epithet of Hades Agesilaos is a pretty big deal. Gill, N.S. This article is about the Greek god. Persephone Swales-Dawson - A British television actress most famous for her role in Hollyoaks. Demeter, however, suspects that Persephone may have eaten food while down in the underworld, and so she questions Persephone, saying: My child, tell me, surely you have not tasted any food while you were below? The first name Hads has been assigned to: 100.00% to boys. Beside above, what are the names of the female Greek gods? Peggy, (Greek origin) meaning "pearl". The first Greek god of the sun, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky. I think using [name]James[/name] would be cute and sweet because of the meaning behind it. Simply enter names you like and let this genius technology inspire you to find the perfect name. He is also associated with horses. Because there are so many characters involved in the storyline of Greek mythology, it is the perfect place to find a fabulous dog name; especially if you are someone who greatly enjoys the beauty and mystery that can be found within the stories of the Greek world. "[32], The hero Orpheus once descended into the underworld in search of his late wife Eurydice, who died when a snake bit her. When it comes to the main twelve, or fourteen, gods of the Greek pantheon, the names of their Roman equivalents are almost as famous; and of course Apollo is known by the same name in each pantheon. Are you naming your baby after a family member? "Hades never knows what is happening in the world above, or in Olympus, except for fragmentary information which comes to him when mortals strike their hands upon the earth and invoke him with oaths and curses" (, Heraclitus, encountering the festival of the, Alan B Loyd: "The identification of Hades and Dionysus does not seem to be a particular doctrine of Herakleitos, nor does it commit him to monotheism. Chaos was the first of the primordial deities. [10] On pottery, he has a dark beard and is presented as a stately figure on an "ebony throne. Plato 1 observes that people preferred calling him Pluton (the giver of wealth) to pronouncing the dreaded name of Hades or Aides. [71] The blood from all chthonic sacrifices including those to propitiate Hades dripped into a pit or cleft in the ground. Alastor. this is literally the only tik tok i filmed yesterday and i was missing a costume piece. Paupers and the friendless gathered for a hundred years on the near shore according to Book VI of Vergil's Aeneid. [108] Cerberus is a very integral symbol of Hades so much so that when Cerberus is depicted, the depiction very rarely portrays him without Hades. 1 Skelly. Hids; , Hids), in the ancient Greek religion and myth, is the god of the dead and the king of the underworld, with which his name became synonymous. Search for more names by meaning . Sound of name Persephone: Per-se-ph- neeh. [40], Heracles' final labour was to capture Cerberus. Hades: Lord of the Dead by George O'Connor is a young adult graphic novel scheduled for release on January 31, 2012. Persephone She helped many of the great heroes. A girl (such as myself) who will do anything for the boy she loves. Antonina Girl Traditional, Inspiring female version of hades. He was the ruler of that subterranean region called Erebus, which was inhabited by the shades or spirits of the dead, and also by those dethroned and exiled deities who had been . [81] Ancient portrayals show Dionysus holding in his hand a kantharos, a wine-jar with large handles, and occupying the place where one would expect to see Hades. Sophocles explained the notion of referring to Hades as Plouton with these words: "the gloomy Hades enriches himself with our sighs and our tears." Daria is the Russian female version of the name Darius, which in Old Persian means "he who holds firm the good." 13. In the late 19th century, Daria was considered a rustic name, typically associated with peasant women. Hades brings the goddess back with him to the underworld and keeps . "[111] Greek mythographers were not perfectly consistent about the geography of the afterlife. He is married to Demeter's daughter, whom he abducted. [name]Jamie[/name] seems like the most common, and easiest associated with [name]James[/name] [name]IMO[/name] <3. Based on Hades and Persephone. I would rather follow the plow as thrall to another In this conversation Protesilaus asks him to be reunited with his (still living) lover, and brings up as example that Hades did the same for Admetus and Alcestis, Orpheus and Eurydice, and that he himself also knows what being in love is like. 1 Her name is commonly derived from ( pherein phonon ), "to bring" or "cause death," and the form Persephone occurs first in Hesiod, 2 the Homeric form being Persephoneia. HAIDES (Hades) was the king of the underworld and god of the dead. ), and da (, acc. . The names Hades (Full version Aidoneus) means "The unseen". The di inferi were a collective of underworld divinities. [43] In great pain, Hades went to Olympus to be healed by the physician of the gods, Paean. Pirithous chose Persephone. Hercules - The son of Zeus, half-man and half-god. Penelope is a name from Greek mythology; she was the wife of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey.It has two possible origin storiesPenelope was either derived from the Greek pn, meaning "thread of a bobbin," or penelops, a type of duck.Mythological Penelope was cared for by a duck as an infant, and later was known for delaying her suiters by pretending to weave a garment while her husband was . Anoushka is derived from the beautiful and popular name Anna, which is a variant of the Hebrew female name Hannah. [name]Jamie[/name] In the table below is a list of the Greek Gods and Heroes and their Roman equivalents: Greek Name Roman Name Role Zeus Jupiter King of the Gods Hera Juno Goddess of [] Hades ruled over the dead, with the help of . Enter for a chance to win a year of diapers. This is another look at the legend of Hades and Persephone. [67] Hades was not, however, an evil god, for although he was stern, cruel, and unpitying, he was still just. Is there a special meaning you wanted to convey, or name thats always been dear to your heart? [59] One of the rare occasions when he appears interacting with them is in Statius's Thebaid,[60] when Hades orders Tisiphone to punish humans for having invaded the underworld. The most important thing for me in my name hunt has been to somehow honour my grandfatherwho was [name]Jim[/name] ([name]James[/name]). For example, John and Mary are common names for a brother and sister. The character Persephone was seen in the Matrix movies and could make a great alternative to Stephanie. [95][102], Among the other appellations under which Hades or Pluto is generally known, are the following:[103], Hades was depicted infrequently in artwork, as well as mythology, because the Greeks were so afraid of him. Each time you make it to Greece you'll get another piece of the story, just .