Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Because blood types are genetic, they are inherited from the parents, blood types have different racial and ethnic differences. We avoid using tertiary references. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, Click here to learn more about blood types, International Society of Blood Transfusion, https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/blood-types.html, https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/ethnic-codes-and-blood-donation-whats-the-big-deal/, https://www.blood.co.uk/why-give-blood/demand-for-different-blood-types/rare-blood-types/, https://www.science.org.au/curious/people-medicine/rare-blood-types, https://www.isbtweb.org/isbt-working-parties/rare-donors.html, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6305262/. (2018). I find this interesting as I am looking for answers. the countless towns containing the name Dan in them. This system classifies blood types as follows: Red blood cells may have another antigen called the Rh antigen on their surface. Due to the Royal families intermarrying into the european monarchies. My grandparents came over here as very young children. Cardiovascular health: Insomnia linked to greater risk of heart attack. The 12 tribes of Israel were considered Jews, not just because of the king from the tribe of Judah, but because they practiced the same religion as one people under God. Rhesus negative males have an enhanced IFN-mediated immune response to influenza A virus. Interesting. Math: Jesus cleared the temple of the $$Changers, (Roths, Morgans, Rockefeller) 2X, called them evil & despised them. According to a 2014 study conducted at Columbia University and published in the journal Nature Communications, today's worldwide population of roughly 10 million Ashkenazi Jews is descended from . Rhesus negative males have an enhanced IFN-mediated immune response to influenza A virus. My dad is dark brown hair, green/blue eyes, very dark completed olive skin, my mom dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and medium complexion. Type 1, which is treatable, is the most common form among . Im O- but my sister is O+, is this common if we have the same father and mother? A Jew is also not necessarily an Israelite. Shmerling RH. I dont know why there would be a difference. A. Mosquitos are less attracted to you than to other blood types. and it even mentions how many returned and which tribes they belong to. To save an article, log in first, or sign up for a DeepDyve account if you dont already have one. King Solomon was involved in that type of idolatry. I am glad I found your page. The history of the Babylonian exilarcs falls into two separate identifiable periods, before and after the beginning of the Arabic rule in Babylonia. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Arent they mentioned as being in the Bible in times of King David? (n.d.). Facts about blood and blood types. If it is present, the blood group is Rh-positive, but if it is absent, the blood group is Rh-negative. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. lol The blood groups of 13 skeletons were undiagnosable and the remaining 55 showed the following distribution: 30.91% A-group, 14.54% B-group, 50.91% AB-group and 3.64% O-group. Rothschild financed that whole charade. Her nose very arched, narrow and straight. The Ashkenazi Jews are characterized by a very high frequency of the phenotype A40.22%. Are you an Rh negative mother with an Rh positive mother? Ethnic codes and blood donations: Whats the big deal? The most common Ashkenazi genetic disease is Gaucher disease, with one out of every 10 Ashkenazi Jews carrying the mutated gene that causes the disease. Blood types are passed down genetically. My grandfather came over here as young child with his Czech parents. Where should you get your ancestry tested? Their families came from Eastern or Central Europe. The word Jew never existed until 1775. All this is a forgery and a crime. Israel 's rh negative frequencies are reportedly low with only 10%. So now if you have read the bible some may have like myself, why is God choosing favorites, He is not You Me & all our friends & family are not the Gentiles WE ARE THE ISRAELITESGods Chosen 1sCool Uhh? }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Tweets by @RhesusNegatives 6. Most people are either A positive or O positive and the fewest are AB negative. Grandmother had Green Eyes and Grandfather Nunes had Blue. Everything to know about this blood disorder. All DeepDyve websites use cookies to improve your online experience. Bible translations were corrupted by two men. More data is still needed to confirm these hypotheses but the studies help . But my father was indeed Rh- Negative and my mother Rh Positive. Find any of these words, separated by spaces, Exclude each of these words, separated by spaces, Search for these terms only in the title of an article, Most effective as: LastName, First Name or Lastname, FN, Search for articles published in journals where these words are in the journal name, /lp/wiley/blood-groups-in-ashkenazi-jews-XT40A2CJrm, Brzezinsky, Brzezinsky; Gurevitch, Gurevitch; Hermoni, Hermoni; Mundel, Mundel, On the ABO gene and Rh chromosome distribution in the white population of Manitoba, Chown, Chown; Peterson, Peterson; Lewis, Lewis; Hall, Hall, Gurevitch, Gurevitch; Hermoni, Hermoni; Polishuk, Polishuk, Gurevitch, Gurevitch; Hasson, Hasson; Margolis, Margolis; Poliakoff, Poliakoff, Gurevitch, Gurevitch; Hasson, Hasson; Margolis, Margolis, Distribution of ABO gene in eastern Europe, Blood groups in Jews from Morocco and Tunisia, Margolis, Margolis; Gurevitch, Gurevitch; Hasson, Hasson, http://www.deepdyve.com/assets/images/DeepDyve-Logo-lg.png, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, http://www.deepdyve.com/lp/wiley/blood-groups-in-ashkenazi-jews-XT40A2CJrm. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); If your blood is A positive (A+), it means that your blood contains type-A antigens with the presence of a protein called the rhesus (Rh) factor. The Celt post is older and probably lacking lots of new research that has come my way. The bible only tells us that Methuselah was the father of Lamech which was the father of Noah, but the book of Jasher states that Lamech had a brother, whos name was Eliakim. All this is coming out now. Anywhere between 0.5% and 10%. Im not into sermons either, besides today the Pastors are all on the wrong page or I wouldve not had to find out for myself & that was 40- yrs ago. There are four major categories within the ABO group: A, B, O, and AB. This Melchizedek became the renewal of the priesthood after the bloodline was broken. My family are immigrants of slaves. so she had to take shots for me with A- Negative. Kerala seems to have a lot of Jewish admixture. Thank you once again! They were placed on your computer when you launched this website. That was my great great grandfather, but a search of comments did not turn up who posted that PLEASE contact me if you know anything about theis. Are the Basque and Irish related to the lost Jewish Tribe of Dan and BTW. Learn how your comment data is processed. Hitler hated the Jews, & it was the Jews, who paid for the war & paid Hitler to kill the Hebrews & also to kill their own people for they were Jews who wouldnt accept the Talmud/Babylon Religion & the MAGIC MONEY SYSTEM. You know, the one that the corrupt ones either ban or claim is not accurate. DOI: The ABO blood type system and how it affects donating or receiving blood, redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/blood-types.html, mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/rh-factor/about/pac-20394960, jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjpsy/85/2/85_85.13016/_pdf, health.harvard.edu/blog/diet-not-working-maybe-its-not-your-type-2017051211678, The Blood Type Diet: An Evidence-Based Review. As such, the American Red Cross suggests that when people, especially those with rare blood types, need blood, the best matches tend to come from people of the same race or ethnic background. Is it possible to donate blood if a person has lupus. According to the Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium, it is estimated that nearly one in two Ashkenazi Jews in the United Statesthe descendants of European Jewsis a carrier of at least one of 38 genetic diseases, including Tay-Sachs Disease, Gaucher Disease, and Bloom Syndrome. 5% increased risk of heart disease compared with type. I truly say that the more you discover of the LORD, the more narrow the path becomes. This site is pretty interesting. The Jew word which was Iew then took form in these newer bibles. Happy New Year! This of course is a small study and does not represent blood type frequencies of the ancient Hebrews in general. Seth grows up close to his parents, walking in their footsteps, relationship with God, ends up becoming the righteous bloodline of the Sethites, and are also in direct communication with God. May 6, 2022 The eight main blood types are A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, and AB-. If you have any additional information, you can also leave a comment below or contact us in private. I am definitely going to look at doing a genetic test, I am unsure which is the best so it may take a while to get my results, however I am strongly leaning to the Basque theory as I look just like them. True or false: All U.S. Presidents but one are/were Rh negative, Assortative mating on blood type: Evidence from one million Chinese pregnancies. As an individuals genetic background influences their blood type, looking at the most common blood type by race or ethnicity can help healthcare professionals acquire and effectively use the most suitable blood and blood products for individuals requiring blood transfusions. YA Think?? And by israel I am referring to the 12 sons of Jacob that became 12 tribes Clark. Through Scriptural history, not the history we were taught in public schools, but ancient history wriyyen in true Paleo Hebrew, I also am seeing evidence, some very compelling, that ethnicities that descended from Ham, one of Nuaks (Noahs) sons, have the 2 tribes of Banyamin (Benjamin) and Yahudah (Judah). I dont know if he had Basque in him, but my grandfather and father both had blue eyes more common to Basque than other Spanish Sephardic Jews. I am adopted and I have met my biological family, but not before both parents suffered brain injuries. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; You can use first name only, if no one else has commented under that name before. RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION The distribution of the ABO blood groups found in Ashkenazim is given in table 1. If you have type A+ blood, you have a relatively common blood type that you inherited from your parents. I have atruggled with self medicating and addiction in the past because i am so sensitive as with how I feel things emotionally. However, My blood type is 0-.My hair is med dark brown w tint of red, my skin is olive complexion, and I have green eyes. Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. 55 of those findings were diagnosable. On the other hand, a 45% frequency of A group has been recorded in Sephardic Jews (Margolis, Gurevitch and Hennoni, in press), which is close to the figure found in Ashkenazim. When I learned about my blood type and rhesus negatives in general, I wanted to know about its origin. However Adam and Eve conceived another son in the likeness of Adam, whom is the likeness of the sons of God, ie the angels. Ive been doing a bit of research but everything i read seems to attribute along the lines back to Sumerians. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Westcott and Hort. Right now we have an illegitimate Queen. They also note that this procedure saves 4.5 million lives each year. would be interesting to find a link if there is one and also compare our O neg similarities amongst other things I also have many theories we could discuss on our Rh- blood. Whatever book you got this from is certainly a fantasy. Nunes himself preferred being associated with Roman (Latin) name Nonio for his navigation invention. The rarest of these is type AB. For this reason, some blood centers collect ethnic information from blood donors. The crests and shields of those nations clearly prove where each tribe ended up. The word Jew didnt exist until 1775. I will read about the Celtic post that you shared soon and share my thoughts. O blood is a universal donor for red blood cells and O Negative blood can be given to anyone, making it particularly valuable for blood donations. And Judaism has no relationship to Christianity. Copy and paste the desired citation format or use the link below to download a file formatted for EndNote. 11% increased risk of heart disease than type O. According to the American Red Cross, this is one of the most common blood types. *Arab/Egyptian 1.5% [includes: Egyptian in (2 sites) Egypt; Palestinian, BedouinA and BedouinB in (Central, Negev and 1 other site) Israel; Jordanian in Jordan; Saudi in Saudi Arabia; Syrian in Syrian and Yemen and Yemenite Jew in Yemen] This is very unusual as today, AB blood occurs in less than 3% of the world population with the highest concentration in the Far East. Hi there! Anyway, according to 23 and Me my maternal haplogroup is M39. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The rest of them mostly the elite, believe in the Tora, which is from the New Judaism religion, & isnt the same Judaism Hebrews believed in, which was created after Jesus was crucified by the Edomites/$$ Chargers /bankers/(Jews). It was written in the 1960s and is still popular today. 7And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Lamech did not stay pure in this bloodline for he married into Cains bloodline through his 2 wives. Sure. A Jew can be either through descent of the Jewish bloodline, or though conversion to the religion of Judaism, but at this time during the reign of King David and his son Solomon, all of the people of Israel which makes up the 10 tribes of the Northern kingdom and the 2 tribes known as Judah and Benjamin from the southern Kingdom were considered Jews due to their religion and the unification as one people under king David. I got a little bit Central Asian (about 1. something percent) Afghanistan. Parents with the following combinations of blood types couldnt have a child with type A blood: While there is no scientific proof that blood types are associated with certain personality traits, its a persistent theory in Japanese culture known as ketsuekigata.. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Blood type is a measurement that may go unnoticed for most of your life unless you need a blood transfusion or other surgery or medical condition. A- is very rare indeed in India. I read King James 1611. The ones God breathed his spirit into. The shields and crests are just one of several things that point to the truth . And, Genesis 22:17 That in blessing I will blesse thee, and in multiplying, I will multiply thy seed as the starres of the heauen, and as the sand which is vpon the sea shore, and thy seed shall possesse the gate of his enemies. . if (d.getElementById(id)) return; So in essence, we had my Rh Negative Irish Grandmother meeting my Rh- Negative Grandfather at Ellis Island and just how common is that? I have a little bit of middle eastern (about 1.something percent) and the regions were Yemen (it also mentioned Yemeni jews), western part of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Syria and Jordan. Im guessing regional ancestry in India would be more accurate than lets say a few years ago when there was much less data accumulated to determine this via autosomal DNA primarily. Your statements seem to have a twist to them that give legitimacy to a certain group that at this time appear to be somewhat self appointed and destructive. If you dont know your blood type, tell your doctor you would like to be tested. Its not only refreshing to see another put in the hard work, but to follow the guidance and instruction of our Father. Another connection is in 2 Esdras 1:35 Your houses will I give to a people that shall come; which not having heard of me yet shall believe me; to whom I have shewed no signs, yet they shall do that I have commanded them. Thus saith the Lord unto Esdras, Tell my people that I will give them the kingdom of Jerusalem, which I would have given unto Israel. Seen here: ABO-typing of ancient skeletons from Israel. There is a break in the line, therefore her lineage has no bearing on the throne. But for all the World Travels and Single life Ive led, I only married once and even w/ uncountable sexual encounters have just one son. ago, were AB blood type. I paint with both my right and left hand equally. In 1977, a study determined the ABO blood types of 68 skeletons of Jewish residents from 1,600 to 2,000 years ago in and around Jerusalem. I thought the results were rather interesting. DeepDyve's default query mode: search by keyword or DOI. I do know that my Scottish side descends from the Pictish people. Beguiled Eve to eat of the fruitBeguiled Hebrew several synonyms. If you have type O blood, you are a universal donor and can donate blood to anyone. What are the health differences between Rh Negatives and Rh Positives? In addition to the A and B antigens, there is a protein called the Rh factor, which can be either present (+) or absent (-), creating the 8 most common blood types ( A+, A- , B+, B- , O+, O . Type O blood is the most common type of blood in the USA with a positive Rhesus factor. I have only found several pages of it, for Jews, keep it hidden & in those pages, they believe in Marrying 3 yr. olds etc????? Why cant the Harp playing Irish be descendants of the Lost Tribe of Dan? I did look at your post about India that you linked and I will say that I have been told that Patels (I am one of them) come from Patidars (which was listed on your post). This Melchizedek is the king of salem and High priest of God which met with Abraham after he defeated the kings of the earth. I did ask my Mom.. LOL she wasnt happy about that question. Here are two examples of tribe of Judah:https://www.the-only-way.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/3.4.1-Heraldry-Judah-Lion-Harp-David.jpg . Looking at the breakdown would be interesting. Having the A positive blood type (also described as A+) means that a person has antigens of type A. Perhaps reading the scriptures and not just the bible alone, could bring deeper understanding into the biblical bloodlines. No amount of providing you scripture, documents, books, witness accounts, will ever change your line of thinking. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); And you find it written in Luke 3:23-38 As well as in Jubilees 31, it reads, Isaac prepares to die so . Jacob delivers two of his sons, Levi and Judah to their grandfather, who receive special blessings from their Isaac. This is significant since these sons and tribes will be associated with the priesthood and kingship later in the history of Israel, and at least in some streams of Judaism, with a coming messiah. Iew pertained to people in Judea not tribe of Judah. 11And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. Happy New Year to you as well. 17And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone. *African 2.6% [Ambigious]. Gaucher Disease - Type 1 (Pronounced go-shay) is a variable condition, both in age of onset and in progression of symptoms. 12They shall have the tree of life for an ointment of sweet savor; they shall neither labour, nor be weary. Above and beyond ABO blood typing, your blood will be classified by the presence or absence of a specific protein (rhesus factor): The most common blood types are A+, A, B+, B, O+, O, AB+, and AB. One thing the prophets were well known for doing was to read the torah to the people of Israel and according to the Jews torah can mean the written law of God as well as statutes. We avoid using tertiary references. They most often get passed along maternal lines due to mitochondrial DNA, which only the female can pass on. A composite look at most YDNA studies done so far reveals that,out of a total of 459 males sampled from Ethiopia, approximately 58% of Y-chromosome haplotypes were found to belong to Haplogroup E, of which 71% (41% of total) were characterized by one of its further downstream sub lineage known as E1b1b, while the remainder were mostly So this is why you never want to broadcast your blood type for the internet is so watched. I used 23 and Me however their analysis was nothing that I didnt already know. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Ancient Hebrew burial grounds revealed unusually high . I agree with the Lineage of Jesus and King David. where Joshuas father was in Egypt. As referenced on this site, over half of the 55 testable Jewish skeletons found in or near Jerusalem in 1977, dating 1,600-2,000 yrs. I love to do art. 55 of those findings were diagnosable. Learn More Blood groups in Ashkenazi Jews Margolis, E.; Gurevitch, J.; Hermoni, D. Hi Mike I am AB Positive. Google it to get his name. East Asian communities have 93-97% Rh+ blood. I have went through times of depression throughout my teenage life and some of my adult life. I have always been interested in genetics and ancestry because its so fascinating. Enoch was both KING AND HIGHPRIEST before the flood. *Indus Valley 20% [Burusho (Hanza people), Pathan and Sindhi in Pakistan] that bible verse is straight out of the KJV and know the lost tribes of Israel did not only go west for they were dispersed to the 4 corners of the earth from where they will be gathered in the last days. Hello, Im a female with A- blood type. Also here are a few words in the bible on rich menGetting a rich man into heaven is like getting a camel thru the eye of a needleA tax collector & a Harlot have a better chance of entering my kingdom than a rich man. You can change your cookie settings through your browser. Paloma married Fadrique lord of Haro. Which is why God called forth yet another prophet after the return of the few tribes of exiled Jews, God tells Ezra to go and declare to His people their evil deeds, for they have forgotten Him and offered sacrifices to strange gods during their exile. However, independent tests of blood miraculously appearing on the sacred hosts, body of Christ, has also been of the AB type. Tsuchimine S, et al. A painful, enlarged and overactive spleen, with anemia and low white blood cell count are usually the initial features of Gaucher Disease. Im trying to cut this short believe me. Later on during the time of Christ, Jesus chose 12 disciples, and sent them first to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. There is no risk of contracting COVID-19 from a blood, A transfusion reaction is when your body has an adverse response to a blood transfusion. Another parallel to the 72 elders of old testament which would have been Jewish and 72 followers of Christ, i.e christians is the no 144 or to be exact 144000 for 72000 x 2 = 144000, and if you dont think that there is a connection between the Jews and Christians or old testament and New, than a few bible verses might help connect the dots. Blessings to both of you in your journey to find His truth. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. The word JEW was never a word till the 16th Century. King Richards bones were dug up and tested. 1. *Indo-Iranian 1.4% [Balochi, Brahui and Makrani in Pakistan] Those claiming to be Israelites have no documentation. Can murder Able & God thru him out of Eden. Well according to these books. Most people are either A positive or O positive and the fewest are AB negative. These results are very similar to figures obtained in a previous study (Gurevitch, Hermoni and Polishuk, '51). Notice the pattern that traces not just from Judah and Levi to Shem the son of Noah, but it also traces back to the lineage or call it bloodline or traits of the kings and high priests before the great flood.